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A00221 Summary:

COSPNSRGianaris, Clark, Greene, Ortiz, Millman, Robinson, Rivera J, Benjamin, Gabryszak, Young, Rivera N
MLTSPNSRAlfano, Aubry, Barra, Brennan, Cook, Cymbrowitz, DelMonte, Diaz R, Eddington, Englebright, Farrell, Glick, Gottfried, Hooper, Hoyt, Jacobs, Lifton, Lupardo, Magee, Magnarelli, Paulin, Perry, Pretlow, Scarborough, Seminerio, Towns, Walker, Weinstein, Weisenberg
Add SS601-a, amd S602, Gen Bus L
Requires debt collectors to send consumers a written notice of their rights under state law along with their initial debt collection correspondence; such notice would contain information such as who and when a principal creditor may contact a debtor about the debt owed as well as the fact that a principal creditor cannot disclose information affecting a consumer debtor's reputation for creditworthiness if the principal creditor knows or has reasons to know such information is false; applies to consumer rather than commercial debts.
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