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S00868 Summary:

Amd §§3216, 3221, 4303 & 4322, Ins L
Requires certain health insurance policies to include coverage for the cost of certain infant and baby formulas.
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S00868 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                     January 8, 2025
        Introduced  by  Sen.  BAILEY -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Insurance
        AN ACT to amend the insurance law,  in  relation  to  requiring  certain
          health  insurance policies to include coverage for the cost of certain
          infant and baby formulas
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Paragraph  21  of  subsection  (i) of section 3216 of the
     2  insurance law, as amended by section 6 of subpart B of part J of chapter
     3  57 of the laws of 2019, is amended to read as follows:
     4    (21) Every policy that provides coverage for prescription drugs  shall
     5  include  coverage  for the cost of enteral, infant and baby formulas for
     6  home use, whether administered orally or via tube feeding, for  which  a
     7  physician  or  other licensed health care provider legally authorized to
     8  prescribe under title eight of the education law has  issued  a  written
     9  order.  Such written order shall state that the enteral, infant and baby
    10  formula is clearly medically necessary and has been proven effective  as
    11  a  disease-specific  treatment  regimen. Specific diseases and disorders
    12  for which enteral, infant and baby formulas have been  proven  effective
    13  shall  include, but are not limited to, inherited diseases of amino acid
    14  or organic acid metabolism; Crohn's  Disease;  gastroesophageal  reflux;
    15  disorders  of gastrointestinal motility such as chronic intestinal pseu-
    16  do-obstruction; and multiple, severe food allergies including,  but  not
    17  limited  to  immunoglobulin E and nonimmunoglobulin E-mediated allergies
    18  to multiple food proteins; severe  food  protein  induced  enterocolitis
    19  syndrome;  eosinophilic  disorders; and impaired absorption of nutrients
    20  caused by disorders affecting the absorptive surface, function,  length,
    21  and  motility  of  the  gastrointestinal tract. Enteral, infant and baby
    22  formulas that are medically necessary and taken under written order from
    23  a physician for the treatment of  specific  diseases  shall  be  distin-
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 868                              2
     1  guished  from  nutritional  supplements  taken  electively. Coverage for
     2  certain inherited diseases of amino acid and organic acid metabolism  as
     3  well  as severe protein allergic conditions shall include modified solid
     4  food  products  that  are  low protein, contain modified protein, or are
     5  amino acid based that are medically necessary. Coverage for  infant  and
     6  baby  formulas  for any calendar year or any continuous period of twelve
     7  months for any insured individual shall be no less than  three  thousand
     8  dollars.
     9    §  2.  Paragraph 11 of subsection (k) of section 3221 of the insurance
    10  law, as amended by section 14 of subpart B of part J of  chapter  57  of
    11  the laws of 2019, is amended to read as follows:
    12    (11)  Every policy that provides coverage for prescription drugs shall
    13  include coverage for the cost of enteral, infant and baby  formulas  for
    14  home  use,  whether administered orally or via tube feeding, for which a
    15  physician or other licensed health care provider legally  authorized  to
    16  prescribe  under  title  eight of the education law has issued a written
    17  order. Such written order shall state that the enteral, infant and  baby
    18  formula  is clearly medically necessary and has been proven effective as
    19  a disease-specific treatment regimen. Specific  diseases  and  disorders
    20  for  which  enteral, infant and baby formulas have been proven effective
    21  shall include, but are not limited to, inherited diseases of  amino-acid
    22  or  organic  acid  metabolism; Crohn's Disease; gastroesophageal reflux;
    23  disorders of gastrointestinal motility such as chronic intestinal  pseu-
    24  do-obstruction;  and  multiple, severe food allergies including, but not
    25  limited to immunoglobulin E and nonimmunoglobulin  E-mediated  allergies
    26  to  multiple  food  proteins;  severe food protein induced enterocolitis
    27  syndrome; eosinophilic disorders and impaired  absorption  of  nutrients
    28  caused  by disorders affecting the absorptive surface, function, length,
    29  and motility of the gastrointestinal tract.  Enteral,  infant  and  baby
    30  formulas that are medically necessary and taken under written order from
    31  a  physician  for  the  treatment  of specific diseases shall be distin-
    32  guished from nutritional  supplements  taken  electively.  Coverage  for
    33  certain  inherited diseases of amino acid and organic acid metabolism as
    34  well as severe protein allergic conditions shall include modified  solid
    35  food  products  that  are  low protein, contain modified protein, or are
    36  amino acid based that are medically necessary. Coverage for  infant  and
    37  baby  formulas  for any calendar year or any continuous period of twelve
    38  months for any insured individual shall be no less than  three  thousand
    39  dollars.
    40    §  3.  Subsection (y) of section 4303 of the insurance law, as amended
    41  by section 27 of subpart B of part J of chapter 57 of the laws of  2019,
    42  is amended to read as follows:
    43    (y) Every contract that provides coverage for prescription drugs shall
    44  include  coverage  for the cost of enteral, infant and baby formulas for
    45  home use, whether administered orally or via tube feeding, for  which  a
    46  physician  or  other licensed health care provider legally authorized to
    47  prescribe under title eight of the education law has  issued  a  written
    48  order.  Such written order shall state that the enteral, infant and baby
    49  formula is clearly medically necessary and has been proven effective  as
    50  a  disease-specific  treatment  regimen. Specific diseases and disorders
    51  for which enteral, infant and baby formulas have been  proven  effective
    52  shall  include, but are not limited to, inherited diseases of amino-acid
    53  or organic acid metabolism; Crohn's  Disease;  gastroesophageal  reflux;
    54  disorders  of gastrointestinal motility such as chronic intestinal pseu-
    55  do-obstruction; and multiple, severe food allergies including,  but  not
    56  limited  to  immunoglobulin E and nonimmunoglobulin E-mediated allergies

        S. 868                              3
     1  to multiple food proteins; severe  food  protein  induced  enterocolitis
     2  syndrome;  eosinophilic  disorders; and impaired absorption of nutrients
     3  caused by disorders affecting the absorptive surface, function,  length,
     4  and  motility  of  the  gastrointestinal tract. Enteral, infant and baby
     5  formulas that are medically necessary and taken under written order from
     6  a physician for the treatment of  specific  diseases  shall  be  distin-
     7  guished  from  nutritional  supplements  taken  electively. Coverage for
     8  certain inherited diseases of amino acid and organic acid metabolism  as
     9  well  as severe protein allergic conditions shall include modified solid
    10  food products that are low protein, contain  modified  protein,  or  are
    11  amino  acid  based that are medically necessary. Coverage for infant and
    12  baby formulas for any calendar year or any continuous period  of  twelve
    13  months  for  any insured individual shall be no less than three thousand
    14  dollars.
    15    § 4. The opening paragraph  of  paragraph  25  of  subsection  (b)  of
    16  section 4322 of the insurance law, as amended by chapter 388 of the laws
    17  of 2013, is amended to read as follows:
    18    Prescription  drugs,  obtained  at  a  participating  pharmacy under a
    19  prescription written by an in-plan or  out-of-plan  provider,  including
    20  contraceptive  drugs  or  devices  approved by the federal food and drug
    21  administration or generic equivalents approved as  substitutes  by  such
    22  food  and drug administration [and], nutritional supplements (formulas),
    23  whether administered orally or via a feeding tube  for  the  therapeutic
    24  treatment of phenylketonuria, branched-chain ketonuria, galactosemia and
    25  homocystinuria[,   obtained   at   a   participating  pharmacy  under  a
    26  prescription written by an in-plan or out-of-plan provider]  and  infant
    27  and  baby  formulas for home use for which a physician or other licensed
    28  health care provider legally authorized to prescribe under  title  eight
    29  of  the  education  law  has  issued a written order. Such written order
    30  shall state that the infant or baby formula is clearly medically  neces-
    31  sary and has been proven effective as a disease-specific treatment regi-
    32  men  for those individuals who are or will become malnourished or suffer
    33  from disorders, which if left untreated, cause chronic physical disabil-
    34  ity, mental retardation or death. Specific diseases for which infant and
    35  baby formulas have been proven effective  shall  include,  but  are  not
    36  limited to, inherited diseases of amino acid or organic acid metabolism;
    37  Crohn's  Disease; gastroesophageal reflux with failure to thrive; disor-
    38  ders of gastrointestinal motility such as chronic intestinal  pseudo-ob-
    39  struction;  and  multiple, severe food allergies which if left untreated
    40  will cause malnourishment, chronic physical disability, mental  retarda-
    41  tion  or  death.  Infant and baby formulas which are medically necessary
    42  and taken under written order from a  physician  for  the  treatment  of
    43  specific  diseases  shall  be distinguished from nutritional supplements
    44  taken electively. Coverage for infant and baby formulas for any calendar
    45  year or any continuous period of twelve months for any insured  individ-
    46  ual  shall  be  no less than three thousand dollars.  Health maintenance
    47  organizations, in addition to providing coverage for prescription  drugs
    48  at  a participating pharmacy, may utilize a mail order prescription drug
    49  program. Health maintenance organizations may provide prescription drugs
    50  pursuant to a drug formulary; however, health maintenance  organizations
    51  must  implement  an  appeals  process  so  that the use of non-formulary
    52  prescription drugs may be requested by a physician or other provider.
    53    § 5. This act shall take effect on the first of January next  succeed-
    54  ing  the date on which it shall have become a law and shall apply to all
    55  policies and contracts issued, renewed, modified, altered, or amended on
    56  or after such date.
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