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A10900 Summary:
BILL NO | A10900A |
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SAME AS | SAME AS S08931-A |
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SPONSOR | Rules (Jacobson) |
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COSPNSR | Dickens, Simon, Reyes, Thiele, Galef, Gottfried, Stern, Zebrowski, D'Urso, Colton, Englebright, Magnarelli, Rosenthal L, Brabenec, Gunther, Lavine, Ramos, Mosley, Seawright |
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Add §§119-d & 119-e, Pub Serv L | |
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Directs the public service commission to study the feasibility and the costs of burying all or most of the electrical, telephone and internet transmission lines in New York state and to publish and deliver a report of its findings to the governor and the legislature, and requires new electrical, telephone and internet transmission lines to be buried underground. |