BILL NO | A04380B |
SPONSOR | Englebright (MS) |
COSPNSR | Rivera, Schimminger, Perry, Schimel, Lupardo, Brook-Krasny, Russell, Stirpe, Weisenberg, Galef,
Santabarbara, Friend, McDonald, Quart, Magnarelli, Titone, Weprin, Paulin, Cusick, Lifton |
MLTSPNSR | Barclay, Borelli, Colton, Hawley, Hevesi, Lavine, Malliotakis, McLaughlin, Millman, Tenney, Thiele,
Walter |
Add S29-f, Exec L |
Enacts the engineers', architects', landscape architects' and land surveyors' good samaritan act to protect from liability for personal injury, wrongful death, property damage or other loss professional engineers, architects, landscape architects and land surveyors who render voluntary services, without compensation acting reasonably and in good faith, at the scene of a natural disaster or catastrophe. |