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A00245 Summary:

SAME ASNo same as
SPONSORMagnarelli (MS)
COSPNSRStirpe, Cusick, Lancman, Nolan, Schimminger, Zebrowski, Hoyt, Colton, Gabryszak, Fields, Gunther, Galef, Weisenberg, Robinson, Koon, Christensen, Benedetto, Jaffee, Maisel, Mayersohn, John, Clark, Espaillat
MLTSPNSRAbbate, Boyland, DelMonte, Destito, Hikind, Hooper, Hyer-Spencer, Magee, Millman, Perry, Pheffer, Reilly, Sweeney, Towns
Amd S240.50, CP L; amd S331.5, Fam Ct Act; amd S3103, add S2303-b, CPLR; add S60.36, Pen L; amd S378-a & 390-b, Soc Serv L
Restricts the ability of perpetrators of violent crimes to access personal records of their victims.
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