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S07748 Summary:

Amd §3449, Ins L
Relates to wireless communications equipment protection plans offered for sale by wireless communication equipment vendors; defines terms; requires certain notices and consumer protections.
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S07748 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
            Cal. No. 883
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                    November 13, 2023
        Introduced  by Sens. BRESLIN, ADDABBO -- read twice and ordered printed,
          and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Rules  --  recom-
          mitted to the Committee on Insurance in accordance with Senate Rule 6,
          sec.  8  --  committee  discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as
          amended and recommitted to said committee -- reported  favorably  from
          said committee, ordered to first and second report, ordered to a third
          reading,  amended  and  ordered  reprinted, retaining its place in the
          order of third reading -- again amended and ordered reprinted, retain-
          ing its place in the order of third reading
        AN ACT to amend the insurance law,  in  relation  to  wireless  communi-
          cations equipment insurance
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Section 3449 of the insurance law, as added by chapter  426
     2  of the laws of 2005, is amended to read as follows:
     3    §  3449.  Wireless communications equipment insurance policies. (a) In
     4  this section[, the term "policy]:
     5    (1) "Policy of wireless communications equipment insurance"  means  an
     6  insurance policy covering the kind of insurance described in [subsection
     7  (1)] paragraph two of subsection (d) of section two thousand one hundred
     8  thirty-one of this chapter.
     9    (2) "Wireless communications equipment" shall have the same meaning as
    10  described  in  section two thousand one hundred thirty-one of this chap-
    11  ter.
    12    (3) "Wireless communications equipment protection plan  member"  means
    13  any   individual  who  purchased  a  wireless  communications  equipment
    14  protection plan and such wireless  communications  protection  equipment
    15  plan has not expired or been terminated.
    16    (4)  "Wireless  communications  equipment  protection  plan"  means an
    17  optional plan offered for sale by a  wireless  communications  equipment
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 7748--C                          2
     1  vendor  licensed pursuant to section two thousand one hundred thirty-one
     2  of this chapter and the plan provides:
     3    (A)  a  policy of wireless communications equipment insurance covering
     4  the wireless communications equipment under a group  policy  subject  to
     5  this  section  where the wireless communications equipment vendor is the
     6  group policyholder;
     7    (B) a service contract subject to article seventy-nine of  this  chap-
     8  ter,  provided that the service contract provider or its affiliate recy-
     9  cles, reuses, or  disposes  the  wireless  communications  equipment  in
    10  accordance  with  section 27-2303 of the environmental conservation law,
    11  as added by chapter seven hundred thirty of the  laws  of  two  thousand
    12  six; and
    13    (C) may include one or more of the following:
    14    (i) a wireless communications equipment upgrade program, provided that
    15  the  program  recycles,  reuses, or disposes the wireless communications
    16  equipment in  accordance  with  section  27-2303  of  the  environmental
    17  conservation  law,  as added by chapter seven hundred thirty of the laws
    18  of two thousand six;
    19    (ii) technical support with respect  to  the  wireless  communications
    20  equipment; and
    21    (iii)  any  other services related to the use of the wireless communi-
    22  cations equipment that the superintendent deems  to  be  meaningful  and
    23  appropriate, in accordance with subsection (h) of this section.
    24    (5)  "Wireless communications equipment vendor" means a retail seller,
    25  manufacturer or distributor of the wireless communications equipment  or
    26  the  entity  providing  the  telecommunications service that is licensed
    27  pursuant to section two thousand one hundred thirty-one of this chapter.
    28    (b) (1) A group policy of wireless communications equipment insurance,
    29  and certificates issued thereunder, may be issued only by an  authorized
    30  insurer.
    31    (2)  A group policy of wireless communications equipment insurance may
    32  only be issued to a wireless communications equipment vendor.
    33    (3) A group policy of wireless communications equipment insurance  may
    34  be  offered  as  part  of a wireless communications equipment protection
    35  plan, provided that the wireless communications equipment vendor at  the
    36  same  time  also  offers  the wireless communication equipment insurance
    37  from the same insurer on a stand-alone basis. The  stand-alone  wireless
    38  communication  equipment  insurance  coverage  may be issued either on a
    39  group or individual basis.
    40    (c) Where a group policy of wireless communications  equipment  insur-
    41  ance  is  provided  as  part  of  a  wireless  communications  equipment
    42  protection plan, the premium for the  group  policy,  including  certif-
    43  icates, may be paid by the group policyholder from funds contributed:
    44    (1) wholly by the group policyholder;
    45    (2)  wholly  by  the wireless communications equipment protection plan
    46  members; or
    47    (3) jointly by the  group  policyholder  and  wireless  communications
    48  equipment protection plan members.
    49    (d) For the purposes of this section, a wireless communications equip-
    50  ment  protection  plan  member shall be a certificate holder of wireless
    51  communications insurance and a service contract  holder  as  defined  in
    52  section seven thousand nine hundred two of this chapter.
    53    (e) (1) A group policy of wireless communications equipment insurance,
    54  and  certificates  issued thereunder, [of wireless communications equip-
    55  ment insurance] shall not be subject to the provisions of section  three

        S. 7748--C                          3
     1  thousand  four  hundred twenty-five or three thousand four hundred twen-
     2  ty-six of this article.
     3    (2)  An  insurer shall not terminate or otherwise change the terms and
     4  conditions of a group policy of wireless communications equipment insur-
     5  ance, and certificates issued thereunder, whether offered on a stand-al-
     6  one basis or as part of a wireless communications  equipment  protection
     7  plan,  except  upon  providing  the policyholder and certificate holders
     8  with at least sixty days notice. If the insurer changes  the  terms  and
     9  conditions,  then  the  insurer  shall  provide  the policyholder with a
    10  revised policy or endorsement and each certificate holder with a revised
    11  certificate or endorsement, an updated brochure or facsimile thereof and
    12  an explanation of the changes.
    13    (3) Notwithstanding paragraph two of this subsection, an  insurer  may
    14  terminate a certificate upon fifteen days notice for:
    15    (A) nonpayment of premium; or
    16    (B)  discovery of fraud or material misrepresentation in obtaining the
    17  certificate or in the presentation of a claim thereunder.
    18    (4) Notwithstanding paragraph two of this subsection, an  insurer  may
    19  automatically terminate a certificate if the certificate holder:
    20    (A) ceases to have active telecommunications service with the wireless
    21  communications equipment vendor; or
    22    (B)  exhausts  the  aggregate  limit  of  liability, if any, under the
    23  certificate and the insurer sends notice of termination to  the  certif-
    24  icate holder within fifteen business days after exhaustion of the limit.
    25  However,  if notice is not timely sent, coverage shall continue notwith-
    26  standing the aggregate limit of liability until the insurer sends notice
    27  of termination to the certificate holder.
    28    (5) Notwithstanding paragraph two of this subsection, an  insurer  may
    29  terminate  a  certificate of wireless communications equipment insurance
    30  upon the termination of a wireless communications  equipment  protection
    31  plan  by a wireless communications equipment protection plan member when
    32  the insurance is provided as part of such a plan program and  the  wire-
    33  less  communications  equipment protection plan member had been provided
    34  clear and express notice  in  the  plan  documents  when  the  plan  was
    35  initially  purchased  that  the  certificate  of wireless communications
    36  equipment insurance will cease upon termination of the wireless communi-
    37  cations equipment protection plan program. The insurer  shall  give  the
    38  wireless  communications  equipment protection plan member the option to
    39  purchase a policy of wireless communications insurance on a  stand-alone
    40  basis.
    41    (6)  Notwithstanding  the  provisions of subparagraph (B) of paragraph
    42  four of this subsection, upon the request of a certificate  holder,  the
    43  certificate  holder's  coverage  shall be eligible for reinstatement not
    44  more than twelve months following the date of exhaustion of the coverage
    45  limit in accordance with the terms of the  policy  and  subject  to  the
    46  enrollment  criteria  then applicable to prospective certificate holders
    47  generally.
    48    [(6)] (7) Where the group policy of a wireless  communications  equip-
    49  ment  insurance,  whether offered on a stand-alone basis or as part of a
    50  wireless communications protection equipment plan, is terminated by  the
    51  policyholder,  the  policyholder shall mail or deliver written notice to
    52  each certificate holder advising the certificate holder  of  the  termi-
    53  nation  of  the  group policy and the effective date of termination. The
    54  written notice shall be mailed or delivered to the certificate holder at
    55  least thirty days prior to the termination.

        S. 7748--C                          4
     1    [(c)] (f) Whenever notice is required pursuant  to  this  section,  it
     2  shall  be  in writing and mailed or delivered to the policyholder at the
     3  policyholder's mailing address and to affected  certificate  holders  at
     4  the  certificate  holders' last known mailing addresses on file with the
     5  insurer or delivered by electronic means pursuant to section three thou-
     6  sand  four  hundred fifty-eight of this chapter.  Every notice of termi-
     7  nation shall specify the reason or reasons for termination.
     8    [(d)] (g) (1) Notwithstanding subsection [(c)] (f) of this section, an
     9  insurer shall not be required to  give  notice  of  termination  to  the
    10  certificate holder if the insurer has been advised by either the policy-
    11  holder  or  another insurer that substantially similar coverage has been
    12  obtained from the other insurer without lapse of coverage.
    13    (2) A policyholder shall not be required to give notice of termination
    14  to a certificate holder  if  substantially  similar  coverage  has  been
    15  obtained from another insurer without lapse of coverage.
    16    [(e)]  (h)  The  superintendent  may  promulgate regulations regarding
    17  policies of wireless communications equipment insurance, including,  but
    18  not  limited  to, regulations governing policy terms and conditions, the
    19  inclusion  of  such  policies  in  wireless   communications   equipment
    20  protection  plans,  treatment  of  dividends,  and  may  establish other
    21  reasonable limitations.
    22    § 2. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    23  it shall have become a law.
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