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S09419 Summary:

Amd §§603, 603-a, 604 & 605, V & T L
Requires the reporting of certain accidents involving vehicles, including electric scooters and bicycles with electric assist; requires reports to include information indicating whether certain accidents involved electric scooters and bicycles with electric assist.
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S09419 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                    IN SENATE
                                      May 15, 2024
        Introduced  by  Sens. COONEY, ADDABBO, KRUEGER -- read twice and ordered
          printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee  on  Trans-
        AN  ACT  to  amend the vehicle and traffic law, in relation to reporting
          accidents involving  electric  scooters  and  bicycles  with  electric
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Subdivision 1 of section 603 of  the  vehicle  and  traffic
     2  law,  as  amended by chapter 432 of the laws of 1997, is amended to read
     3  as follows:
     4    1. Every police or judicial officer to whom an accident  resulting  in
     5  injury  to  a person shall have been reported, pursuant to the foregoing
     6  provisions of this chapter or pursuant to  the  provisions  of  sections
     7  twelve hundred forty or twelve hundred forty-one of this chapter involv-
     8  ing  a  bicycle  with  electric  assist or pursuant to the provisions of
     9  sections twelve hundred eighty-seven or twelve hundred  eighty-eight  of
    10  this chapter, shall immediately investigate the facts, or cause the same
    11  to be investigated, and report the matter to the commissioner forthwith;
    12  provided, however, that the report of the accident is made to the police
    13  officer or judicial officer within five days after such accident.  Every
    14  coroner,  or  other  official  performing like functions, shall likewise
    15  make a report to the commissioner with respect to all  deaths  found  to
    16  have  been the result of motor vehicle [or], motorcycle, electric scoot-
    17  er, or bicycle with electric assist accidents. Such report shall include
    18  information regarding the type or types of vehicles involved,  including
    19  passenger motor vehicles, commercial motor vehicles, motorcycles, limit-
    20  ed use motorcycles, off-highway motorcycles, electric scooters, bicycles
    21  with electric assist and/or bicycles. Such report shall include informa-
    22  tion  on  the  width  and length of trucks, tractors, trailers and semi-
    23  trailers, which are in excess of ninety-five inches in width or  thirty-
    24  four  feet  in  length and which are involved in such accidents, whether
    25  such accident took place in a work area and whether it was  being  oper-
    26  ated  with  an  overweight  or overdimension permit.   Such report shall
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 9419                             2
     1  distinctly indicate and include information as to whether the inflatable
     2  restraint system inflated and  deployed.    Nothing  contained  in  this
     3  subdivision  shall be deemed to preclude a police officer from reporting
     4  any  other accident which, in the judgment of such police officer, would
     5  be required to be reported to the commissioner  by  the  operator  of  a
     6  vehicle pursuant to section six hundred five of this article.
     7    §  2.  The  opening  paragraph  and  paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 of
     8  section 603-a of the vehicle and traffic law, as amended by chapter  489
     9  of the laws of 2017, are amended to read as follows:
    10    In  addition  to the requirements of section six hundred three of this
    11  article, whenever a motor vehicle,  bicycle  with  electric  assist,  or
    12  electric scooter accident results in serious physical injury or death to
    13  a person, and such accident either is discovered by a police officer, or
    14  reported  to  a  police  officer  within  five  days after such accident
    15  occurred, the police shall conduct an investigation of such accident.
    16    (a) Such investigation shall be conducted for the purposes of making a
    17  determination of the following: the facts and circumstances of the acci-
    18  dent; the type or types of vehicles involved, including passenger  motor
    19  vehicles,  commercial  motor vehicles, motorcycles, limited use motorcy-
    20  cles, off-highway motorcycles, electric scooters, bicycles with electric
    21  assist, and/or bicycles; whether pedestrians were involved; the contrib-
    22  uting factor or factors; whether it can be determined if a violation  or
    23  violations  of this chapter occurred, and if so, the specific provisions
    24  of this chapter which were violated and by whom; and, the cause of  such
    25  accident, where such cause can be determined.
    26    §  3. Section 604 of the vehicle and traffic law is amended to read as
    27  follows:
    28    § 604. Reports; contents; preparation; distribution; filing.   Reports
    29  of accidents required under [the preceding section] sections six hundred
    30  three  and  six  hundred three-a of this article, or under the rules and
    31  regulations of the commissioner, shall be upon forms prepared  by  [him]
    32  the  commissioner  and contain such information as [he] the commissioner
    33  shall prescribe; provided, however, that the commissioner shall  provide
    34  space  on such forms to indicate the type or types of vehicles involved,
    35  including passenger motor vehicles, commercial motor vehicles,  motorcy-
    36  cles,  limited use motorcycles, off-highway motorcycles, electric scoot-
    37  ers, bicycles with electric assist, and/or bicycles.   Blank  forms  for
    38  such  reports  shall be printed by the commissioner and a supply sent to
    39  all city, town and village clerks and to the chief officer of every city
    40  police department for general distribution and use as  herein  provided.
    41  Reports  of  accidents,  required  under the preceding section, shall be
    42  sent to and filed with the commissioner at the main office of the bureau
    43  of motor vehicles in the city of Albany, except as otherwise provided by
    44  the rules and regulations of the commissioner.
    45    § 4.  Subdivisions (b) and (c) of section 605 of the vehicle and traf-
    46  fic law, subdivision (b) as added by chapter 254 of the  laws  of  1989,
    47  and  subdivision  (c) as amended by chapter 161 of the laws of 1996, are
    48  amended to read as follows:
    49    (b) Every person operating [a] an electric scooter or a bicycle  which
    50  is  in  any  manner  involved in an accident on a public highway in this
    51  state in which any person is killed, other than the operator, or suffers
    52  serious physical injury  as  defined  pursuant  to  subdivision  ten  of
    53  section  10.00 of the penal law, shall within ten days after such opera-
    54  tor learns of the fact of such death or serious physical injury,  report
    55  the  matter  in  writing  to the commissioner. If such operator is phys-
    56  ically incapable of making such report within ten days, he or she  shall

        S. 9419                             3
     1  make  the report immediately upon recovery from the physical incapacity.
     2  If such operator is an unemancipated minor who is  incapable  of  making
     3  such  report  for  any  reason,  the parent or guardian of such operator
     4  shall  make  such  report  within ten days after learning of the fact of
     5  such accident.  Every such operator of an electric scooter or a bicycle,
     6  or parent or guardian of such unemancipated minor operator,  shall  make
     7  such other and additional reports as the commissioner shall require.
     8    (c) The report required by this section shall be made in such form and
     9  number  as  the  commissioner  may  prescribe. Such report shall include
    10  information on the width and length of trucks,  tractors,  trailers  and
    11  semitrailers,  which  are  in  excess  of ninety-five inches in width or
    12  thirty-four feet in length and which are  involved  in  such  accidents,
    13  whether such accident took place in a work area and whether it was being
    14  operated  with an overweight or over dimension permit. Such report shall
    15  distinctly indicate and include information as to whether the inflatable
    16  restraint system inflated and  deployed.    Such  report  shall  include
    17  information on the type or types of vehicles involved, including passen-
    18  ger  motor vehicles, commercial motor vehicles, motorcycles, limited use
    19  motorcycles, off-highway motorcycles, electric scooters,  bicycles  with
    20  electric assist, and/or bicycles.
    21    § 5.  This act shall take effect one year after it shall have become a
    22  law.    Effective  immediately, the addition, amendment and/or repeal of
    23  any rule or regulation necessary for the implementation of this  act  on
    24  its  effective date are authorized to be made and completed on or before
    25  such date.
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