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S08469 Summary:

Amd §88, Nav L
Adjusts the base pilotage tariffs at Sandy Hook, Sands Point and Execution Rocks for vessels over 1650 pilotage units.
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S08469 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                    IN SENATE
                                    February 1, 2024
        Introduced  by Sen. SCARCELLA-SPANTON -- read twice and ordered printed,
          and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Cultural Affairs,
          Tourism, Parks and Recreation -- committee discharged,  bill  amended,
          ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee
        AN  ACT  to  amend  the navigation law, in relation to the base pilotage
          tariffs at Sandy Hook, Sands Point and Execution Rocks

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Subitems (iii), (iv), (v) and (vi) of item (A) of subclause
     2  1  of  clause  (ii) of subparagraph 1 of paragraph b of subdivision 4 of
     3  section 88 of the navigation law, as amended by chapter 413 of the  laws
     4  of 2022, are amended to read as follows:
     5    (iii) Effective January first, two thousand twenty-four, the following
     6  rate table shall be used to calculate base pilotage tariffs:
     7       0 to 24.99               $849
     8       25 to 49.99              $999
     9       50 to 99.99              $1234
    10       100 to 499.99            $(12.43 x P.U.)
    11       500 to 1649.99           $((P.U. - 500) x 1.67) + 6217
    12       1650 and up              $((P.U. - 1650) x [3.97] 4.70) + 8225
    13    (iv)  Effective January first, two thousand twenty-five, the following
    14  rate table shall be used to calculate base pilotage tariffs:
    15       0 to 24.99               $874
    16       25 to 49.99              $1029
    17       50 to 99.99              $1271
    18       100 to 499.99            $(12.81 x P.U.)
    19       500 to 1649.99           $((P.U. - 500) x 1.72) + 6403
    20       1650 and up              $((P.U. - 1650) x [4.09] 4.85) + 8472
    21    (v) Effective January first, two thousand  twenty-six,  the  following
    22  rate table shall be used to calculate base pilotage tariffs:
    23       0 to 24.99               $900
    24       25 to 49.99              $1060
    25       50 to 99.99              $1309
    26       100 to 499.99            $(13.19 x P.U.)
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 8469--A                          2
     1       500 to 1649.99           $((P.U. - 500) x 1.77) + 6595
     2       1650 and up              $((P.U. - 1650) x [4.21] 5.00) + 8726
     3    (vi) Effective January first, two thousand twenty-seven, the following
     4  rate table shall be used to calculate base pilotage tariffs:
     5       0 to 24.99               $927
     6       25 to 49.99              $1092
     7       50 to 99.99              $1348
     8       100 to 499.99            $(13.59 x P.U.)
     9       500 to 1649.99           $((P.U. - 500) x 1.82) + 6793
    10       1650 and up              $((P.U. - 1650) x [4.34] 5.15) + 8988
    11    §  2.  This act shall take effect immediately, and shall apply to base
    12  pilotage tariffs incurred on or after such date.
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