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S08626 Summary:

Amd §§65 & 25, Pub Serv L
Relates to call centers for gas and electric corporations; sets penalties for violations.
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S08626 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                    IN SENATE
                                    February 22, 2024
        Introduced  by  Sens.  MANNION,  ADDABBO,  GOUNARDES, HARCKHAM, JACKSON,
          PARKER, RAMOS -- read twice and ordered printed, and when  printed  to
          be  committed  to  the  Committee  on Energy and Telecommunications --
          committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as  amended  and
          recommitted to said committee
        AN  ACT to amend the public service law, in relation to call centers for
          gas and electric corporations
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subdivision 13 of section 65 of
     2  the public service law, paragraph (a) as added by  chapter  330  of  the
     3  laws  of 2010 and paragraph (b) as amended by chapter 520 of the laws of
     4  2014, are amended to read as follows:
     5    (a) Every gas corporation or electric corporation  furnishing  utility
     6  services  shall  provide  the  following call center customer assistance
     7  receiving inquiries and associated office tasks by phone, in writing, or
     8  any electronic communication,  including  but  not  limited  to  emails,
     9  texts, and chats on: customer financial responsibility; receiving appli-
    10  cation requests to initiate or terminate service; receiving requests for
    11  emergency  services;  shared  metering;  determining deposit required or
    12  billing rate; receiving meter and service orders  and  access  to  meter
    13  requests;  explaining  company rates, regulations, policies, procedures,
    14  and common practices; initiating  trouble  order  forms  and  high  bill
    15  investigations;  inbound  and/or  outbound handling of payment and other
    16  credit arrangements such as obtaining deposits, financial statements and
    17  payment plans; collection assistance inquiries and  referring  customers
    18  to  social service agencies and other assistance programs.  For purposes
    19  of this section, each individual phone call, writing, email, text, chat,
    20  or any other communication shall count as  an  independent  instance  of
    21  customer  assistance, and therefore each shall trigger a gas or electric
    22  corporation's duties under paragraph (b) of this subdivision.
    23    (b) (i) No gas or electric corporation shall close a  call  center  or
    24  other  facility providing the customer assistance set forth in paragraph
    25  (a) of this subdivision or [relocate] send such customer assistance  [to

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 8626--A                          2

     1  another  area  of]  outside  such gas or electric corporation's New York
     2  state service territory or outside of  New  York  state  without  notice
     3  [and], a hearing and approval before the commission. Upon receipt of the
     4  notice required pursuant to this paragraph, the commission shall provide
     5  notice of the proceeding to interested parties and the public; and shall
     6  promptly fix a date for the commencement of a public hearing thereon not
     7  less than sixty days after such receipt. The testimony presented at such
     8  hearing may be presented in writing or orally, provided that the commis-
     9  sion  may make rules designed to exclude repetitive, redundant or irrel-
    10  evant testimony while giving all interested parties the  opportunity  to
    11  present  their  documentary  and/or testimonial evidence. The commission
    12  shall make a record of all testimony  in  all  contested  hearings.  The
    13  commission  within  thirty  days  shall approve or deny the closure of a
    14  call center or other facility providing customer service  or  the  relo-
    15  cation  of  customer  service assistance inquiries. For purposes of this
    16  section "public hearing" means a public forum at  a  physical  location,
    17  attended  by commission members or their designees, where oral testimony
    18  is accepted and written testimony may be submitted for inclusion in  the
    19  record.  Such  forum  shall be open to parties to the proceeding and the
    20  general public for the presentation of comments that shall be limited to
    21  relevant facts directly related to  the  proceeding  in  question.  Such
    22  hearing  shall  be  commenced  upon  proper notice to the parties to the
    23  proceeding and the public at least thirty days prior  to  the  scheduled
    24  date.  Such  hearing  shall  be  closed after the commission approves or
    25  denies the closure of a call center or other facility providing customer
    26  service or the relocation of customer service assistance inquiries.   In
    27  no  event  shall  a  gas  or  electric  corporation's history of sending
    28  customer assistance outside the gas or electric corporation's  New  York
    29  state  service  territory or outside of New York state be used as justi-
    30  fication for doing so after the effective date of  the  chapter  of  the
    31  laws  of  two  thousand  twenty-four  that  amended this paragraph takes
    32  effect.  It shall be permissible for a gas or  electric  corporation  to
    33  initiate  work  flexibility policies that allow call center employees to
    34  work from an approved alternative worksite  other  than  a  call  center
    35  location.    Provided, however, before a gas or electric corporation can
    36  establish policies for any call center employees that are represented by
    37  a bona fide labor organization through a  collective  bargaining  agree-
    38  ment, such policies must have been mutually agreed to by the corporation
    39  and  the  labor  organization.  Such  policies  shall  not  violate this
    40  section.
    41    (ii) The commission shall make available a form allowing an entity  to
    42  take  an  action  against  a  gas or electric corporation that knowingly
    43  failed or neglected to obey or comply with this section. Upon receipt of
    44  such form, it shall commence a proceeding to determine if a call  center
    45  or  other  facility providing customer assistance was closed or customer
    46  service assistance inquiries were relocated outside New York state with-
    47  out notice, hearing, and approval before  the  commission.  Pursuant  to
    48  this  paragraph,  the commission shall provide notice of such proceeding
    49  to interested parties and the public and shall promptly fix a  date  for
    50  the  commencement  of  a public hearing thereon not less than sixty days
    51  after such receipt. The testimony  presented  at  such  hearing  may  be
    52  presented  in  writing  or orally, provided that the commission may make
    53  rules designed to exclude repetitive, redundant or irrelevant  testimony
    54  while  giving  all  parties the opportunity to present their documentary
    55  and/or testimonial evidence. The commission shall a make record  of  all
    56  testimony in all contested hearings.  The commission shall within thirty

        S. 8626--A                          3
     1  days  make  a  determination  if such gas or electric corporation was in
     2  violation of this section.
     3    §  2.  Section 25 of the public service law is amended by adding a new
     4  subdivision 4-a to read as follows:
     5    4-a.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of  subdivision  two  of  this
     6  section,  any such public utility company, corporation or person and the
     7  officers, agents and employees thereof that knowingly fails or  neglects
     8  to  obey  or comply with section sixty-five of this chapter, or an order
     9  or regulation adopted pursuant to section sixty-five of this chapter, or
    10  such public utility company, corporation or  person  and  the  officers,
    11  agents  and  employees  thereof  knowingly  sends  a customer assistance
    12  inquiry outside a gas or electric corporation's New York  state  service
    13  territory or outside the state of New York without notice, a hearing and
    14  approval  before  the  commission pursuant to section sixty-five of this
    15  chapter, shall forfeit to the state of New York a sum not to exceed  the
    16  greater of:
    17    (a) fifty thousand dollars constituting a civil penalty for each sepa-
    18  rate  and distinct customer service inquiry sent outside of New York and
    19  one hundred thousand dollars constituting a civil penalty for each day a
    20  call center or other  facility  providing  the  customer  assistance  is
    21  closed; or
    22    (b)  the  maximum forfeiture determined in accordance with subdivision
    23  two of this section.
    24    § 3. Severability clause. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivi-
    25  sion, section or part of this act shall be  adjudged  by  any  court  of
    26  competent  jurisdiction  to  be invalid, such judgment shall not affect,
    27  impair, or invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall  be  confined  in
    28  its  operation  to the clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section
    29  or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which such judg-
    30  ment shall have been rendered. It is hereby declared to be the intent of
    31  the  legislature that this act would  have  been  enacted  even  if such
    32  invalid provisions had not been included herein.
    33    § 4. This act shall take effect immediately and  shall  apply  to  all
    34  actions  or proceedings commenced on or after the effective date of this
    35  act.
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