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S08389 Summary:

Amd §§1285-j & 1285-m, Pub Auth L; amd §17-1909, En Con L; amd §1162, Pub Health L
Provides that allocation of funds from the clean water state revolving fund and the drinking water revolving fund by the environmental facilities corporation shall be proportional according to population of municipalities and shall not be subject to dollar limitations.
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S08389 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                    IN SENATE
                                    January 25, 2024
        Introduced  by Sen. SCARCELLA-SPANTON -- read twice and ordered printed,
          and when printed to be committed to  the  Committee  on  Corporations,
          Authorities and Commissions
        AN  ACT to amend the public authorities law, the environmental conserva-
          tion law and the public health law, in relation to the  allocation  of
          funds  from  the  clean  water state revolving fund   and the drinking
          water revolving fund by the environmental facilities corporation
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Paragraph  (a)  of subdivision 1 of section 1285-j of the
     2  public authorities law, as amended by chapter 262 of the laws  of  2007,
     3  is amended to read as follows:
     4    (a)  The corporation shall undertake and provide assistance in support
     5  of the program to make financial assistance available to  municipalities
     6  to  encourage  and support the planning, development and construction of
     7  municipal water  pollution  control  projects  in  accordance  with  the
     8  provisions of this section, section 17-1909 of the environmental conser-
     9  vation  law,  and  to  make  financial  assistance available to eligible
    10  borrowers through  linked  deposits  made  in  accordance  with  article
    11  sixteen  of the state finance law. Moneys of the fund shall be allocated
    12  to municipalities for eligible projects in proportion to the  population
    13  of such municipality and shall not be subject to a dollar amount limita-
    14  tion.
    15    §  2.  Paragraph g of subdivision 1 of section 17-1909 of the environ-
    16  mental conservation law, as amended by chapter 262 of the laws of  2007,
    17  is amended to read as follows:
    18    g. "Intended use plan" means the plan prepared pursuant to subdivision
    19  two of this section, identifying the intended uses of the amounts avail-
    20  able  in  the  fund,  including  but not limited to: (i) a list of those
    21  projects for construction of  publicly  owned  treatment  works  on  the
    22  priority  list  developed  pursuant  to subdivision two of this section;
    23  (ii) a list of projects developed pursuant to subdivision  two  of  this
    24  section  anticipated  to  be  financed  by  the  fund  through the water
    25  pollution control linked deposit program; (iii)  a  description  of  the
    26  short  and  long term goals and objectives of the fund; (iv) information
    27  on the activities to be supported, including a  description  of  project
    28  categories,  discharge  requirements  under  the Federal Water Pollution
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 8389                             2
     1  Control Act, terms  of  financial  assistance,  and  eligible  borrowers
     2  pursuant  to  the water pollution control linked deposit program served;
     3  (v) the criteria and method established for the distribution  of  funds;
     4  and  (vi) the amount of moneys from the fund[, not to exceed ten million
     5  dollars annually,] to be made available for linked loans under the water
     6  pollution control linked deposit program during the  period  covered  by
     7  such intended use plan.
     8    §  3.  Paragraph a of subdivision 3 of section 17-1909 of the environ-
     9  mental conservation law, as amended by chapter 259 of the laws of  2021,
    10  is amended to read as follows:
    11    a.  The corporation is authorized to promulgate regulations, developed
    12  in consultation with the commissioner and the director of  the  division
    13  of  the  budget,  for  the  purpose of carrying out its responsibilities
    14  under this section, including establishing criteria  and  standards  for
    15  determining  the amount of financial assistance to a municipality for an
    16  eligible project; provided, however, that such regulations shall provide
    17  that moneys of the fund shall be allocated to municipalities for  eligi-
    18  ble  projects  in  proportion to the population of such municipality and
    19  shall not be subject to a dollar amount limitation. To the extent finan-
    20  cial assistance to a municipality for an eligible project is provided as
    21  a loan from the proceeds of bonds  or  notes  of  the  corporation,  the
    22  amount  of  an  allocation  applicable  to  the portion of such eligible
    23  project financed with such loan shall be, subject to such maximum finan-
    24  cial limitations as may otherwise be necessary  and  prescribed  by  the
    25  commissioner  and  the  director  of the division of the budget, thirty-
    26  three and one-third  percent  of  the  principal  amount  of  such  loan
    27  outstanding at any time for such eligible project, to the extent reason-
    28  ably  practicable, and subject to such deviation as may be necessary, in
    29  connection with the administration and investment of moneys in the fund,
    30  unless allocations in differing amounts  are  necessary  to  preclude  a
    31  determination  by  the commissioner or the corporation pursuant to para-
    32  graph e of subdivision eight of this section or unless an allocation  in
    33  a  differing  amount  is  required  for  an innovative technology demon-
    34  stration project; provided, however, that in the  case  of  any  munici-
    35  pality  which  has, during the period commencing on June first, nineteen
    36  hundred ninety-two and ending on September thirtieth, two thousand twen-
    37  ty-four, (i) submitted an application for financial  assistance  in  the
    38  form  of such a loan for an eligible project, which application has been
    39  accepted by the  corporation,  (ii)  closed  on  such  loan,  and  (iii)
    40  commenced construction of such eligible project, the allocation applica-
    41  ble  to  the  portion  of such project financed with such loan shall be,
    42  subject to maximum financial limitations as may otherwise  be  necessary
    43  and  prescribed  by the commissioner and the director of the division of
    44  the budget, fifty percent of the principal balance outstanding  on  such
    45  loan  at  any  time  for such eligible project, to the extent reasonably
    46  practicable, and subject to such  deviation  as  may  be  necessary,  in
    47  connection with the administration and investment of moneys in the fund,
    48  unless  allocations  in  differing  amounts  are necessary to preclude a
    49  determination by the commissioner or the corporation pursuant  to  para-
    50  graph  e of subdivision eight of this section or unless an allocation in
    51  a differing amount is  required  for  an  innovative  technology  demon-
    52  stration project.
    53    §  4.  Subdivision  1  of  section  1162  of the public health law, as
    54  amended by chapter 134 of the laws  of  2007,  is  amended  to  read  as
    55  follows:

        S. 8389                             3
     1    1.  The corporation is authorized to promulgate regulations, developed
     2  in consultation with the commissioner and the director of  the  division
     3  of  the  budget,  for  the  purpose of carrying out its responsibilities
     4  under this title, including  establishing  criteria  and  standards  for
     5  determining  the  amount and kind of financial assistance to a recipient
     6  for an eligible project. To the extent financial assistance to a recipi-
     7  ent for an eligible project is provided from the proceeds  of  bonds  or
     8  notes  of the corporation, the amount of an allocation applicable to the
     9  portion of such eligible project financed with such financial assistance
    10  shall be determined by the corporation in  accordance  with  such  regu-
    11  lations,  if any; provided, however, that such regulations shall provide
    12  that moneys of the fund shall be allocated to municipalities for  eligi-
    13  ble  projects  in  proportion to the population of such municipality and
    14  shall not be subject to a dollar amount limitation.
    15    § 5. Paragraph (b) of subdivision 1 of section 1285-m  of  the  public
    16  authorities law, as added by chapter 134 of the laws of 2007, is amended
    17  to read as follows:
    18    (b)  There  is  hereby established in the custody of the corporation a
    19  special fund to be known as the drinking water revolving fund. Except as
    20  otherwise provided by this  paragraph,  moneys  in  the  drinking  water
    21  revolving  fund  shall  be  segregated from all other funds of or in the
    22  custody of the corporation subject to any rights of  holders  of  corpo-
    23  ration  bonds  or notes issued for the purposes of this section.  Moneys
    24  in the drinking water revolving fund shall only be  used  in  accordance
    25  with  the provisions of this section and title four of article eleven of
    26  the public health law; provided that, in addition, to the extent permit-
    27  ted by federal or state law, moneys in the drinking water revolving fund
    28  may be transferred to and used for the purposes authorized for the water
    29  pollution control revolving fund, and  moneys  in  the  water  pollution
    30  control  revolving  fund may be transferred to and used for the purposes
    31  authorized for the drinking water revolving fund.   The  moneys  in  the
    32  drinking  water  revolving  fund  shall  be  applied  to or paid out for
    33  authorized purposes of such fund in accordance with subdivision four  of
    34  this  section and title four of article eleven of the public health law.
    35  To the extent approved by the commissioner of health and the commission-
    36  er of environmental conservation and notwithstanding the  provisions  of
    37  paragraph  (a) of this subdivision, moneys in the drinking water revolv-
    38  ing fund and in the water pollution control revolving fund may  be  held
    39  together;  provided  that  all such moneys are segregated from all other
    40  funds of or in the custody of the corporation subject to any  rights  of
    41  holders  of  corporation  bonds or notes issued for the purposes of this
    42  section; provided further, that  the  corporation  shall  establish  and
    43  maintain  or  cause  there  to be established and maintained a system of
    44  tracking the application of such moneys to the purposes of this section.
    45  The corporation may establish within the drinking water  revolving  fund
    46  additional accounts or subaccounts and specify any conditions applicable
    47  to  the  transfer  of  moneys between such accounts or subaccounts. With
    48  respect to each eligible project, the corporation  shall  establish  and
    49  maintain  a  record  of  the allocation provided for the benefit of such
    50  project in accordance with the terms of the applicable financing  agree-
    51  ment. Moneys of the fund shall be allocated to municipalities for eligi-
    52  ble  projects  in  proportion to the population of such municipality and
    53  shall not be subject to a dollar amount limitation.
    54    § 6. This act shall take effect immediately.
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