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S09291 Summary:

Amd §§1 & 2, Chap 471 of 2023
Relates to the parcels that may be alienated by the City of White Plains and operated as the former Galleria of White Plains public parking garage.
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S09291 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                    IN SENATE
                                       May 9, 2024
        Introduced  by  Sen.  MAYER  -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Cities 2
        AN ACT to amend chapter 471 of the laws of 2023 relating to  authorizing
          the  City  of  White  Plains to alienate property owned by the City of
          White Plains and operated as  the  former  Galleria  of  White  Plains
          public parking garage, in relation to the relevant parcels

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Sections 1 and 2 of chapter 471 of the laws of 2023, relat-
     2  ing to authorizing the City of White  Plains    to    alienate  property
     3  owned by the City of White Plains and operated as the former Galleria of
     4  White Plains public parking garage, are amended to read as follows:
     5    Section  1. Notwithstanding the provisions of section seventy-two-j of
     6  the general municipal law to the contrary, the  City  of  White  Plains,
     7  acting by and through its common council, may sell, lease for a term not
     8  exceeding  ninety-nine  years,  or  otherwise dispose of, to any person,
     9  firm or corporation, without public auction or sealed bids,  subject  to
    10  such  conditions  as it may impose for the service of the public and the
    11  protection of the public interest, [four] five parcels of property owned
    12  by the City of White Plains included on the Urban Renewal Plan  for  the
    13  Central Renewal Project (NY R-37) and operated as the former Galleria of
    14  White  Plains  public  parking garage, for the purpose of facilitating a
    15  transit-oriented residential and  commercial  development  project  that
    16  will include affordable housing and contain public spaces, provided that
    17  such  person,  firm  or  corporation  shall   make available an adequate
    18  amount of public parking, public space, and affordable housing as deter-
    19  mined by the City of White Plains.
    20    § 2. The [four] five parcels of property authorized by this act to  be
    21  disposed  of  by  the  City of White Plains are parcels of real property
    22  with improvements thereon, consisting of approximately [3.9] 3.71 acres,
    23  and more specifically described as follows:
    24    PARCEL 1:
    25    All that volume of space, situate, lying and  being  in  the  City  of
    26  White  Plains,  County  of  Westchester  and State of New York shown and
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 9291                             2
     1  designated as Parcel "B" on a certain map entitled, "Survey  of  Central
     2  Renewal  Project  Parcels  Nos.  20,  21,  22 and 23, prepared for White
     3  Plains Urban Renewal Agency, situate in City of White Plains,  Westches-
     4  ter  County,  New  York" dated May 15, 1978, made by James W. Delano and
     5  filed in the Office of the County Clerk of Westchester County  (Division
     6  of  Land  Records) on 6/8/78 as Map No. 19512 which lies above the hori-
     7  zontal plane having elevation 233.50 feet above the datum level  in  use
     8  by  the  City of White Plains which datum level is the National Geodetic
     9  Survey Standard Datum 1929, said volume is bounded by  and  lies  within
    10  the vertical planes which are formed by projecting vertically upward the
    11  boundaries of all that plot or parcel described as follows:
    12    Beginning  at  a  point  on the proposed westerly right-of-way line of
    13  Grove Street which  point  is  identified  North  376,179.184  and  East
    14  [688,388.729]  655,388.729  the  New York State Plane Coordinate System,
    15  and proceeding;
    16    Thence, along the proposed westerly right-of-way line of Grove Street,
    17  South 10 degrees 56 minutes 53.1 seconds East 66.000 feet;
    18    Thence, across proposed Grove Street, North 79 degrees 03 minutes 06.9
    19  seconds East 111.333 feet to the proposed easterly right-of-way line  of
    20  Grove Street;
    21    Thence,  along  the  proposed  easterly  right-of-way  line  of  Grove
    22  Street[;], North 10 degrees 56 minutes 53.1 seconds West 66.000 feet;
    23    Thence, across proposed Grove Street, South 79 degrees 03 minutes 06.9
    24  seconds West 111.333 feet to the Point of Beginning.
    25    PARCEL 2:
    26    [All that volume of space, situate, lying and being  in  the  City  of
    27  White  Plains,  County  of  Westchester and State of New York, shown and
    28  designated as Parcel "E-2" on a certain map entitled, "Survey of Central
    29  Renewal Project Parcels Nos. 20, 21, 22 & 23, prepared for White  Plains
    30  Urban  Renewal  Agency,  situated  in  City of White Plains, Westchester
    31  County, New York" dated May 15, 1978, made by James W. Delano and  filed
    32  in  the  Office  of  the County Clerk of Westchester County (Division of
    33  Land Records) on June 8, 1978 as Map No.   19512 which  lies  above  the
    34  horizontal  plane  having  an  elevation  of 222.08 feet above the datum
    35  level in use by the City of White  Plains,  which  datum  level  is  the
    36  National  Geodetic Survey Standard Datum 1929, said Volume is bounded by
    37  and lien within the vertical  planes  which  are  formed  by  projecting
    38  vertically  upward,  the boundaries of all that plot or parcel described
    39  as follows:
    40    Beginning at a point which is intersection of  the  proposed  easterly
    41  right-of-way  line of Grove Street with the proposed southerly right-of-
    42  way line of Main Street, which point  is  further  identified  as  North
    43  376,419.026  and East 655,455.307 in the New York State Plane Coordinate
    44  System, East Zone, and proceeding;
    45    Thence, along the proposed southerly right-of-way line of Main Street,
    46  North 79 degrees 03 minutes 06.9 seconds East 116.583 feet to a point;
    47    Thence, South 10 degrees 56 minutes 53.1 seconds East 149.915 feet  to
    48  a point;
    49    Thence,  South 79 degrees 03 minutes 06.9 seconds West 116.583 feet to
    50  the proposed easterly right-of way line of Grove Street;
    51    Thence, along the proposed easterly right-of-way line of Grove Street,
    52  North 10 degrees 56 minutes  53.1  seconds  West  149.916  feet  to  the
    53  proposed  southerly  right-of-way  line  of  Main Street at the Point of
    54  Beginning.]
    55    ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of  land,  situate,  lying  and
    56  being  in  the  City of White Plains, County of Westchester and State of

        S. 9291                             3
     1  New York shown and designated as Parcel A on  a  certain  map  entitled,
     2  "Survey  of  Central  Renewal  Project  Parcels  Nos. 20, 21, 22 and 23,
     3  prepared for White Plains Urban Renewal Agency, situate in City of White
     4  Plains,  Westchester County, New York" dated May 15, 1978, made by James
     5  W. Delano and filed in the Office of the  County  Clerk  of  Westchester
     6  County  (Division  of  Land  Records) on June 8, 1978, as Map No. 19512,
     7  said parcel being more particularly bounded and described as follows:
     8    BEGINNING at a point on the proposed northerly  right-of-way  line  of
     9  Martine Avenue 213.080 feet west of a point which is the westerly end of
    10  a  curve  connecting the proposed northerly right-of-way line of Martine
    11  Avenue with the proposed westerly right-of-way line of Court Street, and
    12  which Point-of-Beginning is further identified as North 376,100.737  and
    13  East  655,720.346  in  the  New York State Plane Coordinate System, East
    14  Zone, and proceeding
    15    THENCE, the following courses  and  distances:  North  10  degrees  56
    16  minutes 53.1 seconds West 103.334 feet; North 79 degrees 03 minutes 06.9
    17  seconds  East 10.651 feet; North 10 degrees 56 minutes 53.1 seconds West
    18  29.333 feet; South 79 degrees 03 minutes 06.9 seconds West 10.651  feet;
    19  North  10 degrees 56 minutes 53.1 seconds West 80.250 feet; and South 79
    20  degrees 03 minutes 06.9 seconds West 197.100 feet to the proposed  east-
    21  erly right-of-way line of Grove Street;
    22    THENCE, along the proposed easterly right-of-way line of Grove Street,
    23  the following courses and distances:
    24  South 10 degrees 56 minutes 53.1 seconds East 72.917 feet;
    25  South 79 degrees 03 minutes 06.9 seconds West 2.250 feet;
    26  South  10  degrees 56 minutes 53.1 seconds East 121.449 feet to an angle
    27  point;
    28    THENCE, South 55 degrees 56 minutes 53 seconds East 26.235 feet to the
    29  proposed northerly right-of-way line of Martine Avenue;
    30    THENCE, along the proposed  northerly  right-of-way  line  of  Martine
    31  Avenue,  North  79  degrees 03 minutes 06.9 seconds East 180.799 feet to
    32  the Point of BEGINNING.
    33    PARCEL 3:
    34    [ALL that volume of space, situate, lying and being  in  the  City  of
    35  White  Plains,  County  of  Westchester and State of New York, shown and
    36  designated as Parcel "E-2" on a certain map entitled, "Survey of Central
    37  Renewal Project Parcels Nos. 20, 21, 22 & 23, prepared for White  Plains
    38  Urban  Renewal  Agency,  situated  in  City of White Plains, Westchester
    39  County, New York" dated May 15, 1978, made by James W. Delano and  filed
    40  in  the  Office  of  the County Clerk of Westchester County (Division of
    41  Land Records) on June 8, 1978 as Map No.   19512 which  lies  above  the
    42  horizontal  plane  having  an  elevation  of 222.08 feet above the datum
    43  level in use by the City of White  Plains,  which  datum  level  is  the
    44  National  Geodetic Survey Standard Datum 1929, said Volume is bounded by
    45  and lien within the vertical  planes  which  are  formed  by  projecting
    46  vertically  upward,  the boundaries of all that plot or parcel described
    47  as follows:
    48    Beginning at a point which is intersection of  the  proposed  easterly
    49  right-of-way  line of Grove Street with the proposed southerly right-of-
    50  way line of Main Street, which point  is  further  identified  as  North
    51  376,419.026  and East 655,455.307 in the New York State Plane Coordinate
    52  System, East Zone, and proceeding;
    53    Thence, along the proposed southerly right-of-way line of Main Street,
    54  North 79 degrees 03 minutes 06.9 seconds East 116.583 feet to a point;
    55    Thence, South 10 degrees 56 minutes 53.1 seconds East 149.915 feet  to
    56  a point;

        S. 9291                             4

     1    Thence,  South 79 degrees 03 minutes 06.9 seconds West 116.583 feet to
     2  the proposed easterly right-of way line of Grove Street;
     3    Thence, along the proposed easterly right-of-way line of Grove Street,
     4  North  10  degrees  56  minutes  53.1  seconds  West 149.916 feet to the
     5  proposed southerly right-of-way line of Main  Street  at  the  Point  of
     6  Beginning.]
     7    ALL  that  volume  of  space,  situate, lying and being in the City of
     8  White Plains, County of Westchester and State  of  New  York  shown  and
     9  designated as Parcel "D-1" on a certain map entitled, "Survey of Central
    10  Renewal  Project Parcels Nos. 20, 21, 22 & 23, prepared for White Plains
    11  Urban Renewal Agency, situate in the City of White  Plains,  Westchester
    12  County,  New York" dated May 15, 1978, made by James W. Delano and filed
    13  in the Office of the County Clerk of  Westchester  County  (Division  of
    14  Land  Records) on 6/8/78 as Map No. 19512, which lies below the horizon-
    15  tal plane having elevation 222.08 feet above the datum level in  use  by
    16  the  City  of  White  Plains, which datum level is the National Geodetic
    17  Survey Standard Datum 1929, said volume is bounded by  and  lies  within
    18  the  vertical  planes which are formed by projecting vertically downward
    19  the boundaries of all that plot or parcel described as follows:
    20    BEGINNING at a point on the proposed Southerly  right-of-way  line  of
    21  Main  Street  235.676  feet  westerly  of  the  Westerly  end of a curve
    22  connecting the proposed southerly right-of-way line of Main Street  with
    23  the  proposed westerly right-of-way line of Court Street, which point of
    24  BEGINNING  is  further  identified  as  North   376,475.623   and   East
    25  655,630.497 in the New York State Plane Coordinate System, East Zone and
    26  proceeding:
    27    THENCE, along the proposed Southerly right-of-way line of Main Street,
    28  South 80 degrees 03 minutes 08 seconds West 65.177 feet to a point;
    29    THENCE,  South 10 degrees 56 minutes 53.1 seconds East 173.348 feet to
    30  a point;
    31    THENCE, North 79 degrees 03 minutes 06.9 seconds East 65.167 feet to a
    32  point;
    33    THENCE, North 10 degrees 56 minutes 53.1 seconds West 172.210 feet  to
    34  the  proposed southerly right-of way line of Main Street at the point of
    35  BEGINNING.
    36    PARCEL 4:
    37    [All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land,  situate,  lying  and
    38  being in the City of Plains, County of Westchester and State of New York
    39  shown  and  designated as Parcel A on a certain map entitled, "Survey of
    40  Central Renewal Project Parcels Nos. 20, 21, 22  and  23,  prepared  for
    41  White  Plains  Urban  Renewal  Agency,  situate in City of White Plains,
    42  Westchester County, York" dated May 15, 1978, made by  James  W.  Delano
    43  and filed in the Office of the County Clerk of Westchester County (Divi-
    44  sion  of  Land  Records)  on June 8, 1978, as Map No. 19512, said parcel
    45  being more particularly bounded and described as follows:
    46    Beginning at a point on the proposed northerly  right-of-way  line  of
    47  Martine Avenue 213.080 feet west of a point which is the westerly end of
    48  a  curve  connecting the proposed northerly right-of-way line of Martine
    49  Avenue with the proposed westerly right-of-way line of Court Street, and
    50  which Point of Beginning is further identified as North 376,100.737  and
    51  East  655,720.346  in  the  New York State Plane Coordinate System, East
    52  Zone, and proceeding
    53    Thence, the following courses and distances:
    54    North 10 degrees 56 minutes 53.1 seconds West 103.334 feet;  North  79
    55  degrees  03  minutes  06.9 seconds East 10.651 feet; North 10 degrees 56
    56  minutes 53.1 seconds West 29.333 feet; South 79 degrees 03 minutes  06.9

        S. 9291                             5

     1  seconds  West 10.651 feet; North 10 degrees 56 minutes 53.1 seconds West
     2  80.250 feet; and South 79 degrees 03 minutes 06.9 seconds  West  197.100
     3  feet to the proposed easterly right-of-way line of Grove Street;
     4    Thence, along the proposed easterly right-of-way line of Grove Street,
     5  the following courses and distances:
     6    South 10 degrees 56 minutes 53.1 seconds East 72.917 feet;
     7    South 79 degrees 03 minutes 06.9 seconds West 2.250 feet;
     8    South 10 degrees 56 minutes 53.1 seconds East 121.449 feet to an angle
     9  point;
    10    Thence  South 55 degrees 56 minutes 53 seconds East 26.235 feet to the
    11  proposed northerly right-of-way line of Martine Avenue;
    12    Thence along the  proposed  northerly  right-of-way  line  of  Martine
    13  Avenue, North 79 degrees 03 minutes 06.9" East 100.799 feet to the Point
    14  of Beginning.]
    15    ALL  that  volume  of  space,  situate, lying and being in the City of
    16  White Plains, County of Westchester and State  of  New  York  shown  and
    17  designated  as  Parcel  "E-1"  on  a  certain  map entitled, ''Survey of
    18  Central Renewal Project Parcels Nos. 20, 21, 22  and  23,  prepared  for
    19  White  Plains  Urban  Renewal  Agency,  situate in City of White Plains,
    20  Westchester County, New York" dated May 15, 1978, made by James W. Dela-
    21  no and filed in the Office of the County  Clerk  of  Westchester  County
    22  (Division  of  Land Records) on 6/8/78 as Map No. 19512 which lies below
    23  the horizontal plane having elevation 222.08 feet above the datum  level
    24  in  use  by  the City of White Plains, which datum level is the National
    25  Geodetic Survey Standard Datum 1929, said volume is bounded by and  lies
    26  within  the  vertical  planes  which are formed by projecting vertically
    27  downward the boundaries of all that plot or parcel described as follows:
    28    BEGINNING at a point which is the intersection of the proposed easter-
    29  ly right-of-way line of Grove Street with the proposed southerly  right-
    30  of-way  line  of Main Street, which point is further identified as North
    31  376,419.026 and East 655,455.307 in the New York State Plane  Coordinate
    32  System East Zone, and proceeding:
    33    THENCE, along the proposed southerly right-of-way line of Main Street,
    34  the  following  courses and distances:  North 79 degrees 03 minutes 06.9
    35  seconds East 116.583 feet; North 10 degrees 56 minutes 53.1 seconds West
    36  23.450 feet; and North 80 degrees 03 minutes 08 seconds East 1.000  feet
    37  to a point;
    38    THENCE,  South 10 degrees 56 minutes 53.1 seconds East 173.348 feet to
    39  a point;
    40    THENCE, South 79 degrees 03 minutes 06.9 seconds West 117.583 feet  to
    41  the proposed easterly right-of-way line of Grove Street;
    42    THENCE, along the proposed easterly right-of-way line of Grove Street,
    43  North  10  degrees  56  minutes  53.1  seconds  West 149.916 feet to the
    44  proposed southerly right-of-way line of Main  Street  at  the  Point  of
    45  BEGINNING.
    46    PARCEL 5:
    47    ALL  that  certain  plot,  piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and
    48  being in the City of White Plains, County of Westchester  and  State  of
    49  New  York  shown and designated as Parcel "I" on a certain map entitled,
    50  "Survey of Central Renewal Project Parcels  Nos.  20,  21,  22  and  23,
    51  prepared  for White Plains Urban Renewal Agency situate in City of White
    52  Plains, Westchester County, New York" dated May 15, 1978, made by  James
    53  W.  Delano  and  filed  in the Office of the County Clerk of Westchester
    54  County (Division of Land Records) on  6/8/78  as  Map  No.  19512,  said
    55  parcel being more particularly bounded and described as follows:

        S. 9291                             6
     1    BEGINNING  at  a  point  on the proposed easterly right-of-way line of
     2  South Lexington Avenue, at the northerly end of a curve  connecting  the
     3  proposed northerly right-of-way line of Martine Avenue with the proposed
     4  easterly  right-of-way  line  of  South Lexington Avenue, which Point of
     5  Beginning   is   further   identified  as  North  375,939.901  and  East
     6  654,781.518 in the New York State Plane Coordinate  System,  East  Zone,
     7  and proceeding;
     8    THENCE, in a southerly to easterly direction along a curve to the left
     9  having  a  radius  of  20.00  feet  and a central angle of 91 degrees 07
    10  minutes 40.1 seconds a distance of 31.81 feet to the proposed  northerly
    11  right-of-way line of Martine Avenue;
    12    THENCE,  along  the  proposed  northerly  right-of-way line of Martine
    13  Avenue, North 79 degrees 03 minutes 06.9 seconds East 593.837 feet to  a
    14  point of curvature;
    15    THENCE,  along a curve to the left having a radius of 20.00 feet and a
    16  central angle of 94 degrees 53 minutes 00.1 seconds a distance of 33.121
    17  feet to a point on the proposed  westerly  right-of-way  line  of  Grove
    18  Street;  THENCE,  along the proposed westerly right-of-way line of Grove
    19  Street, along the following courses and distances:
    20    North 80 degrees 34 minutes 00.5 seconds East 7.847 feet;
    21    North 10 degrees 56 minutes 53.1 seconds West 118.505 feet;
    22    South 79 degrees 03 minutes 06.9 seconds  West  649.583  feet  to  the
    23  proposed easterly right-of-way line of South Lexington Avenue;
    24    THENCE, along the proposed easterly right-of-way line of South Lexing-
    25  ton Avenue, the following courses and distances:
    26    South 10 degrees 56 minutes 53.1 seconds East 119.654 feet; and
    27    North  78  degrees  42 minutes 26.5 seconds East 7.978 feet to a point
    28  which is the Point of BEGINNING.
    29    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.
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