BILL NO | A00245 |
SAME AS | No same as |
SPONSOR | Magnarelli (MS) |
COSPNSR | Stirpe, Cusick, Lancman, Nolan, Schimminger, Zebrowski, Hoyt, Colton, Gabryszak, Fields, Gunther,
Galef, Weisenberg, Robinson, Koon, Christensen, Benedetto, Jaffee, Maisel, Mayersohn, John, Clark,
Espaillat |
MLTSPNSR | Abbate, Boyland, DelMonte, Destito, Hikind, Hooper, Hyer-Spencer, Magee, Millman, Perry, Pheffer,
Reilly, Sweeney, Towns |
Amd S240.50, CP L; amd S331.5, Fam Ct Act; amd S3103, add S2303-b, CPLR; add S60.36, Pen L; amd S378-a &
390-b, Soc Serv L |
Restricts the ability of perpetrators of violent crimes to access personal records of their victims. |