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A08072 Memo:

submitted in accordance with Assembly Rule III, Sec 1(f)
SPONSOR: Brennan (MS)
  TITLE OF BILL: An act to amend the executive law, the banking law, the benevolent orders law, the education law, the general business law, the insurance law, the mental hygiene law, the public authorities law, the private housing finance law, the public lands law, the racing, pari- mutuel wagering and breeding law, the religious corporations law, the surrogate's court procedure act, the not-for-profit corporation law, and the estates, powers and trusts law, in relation to reform of charitable organizations; and to repeal certain provisions of the not-for-profit corporation law relating thereto; and providing for the repeal of certain provisions upon expiration thereof   PURPOSE OR GENERAL IDEA OF BILL: To amend the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law (N-PCL), the Estates, Powers and Trusts Law (EPTL), and Article 7-A of the Executive Law, to reduce unnecessary and outdated burdens on nonprofits and to enhance nonprofit governance and oversight to prevent fraud and improve public trust.   SUMMARY OF SPECIFIC PROVISIONS: Section 1 of the bill establishes the title of the Act as the "Nonprofit Revitalization Act of 2013". Section 2 amends section 171-a of the Executive Law to clarify that individuals who function solely as grant writers are not "fund raising counsel." Sections 3, 3-a and 3-b amend section 172-b of the Executive Law to raise the gross revenue thresholds triggering the requirement to obtain an independent CPA's audit from $250,000 to $500,000 and an independent CPA's review from $100,000 to $250,000. The gross revenue threshold for an independent CPA's audit will escalate to $750,000 on July 1, 2017 and $1 million on July 1, 2021. The Attorney General will have authority to request an independent CPA's audit from nonprofits with gross revenue over $250,000 after reviewing their annual filings. The intent of these amendments is to reduce costs and burdens on smaller nonprofits and bring New York's reporting requirements into line with those of other states. Sections 4 and 129 amend section 177 of the Executive Law and section 8-1.4 of the Estates, Powers and Trusts Law to make clear in these stat- utes that the Attorney General may accept nonprofit registrations and other filings electronically. Sections 5, 6, 8, 30, 34, 36, 39-41, 44, 50-52, 54, 57, 61, 76, 79, 81, 86, 93, 94, 102, 103 and 105-126 are amended to make conforming changes to the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to facilitate the simplification of corporate "types" pursuant to section 38 of the bill. Section 6-a amends section 216 of the Education Law to make clear that only schools, colleges, universities and entities providing post-secon- dary education may not be incorporated without the consent of the commissioner of the state education department. Sections 7 and 9 amend sections 216-a and 223 of the Education Law to permit education corporations to enter into merger transactions in addi- tion to consolidation transactions. The intent of these amendments is to simplify mergers and treat educational nonprofits more equitably. Sections 10-23 make conforming changes to various statutes to effect the simplification of corporate "types" pursuant to sections 29 and 38 of the bill. Sections 24-27 amend sections 13, 15-a, 208 and 209 of the Religious Corporations Law to permit religious corporations to enter into merger transactions in addition to consolidation transactions. The intent of these amendments is to simplify mergers and treat religious nonprofits more equitably. Section 28 amends the Surrogate's Court Procedure Act to effect the provisions of section 130 of the bill. Section 29 adds new definitions to section 102 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to implement provisions of the bill. Section 31 repeals paragraph (a) of section 104-A of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law. Section 32 amends section 105 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to allow the Department of State to correct non-material typographical errors in certificates of incorporation and other instruments upon writ- ten authorization from the incorporator. Sections 33 and 74 amend sections 112 and 715 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to create new requirements to protect against self-deal- ing. The amendments require that boards, or board committees, undertake an independent review of transactions between the nonprofit and related parties, and affirmatively determine that such transactions are in the nonprofit's best interest. The amendments will also provide clearer authority for the Attorney General to remedy self-dealing. Section 35 repeals section 113 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law. Section 37 amends section 115 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to provide that no corporation required to obtain approval from, or provide notice to, an administrative agency in the course of incorporating may solicit funds until it does so. Section 38 amends section 201 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to simplify corporate "types," creating only two categories of corporations ("charitable corporations" and "non-charitable corporations") instead of four (A, B, C and D). Corporations formed for both charitable and non- charitable purposes under the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law will be deemed charitable for purposes of this statute. The amended section will "grandfather" nonprofits that have already formed as a particular type so that they will not have to file new paperwork or amend contracts. Sections 42, 87 and 104 make conforming changes to the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to effect the purposes of section 48 of the bill. Sections 43 and 45 amend sections 304 and 306 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to correct technical errors. Section 46 adds a new section 309 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law making clear that officers, directors, key employees, and agents of corporations are subject to personal jurisdiction of New York Courts and may be served with process in a suit by the Attorney General. Section 47 amends section 402 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to make clearer that nonprofits need only state their corporate purposes, and not specific activities they plan to undertake, when completing certificates of incorporation for delivery to the Department of State. Section 48 amends section 404 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to eliminate the requirement that certain types of nonprofits obtain pre- approval from the State Education Department prior to incorporation. Under these amendments, schools, libraries, museums and historical soci- eties will continue to require the State Education Department's approval, but other nonprofits may notify the State Education Department of their formation after incorporation. The intent of this amendment is to streamline the incorporation process without hampering oversight by the State Education Department. Section 49 repeals and adds a new paragraph (w) of section 404 that permits a newly formed corporation to include language in its certif- icate of incorporation making clear to the Department of State that its purposes do not require agency notice or preapproval. Section 53 amends section 509 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to permit a majority vote of the nonprofit's board or a committee of the board, rather than a two-thirds vote of the entire board, to approve non-substantial real estate transactions. If a committee approves the transaction, it must promptly notify the board. The two-thirds voting requirement is maintained for transactions involving property that constitutes all or substantially all of the nonprofit's assets. The intent of this amendment is to reduce administrative burdens associated with routine real estate transactions while preserving stricter require- ments for more significant transactions. Sections 55 and 56 amend section 511 and create a new section 511-a of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to allow nonprofit corporations seek- ing to sell, lease, exchange or dispose of all or substantially all of their assets to go through a one-step approval process (Attorney General approval) instead of a more cumbersome two-step process (court approval following Attorney General review). The intent of this provision is to expedite the often-lengthy approval process and reduce legal costs. Nonprofits will retain the right to seek court approval of the trans- action at any time. Section 58 amends section 515 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to clarify that individuals who may benefit from compensation paid by the corporation cannot participate in deliberations or voting on their own compensation. Section 59 amends section 520 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to add a reference to the Executive Law. Section 60 amends section 555 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to make clear the continuing availability to the courts of the doctrine of deviation. Sections 62-66, 68 & 69 amend sections 605, 606, 609, 614, 621, 708, and 711 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to allow facsimile and elec- tronic transmission of board and membership meeting notices, waivers of notice and votes requiring unanimous written consent. These amendments will also allow board members to participate in meetings via videocon- ference, Skype, and other forms of video communication. The intent of these amendments is to utilize technology to allow for more effective participation by directors who are unable to attend meetings in person. Section 67 amends section 702 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to remove the definition of "entire board." The bill creates a new defi- nition for this term in section 102 of the statute, the purpose of which is to correct ambiguities caused by the existing definition. Sections 70 and 71 amend section 712 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to simplify the classification of board committees by eliminating the distinction between standing and special committees. Section 72 creates a new section 712-a of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to require that, in cases where nonprofits are required by the Exec- utive Law to obtain independent CPA audits, boards or board committees perform certain oversight responsibilities. The intent of this provision is to ensure that boards are aware of, and respond to, issues and risks identified by auditors. State and local authorities, which are required by the Public Authorities Law to perform substantially similar audit oversight, will be deemed to be in compliance with this section. Section 73 amends paragraph (a) of section 713 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law and adds a new paragraph (f) to prohibit any employee of a nonprofit corporation from also serving as chair of its board. The intent of this provision is to promote clear lines of accountability between management and the board and ensure independent board leader- ship. Section 75 creates a new section 715-a of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to require that nonprofits adopt written conflict of interest poli- cies. Section 75 also creates a new section 715-b of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to require that nonprofits with twenty or more employees and annual revenue exceeding $1 million adopt whistleblower policies. Corporations that adopt conflict of interest and whistleblower policies pursuant to any other law that are substantially similar to those required will be deemed in compliance with these new sections. Section 77 amends section 718 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to protect the privacy of nonprofit directors and officers. Upon demand from a member of the corporation or a law enforcement agency, the corpo- ration will have to produce a list of its directors and officers but will no longer have to disclose their home addresses. Section 78 amends section 720 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to add key employees to the list of individuals against whom actions may be brought to remedy violations of the section. Section 80 amends section 724 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to make clear that the Attorney General is to be provided notice when an application for indemnification is made to the court. Section 82 amends section 804 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to require that governmental agencies be notified within 30 business days of acceptance by the Department of State of any certificate of amendment that adds, changes or eliminates a purpose, power or provision whose original inclusion would require the consent from, or notice to, that governmental agency. The section is also revised to allow charities to seek approval of changes from the Attorney General, in addition to the traditional option of approval by the courts. Sections 83-85 amend section 907 and add new sections 907-a and 907-b to the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to allow not-for-profit corporations seeking to merge to go through a one-step approval process (Attorney General approval) instead of a more cumbersome two-step process (court approval following Attorney General review). The intent of this provision is to expedite the often-lengthy approval process and reduce legal costs. Nonprofits will retain the right to seek court approval of the transaction at any time. Sections 88-92 amend sections 1001, 1002, 1002-a, 1003, and 1007 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to grant the Attorney General authority to approve charitable corporations' plans of dissolution. Charitable corporations will retain the right to appeal to the courts at any time. The Attorney General will have the option to refer petitions for dissol- ution to the courts if judicial review is more appropriate. The intent of these provisions is to reduce the costs of dissolution so that chari- table assets can be more quickly redirected for other charitable purposes. Sections 95-101, and 127-128 amend sections 1203, 1204, 1206, 1207, 1209, 1211-1215, 1611 and 1613 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to make technical corrections and allow entities in receivership and land banks to provide certain notices online in addition to print newspaper. Section 130 creates a new section 8-1.9 of the Estates, Powers and Trusts Law to make applicable to charitable trusts the new requirements concerning audits, related party transactions, conflict of interest policies and whistleblower policies that are applied to charitable corporations by sections 72, 74 and 75 of the bill. Section 131 is the severability clause. Section 132 is the effective date.   JUSTIFICATION: For too long, New York law and regulatory practices have placed unneces- sary and costly burdens on the non-profit sector. Redundancies through- out the system waste scarce taxpayer and nonprofit dollars. New York must become a more hospitable environment for nonprofits. This bill will modernize key provisions of New York law governing formation, dissol- ution, transactions, and board procedures, reducing unnecessary burdens and costs without sacrificing oversight or accountability. Implementing these changes will create a more welcoming environment for new nonpro- fits and a more business-friendly environment for existing ones, helping to ensure our state remains home to the country's strongest and most vibrant nonprofit sector. At the same time, the success of the nonprofit sector depends on main- taining the public's trust. This requires that boards provide effective oversight over the charitable funds entrusted to them, and that the Attorney General have the necessary tools to protect charities and donors from fraud and abuse. This bill strengthens New York law to enhance governance and accountability by setting forth clearer expecta- tions of board duties in key areas, such as providing financial over- sight. It also includes new provisions to limit and, when necessary, remedy self-dealing.   PRIOR LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: New bill.   FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: There is no fiscal impact on the state.   EFFECTIVE DATE: This act shall take effect July 1, 2014, provided, however, that the amendments to section 172-b of the executive law made by section three of this act shall expire and be deemed repealed June 30, 2017; provided further that the amendments to section 172-b of the executive law made by section three-a of this act shall take effect July 1, 2017 and shall expire and be deemed repealed June 30, 2021; provided further that the amendments to section 172-b ofthe executive law made by section three-b of this act shall take effect July 1, 2021; provided further that section seventy-three of this act shall take effect January 1, 2015; provided further that section seventy-two of this act and paragraph (b) of section 8-1.9 of the estates, powers and trusts law as added by section one hundred thirty of this act shall not be applicable until January 1, 2015 for any corporation or trust that had annual revenues of less than 10,000,000 dollars in the last fiscal year ending prior to January 1, 2014.
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A08072 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2013-2014 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                      June 17, 2013
        Introduced by M. of A. BRENNAN, WEINSTEIN, ENGLEBRIGHT -- (at request of
          the  Department  of Law) -- read once and referred to the Committee on
          Corporations, Authorities and Commissions
        AN ACT to amend the executive  law,  the  banking  law,  the  benevolent
          orders law, the education law, the general business law, the insurance

          law,  the  mental hygiene law, the public authorities law, the private
          housing finance law, the public lands  law,  the  racing,  pari-mutuel
          wagering  and breeding law, the religious corporations law, the surro-
          gate's court procedure act, the not-for-profit  corporation  law,  and
          the  estates, powers and trusts law, in relation to reform of charita-
          ble organizations; and to repeal certain provisions  of  the  not-for-
          profit  corporation law relating thereto; and providing for the repeal
          of certain provisions upon expiration thereof
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the "non-profit
     2  revitalization act of 2013".
     3    §  2.  Subdivision 9 of section 171-a of the executive law, as amended

     4  by chapter 353 of the laws of 1987, is amended to read as follows:
     5    9. "Fund raising counsel." Any person who  for  compensation  consults
     6  with  a  charitable  organization  or  who  plans,  manages, advises, or
     7  assists with respect to the solicitation in this state of  contributions
     8  for  or  on  behalf  of a charitable organization, but who does not have
     9  access to contributions or other receipts from a solicitation or author-
    10  ity to pay expenses associated with a  solicitation  and  who  does  not
    11  solicit.  A  bona  fide  officer, volunteer, or employee of a charitable
    12  organization or an attorney at law retained by a charitable organization
    13  or an individual engaged solely to draft applications for funding from a
    14  governmental agency or  an  entity  exempt  from  taxation  pursuant  to

    15  section  501(c)(3)  of  the internal revenue code, shall not be deemed a
    16  fund raising counsel.
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 8072                             2
     1    § 3. Subdivisions 1, 2 and 2-a of section 172-b of the executive  law,
     2  as  amended  by  chapter  43 of the laws of 2002, are amended to read as
     3  follows:
     4    1.  Every  charitable organization registered or required to be regis-
     5  tered pursuant to section one hundred seventy-two of this article  which
     6  shall  receive in any fiscal year gross revenue and support in excess of

     7  [two hundred fifty] five hundred thousand dollars [and every  charitable
     8  organization  whose  fund-raising functions are not carried on solely by
     9  persons who are unpaid for such services] shall file with  the  attorney
    10  general  an  annual written financial report, on forms prescribed by the
    11  attorney general, on or before the fifteenth day of the  fifth  calendar
    12  month  after  the close of such fiscal year. The annual financial report
    13  shall be accompanied by an annual financial statement which includes  an
    14  independent  certified  public  accountant's  audit report containing an
    15  opinion that the financial statements are presented fairly in all  mate-
    16  rial respects and in conformity with generally accepted accounting prin-
    17  ciples,  including  compliance  with all pronouncements of the financial

    18  accounting standards board  and  the  American  Institute  of  Certified
    19  Public  Accountants  that  establish  accounting  principles relevant to
    20  not-for-profit organizations. Such  financial  report  shall  include  a
    21  statement  of any changes in the information required to be contained in
    22  the registration form filed on behalf of such organization.  The  finan-
    23  cial report shall be signed by the president or other authorized officer
    24  and the chief fiscal officer of the organization who shall certify under
    25  penalties  for  perjury that the statements therein are true and correct
    26  to the best of their knowledge, and shall be accompanied by  an  opinion
    27  signed  by an independent public accountant that the financial statement
    28  and balance sheet therein present fairly the  financial  operations  and
    29  position  of  the  organization. A fee of twenty-five dollars payable to

    30  the attorney general shall accompany such financial report at  the  time
    31  of  filing,  provided however, that any such organization that is regis-
    32  tered with the  attorney  general  pursuant  to  article  eight  of  the
    33  estates,  powers  and  trusts  law  is  required to file only one annual
    34  financial report which meets the filing requirements of this article and
    35  section 8-1.4 of the estates, powers and trusts law.
    36    2. Every charitable organization registered or required to  be  regis-
    37  tered  pursuant to section one hundred seventy-two of this article which
    38  shall receive in gross revenue and support in any fiscal year  at  least
    39  [one  hundred] two hundred fifty thousand dollars but not more than [two
    40  hundred fifty] five hundred thousand dollars shall file an annual finan-

    41  cial report. The annual financial report  shall  be  accompanied  by  an
    42  annual  financial  statement  which  includes  an  independent certified
    43  public accountant's review report  in  accordance  with  "statements  on
    44  standards  for  accounting  and  review services" issued by the American
    45  Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The annual  financial  state-
    46  ment  shall be prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting
    47  principles, including compliance with all pronouncements of  the  finan-
    48  cial  accounting standards board and the American Institute of Certified
    49  Public Accountants that  establish  accounting  principles  relevant  to
    50  not-for-profit  organizations. Such financial report shall be filed with
    51  the attorney general, upon forms prescribed by the attorney  general  on
    52  an  annual  basis  on  or before the fifteenth day of the fifth calendar

    53  month after the close of such fiscal year, which shall include a  finan-
    54  cial  report  covering such fiscal year in accordance with such require-
    55  ments as the attorney general may prescribe. Such financial report shall
    56  include a statement of any changes in the  information  required  to  be

        A. 8072                             3
     1  contained in the registration form filed on behalf of such organization.
     2  The  financial  report shall be signed by the president or other author-
     3  ized officer and the chief fiscal officer of the organization who  shall
     4  certify under penalties for perjury that the statements therein are true
     5  and  correct  to the best of their knowledge. A fee of [ten] twenty-five
     6  dollars payable to the attorney general shall accompany  such  financial

     7  report at the time of filing, provided, however, that any such organiza-
     8  tion  that  is  registered with the attorney general pursuant to article
     9  eight of the estates, powers and trusts law is required to file only one
    10  annual financial report which meets  the  filing  requirements  of  this
    11  article  and  section  8-1.4  of  the  estates,  powers  and trusts law.
    12  Notwithstanding the requirements of this section, if upon review  of  an
    13  independent  certified  public accountant's review report filed pursuant
    14  to this subdivision, the attorney general determines that  a  charitable
    15  organization  should obtain an independent certified public accountant's
    16  audit report, such organization shall obtain and file with the  attorney
    17  general  an  audit report that meets the requirements of subdivision one

    18  of this section within one hundred twenty days of the attorney general's
    19  request for such report.
    20    2-a. Every charitable organization registered or required to be regis-
    21  tered pursuant to section one hundred seventy-two of this article  which
    22  shall  receive in any fiscal year of such organization gross revenue and
    23  support not in excess of [one hundred thousand] two hundred fifty  thou-
    24  sand dollars shall file with the attorney general an unaudited financial
    25  report  on  forms  prescribed  by the attorney general, on or before the
    26  fifteenth day of the fifth calendar month after the close of such fiscal
    27  year. Such financial report shall include a statement of any changes  in
    28  the  information required to be contained in the registration form filed
    29  on behalf of such organization. The financial report shall be signed  by

    30  the  president  or other authorized officer and the chief fiscal officer
    31  of the organization who shall certify under penalties for  perjury  that
    32  the  statements  therein are true and correct to the best of their know-
    33  ledge.   A fee of [ten] twenty-five  dollars  payable  to  the  attorney
    34  general  shall  accompany  such  financial report at the time of filing.
    35  Provided, however, that any such organization that  is  registered  with
    36  the  attorney  general  pursuant to article eight of the estates, powers
    37  and trusts law is required to file  only  one  annual  financial  report
    38  which meets the filing requirements of this article and section 8-1.4 of
    39  the estates, powers and trusts law.
    40    §  3-a. Subdivisions 1 and 2 of section 172-b of the executive law, as
    41  amended by chapter 43 of the laws  of  2002,  are  amended  to  read  as
    42  follows:

    43    1.  Every  charitable organization registered or required to be regis-
    44  tered pursuant to section one hundred seventy-two of this article  which
    45  shall  receive in any fiscal year gross revenue and support in excess of
    46  [two hundred fifty] seven hundred  fifty  thousand  dollars  [and  every
    47  charitable  organization whose fund-raising functions are not carried on
    48  solely by persons who are unpaid for such services] shall file with  the
    49  attorney general an annual written financial report, on forms prescribed
    50  by  the  attorney  general,  on or before the fifteenth day of the fifth
    51  calendar month after the close of such fiscal year. The annual financial
    52  report shall be accompanied  by  an  annual  financial  statement  which
    53  includes  an  independent  certified  public  accountant's  audit report

    54  containing an opinion that the financial statements are presented fairly
    55  in all material respects  and  in  conformity  with  generally  accepted
    56  accounting  principles,  including compliance with all pronouncements of

        A. 8072                             4
     1  the financial accounting standards board and the American  Institute  of
     2  Certified  Public Accountants that establish accounting principles rele-
     3  vant  to  not-for-profit  organizations.  Such  financial  report  shall
     4  include  a  statement  of  any changes in the information required to be
     5  contained in the registration form filed on behalf of such organization.
     6  The financial report shall be signed by the president or  other  author-
     7  ized  officer and the chief fiscal officer of the organization who shall
     8  certify under penalties for perjury that the statements therein are true

     9  and correct to the best of their knowledge, and shall be accompanied  by
    10  an opinion signed by an independent public accountant that the financial
    11  statement  and  balance sheet therein present fairly the financial oper-
    12  ations and position of the organization. A fee  of  twenty-five  dollars
    13  payable to the attorney general shall accompany such financial report at
    14  the time of filing, provided however, that any such organization that is
    15  registered  with  the  attorney general pursuant to article eight of the
    16  estates, powers and trusts law is  required  to  file  only  one  annual
    17  financial report which meets the filing requirements of this article and
    18  section 8-1.4 of the estates, powers and trusts law.
    19    2.  Every  charitable organization registered or required to be regis-
    20  tered pursuant to section one hundred seventy-two of this article  which

    21  shall  receive  in gross revenue and support in any fiscal year at least
    22  [one hundred] two hundred fifty thousand dollars but not more than  [two
    23  hundred fifty] seven hundred fifty thousand dollars shall file an annual
    24  financial report. The annual financial report shall be accompanied by an
    25  annual  financial  statement  which  includes  an  independent certified
    26  public accountant's review report  in  accordance  with  "statements  on
    27  standards  for  accounting  and  review services" issued by the American
    28  Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The annual  financial  state-
    29  ment  shall be prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting
    30  principles, including compliance with all pronouncements of  the  finan-
    31  cial  accounting standards board and the American Institute of Certified

    32  Public Accountants that  establish  accounting  principles  relevant  to
    33  not-for-profit  organizations. Such financial report shall be filed with
    34  the attorney general, upon forms prescribed by the attorney  general  on
    35  an  annual  basis  on  or before the fifteenth day of the fifth calendar
    36  month after the close of such fiscal year, which shall include a  finan-
    37  cial  report  covering such fiscal year in accordance with such require-
    38  ments as the attorney general may prescribe. Such financial report shall
    39  include a statement of any changes in the  information  required  to  be
    40  contained in the registration form filed on behalf of such organization.
    41  The  financial  report shall be signed by the president or other author-
    42  ized officer and the chief fiscal officer of the organization who  shall
    43  certify under penalties for perjury that the statements therein are true

    44  and  correct  to the best of their knowledge. A fee of [ten] twenty-five
    45  dollars payable to the attorney general shall accompany  such  financial
    46  report at the time of filing, provided, however, that any such organiza-
    47  tion  that  is  registered with the attorney general pursuant to article
    48  eight of the estates, powers and trusts law is required to file only one
    49  annual financial report which meets  the  filing  requirements  of  this
    50  article  and  section  8-1.4  of  the  estates,  powers  and trusts law.
    51  Notwithstanding the requirements of this section, if upon review  of  an
    52  independent  certified  public accountant's review report filed pursuant
    53  to this subdivision, the attorney general determines that  a  charitable
    54  organization  should obtain an independent certified public accountant's

    55  audit report, such organization shall obtain and file with the  attorney
    56  general  an  audit report that meets the requirements of subdivision one

        A. 8072                             5
     1  of this section within one hundred twenty days of the attorney general's
     2  request for such report.
     3    §  3-b. Subdivisions 1 and 2 of section 172-b of the executive law, as
     4  amended by chapter 43 of the laws  of  2002,  are  amended  to  read  as
     5  follows:
     6    1.  Every  charitable organization registered or required to be regis-
     7  tered pursuant to section one hundred seventy-two of this article  which
     8  shall  receive in any fiscal year gross revenue and support in excess of
     9  [two hundred fifty thousand] one million dollars [and  every  charitable

    10  organization  whose  fund-raising functions are not carried on solely by
    11  persons who are unpaid for such services] shall file with  the  attorney
    12  general  an  annual written financial report, on forms prescribed by the
    13  attorney general, on or before the fifteenth day of the  fifth  calendar
    14  month  after  the close of such fiscal year. The annual financial report
    15  shall be accompanied by an annual financial statement which includes  an
    16  independent  certified  public  accountant's  audit report containing an
    17  opinion that the financial statements are presented fairly in all  mate-
    18  rial respects and in conformity with generally accepted accounting prin-
    19  ciples,  including  compliance  with all pronouncements of the financial
    20  accounting standards board  and  the  American  Institute  of  Certified
    21  Public  Accountants  that  establish  accounting  principles relevant to

    22  not-for-profit organizations. Such  financial  report  shall  include  a
    23  statement  of any changes in the information required to be contained in
    24  the registration form filed on behalf of such organization.  The  finan-
    25  cial report shall be signed by the president or other authorized officer
    26  and the chief fiscal officer of the organization who shall certify under
    27  penalties  for  perjury that the statements therein are true and correct
    28  to the best of their knowledge, and shall be accompanied by  an  opinion
    29  signed  by an independent public accountant that the financial statement
    30  and balance sheet therein present fairly the  financial  operations  and
    31  position  of  the  organization. A fee of twenty-five dollars payable to
    32  the attorney general shall accompany such financial report at  the  time
    33  of  filing,  provided however, that any such organization that is regis-

    34  tered with the  attorney  general  pursuant  to  article  eight  of  the
    35  estates,  powers  and  trusts  law  is  required to file only one annual
    36  financial report which meets the filing requirements of this article and
    37  section 8-1.4 of the estates, powers and trusts law.
    38    2. Every charitable organization registered or required to  be  regis-
    39  tered  pursuant to section one hundred seventy-two of this article which
    40  shall receive in gross revenue and support in any fiscal year  at  least
    41  [one  hundred] two hundred fifty thousand dollars but not more than [two
    42  hundred fifty thousand] one million dollars shall file an annual  finan-
    43  cial  report.  The  annual  financial  report shall be accompanied by an
    44  annual financial  statement  which  includes  an  independent  certified

    45  public  accountant's  review  report  in  accordance with "statements on
    46  standards for accounting and review services"  issued  by  the  American
    47  Institute  of  Certified Public Accountants. The annual financial state-
    48  ment shall be prepared in conformity with generally accepted  accounting
    49  principles,  including  compliance with all pronouncements of the finan-
    50  cial accounting standards board and the American Institute of  Certified
    51  Public  Accountants  that  establish  accounting  principles relevant to
    52  not-for-profit organizations. Such financial report shall be filed  with
    53  the  attorney  general, upon forms prescribed by the attorney general on
    54  an annual basis on or before the fifteenth day  of  the  fifth  calendar
    55  month  after the close of such fiscal year, which shall include a finan-
    56  cial report covering such fiscal year in accordance with  such  require-

        A. 8072                             6
     1  ments as the attorney general may prescribe. Such financial report shall
     2  include  a  statement  of  any changes in the information required to be
     3  contained in the registration form filed on behalf of such organization.
     4  The  financial  report shall be signed by the president or other author-
     5  ized officer and the chief fiscal officer of the organization who  shall
     6  certify under penalties for perjury that the statements therein are true
     7  and  correct  to the best of their knowledge. A fee of [ten] twenty-five
     8  dollars payable to the attorney general shall accompany  such  financial
     9  report at the time of filing, provided, however, that any such organiza-
    10  tion  that  is  registered with the attorney general pursuant to article

    11  eight of the estates, powers and trusts law is required to file only one
    12  annual financial report which meets  the  filing  requirements  of  this
    13  article  and  section  8-1.4  of  the  estates,  powers  and trusts law.
    14  Notwithstanding the requirements of this section, if upon review  of  an
    15  independent  certified  public accountant's review report filed pursuant
    16  to this subdivision, the attorney general determines that  a  charitable
    17  organization  should obtain an independent certified public accountant's
    18  audit report, such organization shall obtain and file with the  attorney
    19  general  an  audit report that meets the requirements of subdivision one
    20  of this section within one hundred twenty days of the attorney general's
    21  request for such report.

    22    § 4. Subdivision 1 of section 177 of the executive law, as amended  by
    23  chapter 83 of the laws of 1995, is amended to read as follows:
    24    1. The attorney general shall make rules and regulations necessary for
    25  the  administration  of this article including, but not limited to regu-
    26  lations and waiver procedures that will ensure that charitable organiza-
    27  tions do not have to register twice in relation to the solicitation  and
    28  administration of assets, and rules or regulations allowing or requiring
    29  any  submission  to  the  attorney  general to be effected by electronic
    30  means.
    31    § 5. Section 579 of the banking law, as amended by chapter 629 of  the
    32  laws of 2002, is amended to read as follows:
    33    §  579. Doing business without license prohibited. Only a [type B not-

    34  for-profit] charitable corporation as defined in  [section  two  hundred
    35  one]  paragraph (a) of section one hundred two (Definitions) of the not-
    36  for-profit corporation law of this state, or an entity  incorporated  in
    37  another  state  and having a similar not-for-profit status, shall engage
    38  in the business of budget planning as  defined  in  subdivision  one  of
    39  section  four  hundred  fifty-five  of  the general business law of this
    40  state except as authorized by this article and without first obtaining a
    41  license from the superintendent.
    42    § 6.  Paragraph (c) of subdivision 1 of section 1-a of the  benevolent
    43  orders  law,  as added by chapter 703 of the laws of 1970, is amended to
    44  read as follows:
    45    (c) The following provisions of  the  not-for-profit  corporation  law

    46  shall  not  apply  to benevolent orders: [section one hundred thirteen,]
    47  section two hundred one, article four, paragraphs (a), (b), and  (c)  of
    48  section  eight  hundred  four,  section nine hundred seven, section nine
    49  hundred eight, section nine hundred nine, [section ten hundred  eleven,]
    50  section ten hundred twelve, and article fourteen.
    51    § 6-a.  Section 216 of the education law, as amended by chapter 901 of
    52  the  laws  of 1972, the closing paragraph as added by chapter 316 of the
    53  laws of 2005, is amended to read as follows:
    54    § 216. Charters. Under such name, with  such  number  of  trustees  or
    55  other managers, and with such powers, privileges and duties, and subject
    56  to  such limitations and restrictions in all respects as the regents may

        A. 8072                             7

     1  prescribe in conformity to law, they may, by an instrument  under  their
     2  seal  and recorded in their office, incorporate any university, college,
     3  academy, library, museum, or other institution or  association  for  the
     4  promotion  of  science,  literature, art, history or other department of
     5  knowledge, or  of  education  in  any  way,  associations  of  teachers,
     6  students,  graduates of educational institutions, and other associations
     7  whose approved purposes are, in whole or  in  part,  of  educational  or
     8  cultural  value  deemed  worthy  of recognition and encouragement by the
     9  university. No [institution or association which might  be  incorporated
    10  by the regents under this chapter shall, without their consent,] school;
    11  college;  university or other entity providing post secondary education;

    12  library; or museum or historical society shall be incorporated under the
    13  business corporation law, the not-for-profit  corporation  law,  or  any
    14  other  general  law  without  the consent of the commissioner or, in the
    15  case of a college or university, without the  written  authorization  of
    16  the  Regents. [An institution or association which might be incorporated
    17  by the regents under this chapter may, with the consent of  the  commis-
    18  sioner  of  education,  be  formed under the business corporation law or
    19  pursuant to the not-for-profit corporation law if such  consent  of  the
    20  commissioner  of  education  is  attached to its certificate of incorpo-
    21  ration.]
    22    No individual, association, partnership, company  or  corporation  not

    23  authorized  by  special charter from the legislature of this state or by
    24  charter from the regents to operate a museum, or arboretum  shall  know-
    25  ingly  use,  advertise or transact business under the names "museum," or
    26  "arboretum," or any name, title or descriptive  material  indicating  or
    27  tending to imply that said individual, association, partnership, company
    28  or  corporation  conducts,  carries on, or is such a business when it is
    29  not, or that it is authorized to operate as such, unless the right to do
    30  so has been granted by the regents or the commissioner in  writing.  Any
    31  violation  of this paragraph shall be a misdemeanor. Notwithstanding any
    32  other provision of this section, an  individual,  association,  partner-
    33  ship,  company  or corporation doing business under any of such names on
    34  the effective date of this paragraph may come into compliance with  this

    35  paragraph by obtaining consent of the regents or the commissioner within
    36  one year of such effective date.
    37    §  7.  Paragraph  c of subdivision 4 of section 216-a of the education
    38  law, as added by chapter 901 of the laws of 1972, is amended to read  as
    39  follows:
    40    c.  The  following  provisions  of  the not-for-profit corporation law
    41  shall not apply to education corporations:  section  one  hundred  five,
    42  [section  one hundred thirteen,] section one hundred fourteen, paragraph
    43  (a) of section two hundred one, paragraphs (b) and (c)  of  section  two
    44  hundred  two,  section  two  hundred  five,  section  three hundred one,
    45  section three hundred two, section three  hundred  three,  article  four
    46  except  paragraphs  (b)  through  (p)  of  section four hundred four and
    47  section four hundred five, section  five  hundred  nine,  [section  five

    48  hundred eighteen,] section five hundred twenty-one to the extent that it
    49  refers  to  [section  five  hundred  eighteen,] paragraph (d) of section
    50  seven hundred six, article eight  except  section  eight  hundred  four,
    51  section  nine  hundred seven, [section one thousand eleven,] section one
    52  thousand twelve and article fourteen.
    53    § 8. Subdivision 5 of section 216-a of the education law, as added  by
    54  chapter 901 of the laws of 1972, is amended to read as follows:
    55    5.  Every  corporation  to which the not-for-profit corporation law is
    56  made applicable by this section, is a [type B] charitable corporation as

        A. 8072                             8
     1  defined in paragraph (a) of section one hundred two (Definitions) of the

     2  not-for-profit corporation law under all applicable provisions  of  that
     3  law.
     4    §  9.  Section  223 of the education law, as amended by chapter 106 of
     5  the laws of 1974, is amended to read as follows:
     6    § 223.  Consolidation or merger of corporations.    Any  two  or  more
     7  corporations  chartered  under the powers of the regents or incorporated
     8  under a special act of the  legislature  or  under  a  general  law  for
     9  purposes  for  which  a  charter may be granted by the regents may enter
    10  into an agreement for the consolidation or merger of such  corporations,
    11  setting  forth  the terms and conditions of consolidation or merger, the
    12  name of the proposed consolidated or merged corporation,  the  place  or
    13  places  where the institution or institutions to be maintained is or are

    14  to be located, the number of its directors, which may be five  or  more,
    15  the  time  of  the  annual  election  and the names of the persons to be
    16  directors until the first or next annual meeting.
    17    The agreement must be approved by three-fourths  of  the  trustees  or
    18  directors  of  such [corporation] corporations at a meeting of the trus-
    19  tees or directors of each corporation, separately and  specially  called
    20  for  that  purpose,  which  approval,  duly verified by the chairman and
    21  clerk of such meeting, shall be annexed to the petition.   On  presenta-
    22  tion  of  a  petition, together with the certificate of approval and the
    23  agreement for consolidation or merger, and on such notice to  interested
    24  parties  as  the  regents shall prescribe, and after hearing such inter-

    25  ested parties as desire to be heard, the regents may make and execute an
    26  order for the consolidation or merger of the corporations on such  terms
    27  and  conditions  as the regents may prescribe.  When such order is made,
    28  such corporations shall become one corporation by the name designated in
    29  the order, and shall be subject only to such duties and obligations as a
    30  corporation formed under this chapter for the same purposes; and all the
    31  property belonging to the corporations so consolidated or  merged  shall
    32  be  vested in and transferred to the new or surviving corporation, which
    33  shall be subject to all the liabilities of the former  corporations,  to
    34  the  same  extent  as if they had been contracted or incurred by it.  If
    35  any corporation so consolidated  or  merged  was  incorporated  under  a

    36  special  act of the legislature or under a general law pursuant to which
    37  its certificate of incorporation was filed with the department of state,
    38  the regents shall deliver a certified copy of the order of consolidation
    39  or merger to such department.
    40    § 10. Subdivision 4 of section 455 of the  general  business  law,  as
    41  amended  by  chapter  456  of  the  laws  of 2006, is amended to read as
    42  follows:
    43    4. Person or entity as used in this article shall not include a  [type
    44  B  not-for-profit]  charitable  corporation  as  defined in [section two
    45  hundred one] paragraph (a) of section one hundred two  (Definitions)  of
    46  the  not-for-profit corporation law of this state, or an entity incorpo-
    47  rated in another state  and  having  a  similar  not-for-profit  status,

    48  licensed  by  the  superintendent,  to  engage in the business of budget
    49  planning as defined in this section.
    50    § 11. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 of section 458-b of  the  general
    51  business law, as added by chapter 386 of the laws of 1986, is amended to
    52  read as follows:
    53    (a)  Any  [type B not-for-profit] charitable corporation as defined in
    54  paragraph (a) of section one hundred two (Definitions) of  the  not-for-
    55  profit  corporation  law  licensed  pursuant  to article twelve-c of the
    56  banking law.

        A. 8072                             9
     1    § 12. Subsection (a) of section 3435 of the insurance law, as added by
     2  chapter 220 of the laws of 1986, is amended to read as follows:
     3    (a)  This section shall apply to public entities as defined in section

     4  one hundred seven of this chapter, organizations  described  by  section
     5  501(c)(3)  of the United States internal revenue code, [Type B] charita-
     6  ble corporations as defined in paragraph (a) of section one hundred  two
     7  (Definitions)  of the not-for-profit corporation law and formed pursuant
     8  to paragraph [(b)] (a) of section two hundred one of the  not-for-profit
     9  corporation  law,  and  organizations  described  by section two hundred
    10  sixteen-a of the education law.
    11    § 13. Subsection (a) of section 6703 of the insurance law, as added by
    12  chapter 598 of the laws of 2000, is amended to read as follows:
    13    (a) A corporation may be organized as a  [type  B]  charitable  corpo-
    14  ration pursuant to paragraph [(b)] (a) of section two hundred one of the

    15  not-for-profit  corporation  law  or  as  a nonprofit reciprocal insurer
    16  under article sixty-one of this chapter to write the kinds of  insurance
    17  specified in subsection (a) of section one thousand one hundred thirteen
    18  of  this  chapter  other  than (1) those types of insurance specified in
    19  paragraphs one, two, eighteen, twenty-two, twenty-three and  twenty-five
    20  of  such  subsection,  (2)  insurance  against  legal  liability  of the
    21  insured, and against loss, damage or expense incident to a claim of such
    22  liability arising out of death or injury of any person, due  to  medical
    23  or  hospital  malpractice by any licensed physician or hospital, and (3)
    24  insurance subject to section three thousand four hundred twenty-five  of
    25  this chapter.
    26    §  14.  The opening paragraph of subsection (b) of section 6704 of the
    27  insurance law, as added by chapter 598 of the laws of 2000,  is  amended

    28  to read as follows:
    29    The  superintendent  may pursuant to this article issue a license to a
    30  nonprofit property/casualty insurance company that  is  organized  as  a
    31  [type  B]  charitable  corporation [pursuant to paragraph (b) of section
    32  two hundred one] as defined in paragraph (a) of section one hundred  two
    33  (Definitions) of the not-for-profit corporation law if such company:
    34    § 15. Subsection (a) of section 6706 of the insurance law, as added by
    35  chapter 598 of the laws of 2000, is amended to read as follows:
    36    (a)  Except  as otherwise provided in this article, where inconsistent
    37  with this article, or where the context otherwise requires, all  of  the
    38  provisions  of  this chapter and the rules and regulations of the super-
    39  intendent,  relating   to   all   insurers   and   those   relating   to

    40  property/casualty insurance companies transacting the same kind or kinds
    41  of insurance shall be applicable to a nonprofit property/casualty insur-
    42  ance  company  organized as a [type B] charitable corporation as defined
    43  in paragraph (a) of section one hundred two (Definitions)  of  the  not-
    44  for-profit corporation law and formed pursuant to paragraph [(b)] (a) of
    45  section  two  hundred  one  of  the  not-for-profit  corporation law and
    46  licensed pursuant to  subsection  (b)  of  section  six  thousand  seven
    47  hundred  four of this article. Where any of such provisions of law refer
    48  to a corporation, company or insurer,  such  references,  when  read  in
    49  connection  with  and  applicable  to  this  article,  shall mean such a
    50  nonprofit property/casualty insurance company.

    51    § 16. Subdivision (b) of section 16.32 of the mental hygiene  law,  as
    52  amended  by  chapter  669  of  the  laws  of 1995, is amended to read as
    53  follows:
    54    (b) No loans, other than through the purchase of bonds, debentures, or
    55  similar obligations of the type customarily sold in public offerings, or
    56  through ordinary deposit of funds in a bank, shall be made by a not-for-

        A. 8072                            10
     1  profit corporation which is certified as a provider of services pursuant
     2  to this article to its employee who receives an annual salary in  excess
     3  of  thirty  thousand dollars, or to any other corporation, firm, associ-
     4  ation or other entity in which such employee is a director or officer or
     5  employee  or  holds a direct or indirect substantial financial interest,

     6  except a loan by one corporation incorporated as a [type  B]  charitable
     7  corporation  [pursuant  to]  as  defined in paragraph (a) of section one
     8  hundred two (Definitions)  of  the  not-for-profit  corporation  law  to
     9  another  type  B  corporation,  or  a  loan for a temporary or emergency
    10  purpose which will further the health and welfare  of  the  employee  so
    11  long  as  the  purpose  and  amount  of  such  loan are disclosed to and
    12  approved by the board of directors of such agency. Such disclosure shall
    13  be filed with the secretary  of  the  corporation  and  entered  in  the
    14  minutes  of the meeting, and, if approved by such board, such disclosure
    15  shall also be forwarded in writing to the commissioner and to the direc-
    16  tor of community services of each local governmental unit that  has,  at

    17  the  time  of  such disclosure, a contract with such corporation for the
    18  rendition of services pursuant to article forty-one of this  chapter.  A
    19  loan  made in violation of this section shall be a violation of the duty
    20  to the not-for-profit corporation of the directors or officers authoriz-
    21  ing it or participating in it, but the obligation of the  borrower  with
    22  respect to the loan shall not be affected thereby.
    23    §  17.  Subdivision (b) of section 31.31 of the mental hygiene law, as
    24  amended by chapter 669 of the laws  of  1995,  is  amended  to  read  as
    25  follows:
    26    (b) No loans, other than through the purchase of bonds, debentures, or
    27  similar obligations of the type customarily sold in public offerings, or
    28  through ordinary deposit of funds in a bank, shall be made by a not-for-
    29  profit  corporation which is licensed as a provider of services pursuant

    30  to this article to its employee who receives an annual salary in  excess
    31  of  thirty  thousand dollars, or to any other corporation, firm, associ-
    32  ation or other entity in which such employee is a director or officer or
    33  employee or holds a direct or indirect substantial  financial  interest,
    34  except  a  loan by one corporation incorporated as a [type B] charitable
    35  corporation [pursuant to] as defined in paragraph  (a)  of  section  one
    36  hundred  two  (Definitions)  of  the  not-for-profit  corporation law to
    37  another type B corporation, or a  loan  for  a  temporary  or  emergency
    38  purpose  which  will  further  the health and welfare of the employee so
    39  long as the purpose and  amount  of  such  loan  are  disclosed  to  and
    40  approved by the board of directors of such agency. Such disclosure shall

    41  be  filed  with  the  secretary  of  the  corporation and entered in the
    42  minutes of the meeting, and, if approved by such board, such  disclosure
    43  shall also be forwarded in writing to the commissioner and to the direc-
    44  tor  of  community services of each local governmental unit that has, at
    45  the time of such disclosure, a contract with such  corporation  for  the
    46  rendition  of  services pursuant to article forty-one of this chapter. A
    47  loan made in violation of this section shall be a violation of the  duty
    48  to the not-for-profit corporation of the directors or officers authoriz-
    49  ing  it  or participating in it, but the obligation of the borrower with
    50  respect to the loan shall not be affected thereby.
    51    § 18.  Subdivision 1 of section 1825 of the public authorities law, as
    52  amended by chapter 1045 of the laws of  1974,  is  amended  to  read  as
    53  follows:

    54    1.  The  corporation shall (a) be incorporated or reincorporated under
    55  [article nineteen of the membership corporations law, or under]  section
    56  fourteen hundred eleven of the not-for-profit corporation law, or (b) be

        A. 8072                            11
     1  incorporated  under  [article two of the membership corporations law, or
     2  under] article four of the not-for-profit corporation law,  in  addition
     3  to  other  purposes, to construct new industrial or manufacturing plants
     4  or  new  research  and  development  buildings and acquire machinery and
     5  equipment deemed related thereto or acquire, rehabilitate,  and  improve
     6  for use by others, industrial or manufacturing plants in the area of the
     7  state  in  which  an assisted project is to be located, to assist finan-

     8  cially in such construction, acquisition, rehabilitation and improvement
     9  and to maintain such plants, buildings and equipment for others, and may
    10  also be authorized to study and promote, alone or in concert with  local
    11  officials  and interested local groups, the economic growth and business
    12  prosperity of the area and the solution of other civic problems  of  the
    13  region which includes such areas[, and (c) if incorporated or reincorpo-
    14  rated  under  the  membership  corporations  law, have complied with the
    15  requirements of section  one  hundred  thirteen  of  the  not-for-profit
    16  corporation law].
    17    §  19.  Subdivision  2  of section 13-a of the private housing finance
    18  law, as added by chapter 547 of the laws of 1971, is amended to read  as
    19  follows:
    20    2.  Every  corporation  to which the not-for-profit corporation law is

    21  made applicable by this section is a [type B] charitable corporation  as
    22  defined in paragraph (a) of section one hundred two (Definitions) of the
    23  not-for-profit corporation law for all purposes of that law.
    24    § 20. Paragraph (f) of subdivision 7 of section 75 of the public lands
    25  law,  as added by chapter 791 of the laws of 1992, is amended to read as
    26  follows:
    27    (f) The commissioner, in consultation with the commissioner  of  envi-
    28  ronmental  conservation,  the  secretary  of state, the office of parks,
    29  recreation and historic preservation and other interested state agencies
    30  administering state-owned lands underwater, shall promulgate pursuant to
    31  article two of the state administrative procedure act  such  rules  with
    32  respect to grants, leases, easements and lesser interests for the use of

    33  state-owned land underwater, and the cession of jurisdiction thereof, as
    34  in  his  or  her  judgment  are  reasonable and necessary to protect the
    35  interests of the people in such lands underwater. Such regulations shall
    36  include without being limited to: the fees  to  be  charged,  consistent
    37  with  the  provisions of this section, including mitigation of such fees
    38  in the event of economic hardship on  existing  commercial  enterprises;
    39  fee  limitations to administrative expenses for municipal uses which are
    40  public, non-commercial and offer services free or for nominal fees,  and
    41  for  uses undertaken and operated for public and non-commercial purposes
    42  by not-for-profit corporations characterized as  ["Type  B"]  charitable
    43  corporations  [pursuant  to paragraph (b) of section two hundred one] as

    44  defined in paragraph (a) of section one hundred two (Definitions) of the
    45  not-for-profit corporation law, and for uses undertaken and operated for
    46  public purposes by a corporation formed pursuant to the religious corpo-
    47  ration law or by a corporation formed pursuant to a special act of  this
    48  state  and  which has as its principal purpose a religious purpose; such
    49  further exemptions for projects as the commissioner  determines  do  not
    50  represent  significant  encroachments;  limitations on grants, including
    51  conversion grants, with respect to underwater lands consistent with  the
    52  public  purposes  of this subdivision and limiting such grants to excep-
    53  tional circumstances; and factors  to  be  examined  in  considering  an
    54  application for a lease, easement or other interest. Those factors shall
    55  include  without  limitation the following: (i) the environmental impact

    56  of the project; (ii) the values for natural resource management,  recre-

        A. 8072                            12
     1  ational  uses,  and  commercial  uses  of the pertinent underwater land;
     2  (iii) the size, character and effects of  the  project  in  relation  to
     3  neighboring  uses;  (iv) the potential for interference with navigation,
     4  public uses of the waterway and rights of other riparian owners; (v) the
     5  effect  of the project on the natural resource interests of the state in
     6  the lands; (vi) the water-dependent nature of the  use;  (vii)  and  any
     7  adverse  economic  impact  on existing commercial enterprises. The final
     8  promulgation of rules establishing  fees  or  fee  structures  shall  be
     9  subject to the approval of the director of the budget.
    10    §  21.  Section  202  of the racing, pari-mutuel wagering and breeding

    11  law, as amended by chapter 18 of the laws of 2008, is amended to read as
    12  follows:
    13    § 202. Restriction upon commencement of business. No  business  corpo-
    14  ration  organized  under  the provisions of this article shall engage in
    15  the prosecution or management of its business until  the  whole  of  its
    16  capital  stock shall have been subscribed, nor until it shall have filed
    17  in the offices where certificates of incorporation were filed, a further
    18  certificate stating that the whole of its capital stock has been in good
    19  faith subscribed, executed and acknowledged by its  president  or  vice-
    20  president and treasurer or secretary, and verified by them to the effect
    21  that the statements contained in it are true.
    22    Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  corporations  organized  pursuant to
    23  section two hundred one of the not-for-profit corporation law  as  [type

    24  C]  charitable  corporations  as defined in paragraph (a) of section one
    25  hundred two (Definitions) of the not-for-profit  corporation  law  shall
    26  not  engage  in  the prosecution or management of its business until its
    27  certificate of incorporation has been accepted for filing by the  secre-
    28  tary  of  state  and such confirmation of filing has been filed with the
    29  board and the franchise oversight board.
    30    § 22. Paragraph (c) of subdivision 1 of section 2-b of  the  religious
    31  corporations  law,  as  amended  by  chapter 490 of the laws of 2010, is
    32  amended to read as follows:
    33    (c) The following provisions of  the  not-for-profit  corporation  law
    34  shall  not apply to religious corporations: subparagraphs (7) and (8) of
    35  paragraph (a) of section one hundred twelve, [section one hundred  thir-

    36  teen,]  section  one  hundred fourteen, section two hundred one, section
    37  three hundred three, section three hundred four, section  three  hundred
    38  five,  section  three  hundred  six,  article  four  except section four
    39  hundred one, section five hundred fourteen, that portion of section five
    40  hundred fifty-five (b) and section five  hundred  fifty-five  (c)  which
    41  reads  "The  institution  shall  notify the donor, if available, and the
    42  attorney general of the application, and the attorney general  and  such
    43  donor  must  be  given  an opportunity to be heard", section six hundred
    44  five, section six hundred seven, section six hundred nine, section eight
    45  hundred four, article nine except section nine hundred ten, article  ten
    46  except  as  provided  in  section eleven hundred fifteen, section eleven
    47  hundred two, and article fifteen except paragraph (c) of section fifteen

    48  hundred seven.
    49    § 23. Subdivision 2 of section 2-b of the religious corporations  law,
    50  as  added  by  chapter  956  of  the laws of 1971, is amended to read as
    51  follows:
    52    2. Every corporation to which the not-for-profit  corporation  law  is
    53  made  applicable by this section is a [type B] charitable corporation as
    54  defined in paragraph (a) of section one hundred two (Definitions) of the
    55  not-for-profit corporation law for all purposes of that law.

        A. 8072                            13
     1    § 24. Section 13 of the religious  corporations  law,  as  amended  by
     2  chapter 705 of the laws of 1970, is amended to read as follows:
     3    §  13.  Consolidation  or merger of incorporated churches. Two or more

     4  incorporated churches may enter into an agreement, under  their  respec-
     5  tive  corporate  seals,  for  the consolidation or merger of such corpo-
     6  rations, setting forth the name  of  the  proposed  new  corporation  or
     7  surviving  corporation,  the  denomination,  if  any,  to which it is to
     8  belong, and if the churches of such  denomination  have  more  than  one
     9  method  of  choosing trustees, by which of such methods the trustees are
    10  to be chosen, the number of such trustees, the names of the  persons  to
    11  be  the first trustees of the new corporation, and the date of its first
    12  annual corporate meeting. Such an  agreement  shall  not  be  valid  for
    13  United  Methodist  churches  unless  proposed  by a majority vote of the
    14  charge conference of each church and approved by the  superintendent  or

    15  superintendents  of the district or districts in which the consolidating
    16  churches are located, and by the majority of the members of each of such
    17  churches, over the age of twenty-one years,  present  and  voting  at  a
    18  meeting thereof held in the usual place of public worship and called for
    19  the purpose of considering such agreement by announcement made at public
    20  service  in  such  churches  on two Sundays, the first not less than ten
    21  days next preceding the date of such meeting. Such agreement  shall  not
    22  be valid unless approved in the case of Protestant Episcopal churches by
    23  the  bishop and standing committee of the diocese in which such churches
    24  are situated and in the case of churches of other denominations  by  the
    25  governing  body  of  the  denomination,  if  any,  to  which each church
    26  belongs, having jurisdiction over such church.  Each  corporation  shall

    27  thereupon  make  a  separate  petition to the supreme court for an order
    28  consolidating or merging the corporations,  setting  forth  the  denomi-
    29  nation,  if  any,  to  which the church belongs, that the consent of the
    30  governing body to the consolidation or merger, if any, of  that  denomi-
    31  nation  having  jurisdiction  over  such  church  has been obtained, the
    32  agreement therefor, and a statement of all the property and  liabilities
    33  and  the  amount  and  sources  of the annual income of such petitioning
    34  corporation. In its discretion the court may direct that notice  of  the
    35  hearing  of  such petition be given to the parties interested therein in
    36  such manner and for such time as it may prescribe.   After  hearing  all
    37  the  parties interested, present and desiring to be heard, the court may

    38  make an order for the consolidation or merger of the corporations on the
    39  terms of such agreement and such other terms and conditions  as  it  may
    40  prescribe,  specifying the name of such new or surviving corporation and
    41  the [first] trustees thereof, and the method by which  their  successors
    42  shall be chosen and the date of its first or next annual corporate meet-
    43  ing.  When such order is made and duly entered, the persons constituting
    44  such consolidated or merged corporations shall be or become an  incorpo-
    45  rated church by, and said petitioning churches shall become consolidated
    46  or  merged  under,  the  name  designated in the order, and the trustees
    47  therein named shall be the [first]  trustees  thereof,  and  the  future

    48  trustees  thereof  shall be chosen by the method therein designated, and
    49  all the estate, rights, powers and property of whatsoever nature belong-
    50  ing to either corporation shall without further act or deed be vested in
    51  and transferred to the new or surviving corporation  as  effectually  as
    52  they  were  vested  in  or belonging to the former corporations; and the
    53  said new or surviving corporation shall be liable for all the debts  and
    54  liabilities  of the former corporations in the same manner and as effec-
    55  tually as if said debts or liabilities had been contracted  or  incurred
    56  by  the  new  or  surviving  corporation. A certified copy of such order

        A. 8072                            14
     1  shall be recorded in the book for  recording  certificates  of  incorpo-

     2  ration  in each county clerk's office in which the certificate of incor-
     3  poration of each consolidating or merging church was recorded; or if  no
     4  such  certificate  was  so  recorded,  then in the clerk's office of the
     5  county in which the principal place of worship or  principal  office  of
     6  the new or surviving corporation is, or is intended to be, situated.
     7    §  25.  Section  15-a  of  the religious corporations law, as added by
     8  chapter 108 of the laws of 1965, subdivisions 2, 3 and 8 as  amended  by
     9  chapter 381 of the laws of 1985, is amended to read as follows:
    10    §  15-a.  Consolidation  of  incorporated presbyteries. 1. Two or more
    11  incorporated presbyteries may enter into an agreement  for  the  consol-
    12  idation  or  merger  of  such  corporations and such corporations may be

    13  consolidated or merged so as to form a single corporation which  may  be
    14  either a new corporation or one of the [constitutent] constituent corpo-
    15  rations.    Said  agreement shall set forth the name of the proposed new
    16  corporation or the name of the existing corporation if it is  to  become
    17  the consolidated or merged corporation, the method of choosing trustees,
    18  the names of the persons to be the first trustees of the new corporation
    19  if the consolidated or merged corporation is to be a new corporation and
    20  the date of the first annual corporate meeting.
    21    2.  Such  agreement must be authorized and approved by a majority vote
    22  of the members of each contracting presbytery  taken  at  a  meeting  at
    23  which  a  quorum  is  present duly called in accordance with the form of

    24  government of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the  notice  of  such
    25  meeting shall state the purpose of the meeting.
    26    3.  Before such agreement is approved as aforesaid, such consolidation
    27  or merger must be directed and approved by the Synod  of  the  Northeast
    28  and the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
    29    4.  Each presbytery shall thereafter join in a petition to the supreme
    30  court for an order consolidating or  merging  the  corporation,  setting
    31  forth  the  agreement of the contracting presbyteries, the direction and
    32  approval of the bodies as set forth in  subdivision  three  [hereof]  of
    33  this  section,  a  statement of all the property and liabilities and the
    34  sources of the annual income of each presbytery and a description of any

    35  property held by such presbyteries in trust for  specific  purposes.  In
    36  its  discretion  the court may direct that notice of the hearing of such
    37  petition be given to the parties interested therein in such manner as it
    38  may prescribe.
    39    5. After hearing all the parties interested, present and  desiring  to
    40  be heard, the court may make an order for the consolidation or merger of
    41  the presbyteries on the terms of such agreement and such other terms and
    42  conditions  as  it  may prescribe, specifying the name of the new corpo-
    43  ration or the name the continuing corporation will have if  one  of  the
    44  [constitutent] constituent corporations is to become the consolidated or
    45  merged  corporation,  the first trustees thereof if a new corporation is
    46  to be created and the method by which their successors shall  be  chosen

    47  and  the date of the first annual corporate meeting if a new corporation
    48  is to be created.
    49    6. When such order is made and duly entered, the persons  constituting
    50  such  corporate  presbyteries shall become one incorporated consolidated
    51  or merged presbytery by, and said petitioning presbyteries shall  become
    52  consolidated  or merged under, the name designated in the order, and the
    53  trustees therein named, if it is a new corporation, shall be  the  first
    54  trustees  thereof,  and  if it is a new corporation the trustees thereof
    55  shall be chosen by the method therein designated, and  all  the  estate,
    56  rights,  powers  and  property of whatsoever nature, belonging to either

        A. 8072                            15
     1  corporation shall without further act or deed be vested in and/or trans-

     2  ferred to the new corporation as effectually as they were vested  in  or
     3  belonging  to  the former corporations, and the new or continuing corpo-
     4  rations  shall be liable for all the debts and liabilities of the former
     5  corporations in the same manner and as effectually as if said  debts  or
     6  liabilities had been contracted or incurred by the new corporation.
     7    7. The order or a certified copy thereof shall be recorded in the book
     8  for  recording  certificates  of  incorporation  in  each county clerk's
     9  office in which the certificate of  incorporation  of  each  constituent
    10  presbytery was recorded.
    11    8.  Such  consolidated  or merged presbytery shall have all the powers
    12  and responsibilities conferred upon presbyteries by the constitution and
    13  form of government of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

    14    § 26. Section 208 of the religious corporations law, as added by chap-
    15  ter 117 of the laws of 1927, is amended to read as follows:
    16    § 208. Consolidation.  Any two or more religious corporations  of  the
    17  Jewish  faith,  incorporated  under  or  by general or special laws, may
    18  enter into an agreement for the consolidation or merger of  such  corpo-
    19  rations,  setting  forth  the terms and conditions of consolidation, the
    20  name of the proposed or surviving corporation, the number of  its  trus-
    21  tees, the time of the annual election and the names of the persons to be
    22  its  trustees  until  the first or next annual meeting. Each corporation
    23  may petition the supreme court for an order consolidating or merging the
    24  corporations, setting forth the agreement for consolidation   or  merger

    25  and  a statement of its real property and of its liabilities. Before the
    26  presentation of the petition to the court  the  agreement  and  petition
    27  must  be  approved by two-thirds of the votes cast in person or by proxy
    28  at a meeting of the members of each corporation called for  the  purpose
    29  of  considering  the  proposed  consolidation  or  merger  in the manner
    30  prescribed by section [forty-three of the membership  corporations  law]
    31  six  hundred five of the not-for-profit corporation law. An affidavit by
    32  the president and the secretary of each corporation  stating  that  such
    33  approval  has  been given shall be annexed to the petition. On presenta-
    34  tion to the court of such petition and agreement  for  consolidation  or
    35  merger and on such notice as the court may direct, the court after hear-

    36  ing  all  the parties interested desiring to be heard, may make an order
    37  approving the consolidation or merger.  When such order is made and duly
    38  entered and a certified copy thereof filed with the secretary  of  state
    39  and  in  the  offices of the clerks of the counties in which the certif-
    40  icates of incorporation of the  several  constituent  corporations  were
    41  recorded,  or if no such certificate was recorded, then in the office of
    42  the clerk of the county in which the principal place of worship  of  the
    43  new  or  surviving  corporation  is intended to be situated, such corpo-
    44  rations shall become one corporation by the name designated in the order
    45  and the trustees named in the  agreement  for  consolidation  or  merger
    46  shall be the [first] trustees of the consolidated corporation.

    47    § 27. Section 209 of the religious corporations law, as added by chap-
    48  ter 117 of the laws of 1927, is amended to read as follows:
    49    §  209.  Effect  of consolidation.   The consolidated or merged corpo-
    50  ration shall possess all the powers of the constituent corporations  and
    51  shall  have  the power and be subject to the duties and obligations of a
    52  congregation of the Jewish faith formed  for  like  purposes  under  the
    53  religious  corporations law. All the rights, privileges and interests of
    54  each of the constituent corporations, all the property,  real,  personal
    55  and  mixed, and all the debts due on whatever account to either of them,
    56  and all things in action, belonging to either of them, shall  be  deemed

        A. 8072                            16
     1  to  be transferred to and vested in such new corporation without further

     2  act or deed; and all  claims,  demands[.],  property,  and  every  other
     3  interest, belonging to the several constituent corporations, shall be as
     4  effectually  the  property  of  the  new corporation as they were of the
     5  constituent corporations, and the title to all real  property,  held  or
     6  taken  by  deed or otherwise under the laws of this state, vested in the
     7  several constituent corporations shall not be deemed to revert or to  be
     8  in  any  way impaired by reason of the consolidation but shall be vested
     9  in the new corporation. Any devise, bequest, gift, grant, or declaration
    10  of trust, contained in any deed, will, or other instrument, in trust  or
    11  otherwise,  made before or after such consolidation, or merger to or for
    12  any of the constituent corporations, shall inure to the benefit  of  the

    13  consolidated  or  merged corporation. The consolidated corporation shall
    14  be deemed to have assumed and shall be liable for all  debts  and  obli-
    15  gations  of  the  constituent corporations in the same manner as if such
    16  new corporation had itself incurred such debts or obligations.
    17    § 28. Subdivision 2 of section 711 of the surrogate's court  procedure
    18  act is amended to read as follows:
    19    2.  Where  by  reason  of  his having wasted or improperly applied the
    20  assets of the estate, or made investments unauthorized by law or  other-
    21  wise  improvidently  managed  or  injured  the property committed to his
    22  charge, including by failing to comply with  paragraph  (c)  of  section
    23  8-1.9  of  the  estates,  powers  and  trusts law, or by reason of other
    24  misconduct in the execution of his office  or  dishonesty,  drunkenness,

    25  improvidence  or want of understanding, he is unfit for the execution of
    26  his office.
    27    § 29. Subparagraph 6 of paragraph (a) of section 102 of  the  not-for-
    28  profit  corporation  law  is  amended, and eleven new subparagraphs 3-a,
    29  3-b, 6-a, 9-a, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24  and  25  are  added  to  read  as
    30  follows:
    31    (3-a)  "Charitable  corporation"  means any corporation formed, or for
    32  the purposes of this  chapter,  deemed  to  be  formed,  for  charitable
    33  purposes.
    34    (3-b)  "Charitable purposes" of a corporation means purposes contained
    35  in the certificate of incorporation of the corporation that are charita-
    36  ble, educational, religious, scientific, literary, cultural or  for  the
    37  prevention of cruelty to children or animals.

    38    (6)  "Director"  means  any  member of the governing board of a corpo-
    39  ration, whether designated as director, trustee, manager,  governor,  or
    40  by  any  other title. The term "board" means "board of directors" or any
    41  other body constituting a "governing board" as defined in this section.
    42    (6-a) "Entire board" means the total number of directors  entitled  to
    43  vote  which  the  corporation would have if there were no vacancies.  If
    44  the by-laws of the corporation provide that the board shall consist of a
    45  fixed number of directors, then the "entire board" shall consist of that
    46  number of directors.  If the by-laws of any corporation provide that the
    47  board may consist of a range between a minimum  and  maximum  number  of

    48  directors, then the "entire board" shall consist of the number of direc-
    49  tors  within  such  range that were elected as of the most recently held
    50  election of directors.
    51    (9-a) "Non-charitable corporation" means any corporation formed  under
    52  this  chapter,  other  than  a charitable corporation, including but not
    53  limited to one formed for any one or more of the following non-pecuniary
    54  purposes: civic,  patriotic,  political,  social,  fraternal,  athletic,
    55  agricultural,  horticultural, or animal husbandry, or for the purpose of

        A. 8072                            17
     1  operating a professional, commercial, industrial, trade or service asso-
     2  ciation.

     3    (19)  An  "affiliate" of a corporation means any entity controlled by,
     4  in control of, or under common control with such corporation.
     5    (20) "Independent  auditor"  means  any  certified  public  accountant
     6  performing  the  audit  of  the  financial  statements  of a corporation
     7  required by subdivision one of section one hundred seventy-two-b of  the
     8  executive law.
     9    (21)  "Independent director" means a director who: (i) is not, and has
    10  not been within the last three years, an employee of the corporation  or
    11  an affiliate of the corporation, and does not have a relative who is, or
    12  has  been within the last three years, a key employee of the corporation
    13  or an affiliate of the corporation; (ii) has not received, and does  not

    14  have a relative who has received, in any of the last three fiscal years,
    15  more  than  ten  thousand dollars in direct compensation from the corpo-
    16  ration or an affiliate of the corporation (other than reimbursement  for
    17  expenses  reasonably  incurred  as a director or reasonable compensation
    18  for service as a director as permitted by paragraph (a) of  section  202
    19  (General and special powers)); and (iii) is not a current employee of or
    20  does  not  have a substantial financial interest in, and does not have a
    21  relative who is a current officer of  or  has  a  substantial  financial
    22  interest  in, any entity that has made payments to, or received payments
    23  from, the corporation or an affiliate of the corporation for property or

    24  services in an amount which, in any of  the  last  three  fiscal  years,
    25  exceeds  the  lesser  of  twenty-five thousand dollars or two percent of
    26  such entity's consolidated gross revenues.  For purposes of this subpar-
    27  agraph, "payment" does not include charitable contributions.
    28    (22) "Relative" of an individual means his or her (i)  spouse,  ances-
    29  tors,  brothers  and  sisters  (whether  whole  or half blood), children
    30  (whether natural or adopted),  grandchildren,  great-grandchildren,  and
    31  spouses  of brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren, and great-grand-
    32  children; or (ii) domestic partner as  defined  in  section  twenty-nine
    33  hundred ninety-four-a of the public health law.

    34    (23)  "Related  party" means (i) any director, officer or key employee
    35  of the corporation or any affiliate of the corporation; (ii)  any  rela-
    36  tive  of any director, officer or key employee of the corporation or any
    37  affiliate of the corporation; or (iii) any entity in which any  individ-
    38  ual  described  in clauses (i) and (ii) of this subparagraph has a thir-
    39  ty-five percent or greater ownership or beneficial interest or,  in  the
    40  case  of a partnership or professional corporation, a direct or indirect
    41  ownership interest in excess of five percent.
    42    (24) "Related party transaction" means any transaction,  agreement  or
    43  any  other arrangement in which a related party has a financial interest

    44  and in which the corporation or any affiliate of the  corporation  is  a
    45  participant.
    46    (25)  "Key employee" means any person who is in a position to exercise
    47  substantial influence over the affairs of the corporation, as referenced
    48  in 26  U.S.C.  §  4958(f)(1)(A)  and  further  specified  in  26  CFR  §
    49  53.4958-3(c), (d) and (e), or succeeding provisions.
    50    § 30. Paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of section 103 of the not-for-profit
    51  corporation  law, paragraph (a) as amended by chapter 807 of the laws of
    52  1973, paragraph (b) as amended by chapter 847 of the laws of  1970,  and
    53  paragraph (c) as amended by chapter 961 of the laws of 1972, are amended
    54  to read as follows:
    55    (a)    Except  as  otherwise  provided  in  this section, this chapter

    56  applies to every domestic corporation as herein defined,  and  to  every

        A. 8072                            18
     1  foreign  corporation as herein defined which is authorized to conduct or
     2  which conducts any activities in this state. This chapter  also  applies
     3  to  any  other  domestic corporation or foreign corporation of any [type
     4  or]  kind  to the extent, if any, provided under this chapter or any law
     5  governing such corporation and, if no such provision for application  is
     6  made,  to  the  extent,  if  any,  that  the membership corporations law
     7  applied to such corporation as of the effective date of this chapter.  A
     8  corporation formed by a special act of this state which has as its prin-
     9  cipal  purpose an education purpose and which is a member of the univer-

    10  sity of the state of New  York,  is  an  "education  corporation"  under
    11  section two hundred sixteen-a of the education law.
    12    To  the  extent  that  the  membership corporations law or the general
    13  corporation law applied to it as of the effective date of this  chapter,
    14  the  corresponding  provisions  of  this  chapter apply to a corporation
    15  heretofore formed by or pursuant to a special act of  this  state  other
    16  than  a religious corporation or an "education corporation" under clause
    17  (b) of subdivision one of section two hundred sixteen-a of the education
    18  law, if (1) its principal purpose is a religious, charitable  or  educa-
    19  tion  purpose, and (2) it is operated, supervised or controlled by or in
    20  connection with a religious  organization.  [Any  such  corporation  may
    21  elect  hereunder at any time after the effective date of this chapter to

    22  file a certificate of type under section one hundred  thirteen  (Certif-
    23  icate  of  type  of not-for-profit corporation). Upon the filing of such
    24  certificate by the department of state, this chapter shall apply in  all
    25  respects to such corporation.]
    26    This  chapter  also  applies to any other corporation of any [type or]
    27  kind, formed [not for profit] not-for-profit under any other chapter  of
    28  the laws of this state except a chapter of the consolidated laws, to the
    29  extent  that  provisions  of  this  chapter  do  not  conflict  with the
    30  provisions of such unconsolidated law.   If an applicable  provision  of
    31  such unconsolidated law relates to a matter embraced in this chapter but
    32  is  not  in conflict therewith, both provisions shall apply.  Any corpo-

    33  ration to which this chapter is made applicable by this paragraph  shall
    34  be  treated  as  a "corporation" or "domestic corporation" as such terms
    35  are used in this chapter, except that the purposes of  any  such  corpo-
    36  ration formed or formable under such unconsolidated law shall not there-
    37  by  be extended.   For the purpose of this paragraph, the effective date
    38  of this chapter as to corporations to which this chapter is made  appli-
    39  cable  by this paragraph shall be September one, nineteen hundred seven-
    40  ty-three.
    41    (b)  The general corporation law does not apply to  a  corporation  of
    42  any  [type  or]  kind to which this chapter applies.  A reference in any
    43  statute of this state which makes a provision of the general corporation
    44  law applicable to a corporation of any [type  or]  kind  to  which  this

    45  chapter is applicable or a reference in any statute of this state, other
    46  than  the  membership  corporations  law, which makes a provision of the
    47  membership corporations law applicable to a corporation of any [type or]
    48  kind shall be deemed and construed to refer to and make  applicable  the
    49  corresponding provision, if any, of this chapter.
    50    (c)  If  any  provision  in articles one to thirteen inclusive of this
    51  chapter conflicts with a provision of any subsequent articles or of  any
    52  special  act  under which a corporation to which this chapter applies is
    53  formed,  the  provision  in  such  subsequent  article  or  special  act
    54  prevails.    A  provision  of any such subsequent article or special act
    55  relating to a matter referred to in articles one to  thirteen  inclusive
    56  and  not  in  conflict  therewith  is supplemental and both shall apply.

        A. 8072                            19
     1  Whenever the board of a [Type B] corporation,  formed  under  a  special
     2  act, reasonably makes an interpretation as to whether a provision of the
     3  special act or this chapter prevails, or both apply, such interpretation
     4  shall  govern  unless  and  until  a court determines otherwise, if such
     5  board has acted in good faith for a purpose which it reasonably believes
     6  to be in the best interests of the corporation, provided  however,  that
     7  such interpretation shall not bind any governmental body or officer.
     8    § 31. Paragraph (a) of section 104-A of the not-for-profit corporation
     9  law is REPEALED.
    10    § 32. Section 105 of the not-for-profit corporation law, as amended by
    11  chapter 172 of the laws of 1999, is amended to read as follows:
    12  § 105. Certificates; corrections.

    13    (a)  Any  certificate  or  other  instrument relating to a domestic or
    14  foreign corporation submitted to the  department  of  state  under  this
    15  chapter  may  be corrected with respect to any typographical, or similar
    16  non-material error apparent on the face of the  certificate  or  instru-
    17  ment,  prior  to  the  filing  of  such certificate or instrument by the
    18  department of state. Such correction shall be effected by the department
    19  of state upon authorization in writing or  by  electronic  mail  by  the
    20  incorporator,  or  following  incorporation, by any person authorized by
    21  the corporation.
    22    (b) Any certificate or other instrument  relating  to  a  domestic  or
    23  foreign  corporation filed by the department of state under this chapter

    24  may be corrected with respect to any [informality or]  typographical  or
    25  similar  non-material  error  apparent  on  the  face  or  defect in the
    26  execution thereof including the deletion of any matter not permitted  to
    27  be  stated  therein.  A certificate, entitled "Certificate of correction
    28  of.......... (correct title of certificate  and  name  of  corporation)"
    29  shall  be signed and delivered to the department of state.  It shall set
    30  forth the name of the  corporation,  the  date  the  certificate  to  be
    31  corrected  was  filed  by  the department of state, the provision in the
    32  certificate as corrected or eliminated and if the execution  was  defec-
    33  tive, the proper execution. The filing of the certificate by the depart-
    34  ment of state shall not alter the effective time of the instrument being

    35  corrected,  which shall remain as its original effective time, and shall
    36  not affect any right  or  liability  accrued  or  incurred  before  such
    37  filing.  A  corporate  name  may  not be changed or corrected under this
    38  section other than to correct any typographical or similar  non-material
    39  error.
    40    §  33. Subparagraphs 7, 8 and 9 of paragraph (a) of section 112 of the
    41  not-for-profit corporation law, subparagraphs 7  and  9  as  amended  by
    42  chapter  1058 of the laws of 1971, are amended and a new subparagraph 10
    43  is added to read as follows:
    44    (7)   To enforce any right given under  this  chapter  to  members,  a
    45  director  or  an officer of a [Type B or Type C] charitable corporation.
    46  The attorney-general shall have the same status as such members,  direc-
    47  tor or officer.

    48    (8) To compel the directors and officers, or any of them, of a [Type B
    49  or Type C] charitable corporation which has been dissolved under section
    50  1011  (Dissolution  for  failure to file certificate of type of Not-for-
    51  Profit Corporation Law under section 113) to account for the  assets  of
    52  the dissolved corporation.
    53    (9) Upon application, ex parte, for an order to the supreme court at a
    54  special  term  held within the judicial district where the office of the
    55  corporation is located, and if the court so orders, to enforce any right
    56  given under this chapter to members, a director or an officer of a [Type

        A. 8072                            20

     1  A corporation] non-charitable corporation.  For such purpose, the attor-

     2  ney-general shall have the same status  as  such  members,  director  or
     3  officer.
     4    (10) To enjoin, void or rescind any related party transaction, or seek
     5  additional  damages  or  remedies pursuant to section 715 (Related party
     6  transactions) of this chapter.
     7    § 34. Subparagraph 1 of paragraph (c) of section 112 of  the  not-for-
     8  profit corporation law is amended to read as follows:
     9    (1)  As used in this paragraph the term "resident" shall include indi-
    10  viduals,  domestic corporations of any [type or] kind and foreign corpo-
    11  rations of any [type or] kind authorized to  do  business  or  carry  on
    12  activities in the state.
    13    § 35. Section 113 of the not-for-profit corporation law is REPEALED.
    14    §  36.  Section 114 of the not-for-profit corporation law, as added by

    15  chapter 847 of the laws of 1970, is amended to read as follows:
    16  § 114. Visitation of supreme court.
    17    [Type B and Type C]  Charitable  corporations,  whether  formed  under
    18  general or special laws, with their books and vouchers, shall be subject
    19  to  the  visitation and inspection of a justice of the supreme court, or
    20  of any person appointed by the court for that purpose.  If it appears by
    21  the verified petition of a member, director, officer or creditor of  any
    22  such  corporation,  that  it,  or  its directors, officers, members, key
    23  employees or agents, have misappropriated any of the funds  or  property
    24  of  the  corporation,  or diverted them from the purpose of its incorpo-
    25  ration, or that the corporation has acquired property in excess  of  the

    26  amount  which  it  is  authorized  by law to hold, or has engaged in any
    27  business other than that stated in its certificate of incorporation, the
    28  court may order that notice of at least eight days, with a copy  of  the
    29  petition,  be  served  on  the corporation, the attorney general and the
    30  persons charged with misconduct, requiring them to show cause at a  time
    31  and place specified, why they should not be required to make and file an
    32  inventory  and  account of the property, effects and liabilities of such
    33  corporation with a detailed statement of  its  transactions  during  the
    34  twelve months next preceding the granting of such order.  On the hearing
    35  of such application, the court may make an order requiring such invento-
    36  ry,  account and statement to be filed, and proceed to take and state an
    37  account of the property and  liabilities  of  the  corporation,  or  may

    38  appoint  a  referee  for  that purpose.   When such account is taken and
    39  stated, after hearing all the parties to the application, the court  may
    40  enter  a  final  order determining the amount of property so held by the
    41  corporation, its annual income, whether any of the property or funds  of
    42  the  corporation  have  been  misappropriated  or  diverted to any other
    43  purpose than that for  which  such  corporation  was  incorporated,  and
    44  whether such corporation has been engaged in any activity not covered by
    45  its certificate of incorporation.  An appeal may be taken from the order
    46  by  any  party aggrieved to the appellate division of the supreme court,
    47  and to the court of appeals, as in a civil action.  No corporation shall
    48  be required to make and file more than one inventory and account in  any
    49  one  year, nor to make a second account and inventory, while proceedings

    50  are pending for the statement of an account under this section.
    51    § 37. Section 115 of the not-for-profit corporation law, as  added  by
    52  chapter 669 of the laws of 1977, is amended to read as follows:
    53  § 115. Power to solicit contributions for charitable purposes.
    54    [No corporation having the power to solicit contributions for charita-
    55  ble  purposes  may  solicit  contributions  for  any  purpose  for which
    56  approval of such  solicitation  is  required  under  the  provisions  of

        A. 8072                            21

     1  section four hundred four of this chapter unless the certificate specif-
     2  ically  makes  provision  for such solicitation and the required written
     3  approval is endorsed on or annexed to such  certificate  or  unless  the

     4  corporation  is  among those referred to in section one hundred seventy-
     5  two-a of the executive law. If such approval is  not  obtained  and  the
     6  corporation  continues  to  solicit or to receive contributions for such
     7  purpose or advertises that it has obtained such approval,  the]  (a)  No
     8  corporation  required  to obtain approval or provide notice of formation
     9  pursuant to section 404 (Approvals, notices and consents) of this  chap-
    10  ter may solicit contributions for any purpose requiring such approval or
    11  notice  unless  and  until  such corporation (1) obtains and submits any
    12  approval or notice required thereunder, and (2) is  in  compliance  with
    13  the  registration  and  reporting requirements of article seven-A of the

    14  executive law and section 8-1.4 of the estates, powers and trusts law.
    15    (b) The attorney general[, at the  request  of  the  officer  or  body
    16  authorized  to  grant  such  approval,  shall] may maintain an action or
    17  proceeding pursuant to the provisions of subparagraph one  of  paragraph
    18  (a)  of section one hundred twelve of this [chapter] article against any
    19  corporation that solicits contributions in violation of paragraph (a) of
    20  this section.  Such an action may also be maintained in  relation  to  a
    21  corporation  hereinafter  incorporated if the name, purposes, objects or
    22  the activities of such corporation may,  in  any  manner,  lead  to  the
    23  belief  that  the  corporation  possesses  or  may  exercise any of such
    24  purposes.

    25    § 38. Section 201 of the not-for-profit corporation law, paragraph (b)
    26  as amended by chapter 847 of the laws  of  1970  and  paragraph  (c)  as
    27  amended  by  chapter  1058  of  the  laws of 1971, is amended to read as
    28  follows:
    29  § 201. Purposes.
    30    (a) A corporation, as defined in [subparagraph (5),] paragraph (a)  of
    31  §  102  (Definitions),  may be formed under this chapter [as provided in
    32  paragraph (b)] as a charitable corporation or  a  non-charitable  corpo-
    33  ration  unless  it  may  be formed under any other corporate law of this
    34  state, in which event it may not be formed  under  this  chapter  unless
    35  such other corporate law expressly so provides.
    36    (b)  [A  corporation,  of  a  type  and  for  a purpose or purposes as

    37  follows, may be formed under this chapter,  provided  consents  required
    38  under any other statute of this state have been obtained:
    39    Type  A  -]  A  corporation formed under this chapter on or after July
    40  first, two thousand fourteen shall either be a charitable corporation or
    41  a non-charitable corporation. Any corporation formed for both charitable
    42  purposes and non-charitable purposes shall be deemed a charitable corpo-
    43  ration for purposes of this chapter. A type A not-for-profit corporation
    44  [of this type may be formed  for  any  lawful  non-business  purpose  or
    45  purposes including, but not limited to, any one or more of the following
    46  non-pecuniary purposes:  civic, patriotic, political, social, fraternal,

    47  athletic,  agricultural,  horticultural,  animal  husbandry,  and  for a
    48  professional, commercial, industrial, trade or service association.
    49    Type B - A not-for-profit corporation of this type may be  formed  for
    50  any  one  or  more  of  the following non-business purposes: charitable,
    51  educational,  religious,  scientific,  literary,  cultural  or  for  the
    52  prevention of cruelty to children or animals.
    53    Type  C  - A not-for-profit corporation of this type may be formed for
    54  any lawful business purpose to achieve a lawful public  or  quasi-public
    55  objective.

        A. 8072                            22

     1    Type D - A not-for-profit corporation of this type may be formed under

     2  this  chapter  when  such formation is authorized by any other corporate
     3  law of this state for any business  or  non-business,  or  pecuniary  or
     4  non-pecuniary,  purpose or purposes specified by such other law, whether
     5  such  purpose  or purposes are also within types A, B, C above or other-
     6  wise.
     7    (c) If a corporation is formed for purposes which are within both type
     8  A and type B above, it is a type B corporation.   If a  corporation  has
     9  among  its purposes any purpose which is within type C, such corporation
    10  is a type C corporation.   A  type  D  corporation  is  subject  to  all
    11  provisions  of this chapter which are applicable to a type B corporation
    12  under this chapter unless provided to the contrary in,  and  subject  to

    13  the  contrary  provisions of, the other corporate law authorizing forma-
    14  tion under this chapter of the type D corporation.] formed prior to July
    15  first, two thousand fourteen shall be  deemed  a  non-charitable  corpo-
    16  ration  under this chapter. Any submission or filing by such corporation
    17  to any person or entity shall be deemed to have been submitted or  filed
    18  by a non-charitable corporation, and any reference in any such filing or
    19  submission  referring  to  the  status  of  such corporation as a type A
    20  corporation shall be deemed to refer to a non-charitable corporation.
    21    (c) A type B or C not-for-profit  corporation  formed  prior  to  July
    22  first,  two  thousand  fourteen shall be deemed a charitable corporation

    23  for all purposes under this chapter. Any submission or  filing  by  such
    24  corporation to any person or entity shall be deemed to have been submit-
    25  ted  or filed by a charitable corporation, and any reference in any such
    26  filing or submission referring to the status of such  corporation  as  a
    27  type  B  or  type C corporation shall be deemed to refer to a charitable
    28  corporation.
    29    (d) A type D not-for-profit corporation formed prior  to  July  first,
    30  two thousand fourteen for charitable purposes as that term is defined in
    31  this chapter shall be deemed a charitable corporation. Any submission or
    32  filing  by  such  corporation to any person or entity shall be deemed to
    33  have been submitted or filed by a charitable corporation, and any refer-

    34  ence in any such filing or submission referring to the  status  of  such
    35  corporation as a type D corporation shall be deemed to refer to a chari-
    36  table  corporation.  Any other type D not-for-profit corporations formed
    37  prior to July first, two thousand fourteen shall be deemed a  non-chari-
    38  table  corporation.  Any submission or filing by such corporation to any
    39  person or entity shall be deemed to have been submitted or  filed  by  a
    40  non-charitable  corporation,  and  any  reference  in any such filing or
    41  submission referring to the status of  such  corporation  as  a  type  D
    42  corporation shall be deemed to refer to a non-charitable corporation.
    43    §  39. Section 204 of the not-for-profit corporation law is amended to
    44  read as follows:

    45  § 204. Limitation on activities.
    46    Notwithstanding any other provision  of  this  chapter  or  any  other
    47  general  law,  a corporation of any [type or] kind to which this chapter
    48  applies shall conduct no activities for pecuniary  profit  or  financial
    49  gain, whether or not in furtherance of its corporate purposes, except to
    50  the  extent that such activity supports its other lawful activities then
    51  being conducted.
    52    § 40. Subparagraphs 2 and 3 of paragraph (a) of  section  301  of  the
    53  not-for-profit corporation law, subparagraph 2 as amended by chapter 344
    54  of the laws of 2004, are amended to read as follows:
    55    (2)  (A)  Shall  be such as to distinguish it from the names of corpo-
    56  rations of any [type or] kind, or a fictitious  name  of  an  authorized

        A. 8072                            23

     1  foreign  corporation filed pursuant to article thirteen of this chapter,
     2  as such names appear on the index of  names  of  existing  domestic  and
     3  authorized  foreign corporations of any [type or] kind, including ficti-
     4  tious names of authorized foreign corporations filed pursuant to article
     5  thirteen of this chapter, in the department of state, division of corpo-
     6  rations, or a name the right to which is reserved.
     7    (B)  Shall be such as to distinguish it from (i) the names of domestic
     8  limited liability companies, (ii) the names of authorized foreign limit-
     9  ed liability companies, (iii) the fictitious names of authorized foreign
    10  limited liability companies, (iv) the names of domestic limited partner-
    11  ships, (v) the names of authorized foreign limited partnerships, or (vi)
    12  the fictitious names of authorized foreign limited partnerships, in each

    13  case, as such names appear on the index of names  of  existing  domestic
    14  and authorized foreign limited liability companies, including fictitious
    15  names  of authorized foreign limited liability companies, in the depart-
    16  ment of state, or on the index of names of existing domestic or  author-
    17  ized foreign limited partnerships, including fictitious names of author-
    18  ized  foreign limited partnerships, in the department of state, or names
    19  the rights to which are reserved; provided, however, that no corporation
    20  that was formed prior to the  effective  date  of  this  clause  and  no
    21  foreign  corporation  that  was  qualified to conduct activities in this
    22  state prior to such effective date shall be required to change the  name
    23  or  fictitious  name  it  had on such effective date solely by reason of
    24  such name or fictitious name being indistinguishable from  the  name  or

    25  fictitious  name of any domestic or authorized foreign limited liability
    26  company or limited partnership or from any name the right  to  which  is
    27  reserved  by  or  on behalf of any domestic or foreign limited liability
    28  company or limited partnership.
    29    (3)  Shall not contain any word or  phrase,  or  any  abbreviation  or
    30  derivative  thereof,  the  use  of  which is prohibited or restricted by
    31  section 404 (Approvals, notices and consents) or any  other  statute  of
    32  this  state,  unless  in  the  latter  case  the  restrictions have been
    33  complied with.
    34    § 41. Subparagraph 3 of paragraph (b) of section 302 of  the  not-for-
    35  profit  corporation  law, as amended by chapter 847 of the laws of 1970,
    36  is amended to read as follows:
    37    (3) Shall not prevent a  foreign  corporation  from  being  authorized

    38  under  a name which is similar to the name of a corporation of any [type
    39  or] kind existing or authorized under any statute, if the department  of
    40  state  finds,  upon proof by affidavit or otherwise as it may determine,
    41  that a difference between such names exists in  the  terms  or  abbrevi-
    42  ations  indicating  corporate character or otherwise, that the applicant
    43  has conducted activities as a corporation under its said  name  for  not
    44  less  than  ten  consecutive  years immediately prior to the date of its
    45  application, that the activities to be conducted in this state  are  not
    46  the  same  or  similar  to  the  business or activities conducted by the
    47  corporation with whose name it may conflict and that the public  is  not
    48  likely  to  be confused or deceived, and if the applicant shall agree in
    49  its application for authority to use with its corporate  name,  in  this

    50  state,  to be placed immediately under or following such name, the words
    51  "a ..... (name of jurisdiction of incorporation) corporation".
    52    § 42. Paragraph (c) of section 303 of the  not-for-profit  corporation
    53  law,  as  amended by chapter 590 of the laws of 1982, is amended to read
    54  as follows:
    55    (c) Application to reserve a corporate name shall be delivered to  the
    56  department  of  state.  It  shall  set forth the name and address of the

        A. 8072                            24
     1  applicant, the name to be reserved and a statement of  the  basis  under
     2  paragraph  (a)  or  (b)  for the application. The secretary of state may
     3  require the applicant to set forth in his application the nature of  the
     4  activities  to be conducted by the corporation. If the name is available
     5  for corporate use, the department of state shall reserve  the  name  for

     6  the  use of the applicant for a period of sixty days and issue a certif-
     7  icate of reservation. The prohibitions, restrictions and  qualifications
     8  set  forth in section 301 (Corporate name; general), section 302 (Corpo-
     9  rate name; exceptions) and section 404 (Approvals, notices and consents)
    10  are not waived by the issuance of  a  certificate  of  reservation.  The
    11  certificate  of reservation shall include the name of the applicant, the
    12  name reserved and the date of the reservation. The certificate of reser-
    13  vation (or in lieu thereof an affidavit by the applicant or by his agent
    14  or attorney that  the  certificate  of  reservation  has  been  lost  or
    15  destroyed)  shall  accompany  the  certificate  of  incorporation or the
    16  application for authority when either is delivered to the department  of
    17  state.

    18    § 43. Section 304 of the not-for-profit corporation law, as amended by
    19  chapter 168 of the laws of 1982, is amended to read as follows:
    20  § 304. Statutory  designation of secretary of state as agent of domestic
    21           corporations [formed under article four of  this  chapter]  and
    22           authorized foreign corporations for service of process.
    23    (a) The secretary of state shall be the agent of every domestic corpo-
    24  ration  [formed under article four of this chapter] and every authorized
    25  foreign corporation upon whom process against  the  corporation  may  be
    26  served.
    27    (b)  Any  designation  by a domestic corporation [formed under article
    28  four of this chapter] or foreign corporation of the secretary  of  state
    29  as  such  agent, which designation is in effect on the effective date of

    30  this chapter, shall continue. Every domestic corporation  [formed  under
    31  article  four  of  this  chapter]  or  foreign  corporation, existing or
    32  authorized on the effective date of this chapter, which has  not  desig-
    33  nated the secretary of state as such agent, shall be deemed to have done
    34  so.
    35    (c)  Any  designation  by a domestic corporation [formed under article
    36  four of this chapter] or foreign corporation of an agent other than  the
    37  secretary  of  state  which  is  in effect on the effective date of this
    38  chapter shall continue in effect until changed or revoked as provided in
    39  this chapter.
    40    (d) Any designated post-office address to which the secretary of state
    41  shall mail a copy of process served upon him or her as agent of a domes-

    42  tic corporation [formed under article four of this chapter]  or  foreign
    43  corporation, shall continue until the filing of a certificate under this
    44  chapter directing the mailing to a different post-office address.
    45    §  44.  Paragraph (a) of section 305 of the not-for-profit corporation
    46  law, as amended by chapter 131 of the laws of 1985, is amended  to  read
    47  as follows:
    48    (a)  Every  domestic corporation or authorized foreign corporation may
    49  designate a registered agent in this state  upon  whom  process  against
    50  such  corporation may be served. The agent shall be a natural person who
    51  is a resident of or has a business address in this state or  a  domestic
    52  corporation  or  foreign  corporation  of  any [type or] kind formed, or
    53  authorized to do business in this state, under this chapter or under any
    54  other statute of this state.

    55    § 45. Paragraphs (b) and (c) of  section  306  of  the  not-for-profit
    56  corporation  law, paragraph (b) as amended by chapter 168 of the laws of

        A. 8072                            25
     1  1982, and paragraph (c) as amended by chapter 93 of the  laws  of  1984,
     2  are amended to read as follows:
     3    (b)  Service of process on the secretary of state as agent of a domes-
     4  tic corporation [formed under  article  four  of  this  chapter]  or  an
     5  authorized foreign corporation shall be made by personally delivering to
     6  and  leaving  with [him or his] the deputy of the secretary of state, or
     7  with any person authorized by the secretary of  state  to  receive  such
     8  service, at the office of the department of state in the city of Albany,
     9  duplicate  copies of such process together with the statutory fee, which

    10  fee shall be a taxable disbursement.  Service of process on such  corpo-
    11  ration  shall  be complete when the secretary of state is so served. The
    12  secretary of state shall promptly send one of such copies  by  certified
    13  mail,  return receipt requested, to such corporation, at the post office
    14  address, on file in the department of state, specified for the  purpose.
    15  If a domestic corporation [formed under article four of this chapter] or
    16  an  authorized  foreign  corporation  has no such address on file in the
    17  department of state, the secretary of state shall so mail such  copy  to
    18  such  corporation at the address of its office within this state on file
    19  in the department.
    20    (c) If an action or special proceeding is instituted  in  a  court  of
    21  limited  jurisdiction,  service  of  process  may  be made in the manner

    22  provided in this section if  the  office  of  the  domestic  corporation
    23  [formed  under  article  four of this chapter] or foreign corporation is
    24  within the territorial jurisdiction of the court.
    25    § 46. The not-for-profit corporation law is amended by  adding  a  new
    26  section 309 to read as follows:
    27  §  309.  Personal jurisdiction and service of process on non-domiciliary
    28           resident director, officer, key employee or agent.
    29    A person, by becoming a director, officer, key employee or agent of  a
    30  corporation is subject to the personal jurisdiction of the supreme court
    31  of the state of New York, and in an action or proceeding by the attorney
    32  general  under  this  chapter  process may be served upon such person as

    33  provided in section three hundred thirteen of the civil practice law and
    34  rules.
    35    § 47. Subparagraphs 2 and 4 of paragraph (a) of  section  402  of  the
    36  not-for-profit corporation law, subparagraph 2 as amended by chapter 847
    37  of  the laws of 1970 and subparagraph 4 as amended by chapter 679 of the
    38  laws of 1985, are amended to read as follows:
    39    (2) That the corporation is a corporation as defined  in  subparagraph
    40  (a)  (5)  of  section  102 (Definitions)[;], the purpose or purposes for
    41  which it is formed, and [the type of] whether it is a charitable  corpo-
    42  ration  [it  shall be] or a non-charitable corporation under section 201
    43  (Purposes)[; and in the case of a Type C corporation, the lawful  public

    44  or  quasi-public  objective  which  each business purpose will achieve].
    45  Any corporation may also set forth any activities  that  it  intends  to
    46  carry out in furtherance of such purpose or purposes; provided that this
    47  subparagraph shall not be interpreted to require that the certificate of
    48  incorporation  set  forth  such  activities  or  otherwise state how the
    49  corporation's purposes will be achieved.
    50    (4) [In the case of a Type A, Type B, or Type C corporation, the]  The
    51  names  and  addresses of the initial directors. [In the case of a Type D
    52  corporation, the names and addresses of the initial directors,  if  any,
    53  may but need not be set forth.]
    54    §  48.  The  section  heading  and paragraph (d) of section 404 of the

    55  not-for-profit corporation law, the section heading and paragraph (d) as
    56  amended by chapter 139 of the laws of 1993, and paragraph (d) as  relet-

        A. 8072                            26
     1  tered  by  chapter  431  of  the  laws  of  1993, are amended to read as
     2  follows:
     3  Approvals, notices and consents.
     4    (d)  Every  corporation  whose  certificate  of incorporation includes
     5  among its purposes the operation of a school; a college,  university  or
     6  other  entity providing post secondary education; a library; or a museum
     7  or historical society shall have endorsed thereon or annexed thereto the
     8  approval of the commissioner of education, or in the case of  a  college
     9  or  a  university,  the  written authorization of the Regents. Any other

    10  corporation the certificate of incorporation of which includes a purpose
    11  for which a corporation might be chartered by the regents of the univer-
    12  sity of the State of New York shall [have endorsed  thereon  or  annexed
    13  thereto  the consent of the commissioner of education.] provide a certi-
    14  fied copy of the certificate of incorporation  to  the  commissioner  of
    15  education  within  thirty  business  days after the corporation receives
    16  confirmation from the department of state that the certificate has  been
    17  accepted for filing.
    18    §  49.  Paragraph (w) of section 404 of the not-for-profit corporation
    19  law is REPEALED and a new paragraph (w) is added to read as follows:
    20    (w) A statement in the certificate of incorporation of  a  corporation

    21  that  the  corporation's purposes and powers do not include any of those
    22  described in paragraphs (a) through (v) of this section shall be  suffi-
    23  cient  to satisfy the approval and notice requirements contained in this
    24  section provided such statement is accurate as of the date  the  certif-
    25  icate of incorporation is filed.
    26    §  50.  Paragraph (d) of section 502 of the not-for-profit corporation
    27  law is amended to read as follows:
    28    (d) A member's capital contribution shall be evidenced  by  a  capital
    29  certificate which shall be non-transferable, except that the certificate
    30  of  incorporation  of  a [Type A] non-charitable corporation may provide
    31  that its capital certificates, or some of them, may be  transferable  to
    32  other  members  with the consent of the corporation upon specified terms

    33  and conditions.
    34    § 51.  Paragraphs (b) and (c) of section  503  of  the  not-for-profit
    35  corporation  law,  subparagraph  1 of paragraph (b) and paragraph (c) as
    36  amended by chapter 847 of the laws of  1970,  are  amended  to  read  as
    37  follows:
    38    (b)  Each  capital  certificate  shall when issued state upon the face
    39  thereof:
    40    (1) [That the corporation is a Type .....  corporation  under  section
    41  113 or section 402 of the New York Not-for-Profit Corporation Law.
    42    (2)] The name of the member to whom issued.
    43    [(3)] (2) The amount of the member's capital contribution evidenced by
    44  such certificate.
    45    [(4)] (3) If appropriate, that the corporation is a [Type A] non-char-

    46  itable  corporation,  and that its certificate of incorporation provides
    47  that the capital certificate is transferable to other members  with  the
    48  consent of the corporation.
    49    [(c)]  (4)  The  fact  that the corporation is a not-for-profit corpo-
    50  ration, and that the  capital  certificate  is  non-transferable  or  is
    51  transferable  to  other  members,  with  the consent of the corporation,
    52  shall be noted conspicuously on the face or back of  each  such  certif-
    53  icate.
    54    §  52.  Paragraph (b) of section 505 of the not-for-profit corporation
    55  law, subparagraph 1 as amended by chapter 847 of the laws  of  1970,  is
    56  amended to read as follows:

        A. 8072                            27
     1    (b)  Each subvention certificate shall when issued state upon the face
     2  thereof:

     3    (1)  [That  the  corporation is a Type ..... corporation under section
     4  113 or section 402 of the New York Not-for-Profit Corporation Law.
     5    (2)] The name of the person or persons to whom issued.
     6    [(3)] (2) The amount of the subvention evidenced by such certificate.
     7    [(4)] (3) The amount of the periodic payment thereon, if any,  author-
     8  ized by the resolution of the board.
     9    [(5)]  (4)  If  appropriate,  that the certificate is redeemable and a
    10  summary of the conditions for redemption at the  option  of  the  corpo-
    11  ration or of the holder.
    12    [(6)] (5) If appropriate, that the certificate is transferable, either
    13  at will or subject to specified restrictions.
    14    § 53. Section 509 of the not-for-profit corporation law, as amended by

    15  chapter 145 of the laws of 1991, is amended to read as follows:
    16  § 509. Purchase, sale, mortgage and lease of real property.
    17    (a) No corporation shall purchase [of] real property [shall be made by
    18  a  corporation  and  no  corporation  shall sell, mortgage or lease real
    19  property, unless authorized by the vote  of]  unless  such  purchase  is
    20  authorized  by  the vote of a majority of directors of the board or of a
    21  majority of a committee authorized by the board, provided that  if  such
    22  property  would, upon purchase thereof, constitute all, or substantially
    23  all, of the assets of the corporation, then the vote  of  two-thirds  of
    24  the entire board[, provided that if] shall be required, or, if there are

    25  twenty-one or more directors, the vote of a majority of the entire board
    26  shall be sufficient.
    27    (b)  No corporation shall sell, mortgage, lease, exchange or otherwise
    28  dispose of its real property unless authorized by the vote of a majority
    29  of directors of the board or of a majority of a committee authorized  by
    30  the  board;  provided that if such property constitutes all, or substan-
    31  tially all, of the assets of the corporation,  then  the  vote  of  two-
    32  thirds  of  the entire board shall be required, or, if there are twenty-
    33  one or more directors, the vote of a majority of the entire board  shall
    34  be sufficient.
    35    (c)  If  a corporation authorizes a committee to act pursuant to para-

    36  graphs (a) and (b) of this section, the committee shall promptly  report
    37  any actions taken to the board, and in no event after the next regularly
    38  scheduled meeting of the board.
    39    §  54.  Paragraph (a) of section 510 of the not-for-profit corporation
    40  law, the opening paragraph as amended by chapter  961  of  the  laws  of
    41  1972,  subparagraph  3 as amended by chapter 847 of the laws of 1970, is
    42  amended to read as follows:
    43    (a) A sale, lease, exchange or other disposition of all,  or  substan-
    44  tially  all, the assets of a corporation may be made upon such terms and
    45  conditions and for such consideration, which may consist in whole or  in
    46  part  of  cash  or  other  property, real or personal, including shares,
    47  bonds or other securities of any other domestic or  foreign  corporation

    48  or  corporations  of any [type or] kind, as may be authorized in accord-
    49  ance with the following procedure:
    50    (1) If there are members entitled to vote  thereon,  the  board  shall
    51  adopt  a  resolution  recommending  such  sale, lease, exchange or other
    52  disposition. The resolution shall specify the terms  and  conditions  of
    53  the  proposed transaction, including the consideration to be received by
    54  the corporation and the eventual disposition to be made of such  consid-
    55  eration,  together  with  a statement that the dissolution of the corpo-
    56  ration is or is not contemplated thereafter.  The  resolution  shall  be

        A. 8072                            28
     1  submitted  to  a  vote at a meeting of members entitled to vote thereon,
     2  which may be either an annual or a special meeting. Notice of the  meet-

     3  ing  shall be given to each member and each holder of subvention certif-
     4  icates  or bonds of the corporation, whether or not entitled to vote. At
     5  such meeting by two-thirds vote as provided in paragraph (c) of  section
     6  613  (Vote  of members) the members may approve the proposed transaction
     7  according to the terms of the resolution of the board,  or  may  approve
     8  such  sale,  lease,  exchange or other disposition and may authorize the
     9  board to modify the terms and conditions thereof.
    10    (2) If there are no members  entitled  to  vote  thereon,  such  sale,
    11  lease,  exchange or other disposition shall be authorized by the vote of
    12  at least two-thirds of the entire board,  provided  that  if  there  are
    13  twenty-one or more directors, the vote of a majority of the entire board
    14  shall be sufficient.
    15    (3)  If  the corporation is, or would be if formed under this chapter,

    16  classified as a [Type B or Type C] charitable corporation under  section
    17  201[,]  (Purposes) such sale, lease, exchange or other disposition shall
    18  in addition require [leave] approval of  the  attorney  general  or  the
    19  supreme  court  in  the  judicial district or of the county court of the
    20  county in which the corporation has its office  or  principal  place  of
    21  carrying  out the [puropses] purposes for which it was formed in accord-
    22  ance with section 511 (Petition for court  approval)  or  section  511-a
    23  (Petition for attorney general approval) of this article.
    24    §  55.  The  section  heading  and paragraph (a) of section 511 of the
    25  not-for-profit corporation law,  subparagraph  6  of  paragraph  (a)  as

    26  amended  by  chapter  961  of  the  laws of 1972, are amended to read as
    27  follows:
    28  Petition for [leave of] court approval.
    29    (a) [A corporation required by law to]  To  obtain  [leave  of]  court
    30  approval  to  sell,  lease,  exchange  or  otherwise  dispose  of all or
    31  substantially all its assets, a corporation  shall  present  a  verified
    32  petition  to  the  supreme court of the judicial district, or the county
    33  court of the county, wherein the corporation has its office or principal
    34  place of carrying out the purposes for which it was formed. The petition
    35  shall set forth:
    36    1. The name of the corporation, the law  under  or  by  which  it  was
    37  incorporated.
    38    2. The names of its directors and principal officers, and their places
    39  of residence.

    40    3. The activities of the corporation.
    41    4. A description, with reasonable certainty, of the assets to be sold,
    42  leased,  exchanged,  or otherwise disposed of, or a statement that it is
    43  proposed to sell,  lease,  exchange  or  otherwise  dispose  of  all  or
    44  substantially  all the corporate assets more fully described in a sched-
    45  ule attached to the petition; and a statement of the fair value of  such
    46  assets,  and  the  amount of the corporation's debts and liabilities and
    47  how secured.
    48    5. The consideration to be received by the corporation and the  dispo-
    49  sition  proposed  to be made thereof, together with a statement that the
    50  dissolution of the corporation is or is not contemplated thereafter.
    51    6. That the consideration and the terms of the sale,  lease,  exchange
    52  or  other  disposition  of  the  assets  of the corporation are fair and

    53  reasonable to the corporation, and that the purposes of the corporation,
    54  or the interests of its members will be promoted thereby, and a  concise
    55  statement of the reasons therefor.

        A. 8072                            29
     1    7. That such sale, lease, exchange or disposition of corporate assets,
     2  has  been  recommended or authorized by vote of the directors in accord-
     3  ance with law, at a meeting duly called and held, as shown in a schedule
     4  annexed to the petition setting forth a copy of the resolution  granting
     5  such authority with a statement of the vote thereon.
     6    8. Where the consent of members of the corporation is required by law,
     7  that  such consent has been given, as shown in a schedule annexed to the
     8  petition setting forth a copy of such consent, if in writing,  or  of  a

     9  resolution  giving  such  consent,  adopted at a meeting of members duly
    10  called and held, with a statement of the vote thereon.
    11    9. A [prayer] request for  [leave]  court  approval  to  sell,  lease,
    12  exchange  or otherwise dispose of all or substantially all the assets of
    13  the corporation as set forth in the petition.
    14    § 56. The not-for-profit corporation law is amended by  adding  a  new
    15  section 511-a to read as follows:
    16  § 511-a. Petition for attorney general approval.
    17    (a)  In  lieu  of obtaining court approval under section 511 (Petition
    18  for court approval) of this article to sell, lease, exchange  or  other-
    19  wise  dispose of all or substantially all of its assets, the corporation
    20  may alternatively seek approval of  the  attorney  general  by  verified

    21  petition,  except in the following circumstances: (1) the corporation is
    22  insolvent, or would become insolvent as a result of the transaction, and
    23  must proceed on notice to creditors pursuant to paragraph (c) of section
    24  511 of this article;  or  (2)  the  attorney  general,  in  his  or  her
    25  discretion, concludes that a court should review the petition and make a
    26  determination thereon.
    27    (b)  The verified petition to the attorney general shall set forth (1)
    28  all of the information required to be included in a verified petition to
    29  obtain court approval pursuant to  subparagraphs  one  through  nine  of
    30  paragraph  (a)  of section 511 of this article; (2) a statement that the
    31  corporation is not insolvent and will not become insolvent as  a  result

    32  of  the  transaction; and (3) a statement as to whether any persons have
    33  raised, or have a reasonable basis to raise,  objections  to  the  sale,
    34  lease,  exchange  or  other disposition that is the subject of the peti-
    35  tion, including a statement setting forth the  names  and  addresses  of
    36  such  persons,  the nature of their interest, and a description of their
    37  objections. The attorney general, in his or her discretion,  may  direct
    38  the  corporation  to  provide  notice of such petition to any interested
    39  person, and the corporation shall provide the attorney  general  with  a
    40  certification that such notice has been provided.
    41    (c)  If  it  shall appear, to the satisfaction of the attorney general

    42  that the consideration and the terms of the  transaction  are  fair  and
    43  reasonable  to  the corporation and that the purposes of the corporation
    44  or the interests of the members will be promoted, the  attorney  general
    45  may  authorize  the sale, lease, exchange or other disposition of all or
    46  substantially all the assets of the corporation,  as  described  in  the
    47  petition,  for  such  consideration  and upon such terms as the attorney
    48  general may prescribe. The authorization of the attorney  general  shall
    49  direct the disposition of the consideration to be received thereunder by
    50  the corporation.
    51    (d)  At  any  time, including if the attorney general does not approve
    52  the petition, or if the attorney general concludes that court review  is

    53  appropriate,  the  petitioner  may  seek court approval on notice to the
    54  attorney general pursuant to section 511 (Petition for  court  approval)
    55  of this article.

        A. 8072                            30
     1    §  57.  Paragraph (a) of section 513 of the not-for-profit corporation
     2  law, as amended by chapter 690 of the laws of 1978, is amended  to  read
     3  as follows:
     4    (a)  A corporation which is, or would be if formed under this chapter,
     5  [classified as] a [Type B] charitable corporation shall hold full owner-
     6  ship rights in any assets consisting of funds or other real or  personal
     7  property  of any kind, that may be given, granted, bequeathed or devised
     8  to or otherwise vested in such corporation  in  trust  for,  or  with  a

     9  direction to apply the same to, any purpose specified in its certificate
    10  of  incorporation, and shall not be deemed a trustee of an express trust
    11  of such assets.  Any other corporation subject to this chapter may simi-
    12  larly hold assets so received, unless otherwise provided by  law  or  in
    13  the certificate of incorporation.
    14    §  58.  Paragraph (b) of section 515 of the not-for-profit corporation
    15  law is amended to read as follows:
    16    (b) A corporation may pay  compensation  in  a  reasonable  amount  to
    17  members,  directors,  or  officers,  for services rendered, and may make
    18  distributions of cash or property to members upon dissolution  or  final
    19  liquidation  as  permitted  by this chapter.   No person who may benefit
    20  from such compensation may be present at or otherwise participate in any

    21  board or committee deliberation or vote concerning such person's compen-
    22  sation; provided that nothing in this section shall prohibit  the  board
    23  or  authorized  committee  from requesting that a person who may benefit
    24  from such compensation present information as background or answer ques-
    25  tions at a committee or board  meeting  prior  to  the  commencement  of
    26  deliberations or voting relating thereto.
    27    § 59. Section 520 of the not-for-profit corporation law, as amended by
    28  chapter 58 of the laws of 1981, is amended to read  as follows:
    29  § 520. Reports of corporation.
    30    Each  domestic corporation, and each foreign corporation authorized to
    31  conduct activities in this state, shall from  time  to  time  file  such
    32  reports  on its activities as may be required by the laws of this state.

    33  All registration and reporting requirements pursuant to  [EPTL]  article
    34  seven-A  of  the executive law, and section 8-1.4 of the estates, powers
    35  and trusts law, or related successor provisions, are, without limitation
    36  on the foregoing, expressly included as reports required by the laws  of
    37  this state to be filed within the meaning of this section. Willful fail-
    38  ure  of  a corporation to file a report as required by law shall consti-
    39  tute a breach of the  directors'  duty  to  the  corporation  and  shall
    40  subject  the  corporation,  at  the  suit of the attorney-general, to an
    41  action or special proceeding for dissolution under article 11  (Judicial
    42  dissolution) in the case of a domestic corporation, or under [§] section
    43  1303 (Violations) in the case of a foreign corporation.

    44    §  60.  Paragraph (f) of section 555 of the not-for-profit corporation
    45  law, as added by chapter 490 of the laws of 2010, is amended to read  as
    46  follows:
    47    (f)  This  [section]  chapter  shall  not limit the application of the
    48  [doctrine] doctrines of cy pres and deviation.
    49    § 61. Paragraph (a) of section 601 of the  not-for-profit  corporation
    50  law,  as amended by chapter 1058 of the laws of 1971, is amended to read
    51  as follows:
    52    (a) A corporation shall have one or more classes of  members,  or,  in
    53  the  case  of a [Type B] charitable corporation, may have no members, in
    54  which case any such provision for classes of members or for  no  members
    55  shall  be  set forth in the certificate of incorporation or the by-laws.

    56  Corporations, joint-stock associations, unincorporated associations  and

        A. 8072                            31
     1  partnerships,  as  well  as  any other person without limitation, may be
     2  members.
     3    §  62.  Paragraph (a) of section 605 of the not-for-profit corporation
     4  law, as amended by chapter 1058 of the laws of 1971, is amended to  read
     5  as follows:
     6    (a) Whenever under the provisions of this chapter members are required
     7  or permitted to take any action at a meeting, written notice shall state
     8  the  place,  date  and  hour  of the meeting and, unless it is an annual
     9  meeting, indicate that it is being issued by or at the direction of  the
    10  person or persons calling the meeting. Notice of a special meeting shall
    11  also  state  the  purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called. A

    12  copy of the notice of any meeting shall be given,  personally  [or],  by
    13  mail,  or by facsimile telecommunications or by electronic mail, to each
    14  member entitled to  vote  at  such  meeting.  If  the  notice  is  given
    15  personally  [or], by first class mail or by facsimile telecommunications
    16  or by electronic mail, it shall be given not less than ten nor more than
    17  fifty days before the date of the meeting; if mailed by any other  class
    18  of mail, it shall be given not less than thirty nor more than sixty days
    19  before such date.  If mailed, such notice is given when deposited in the
    20  United States mail, with postage thereon prepaid, directed to the member
    21  at  his  address as it appears on the record of members, or, if he shall
    22  have filed with the secretary of the corporation a written request  that

    23  notices  to him be mailed to some other address, then directed to him at
    24  such other address.  If sent by facsimile  telecommunication  or  mailed
    25  electronically,  such  notice is given when directed to the member's fax
    26  number or electronic mail  address  as  it  appears  on  the  record  of
    27  members,  or,  to  such  fax  number or other electronic mail address as
    28  filed with the secretary of the corporation. Notwithstanding the forego-
    29  ing, such notice shall not be deemed to have been  given  electronically
    30  (1)  if  the corporation is unable to deliver two consecutive notices to
    31  the member by facsimile telecommunication or electronic mail; or (2) the
    32  corporation otherwise becomes aware that notice cannot be  delivered  to

    33  the member by facsimile telecommunication or electronic mail. An affida-
    34  vit  of the secretary or other person giving the notice or of a transfer
    35  agent of the corporation that the notice required by  this  section  has
    36  been  given  shall,  in the absence of fraud, be prima facie evidence of
    37  the facts therein stated. Whenever a  corporation  has  more  than  five
    38  hundred  members,  the  notice may be served by publication[, in lieu of
    39  mailing,] in a newspaper published in the county in the state  in  which
    40  the  principal  office  of  the  corporation is located, once a week for
    41  three successive weeks next preceding the date of the meeting,  provided
    42  that  the corporation shall also prominently post notice of such meeting
    43  on the homepage of any website maintained by the corporation continuous-

    44  ly from the date of publication through  the  date  of  the  meeting.  A
    45  corporation  shall  send  notice  of meetings by first class mail to any
    46  member who requests in writing that such notices be  delivered  by  such
    47  method.
    48    § 63.  Section 606 of the not-for-profit corporation law is amended to
    49  read as follows:
    50  § 606. Waivers of notice.
    51    Notice  of  meeting  need  not  be  given  to any member who submits a
    52  [signed] waiver of notice, in person or  by  proxy,  whether  before  or
    53  after  the  meeting.   Waiver of notice may be written or electronic. If
    54  written, the waiver must be executed  by  the  member  or  the  member's
    55  authorized  officer, director, employee, or agent by signing such waiver

    56  or causing his signature to be affixed to such waiver by any  reasonable

        A. 8072                            32
     1  means, including, but not limited to facsimile signature. If electronic,
     2  the  transmission  of the waiver must be sent by electronic mail and set
     3  forth, or be submitted with, information from which it can reasonably be
     4  determined  that  the  transmission  was  authorized  by the member. The
     5  attendance of any member at a meeting, in person or  by  proxy,  without
     6  protesting  prior to the conclusion of the meeting the lack of notice of
     7  such meeting, shall constitute a waiver of notice by him.
     8    § 64. Paragraphs (b) and (c) of  section  609  of  the  not-for-profit
     9  corporation  law,  as  added  by  chapter  186  of the laws of 1999, are
    10  amended to read as follows:

    11    (b) Without limiting the manner in which a member may authorize anoth-
    12  er person or persons to act for him as proxy pursuant to  paragraph  (a)
    13  of this section, the following shall constitute a valid means by which a
    14  member may grant such authority:
    15    (1)  A  member  may  execute  a  writing authorizing another person or
    16  persons to act for him as proxy. Execution may be  accomplished  by  the
    17  member  or  the member's authorized officer, director, employee or agent
    18  signing such writing or causing his or her signature to  be  affixed  to
    19  such  writing  by any reasonable means including, but not limited to, by
    20  facsimile signature.
    21    (2) A member may authorize another person or persons to  act  for  the
    22  member  as  proxy  by [transmitting or authorizing the transmission of a

    23  telegram, cablegram or other means of] providing such  authorization  by
    24  electronic  [transmission]  mail to the person who will be the holder of
    25  the proxy or to a proxy solicitation firm, proxy support service  organ-
    26  ization  or  like  agent  duly authorized by the person [who will be the
    27  holder of the proxy to receive such  transmission],  provided  that  any
    28  such [telegram, cablegram or other means of] authorization by electronic
    29  [transmission] mail shall either set forth [or be submitted with] infor-
    30  mation  from  which  it can be reasonably determined that the [telegram,
    31  cablegram or other] authorization by electronic [transmission] mail  was

    32  authorized  by  the  member.  If  it is determined that such [telegrams,
    33  cablegrams or other] authorization  by  electronic  [transmissions  are]
    34  mail is valid, the inspectors or, if there are no inspectors, such other
    35  persons making that determination shall specify the nature of the infor-
    36  mation upon which they relied.
    37    (c)  Any  copy,  facsimile telecommunication or other reliable reprod-
    38  uction of the writing or [transmission] electronic mail created pursuant
    39  to paragraph (b) of this section may be substituted or used in  lieu  of
    40  the  original writing or transmission for any and all purposes for which
    41  the original writing or transmission could be used, provided  that  such
    42  copy,  facsimile  telecommunication  or  other  reproduction  shall be a

    43  complete reproduction of the entire original writing or transmission.
    44    § 65. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of  section  614  of  the  not-for-profit
    45  corporation law are amended to read as follows:
    46    (a) Whenever, under this chapter, members are required or permitted to
    47  take  any action by vote, such action may be taken without a meeting [on
    48  written] upon the consent[, setting forth the action  so  taken,  signed
    49  by]  of all of the members entitled to vote thereon, which consent shall
    50  set forth the action so taken. Such consent may be written or  electron-
    51  ic.  If  written,  the  consent  must  be  executed by the member or the
    52  member's authorized officer, director, employee or agent by signing such

    53  consent or causing his signature to be affixed to  such  waiver  by  any
    54  reasonable  means  including  but not limited to facsimile signature. If
    55  electronic, the transmission of the consent must be sent  by  electronic
    56  mail  and set forth, or be submitted with, information from which it can

        A. 8072                            33
     1  reasonably be determined that the transmission  was  authorized  by  the
     2  member.    This  paragraph shall not be construed to alter or modify any
     3  provision in a certificate of incorporation not inconsistent  with  this
     4  chapter  under which the written consent of less than all of the members
     5  is sufficient for corporate action.
     6    (b) Written or electronic consent thus given by all  members  entitled

     7  to  vote  shall  have the same effect as a unanimous vote of members and
     8  any certificate with respect to the authorization or taking of any  such
     9  action  which  is delivered to the department of state shall recite that
    10  the authorization was by [uanimous] unanimous written consent.
    11    § 66. Paragraph (e) of section 621 of the  not-for-profit  corporation
    12  law,  as  amended by chapter 847 of the laws of 1970, is amended to read
    13  as follows:
    14    (e) Upon the written request of any  person  who  shall  have  been  a
    15  member  of  record  for  at  least  six months immediately preceding his
    16  request, or of any person holding, or thereunto authorized in writing by
    17  the holders of, at least five percent of any class  of  the  outstanding
    18  capital  certificates,  the  corporation shall [give or mail] provide to

    19  such member an annual balance sheet and profit and loss statement  or  a
    20  financial  statement  performing  a  similar  function for the preceding
    21  fiscal year, and, if any interim balance sheet or  profit  and  loss  or
    22  similar  financial  statement  has  been  distributed  to its members or
    23  otherwise made available to the public, the  most  recent  such  interim
    24  balance  sheet  or  profit  and loss or similar financial statement. The
    25  corporation shall be allowed a reasonable time to  prepare  such  annual
    26  balance sheet and profit and loss or similar financial statement.
    27    §  67.  Paragraph (a) of section 702 of the not-for-profit corporation
    28  law is amended to read as follows:
    29    (a) The number of directors constituting the entire board shall be not
    30  less than three. Subject to such limitation, such number may be fixed by

    31  the by-laws or[, in the case of a corporation having members,] by action
    32  of the members or of the board under the specific provisions of a by-law
    33  [adopted by the members] allowing such action, or by any number within a
    34  range set forth in the by-laws. If not otherwise fixed under this  para-
    35  graph,  the  number  shall  be  three. [As used in this article, "entire
    36  board" means the total number of directors entitled to  vote  which  the
    37  corporation would have if there were no vacancies.]
    38    §  68.  Paragraphs  (b)  and  (c) of section 708 of the not-for-profit
    39  corporation law, paragraph (b) as amended by chapter 92 of the  laws  of
    40  1983  and  paragraph  (c) as amended by chapter 211 of the laws of 2007,
    41  are amended to read as follows:

    42    (b) Unless otherwise restricted by the certificate of incorporation or
    43  the by-laws, any action required or permitted to be taken by  the  board
    44  or  any  committee thereof may be taken without a meeting if all members
    45  of the board or the committee consent [in writing] to the adoption of  a
    46  resolution authorizing the action.  Such consent may be written or elec-
    47  tronic.  If  written,  the  consent  must be executed by the director by
    48  signing such consent or causing his or her signature to  be  affixed  to
    49  such  consent  by  any  reasonable  means including, but not limited to,
    50  facsimile signature. If electronic, the transmission of the consent must
    51  be sent by electronic mail and set forth, or be submitted with, informa-

    52  tion from which it can reasonably be determined  that  the  transmission
    53  was  authorized by the director. The resolution and the written consents
    54  thereto by the members of the board or committee shall be filed with the
    55  minutes of the proceedings of the board or committee.

        A. 8072                            34
     1    (c) Unless otherwise restricted by the certificate of incorporation or
     2  the by-laws, any one or more members of the board or  of  any  committee
     3  thereof  [may participate in] who is not physically present at a meeting
     4  of [such] the board or a committee may participate by means of a confer-
     5  ence telephone or similar communications equipment [allowing all persons

     6  participating  in the meeting to hear each other at the same time] or by
     7  electronic video screen communication.    Participation  by  such  means
     8  shall  constitute presence in person at a meeting as long as all persons
     9  participating in the meeting can hear each other at the  same  time  and
    10  each  director  can participate in all matters before the board, includ-
    11  ing, without limitation, the ability to propose,  object  to,  and  vote
    12  upon a specific action to be taken by the board or committee.
    13    §  69.  Paragraph (c) of section 711 of the not-for-profit corporation
    14  law, as amended by chapter 847 of the laws of 1970, is amended  to  read
    15  as follows:
    16    (c)  Notice  of a meeting need not be given to any alternate director,

    17  nor to any director who submits a  [signed]  waiver  of  notice  whether
    18  before or after the meeting, or who attends the meeting without protest-
    19  ing,  prior  thereto  or at its commencement, the lack of notice to him.
    20  Such waiver of notice may be written  or  electronic.  If  written,  the
    21  waiver  must  be executed by the director signing such waiver or causing
    22  his or her signature to be affixed to  such  waiver  by  any  reasonable
    23  means  including  but not limited to facsimile signature. If electronic,
    24  the transmission of the consent must be sent by electronic mail and  set
    25  forth, or be submitted with, information from which it can reasonably be
    26  determined that the transmission was authorized by the director.
    27    § 70. Paragraphs (a), (b) and (e) of section 712 of the not-for-profit

    28  corporation  law, paragraph (e) as amended by chapter 961 of the laws of
    29  1972, are amended to read as follows:
    30    (a) If the certificate of incorporation or the by-laws so provide, the
    31  board, by resolution adopted by a majority  of  the  entire  board,  may
    32  designate  from  among  its  members  an  executive  committee and other
    33  [standing] committees, each consisting of three or more  directors,  and
    34  each  of  which,  to  the  extent  provided  in the resolution or in the
    35  certificate of incorporation or by-laws, shall have all the authority of
    36  the board, except that no such committee shall have authority as to  the
    37  following matters:
    38    (1)  The  submission  to  members  of  any  action  requiring members'
    39  approval under this chapter.
    40    (2) The filling of vacancies in the  board  of  directors  or  in  any
    41  committee.

    42    (3)  The  fixing  of  compensation of the directors for serving on the
    43  board or on any committee.
    44    (4) The amendment or repeal of the by-laws  or  the  adoption  of  new
    45  by-laws.
    46    (5)  The  amendment  or repeal of any resolution of the board which by
    47  its terms shall not be so amendable or repealable.
    48    (b) The board may designate one or more directors as alternate members
    49  of any [standing] committee,  who  may  replace  any  absent  member  or
    50  members at any meeting of such committee.
    51    (e)  Committees,  other  than  [standing or special] committees of the
    52  board, whether created by the board or by the members, shall be  commit-
    53  tees  of  the  corporation.  Such  committees  of the corporation may be
    54  elected or appointed in the same manner as officers of the  corporation,

    55  but  no  such  committee  shall  have  the  authority to bind the board.
    56  Provisions of this chapter applicable to officers generally shall  apply

        A. 8072                            35
     1  to  members of such committees. Such committees of the corporation shall
     2  be elected or appointed in the manner set forth in the  by-laws,  or  if
     3  not  set  forth  in  the  by-laws, in the same manner as officers of the
     4  corporation.
     5    §  71.  Paragraph (c) of section 712 of the not-for-profit corporation
     6  law is REPEALED.
     7    § 72. The not-for-profit corporation law is amended by  adding  a  new
     8  section 712-a to read as follows:
     9  § 712-a. Audit oversight.
    10    (a)  The board, or a designated audit committee of the board comprised

    11  solely of independent directors, of any corporation required to file  an
    12  independent certified public accountant's audit report with the attorney
    13  general pursuant to subdivision one of section one hundred seventy-two-b
    14  of  the executive law shall oversee the accounting and financial report-
    15  ing processes of the corporation and  the  audit  of  the  corporation's
    16  financial  statements.  The  board  or  designated audit committee shall
    17  annually retain or renew the retention  of  an  independent  auditor  to
    18  conduct  the  audit  and, upon completion thereof, review the results of
    19  the audit and any related management letter with the  independent  audi-
    20  tor.
    21    (b)  The board, or a designated audit committee of the board comprised

    22  solely of independent directors, of any corporation required to file  an
    23  independent certified public accountant's audit report with the attorney
    24  general pursuant to subdivision one of section one hundred seventy-two-b
    25  of  the  executive  law  and that in the prior fiscal year had or in the
    26  current fiscal year reasonably expects to have annual revenue in  excess
    27  of  one  million dollars shall, in addition to those duties set forth in
    28  paragraph (a) of this section:
    29    (1) review with the independent auditor the scope and planning of  the
    30  audit prior to the audit's commencement;
    31    (2)  upon  completion  of the audit, review and discuss with the inde-
    32  pendent auditor: (A) any  material  risks  and  weaknesses  in  internal

    33  controls identified by the auditor; (B) any restrictions on the scope of
    34  the  auditor's  activities  or  access to requested information; (C) any
    35  significant disagreements between the auditor and  management;  and  (D)
    36  the  adequacy  of  the  corporation's accounting and financial reporting
    37  processes;
    38    (3) annually consider the performance and independence  of  the  inde-
    39  pendent auditor; and
    40    (4)  if  the duties required by this section are performed by an audit
    41  committee, report on the committee's activities to the board.
    42    (c) The board or designated audit committee of the board shall oversee
    43  the adoption, implementation of, and compliance  with  any  conflict  of

    44  interest  policy  or  whistleblower policy adopted by the corporation if
    45  this function is not otherwise performed by  another  committee  of  the
    46  board comprised solely of independent directors.
    47    (d)  If  a  corporation controls a group of corporations, the board or
    48  designated audit committee of the board of the  controlling  corporation
    49  may  perform  the duties required by this section for one or more of the
    50  controlled corporations.
    51    (e) Only independent directors may participate in any board or commit-
    52  tee deliberations or voting  relating  to  matters  set  forth  in  this
    53  section.
    54    (f)  Any corporation that is a state authority or a local authority as

    55  defined in section two of  the  public  authorities  law  and  that  has
    56  complied  substantially with sections twenty-eight hundred two and twen-

        A. 8072                            36
     1  ty-eight hundred twenty-four of such law shall be deemed  in  compliance
     2  with this section.
     3    §  73.  Paragraph (a) of section 713 of the not-for-profit corporation
     4  law is amended, and a new paragraph (f) is added to read as follows:
     5    (a) The board may elect or appoint a chair or president, or both,  one
     6  or  more  vice-presidents,  a  secretary and a treasurer, and such other
     7  officers as it may determine, or as may  be  provided  in  the  by-laws.
     8  These  officers  may  be  designated  by such alternate titles as may be

     9  provided in the certificate of incorporation or the by-laws. Any two  or
    10  more offices may be held by the same person, except the offices of pres-
    11  ident and secretary, or the offices corresponding thereto.
    12    (f)  No  employee of the corporation shall serve as chair of the board
    13  or hold any other title with similar responsibilities.
    14    § 74.  Section 715 of the not-for-profit corporation law,  as  amended
    15  by chapter 847 of the laws of 1970 and paragraph (f) as amended by chap-
    16  ter 1057 of the laws of 1971, is amended to read as follows:
    17  § 715. [Interested directors and officers] Related party transactions.
    18    (a) [No contract or other transaction between a corporation and one or
    19  more  of  its  directors  or  officers, or between a corporation and any

    20  other corporation, firm, association or other entity  in  which  one  or
    21  more  of  its directors or officers are directors or officers, or have a
    22  substantial financial interest, shall be either  void  or  voidable  for
    23  this  reason alone or by reason alone that such director or directors or
    24  officer or officers are present at the meeting of the  board,  or  of  a
    25  committee  thereof,  which  authorizes  such contract or transaction, or
    26  that his or their votes are counted for such purpose:
    27    (1) If the material facts as to such director's or officer's  interest
    28  in  such contract or transaction and as to any such common directorship,
    29  officership or financial interest are disclosed in good faith  or  known

    30  to  the  board  or committee, and the board or committee authorizes such
    31  contract or transaction by a vote sufficient for  such  purpose  without
    32  counting the vote or votes of such interested director or officer; or
    33    (2)  If the material facts as to such director's or officer's interest
    34  in such contract or transaction and as to any such common  directorship,
    35  officership  or  financial interest are disclosed in good faith or known
    36  to the members entitled to vote thereon, if any, and  such  contract  or
    37  transaction is authorized by vote of such members.
    38    (b)  If  such  good  faith  disclosure of the material facts as to the
    39  director's or officer's interest in the contract or transaction  and  as

    40  to  any  such common directorship, officership or financial interest, is
    41  made to the directors or members, or known to the board or committee  or
    42  members  authorizing  such contract or transaction, as provided in para-
    43  graph (a), the contract or transaction may not be avoided by the  corpo-
    44  ration  for the reasons set forth in paragraph (a). If there was no such
    45  disclosure or knowledge, or if the vote of such interested  director  or
    46  officer  was  necessary for the authorization of such contract or trans-
    47  action at a meeting of the board or committee at which  it  was  author-
    48  ized,  the  corporation may avoid the contract or transaction unless the
    49  party or parties thereto shall establish affirmatively that the contract

    50  or transaction was fair and reasonable as to the corporation at the time
    51  it was authorized by the board, a committee or the members.
    52    (c) Common or interested directors may be counted in  determining  the
    53  presence  of  a quorum at a meeting of the board or of a committee which
    54  authorizes such contract or transaction.
    55    (d)] No corporation shall enter into  any  related  party  transaction
    56  unless the transaction is determined by the board to be fair, reasonable

        A. 8072                            37
     1  and  in  the  corporation's  best  interest at the time of such determi-
     2  nation. Any director, officer or key employee who has an interest  in  a

     3  related  party transaction shall disclose in good faith to the board, or
     4  an  authorized  committee  thereof,  the  material facts concerning such
     5  interest.
     6    (b) With respect to any related party transaction involving a charita-
     7  ble corporation and in which a related party has a substantial financial
     8  interest, the board of such  corporation,  or  an  authorized  committee
     9  thereof, shall:
    10    (1) Prior to entering into the transaction, consider alternative tran-
    11  sactions to the extent available;
    12    (2)  Approve  the  transaction by not less than a majority vote of the
    13  directors or committee members present at the meeting; and
    14    (3) Contemporaneously document in writing the basis for the  board  or

    15  authorized  committee's  approval,  including  its  consideration of any
    16  alternative transactions.
    17    (c) The certificate of incorporation, by-laws or any policy adopted by
    18  the board may contain additional restrictions on [contracts or]  related
    19  party  transactions [between a corporation and its directors or officers
    20  or other persons and may] and additional procedures  necessary  for  the
    21  review  and approval of such transactions, or provide that [contracts or
    22  transactions] any transaction in violation of such restrictions shall be
    23  void or voidable.
    24    [(e)] (d) Unless otherwise provided in  the  certificate  of  incorpo-

    25  ration or the by-laws, the board shall have authority to fix the compen-
    26  sation of directors for services in any capacity.
    27    [(f)] (e) The fixing of salaries of officers, if not done in or pursu-
    28  ant  to the by-laws, shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of
    29  the entire board unless a higher proportion is set by the certificate of
    30  incorporation or by-laws.
    31    (f) The attorney general may  bring  an  action  to  enjoin,  void  or
    32  rescind  any  related party transaction or proposed related party trans-
    33  action that violates any provision of this chapter or was otherwise  not
    34  reasonable  or  in the best interests of the corporation at the time the
    35  transaction was approved, or to seek restitution,  and  the  removal  of

    36  directors or officers, or seek to require any person or entity to:
    37    (1)  Account  for any profits made from such transaction, and pay them
    38  to the corporation;
    39    (2) Pay the corporation the value of the use of any of its property or
    40  other assets used in such transaction;
    41    (3) Return or replace any property or other assets lost to the  corpo-
    42  ration  as  a  result  of  such transaction, together with any income or
    43  appreciation lost to the corporation by reason of such  transaction,  or
    44  account  for any proceeds of sale of such property, and pay the proceeds
    45  to the corporation together with interest at the legal rate; and
    46    (4) Pay, in the case of willful and intentional conduct, an amount  up

    47  to double the amount of any benefit improperly obtained.
    48    (f) The powers of the attorney general provided in this section are in
    49  addition  to  all  other powers the attorney general may have under this
    50  chapter or any other law.
    51    (g) No related party may participate in deliberations or voting relat-
    52  ing to matters set forth in this section; provided that nothing in  this
    53  section shall prohibit the board or authorized committee from requesting
    54  that  a  related  party  present  information concerning a related party
    55  transaction at a board or committee meeting prior to the commencement of
    56  deliberations or voting relating thereto.

        A. 8072                            38

     1    § 75. The not-for-profit corporation law is amended by adding two  new
     2  sections 715-a and 715-b to read as follows:
     3  § 715-a. Conflict of interest policy.
     4    (a)  Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, every corpo-
     5  ration shall adopt a conflict of interest  policy  to  ensure  that  its
     6  directors,  officers  and  key  employees  act in the corporation's best
     7  interest and comply with applicable legal  requirements,  including  but
     8  not  limited  to  the  requirements  set  forth in section seven hundred
     9  fifteen of this article.
    10    (b) The conflict of interest policy shall include, at a  minimum,  the
    11  following provisions:
    12    (1)  a  definition  of the circumstances that constitute a conflict of
    13  interest;

    14    (2) procedures for disclosing a conflict  of  interest  to  the  audit
    15  committee or, if there is no audit committee, to the board;
    16    (3) a requirement that the person with the conflict of interest not be
    17  present  at or participate in board or committee deliberation or vote on
    18  the matter giving rise to such conflict;
    19    (4) a prohibition against any attempt by the person with the  conflict
    20  to  influence improperly the deliberation or voting on the matter giving
    21  rise to such conflict;
    22    (5) a requirement that the existence and resolution of the conflict be
    23  documented in the corporation's records, including in the minutes of any
    24  meeting at which the conflict was discussed or voted upon; and

    25    (6) procedures for disclosing,  addressing,  and  documenting  related
    26  party  transactions  in accordance with section seven hundred fifteen of
    27  this article.
    28    (c) The conflict of interest policy shall require that  prior  to  the
    29  initial election of any director, and annually thereafter, such director
    30  shall  complete,  sign  and submit to the secretary of the corporation a
    31  written statement identifying, to the best of the director's  knowledge,
    32  any  entity  of  which  such  director is an officer, director, trustee,
    33  member, owner (either as a sole proprietor or a  partner),  or  employee
    34  and  with  which the corporation has a relationship, and any transaction
    35  in which the corporation is a participant  and  in  which  the  director

    36  might  have  a  conflicting interest. The policy shall require that each
    37  director annually resubmit such written statement.   The  secretary   of
    38  the  corporation shall provide a copy of all completed statements to the
    39  chair of the audit committee or, if there is no audit committee, to  the
    40  chair of the board.
    41    (d)  A corporation that has adopted and possesses a conflict of inter-
    42  est policy pursuant to federal, state or local laws that is substantial-
    43  ly consistent with the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section shall
    44  be deemed in compliance with provisions of this section.   In  addition,
    45  any  corporation  that  is  a  state  authority  or a local authority as
    46  defined in section two of the  public  authorities  law,  and  that  has

    47  complied substantially with section twenty-eight hundred twenty-four and
    48  subdivision  three  of  section twenty-eight hundred twenty-five of such
    49  law, shall be deemed in compliance with this section.
    50    (e) Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to require  a  corpo-
    51  ration  to  adopt any specific conflict of interest policy not otherwise
    52  required by this section or any other law or rule, or  to  supersede  or
    53  limit  any  requirement or duty governing conflicts of interest required
    54  by any other law or rule.
    55  § 715-b. Whistleblower policy.

        A. 8072                            39
     1    (a) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, every  corpo-

     2  ration  that  has  twenty or more employees and in the prior fiscal year
     3  had annual revenue in excess of one million dollars shall adopt a whist-
     4  leblower policy to protect from retaliation persons who report suspected
     5  improper  conduct.  Such policy shall provide that no director, officer,
     6  employee or volunteer of a corporation who in  good  faith  reports  any
     7  action  or  suspected  action taken by or within the corporation that is
     8  illegal, fraudulent or in violation of any adopted policy of the  corpo-
     9  ration  shall  suffer  intimidation, harassment, discrimination or other
    10  retaliation or, in the case  of  employees,  adverse  employment  conse-
    11  quence.
    12    (b) The whistleblower policy shall include the following provisions:

    13    (1) Procedures for the reporting of violations or suspected violations
    14  of  laws  or corporate policies, including procedures for preserving the
    15  confidentiality of reported information;
    16    (2) A requirement that an employee, officer or director of the  corpo-
    17  ration  be  designated  to  administer  the  whistleblower policy and to
    18  report to the audit committee or other committee of  independent  direc-
    19  tors or, if there are no such committees, to the board; and
    20    (3)  A  requirement  that  a  copy of the policy be distributed to all
    21  directors, officers, employees and to volunteers who provide substantial
    22  services to the corporation.
    23    (c) A corporation that has adopted and possesses a whistleblower poli-

    24  cy pursuant to federal,  state  or  local  laws  that  is  substantially
    25  consistent with the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section shall be
    26  deemed  in compliance with provisions of this section.  In addition, any
    27  corporation that is a state authority or local authority as  defined  in
    28  section  two  of  the  public  authorities  law,  and  that has complied
    29  substantially with section twenty-eight hundred twenty-four of such  law
    30  and  is subject to the provisions of section twenty-eight hundred fifty-
    31  seven of such law, shall be deemed in compliance with the provisions  of
    32  this section.
    33    (d) Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to relieve any corpo-
    34  ration  from any additional requirements in relation to internal compli-

    35  ance, retaliation, or document retention required by any  other  law  or
    36  rule.
    37    § 76. Section 716 of the not-for-profit corporation law, as amended by
    38  chapter 644 of the laws of 1971, is amended to read as follows:
    39  § 716. Loans to directors and officers.
    40    No  loans,  other  than  through the purchase of bonds, debentures, or
    41  similar obligations of the type customarily sold in public offerings, or
    42  through ordinary deposit of funds in a bank, shall be made by  a  corpo-
    43  ration  to its directors or officers, or to any other corporation, firm,
    44  association or other entity in which one or more  of  its  directors  or
    45  officers  are  directors  or  officers  or  hold a substantial financial
    46  interest, except a loan by one [type B] charitable corporation to anoth-

    47  er [type B] charitable corporation. A loan made  in  violation  of  this
    48  section  shall  be  a  violation  of  the duty to the corporation of the
    49  directors or officers authorizing it or participating  in  it,  but  the
    50  obligation  of  the  borrower  with  respect  to  the  loan shall not be
    51  affected thereby.
    52    § 77. Section 718 of the not-for-profit corporation law, as amended by
    53  chapter 992 of the laws of 1970, is amended to read as follows:
    54  § 718. List of directors and officers.
    55    (a) If a member or creditor of a corporation,  in  person  or  by  his
    56  attorney  or  agent,  or a representative of the district attorney or of

        A. 8072                            40
     1  the secretary of state, the attorney general, or other  state  official,
     2  makes a written demand on a corporation to inspect a current list of its

     3  directors  and officers [and their residence addresses], the corporation
     4  shall,  within  two  business days after receipt of the demand and for a
     5  period of  one  week  thereafter,  make  the  list  available  for  such
     6  inspection at its office during usual business hours.
     7    (b)  Upon  refusal  by  the  corporation to make a current list of its
     8  directors and officers [and their  residence  addresses]  available,  as
     9  provided  in  paragraph  (a) of this section, the person making a demand
    10  for such list may apply, ex parte, to the supreme  court  at  a  special
    11  term  held  within  the judicial district where the office of the corpo-
    12  ration is located for an order directing the corporation  to  make  such
    13  list  available.    The  court  may  grant such order or take such other
    14  action as it may deem just and proper.

    15    § 78. The section heading and paragraph (a)  of  section  720  of  the
    16  not-for-profit  corporation law, the section heading as amended by chap-
    17  ter 1058 of the laws of 1971, are amended to read as follows:
    18  Actions [on behalf of the corporation] against directors,  officers  and
    19           key employees.
    20    (a) An action may be brought against one or more directors [or], offi-
    21  cers,  or  key  employees of a corporation to procure a judgment for the
    22  following relief:
    23    (1) To compel the defendant to account for his official conduct in the
    24  following cases:
    25    (A) The neglect of, or failure to perform, or other violation  of  his
    26  duties  in  the management and disposition of corporate assets committed
    27  to his charge.
    28    (B) The acquisition by himself, transfer to others, loss or  waste  of

    29  corporate  assets due to any neglect of, or failure to perform, or other
    30  violation of his duties.
    31    (2) To set aside an unlawful conveyance,  assignment  or  transfer  of
    32  corporate assets, where the transferee knew of its unlawfulness.
    33    (3)  To  enjoin a proposed unlawful conveyance, assignment or transfer
    34  of corporate assets, where there are reasonable grounds for belief  that
    35  it will be made.
    36    §  79.  Paragraphs  (a)  and  (c) of section 722 of the not-for-profit
    37  corporation law, as amended by chapter 368 of  the  laws  of  1987,  are
    38  amended to read as follows:
    39    (a)  A corporation may indemnify any person, made, or threatened to be
    40  made, a party to an action or proceeding other than one  by  or  in  the
    41  right  of  the  corporation  to procure a judgment in its favor, whether
    42  civil or criminal, including an action by or in the right of  any  other

    43  corporation  of any [type or] kind, domestic or foreign, or any partner-
    44  ship, joint venture, trust, employee benefit plan or  other  enterprise,
    45  which  any director or officer of the corporation served in any capacity
    46  at the request of the corporation, by reason of the fact  that  he,  his
    47  testator  or intestate, was a director or officer of the corporation, or
    48  served  such  other  corporation,  partnership,  joint  venture,  trust,
    49  employee benefit plan or other enterprise in any capacity, against judg-
    50  ments,  fines,  amounts  paid  in  settlement  and  reasonable expenses,
    51  including attorneys' fees actually and necessarily incurred as a  result
    52  of such action or proceeding, or any appeal therein, if such director or
    53  officer acted, in good faith, for a purpose which he reasonably believed
    54  to  be  in,  or, in the case of service for any other corporation or any

    55  partnership, joint venture, trust, employee benefit plan or other enter-
    56  prise, not opposed to, the best interests of  the  corporation  and,  in

        A. 8072                            41
     1  criminal actions or proceedings, in addition, had no reasonable cause to
     2  believe that his conduct was unlawful.
     3    (c)  A  corporation may indemnify any person made, or threatened to be
     4  made, a party to an action by or in the  right  of  the  corporation  to
     5  procure  a  judgment  in  its  favor  by reason of the fact that he, his
     6  testator or intestate, is or was a director or  officer  of  the  corpo-
     7  ration,  or  is  or  was  serving at the request of the corporation as a
     8  director or officer of any other corporation  of  any  [type  or]  kind,
     9  domestic  or foreign, of any partnership, joint venture, trust, employee

    10  benefit plan or other enterprise, against amounts paid in settlement and
    11  reasonable expenses, including attorneys' fees, actually and necessarily
    12  incurred by him in connection with the defense  or  settlement  of  such
    13  action,  or  in  connection  with an appeal therein, if such director or
    14  officer acted, in good faith, for a purpose which he reasonably believed
    15  to be in, or, in the case of service for any other  corporation  or  any
    16  partnership, joint venture, trust, employee benefit plan or other enter-
    17  prise,  not  opposed  to,  the best interests of the corporation, except
    18  that no indemnification under this paragraph shall be made in respect of
    19  (1) a threatened action, or a pending action which is settled or  other-
    20  wise  disposed  of,  or  (2) any claim, issue or matter as to which such
    21  person shall have been adjudged to be liable to the corporation,  unless

    22  and  only  to the extent that the court in which the action was brought,
    23  or, if no action was  brought,  any  court  of  competent  jurisdiction,
    24  determines  upon  application  that, in view of all the circumstances of
    25  the case, the person is fairly and reasonably entitled to indemnity  for
    26  such  portion  of  the settlement amount and expenses as the court deems
    27  proper.
    28    § 80. Paragraph (a) of section 724 of the  not-for-profit  corporation
    29  law,  as  amended by chapter 368 of the laws of 1987, is amended to read
    30  as follows:
    31    (a) Notwithstanding the failure of a corporation to provide indemnifi-
    32  cation, and despite any contrary resolution  of  the  board  or  of  the
    33  members  in the specific case under section 723 (Payment of indemnifica-
    34  tion other than by court award), indemnification shall be awarded  by  a

    35  court  to  the  extent  authorized  under section 722 (Authorization for
    36  indemnification of directors and officers), and paragraph (a) of section
    37  723 (Payment of indemnification other than by court award).  Application
    38  therefor  shall  be  made  on  notice to the attorney general and may be
    39  made, in every case, either:
    40    (1) In the civil action or  proceeding  in  which  the  expenses  were
    41  incurred or other amounts were paid, or
    42    (2)  To  the supreme court in a separate proceeding, in which case the
    43  application shall set forth the disposition of any previous  application
    44  made  to  any  court  for the same or similar relief and also reasonable
    45  cause for the failure to make application for such relief in the  action
    46  or  proceeding in which the expenses were incurred or other amounts were
    47  paid.

    48    § 81. Subparagraph 3 of paragraph (a) of section 803 of  the  not-for-
    49  profit  corporation  law, as amended by chapter 168 of the laws of 1982,
    50  is amended to read as follows:
    51    (3) That the corporation is a corporation as defined  in  subparagraph
    52  (a)  (5)  of  section  102 (Definitions)[; the type of corporation it is
    53  under  section  201  (Purposes);  and  if  the  corporate  purposes  are
    54  enlarged, limited or otherwise changed, the type of corporation it shall
    55  thereafter be under section 201].

        A. 8072                            42
     1    §  82.  The  section  heading  and paragraph (a) of section 804 of the
     2  not-for-profit corporation law, as amended by chapter 139 of the laws of
     3  1993, and subparagraph (i) of paragraph (a) as amended by chapter 198 of

     4  the laws of 2010, are amended to read as follows:
     5    Approvals, notices and effect.
     6    (a) (i) A certificate of amendment shall not be filed if the amendment
     7  adds,  changes or eliminates a purpose, power or provision the inclusion
     8  of which in a certificate of incorporation requires consent or  approval
     9  of a governmental body or officer or any other person or body, or if the
    10  amendment  changes the name of a corporation whose certificate of incor-
    11  poration had such consent or approval endorsed thereon or annexed there-
    12  to, unless such consent or approval is no longer required or is endorsed
    13  on or annexed to the certificate of amendment.  A certificate of  amend-
    14  ment  adding,  changing or eliminating a purpose, power or provision the
    15  inclusion of which in a certificate of incorporation requires the incor-

    16  porator to send such certificate to a governmental body  or  officer  or
    17  any  other  person  or  body,  or if the amendment changes the name of a
    18  corporation whose certificate of incorporation was required to be deliv-
    19  ered by the incorporator to a governmental body or officer or any  other
    20  person  or  body,  shall be delivered by the person or entity filing the
    21  certificate of amendment within thirty business days  after  the  corpo-
    22  ration  receives  confirmation  from  the  department  of state that the
    23  certificate has been accepted for filing.
    24    (ii) Every certificate of amendment of a charitable corporation [clas-
    25  sified as type B or type C under section 201 (Purposes)] which seeks  to

    26  change  or  eliminate a purpose or power enumerated in the corporation's
    27  certificate of incorporation, or to add a power or purpose  not  enumer-
    28  ated  therein,  shall  have  endorsed  thereon  or  annexed  thereto the
    29  approval of either (A) the attorney general, or (B)  a  justice  of  the
    30  supreme court of the judicial district in which the office of the corpo-
    31  ration is located. [Ten days' written notice of the application for such
    32  approval  shall be given to the attorney-general] At any time, including
    33  if the attorney general does not  approve  a  certificate  of  amendment
    34  submitted  pursuant to clause (A) of this subparagraph, or if the attor-
    35  ney general concludes that court review is appropriate, the  corporation

    36  may  apply  for  approval  of  the amendment to a justice of the supreme
    37  court of the judicial district in which the office of the corporation is
    38  located.  Any application for approval of a certificate of amendment  by
    39  the supreme court pursuant to this paragraph shall be on ten days' writ-
    40  ten notice to the attorney general.
    41    §  83. Section 907 of the not-for-profit corporation law is amended to
    42  read as follows:
    43  § 907. Approval by the supreme court or attorney general.
    44    [(a)] Where any constituent corporation  or  the  consolidated  corpo-
    45  ration is, or would be if formed under this chapter, a [Type B or a Type
    46  C]  charitable corporation under section 201 (Purposes) of this chapter,

    47  no certificate shall be filed pursuant to section  904  (Certificate  of
    48  merger  or  consolidation;  contents)  or section 906 (Merger or consol-
    49  idation of domestic and foreign  corporations)  until  (a)  the  supreme
    50  court has granted an order approving the plan of merger or consolidation
    51  and  authorizing  the  filing  of  the certificate [has been made by the
    52  supreme court], as provided in [this] section[. A certified copy of such
    53  order shall be annexed to the certificate of  merger  or  consolidation.
    54  Application  for the order may be made in the judicial district in which
    55  the principal office of the surviving or consolidated corporation is  to
    56  be  located,  or  in which the office of one of the domestic constituent

        A. 8072                            43

     1  corporations is located. The  application  shall  be  made  by  all  the
     2  constituent  corporations  jointly  and shall set forth by affidavit (1)
     3  the plan of merger  or  consolidation,  (2)  the  approval  required  by
     4  section  903  (Approval of plan) or paragraph (b) of section 906 (Merger
     5  or consolidation of domestic and foreign corporations) for each constit-
     6  uent corporation, (3) the objects and purposes of each such  corporation
     7  to  be  promoted  by the consolidation, (4) a statement of all property,
     8  and the manner in which it is held, and of all liabilities  and  of  the
     9  amount  and  sources  of the annual income of each such corporation, (5)

    10  whether any votes against adoption of the resolution approving the  plan
    11  of  merger or consolidation were cast at the meeting at which the resol-
    12  ution as adopted by each constituent corporation, and (6) facts  showing
    13  that  the  consolidation  is authorized by the laws of the jurisdictions
    14  under which each of the constituent corporations is incorporated]  907-a
    15  (Application  for  approval of the supreme court) of this article or (b)
    16  the attorney general has approved the plan of  merger  or  consolidation
    17  and  authorized  the  filing  of the certificate, as provided in section
    18  907-b (Application  for  approval  of  the  attorney  general)  of  this
    19  article.
    20    [(b) Upon the filing of the application the court shall fix a time for

    21  hearing  thereof  and  shall direct that notice thereof be given to such
    22  persons as may  be  interested,  including  the  attorney  general,  any
    23  governmental  body or officer and any other person or body whose consent
    24  or approval is required by section 909 (Consent to filing), in such form
    25  and manner as the court may prescribe. If no votes against  adoption  of
    26  the  resolution  approving the plan of merger or consolidation were cast
    27  at the meeting at which the resolution was adopted  by  any  constituent
    28  corporation  the  court  may  dispense  with notice to anyone except the
    29  attorney-general, any governmental body or officer and any other  person
    30  or body whose consent or approval is required by section 909 (Consent to

    31  filing).  Any person interested may appear and show cause why the appli-
    32  cation should not be granted.
    33    (c) If the court shall find that any of  the  assets  of  any  of  the
    34  constituent  corporations  are held for a purpose specified as Type B in
    35  paragraph (b) of section 201 or are legally required to be  used  for  a
    36  particular  purpose, but not upon a condition requiring return, transfer
    37  or conveyance by reason of the merger or consolidation, the  court  may,
    38  in its discretion, direct that such assets be transferred or conveyed to
    39  the  surviving  or  consolidated  corporation subject to such purpose or
    40  use, or that such assets be transferred or conveyed to the surviving  or

    41  consolidated  corporation  or  to  one or more other domestic or foreign
    42  corporations or organizations engaged in  substantially  similar  activ-
    43  ities, upon an express trust the terms of which shall be approved by the
    44  court.
    45    (d)  If  the  court  shall  find  that the interests of non-consenting
    46  members are or may be substantially prejudiced by the proposed merger or
    47  consolidation, the court may disapprove the plan or may direct a modifi-
    48  cation thereof. In the event of a modification, if the court shall  find
    49  that the interests of any members may be substantially prejudiced by the
    50  proposed  merger  or  consolidation  as modified, the court shall direct
    51  that the modified plan be submitted  to  vote  of  the  members  of  the

    52  constituent  corporations,  or if the court shall find that there is not
    53  such substantial prejudice, it shall approve the agreement as  so  modi-
    54  fied without further approval by the members. If the court, upon direct-
    55  ing  a modification of the plan of merger or consolidation, shall direct
    56  that a further approval be obtained  from  members  of  the  constituent

        A. 8072                            44

     1  corporations  or any of them, such further approval shall be obtained in
     2  the manner specified in section 903 (Approval of plan) or section 906(b)
     3  (Merger or consolidation of domestic and foreign corporations)  of  this
     4  chapter.
     5    (e)  If  it  shall  appear, to the satisfaction of the court, that the

     6  provisions of this section have been complied with, and that the  inter-
     7  ests of the constituent corporations and the public interest will not be
     8  adversely  affected by the merger or consolidation, it shall approve the
     9  merger or consolidation  upon  such  terms  and  conditions  as  it  may
    10  prescribe.]
    11    §  84.  The  not-for-profit corporation law is amended by adding a new
    12  section 907-a to read as follows:
    13  § 907-a. Application for approval of the supreme court.
    14    (a) Application for an order approving the plan of merger and  author-
    15  izing the filing of the certificate may be made in the judicial district
    16  in  which  the  principal office of the surviving or consolidated corpo-

    17  ration is to be located, or in which the office of one of  the  domestic
    18  constituent  corporations  is  located. The application shall be made by
    19  all the constituent corporations jointly and shall set forth by  affida-
    20  vit:  (1) the plan of merger or consolidation, (2) the approval required
    21  by section 903 (Approval of plan) or paragraph (b) of section 906 (Merg-
    22  er or consolidation of domestic and foreign corporations) of this  arti-
    23  cle  for  each  constituent corporation, (3) the objects and purposes of
    24  each such corporation to be promoted by the merger or consolidation, (4)
    25  a statement of all property, and the manner in which it is held, and  of
    26  all  liabilities  and  of the amount and sources of the annual income of

    27  each such corporation, (5) whether any votes  against  adoption  of  the
    28  resolution  approving  the  plan of merger or consolidation were cast at
    29  the meeting at which the resolution  was  adopted  by  each  constituent
    30  corporation,  and (6) facts showing that the consolidation is authorized
    31  by the laws of the jurisdictions under which  each  of  the  constituent
    32  corporations is incorporated.
    33    (b)  Upon the filing of the application the court shall fix a time for
    34  hearing thereof and shall direct that notice thereof be  given  to  such
    35  persons  as  may  be  interested,  including  the  attorney general, any
    36  governmental body or officer and any other person or body whose  consent

    37  or approval is required by section 909 (Consent to filing) of this arti-
    38  cle,  in  such  form  and manner as the court may prescribe. If no votes
    39  against adoption of the resolution  approving  the  plan  of  merger  or
    40  consolidation  were  cast  at  the  meeting  at which the resolution was
    41  adopted by any constituent  corporation  the  court  may  dispense  with
    42  notice  to  anyone except the attorney-general, any governmental body or
    43  officer and any other person  or  body  whose  consent  or  approval  is
    44  required  by section 909 (Consent to filing) of this article. Any person
    45  interested may appear and show cause why the application should  not  be
    46  granted.
    47    (c)  If  the  court  shall  find  that any of the assets of any of the

    48  constituent corporations are held for a charitable purpose or are legal-
    49  ly required to be used for a particular purpose, but not upon  a  condi-
    50  tion requiring return, transfer or conveyance by reason of the merger or
    51  consolidation, the court may, in its discretion, direct that such assets
    52  be  transferred or conveyed to the surviving or consolidated corporation
    53  subject to such purpose or use, or that such assets  be  transferred  or
    54  conveyed  to the surviving or consolidated corporation or to one or more
    55  other domestic or  foreign  corporations  or  organizations  engaged  in

        A. 8072                            45
     1  substantially  similar  activities,  upon  an express trust the terms of

     2  which shall be approved by the court.
     3    (d)  If  the  court  shall  find  that the interests of non-consenting
     4  members are or may be substantially prejudiced by the proposed merger or
     5  consolidation, the court may disapprove the plan or may direct a modifi-
     6  cation thereof. In the event of a modification, if the court shall  find
     7  that the interests of any members may be substantially prejudiced by the
     8  proposed  merger  or  consolidation  as modified, the court shall direct
     9  that the modified plan be submitted  to  vote  of  the  members  of  the
    10  constituent  corporations,  or if the court shall find that there is not
    11  such substantial prejudice, it shall approve the agreement as  so  modi-

    12  fied without further approval by the members. If the court, upon direct-
    13  ing  a modification of the plan of merger or consolidation, shall direct
    14  that a further approval be obtained  from  members  of  the  constituent
    15  corporations  or any of them, such further approval shall be obtained in
    16  the manner specified in section 903 (Approval of plan) or paragraph  (b)
    17  of  section  906 (Merger or consolidation of domestic and foreign corpo-
    18  rations) of this article.
    19    (e) If it shall appear, to the satisfaction of  the  court,  that  the
    20  provisions  of this section have been complied with, and that the inter-
    21  ests of the constituent corporations and the public interest will not be
    22  adversely affected by the merger or consolidation, it shall approve  the

    23  merger  or  consolidation  upon  such  terms  and  conditions  as it may
    24  prescribe.
    25    (f) A certified copy of such order shall be annexed to the certificate
    26  of merger or consolidation.
    27    § 85. The not-for-profit corporation law is amended by  adding  a  new
    28  section 907-b to read as follows:
    29  § 907-b. Application for approval of the attorney general.
    30    (a)  In  lieu  of  obtaining  an order approving the plan of merger or
    31  consolidation and authorizing the filing of the certificate, the  corpo-
    32  ration may alternatively make an application to the attorney general for
    33  approval,  except  where the attorney general, in his or her discretion,
    34  concludes that a court should review the application and make a determi-
    35  nation thereon.

    36    (b) The application to the attorney general shall be made by  all  the
    37  constituent  corporations  jointly and shall set forth by affidavit: (i)
    38  all of the information required to be  included  in  an  application  to
    39  obtain  court  approval  pursuant  to  section  907-a  (Application  for
    40  approval of the supreme court) of this article, (ii)  all  consents  and
    41  approvals  required  by  section  909  (Consent  to filing), and (iii) a
    42  statement as to whether any persons have raised, or  have  a  reasonable
    43  basis  to  raise,  objections to the merger or consolidation that is the
    44  subject of the application, including  a  statement  setting  forth  the
    45  names and addresses of such persons, the nature of their interest, and a

    46  description of their objections.
    47    (c)  Upon  the filing of the application, the attorney general, in his
    48  or her discretion, may direct that the constituent corporations  provide
    49  notice  to such persons as may be interested, including any governmental
    50  body or officer and any other person or body that is required either  to
    51  give  consent  or  be notified under section 404 (Approvals, notices and
    52  consents) of this article or 909 (Consent to filing)  of  this  article.
    53  The  constituent  corporations shall provide the attorney general with a
    54  certification that such notice has been provided.
    55    (d) If any assets of any of the constituent corporations are held  for
    56  a  charitable  purpose or are assets received for a specific purpose and

        A. 8072                            46
     1  legally required to be used for a particular purpose,  but  not  upon  a
     2  condition  requiring  return,  transfer  or  conveyance by reason of the
     3  merger or consolidation,  the  attorney  general  may,  in  his  or  her
     4  discretion,  direct  that  such assets be transferred or conveyed to the
     5  surviving or consolidated corporation subject to such purpose or use.
     6    (e) If the attorney general shall find that the interests of  non-con-
     7  senting  members  are or may be substantially prejudiced by the proposed
     8  merger or consolidation, the attorney  general  may  disapprove  of  the
     9  application  or may condition approval of the application upon modifica-

    10  tion of the plan of merger or  consolidation  in  accordance  with  this
    11  chapter and any other law or rule.
    12    (f)  If  it shall appear, to the satisfaction of the attorney general,
    13  that the provisions of this section have been complied  with,  and  that
    14  the  interests  of  the constituent corporations and the public interest
    15  will not be adversely affected  by  the  merger  or  consolidation,  the
    16  attorney  general  shall  approve  the merger or consolidation upon such
    17  terms and conditions as it may prescribe.
    18    (g) The approval of the attorney  general  shall  be  annexed  to  the
    19  certificate of merger or consolidation.
    20    (h)  At  any  time, including if the attorney general does not approve

    21  the application, or if the attorney general concludes that court  review
    22  is  appropriate, the constituent corporations may seek court approval on
    23  notice to the attorney general pursuant to  section  907-a  (Application
    24  for approval of the supreme court) of this article.
    25    § 85-a. Paragraph (f) of section 908 of the not-for-profit corporation
    26  law is REPEALED.
    27    §  86.  Paragraph (a) of section 908 of the not-for-profit corporation
    28  law is amended to read as follows:
    29    (a) One or more domestic or foreign corporations which is, or would be
    30  if formed under this  chapter,  a  non-charitable  corporation,  or  any
    31  corporation  formed  as  a type A [or type C] corporation [under section

    32  201 (Purposes)] prior to July  first,  two  thousand  fourteen,  may  be
    33  merged  or consolidated into a domestic or foreign corporation which is,
    34  or would be if formed under the laws of this state, a corporation formed
    35  under the business corporation law of  this  state  if  such  merger  or
    36  consolidation  is  not contrary to the law of the state of incorporation
    37  of any constituent corporation. With respect to such merger  or  consol-
    38  idation,  any reference in paragraph (b) of section 901 (Power of merger
    39  or consolidation) of this article or paragraph (b) of section 901 (Power
    40  of merger or consolidation) of the business corporation law to a  corpo-
    41  ration shall, unless the context otherwise requires, include both domes-
    42  tic and foreign corporations.

    43    § 87. Section 909 of the not-for-profit corporation law, as amended by
    44  section  6  of  part  D of chapter 58 of the laws of 2006, is amended to
    45  read as follows:
    46  § 909. Consent to filing; notices.
    47    (a) If the purposes of any  constituent  or  consolidated  corporation
    48  would  require the approval or consent of any governmental body or offi-
    49  cer or any other person or body under section  404  (Approvals,  notices
    50  and  consents) of this chapter no certificate of merger or consolidation
    51  shall be filed pursuant to this article unless such approval or  consent
    52  is endorsed thereon or annexed thereto. A corporation whose statement of
    53  purposes specifically includes the establishment or operation of a child
    54  day care center, as that term is defined in section three hundred ninety

    55  of  the  social  services  law,  shall  provide  a certified copy of any
    56  certificate of merger or consolidation involving such corporation to the

        A. 8072                            47
     1  office of children and family services  within  thirty  days  after  the
     2  filing of such merger or consolidation with the department of state.
     3    (b)  If  the  purposes  of any constituent or consolidated corporation
     4  would require the certificate of incorporation or any other notice to be
     5  delivered to any person or entity under section 404 (Approvals,  notices
     6  and  consents)  of  this  chapter, the corporation shall provide to such
     7  person or entity a certified copy of the  certificate  of  incorporation
     8  within  thirty days after the corporation receives confirmation from the

     9  department of state that the certificate has been accepted for filing.
    10    § 88. Paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of section 1001 of the  not-for-pro-
    11  fit  corporation law, as amended by chapter 434 of the laws of 2006, are
    12  amended to read as follows:
    13    (b) If the corporation is a [Type B, C or  D]  charitable  corporation
    14  and  has  no  assets  to  distribute  and  no liabilities at the time of
    15  dissolution, the plan of dissolution shall include a statement  to  that
    16  effect.
    17    (c)  If  the  corporation [is a Type B, C or D corporation and] has no
    18  assets to distribute, other than a reserve  not  to  exceed  twenty-five
    19  thousand  dollars  for  the  purpose  of  paying  ordinary and necessary
    20  expenses of winding up its affairs  including  attorney  and  accountant

    21  fees,  and liabilities not in excess of ten thousand dollars at the time
    22  of adoption of the plan of dissolution, the plan  of  dissolution  shall
    23  include a statement to that effect.
    24    (d)  If  the  corporation has assets to distribute or liabilities, the
    25  plan of dissolution shall contain:
    26    (1) a description with reasonable  certainty  of  the  assets  of  the
    27  corporation  and  their  fair  value,  and the total amount of debts and
    28  other liabilities incurred or estimated by  the  corporation,  including
    29  the total amount of any accounting and legal fees incurred or estimated,
    30  in connection with the dissolution procedure.
    31    (2)  a  statement  as to whether any gifts or other assets are legally
    32  required to be used for a particular purpose.
    33    (3) if there are assets received and held by  the  corporation  either

    34  for  a  charitable  purpose  [specified  as  Type  B in paragraph (b) of
    35  section 201 (Purposes)] or which are legally required to be used  for  a
    36  particular  purpose,  a  statement  that  the assets owned by the corpo-
    37  ration, subject to any unpaid liabilities of the corporation,  shall  be
    38  distributed as required by any gift instrument or to a charitable corpo-
    39  ration or organization or organizations exempt from taxation pursuant to
    40  federal  and  state laws and engaged in activities substantially similar
    41  to those of the dissolved corporation.  Each such recipient organization
    42  shall be identified and the governing instrument and amendments  thereto
    43  of each of the proposed recipient organizations shall be annexed to such

    44  statement, along with the most recent financial [reports] report of each
    45  recipient  organization [for the last three years] and a sworn affidavit
    46  from a director and officer of each recipient organization  stating  the
    47  purposes  of  the  organization,  and  that  it is currently exempt from
    48  federal income taxation.
    49    (4) if any of the assets of the corporation are to be distributed to a
    50  recipient for a particular legally required purpose, an agreement by the
    51  recipient to apply the assets received only for such  purpose  shall  be
    52  included.
    53    §  89.  Paragraphs  (a)  and (d) of section 1002 of the not-for-profit
    54  corporation law, as amended by chapter 434 of  the  laws  of  2006,  are
    55  amended to read as follows:

        A. 8072                            48

     1    (a)  Upon  adopting  a plan of dissolution and distribution of assets,
     2  the board shall submit it to a vote of the members,  if  any,  and  such
     3  plan  shall  be  approved  at a meeting of members by two-thirds vote as
     4  provided in paragraph (c) of section 613 (Vote of members) of this chap-
     5  ter;  provided,  however,  that if the corporation is a [Type B, C or D]
     6  charitable corporation, other than a corporation  incorporated  pursuant
     7  to  article  15 (Public cemetery corporations) of this chapter, [and has
     8  no assets to distribute, other than a reserve not to exceed  twenty-five
     9  thousand  dollars  for  the  purpose  of  paying  ordinary and necessary
    10  expenses of winding up its affairs  including  attorney  and  accountant

    11  fees,  and liabilities not in excess of ten thousand dollars at the time
    12  of adoption of the plan of dissolution,] the vote required by the corpo-
    13  ration's board of directors for adoption of the plan of  dissolution  of
    14  such a corporation or by the corporation's members for the authorization
    15  thereof shall be:
    16    (1) In the case of a vote by the board of directors: (i) the number of
    17  directors required under the certificate of incorporation, by-laws, this
    18  chapter and any other applicable law; or
    19    (ii) if the number of directors actually holding office as such at the
    20  time  of  the vote to adopt the plan is less than the number required to
    21  constitute a quorum of directors under the certificate of incorporation,
    22  the by-laws, this chapter or any other  applicable  law,  the  remaining
    23  directors unanimously;

    24    (2)  In  the  case of a vote by the members, (i) the number of members
    25  required under the certificate of incorporation, by-laws,  this  chapter
    26  and  any other applicable law; or (ii) by the vote of members authorized
    27  by an order of the supreme court pursuant  to  section  608  (Quorum  at
    28  meeting  of  members)  of  this  chapter  permitting  the corporation to
    29  dispense with the applicable quorum requirement.
    30    Notice of a special or regular meeting of the board of directors or of
    31  the members entitled to vote on adoption and authorization  or  approval
    32  of  the  plan  of  dissolution  shall  be  sent to all the directors and
    33  members of record entitled to vote. Unless otherwise directed  by  order
    34  of  the  supreme  court  pursuant  to  section 608 (Quorum at meeting of

    35  members) of this chapter, the notice shall be sent  by  certified  mail,
    36  return  receipt  requested,  to the last known address of record of each
    37  director and member not fewer than thirty, and not more than sixty  days
    38  before  the  date  of  each  meeting provided, however, that if the last
    39  known address of record of any director or  member  is  not  within  the
    40  United  States,  the  notice to such director shall be sent by any other
    41  reasonable means.
    42    (d) (1) The plan of dissolution and distribution of assets shall  have
    43  annexed  thereto  the approval of [a justice of the supreme court in the
    44  judicial district in which the office of the corporation is located] the
    45  attorney general in the case of a [Type B, C  or  D]  charitable  corpo-

    46  ration,  and in the case of any [other] non-charitable corporation which
    47  [holds assets] at the time of dissolution holds assets legally  required
    48  to be used for a particular purpose[, except that no such approval shall
    49  be  required  with  respect to the plan of dissolution of a corporation,
    50  other than a corporation incorporated pursuant  to  article  15  (Public
    51  cemetery corporations), which has no assets to distribute at the time of
    52  dissolution,  other  than  a  reserve not to exceed twenty-five thousand
    53  dollars for the purpose of paying ordinary  and  necessary  expenses  of
    54  winding  up  its  affairs  including  attorney  and accountant fees, and
    55  liabilities not in  excess  of  ten  thousand  dollars,  and  which  has

    56  complied  with the requirements of section 1001 (Plan of dissolution and

        A. 8072                            49

     1  distribution of assets) and this section applicable  to  such  a  corpo-
     2  ration].
     3    (2)  Application  to the [supreme court for an order] attorney general
     4  for such approval shall be  by  verified  petition,  with  the  plan  of
     5  dissolution  and  distribution  of  assets  and  certified copies of the
     6  consents prescribed by this section annexed thereto[, and upon ten  days
     7  written  notice  to  the  attorney general accompanied by copies of such
     8  petition, plan and consents. In such case where approval of a justice of
     9  the supreme court is not required for a Type B, C or  D  corporation,  a

    10  copy  of  such  plan certified under penalties of perjury shall be filed
    11  with the attorney general within ten days after its authorization].
    12    (3) The attorney general may approve the petition if  the  corporation
    13  has  adopted  a plan in accordance with the requirements of section 1001
    14  (Plan of dissolution and distribution of assets) of  this  article,  and
    15  any other requirements imposed by law or rule. At any time, including if
    16  the  attorney  general  does  not  approve the petition, or the attorney
    17  general concludes, in his or her discretion, that court  review  of  the
    18  petition  is  appropriate, the corporation may apply for approval to the
    19  supreme court in the judicial district in which the principal office  of

    20  the  corporation is located, or in which the office of one of the domes-
    21  tic constituent corporations is located, for  an  order  dissolving  the
    22  corporation.  Application  to  the  supreme  court for an order for such
    23  approval shall be by verified petition upon ten days written  notice  to
    24  the  attorney  general, and shall include all information required to be
    25  included in the application to the attorney  general  pursuant  to  this
    26  section.
    27    §  90.  Paragraphs (a) and (c) of section 1002-a of the not-for-profit
    28  corporation law, as amended by chapter 434 of  the  laws  of  2006,  are
    29  amended to read as follows:
    30    (a)  Carry out the plan of dissolution and distribution of assets, pay
    31  its liabilities and distribute its assets in accordance therewith within

    32  two hundred seventy days from the  date  the  plan  of  dissolution  and
    33  distribution  of  assets  shall  have been (1) authorized as provided in
    34  section 1002 (Authorization of plan) of this article,  (2)  approved  by
    35  any  governmental body or officer whose approval is required pursuant to
    36  paragraph (c) of section 1002 (Authorization of plan) of  this  article,
    37  and  (3)  approved  by  either  the attorney general or a justice of the
    38  supreme court[, if such approval is required] pursuant to paragraph  (d)
    39  of  section 1002 (Authorization of plan) of this article[, or filed with
    40  the attorney general, if such filing is required pursuant  to  paragraph
    41  (d) of section 1002 of this article]. Evidence of the disposition of its

    42  assets  and  payment  of its liabilities pursuant to the plan of dissol-
    43  ution and distribution of assets shall be submitted by  the  corporation
    44  to  the  attorney general and any other governmental body or officer, as
    45  required under applicable laws. If the plan of dissolution and  distrib-
    46  ution  of  assets  cannot be carried out within the prescribed time, the
    47  attorney general may upon good cause shown  extend  such  time,  or  any
    48  extended period of time, by not fewer than thirty days nor more than one
    49  year;
    50    (c)  Distribute the assets of the corporation that remain after paying
    51  or adequately providing for the  payment  of  its  liabilities,  in  the
    52  following manner:
    53    (1)  assets received and held by the corporation either for a charita-
    54  ble purpose [specified as  Type  B  in  paragraph  (b)  of  section  201

    55  (Purposes)]  or  which  are legally required to be used for a particular
    56  purpose, shall be distributed to one or more domestic or foreign  corpo-

        A. 8072                            50
     1  rations or other organizations engaged in activities substantially simi-
     2  lar  to  those  of  the  dissolved  corporation  pursuant to the plan of
     3  dissolution and distribution or,  if  applicable,  as  approved  by  the
     4  attorney general or ordered by the supreme court pursuant to [which such
     5  plan  is  submitted  for  approval under] section 1002 (Authorization of
     6  plan) of this article.  Any disposition of assets contained in a will or
     7  other instrument, in trust  or  otherwise,  made  before  or  after  the

     8  dissolution, to or for the benefit of any corporation so dissolved shall
     9  inure to or for the benefit of the corporation or organization acquiring
    10  such  assets  of  the dissolved corporation as provided in this section,
    11  and so far as is necessary for that purpose the corporation or organiza-
    12  tion acquiring such disposition shall  be  deemed  a  successor  to  the
    13  dissolved  corporation  with  respect to such assets; provided, however,
    14  that such disposition shall be devoted by the acquiring  corporation  or
    15  organization to the purposes intended by the testator, donor or grantor.
    16    (2)  assets  other  than  those  described by subparagraph one of this
    17  paragraph, if any, shall be distributed in accordance with the  specifi-
    18  cations of the plan of dissolution and distribution of assets or, to the
    19  extent that the certificate of incorporation prescribes the distributive

    20  rights of members, or of any class or classes of members, as provided in
    21  such certificate;
    22    §  91.    Paragraphs (a) and (b) of section 1003 of the not-for-profit
    23  corporation law, as amended by chapter 434 of  the  laws  of  2006,  are
    24  amended to read as follows:
    25    (a)  After the plan of dissolution and distribution of assets has been
    26  adopted, authorized, approved and carried out pursuant to the  terms  of
    27  the  plan  within  the  time period set forth pursuant to section 1002-a
    28  (Carrying out the plan of dissolution and  distribution  of  assets),  a
    29  certificate   of   dissolution,  entitled  "Certificate  of  dissolution
    30  of ........ (name of corporation) under section 1003 of the Not-for-Pro-
    31  fit Corporation Law" shall  be  signed  and,  if  required  pursuant  to
    32  subparagraph  two  of  paragraph (b) of this section, after the attorney

    33  general has affixed thereon his or her consent to the dissolution,  such
    34  certificate  of  dissolution  shall  be  delivered  to the department of
    35  state. It shall set forth:
    36    (1) The name of the corporation and, if its name has been changed, the
    37  name under which it was formed.
    38    (2) The date its certificate of incorporation was filed by the depart-
    39  ment of state.
    40    (3) The name and address of each of its officers and directors.
    41    (4) [The type of corporation it is  at  the  time  of  dissolution]  A
    42  statement as to whether the corporation is a charitable corporation or a
    43  non-charitable corporation.
    44    (5)  A  statement as to whether or not the corporation holds assets at
    45  the time of authorization of its plan of dissolution and distribution of
    46  assets as provided in section 1002 of  this  article  (Authorization  of

    47  plan) which are legally required to be used for a particular purpose.
    48    (6) That the corporation elects to dissolve.
    49    (7) The manner in which the dissolution was authorized. If the dissol-
    50  ution of the corporation is authorized by a vote of the directors and/or
    51  members of the corporation that is less than that ordinarily required by
    52  the certificate of incorporation, the by-laws, this chapter or any other
    53  applicable  law, as permitted by paragraph (a) of section 1002 (Authori-
    54  zation of plan) of this article, then  the  certificate  of  dissolution
    55  shall so state.

        A. 8072                            51
     1    (8)  A statement that prior to delivery of such certificate of dissol-
     2  ution to the department of state for filing, the plan of dissolution and

     3  distribution of assets has been approved by the attorney general or by a
     4  justice of the supreme court, if such approval is required  pursuant  to
     5  section  1002  (Authorization  of  plan)  of this article. A copy of the
     6  order shall be attached to the certificate of dissolution. In  the  case
     7  of  a  corporation,  other  than  a corporation incorporated pursuant to
     8  article 15 (Public cemetery corporations), having no assets to  distrib-
     9  ute,  or  having  no  assets  to  distribute other than a reserve not to
    10  exceed twenty-five thousand dollars for the purpose of  paying  ordinary
    11  and  necessary expenses of winding up its affairs including attorney and
    12  accountant fees, and liabilities not in excess of ten  thousand  dollars
    13  at  the  time  of  dissolution,  a  statement that a copy of the plan of

    14  dissolution which contains the statement prescribed by paragraph (b)  of
    15  section  1001  (Plan of dissolution and distribution of assets) has been
    16  duly filed with the attorney general, if required.
    17    (b) Such certificate of dissolution  shall  have  [indorsed]  endorsed
    18  thereon or annexed thereto the approval of the dissolution:
    19    (1) By a governmental body or officer, if such approval is required. A
    20  corporation whose statement of purposes specifically includes the estab-
    21  lishment  or  operation  of  a  child  day  care center, as that term is
    22  defined in section three hundred ninety  of  the  social  services  law,
    23  shall provide a certified copy of any certificate of dissolution involv-
    24  ing such corporation to the office of children and family services with-
    25  in  thirty days after the filing of such dissolution with the department
    26  of state.

    27    (2) By the attorney general in the case of a [Type B, C or D] charita-
    28  ble corporation, or any other corporation that holds assets at the  time
    29  of dissolution legally required to be used for a particular purpose.
    30    §  92. Paragraph (a) of section 1007 of the not-for-profit corporation
    31  law, as amended by chapter 434 of the laws of 2006, is amended  to  read
    32  as follows:
    33    (a)  At  any  time  after  the plan of dissolution and distribution of
    34  assets shall have been (1) authorized as provided  in  section  1002  of
    35  this  article  (Authorization of plan), (2) approved by any governmental
    36  body or officer whose approval is required pursuant to paragraph (c)  of
    37  section 1002 of this article, and (3) approved by either by the attorney
    38  general or a justice of the supreme court[, if such approval is required

    39  pursuant to paragraph (d) of section 1002 of this article, or filed with
    40  the  attorney general, if such filing is required] pursuant to paragraph
    41  (d) of section 1002 of this article, and prior to filing the certificate
    42  of dissolution, the corporation may give a notice requiring  all  credi-
    43  tors and claimants, including any with unliquidated or contingent claims
    44  and  any with whom the corporation has unfulfilled contracts, to present
    45  their claims in writing and in detail at a  specified  place  and  by  a
    46  specified  day,  which shall not be less than six months after the first
    47  publication of such notice. Such notice shall be published at least once
    48  a week for two successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in
    49  the county in which the office of the corporation  was  located  at  the
    50  date  of  authorization  of  its plan of dissolution and distribution of

    51  assets as provided in section 1002 of  this  article  (Authorization  of
    52  plan).    On or before the date of the first publication of such notice,
    53  the corporation shall mail a copy  thereof,  postage  prepaid,  to  each
    54  person  believed to be a creditor of or claimant against the corporation
    55  whose current name and address are known to or can with due diligence be
    56  ascertained by the corporation. The giving  of  such  notice  shall  not

        A. 8072                            52
     1  constitute  a recognition that any person is a proper creditor or claim-
     2  ant, and shall not revive or make valid, or operate as a recognition  of
     3  the  validity  of, or a waiver of any defense or counterclaim in respect
     4  of any claim against the corporation, its assets, directors, officers or
     5  members,  which  has been barred by any statute of limitations or become

     6  invalid by any cause, or in respect of which the corporation, its direc-
     7  tors, officers or members, has any defense or counterclaim.
     8    § 93. Subparagraph 15 of paragraph (a) of section 1008 of the not-for-
     9  profit corporation law, as amended by chapter 434 of the laws  of  2006,
    10  is amended to read as follows:
    11    (15) Where assets were received and held by the corporation either for
    12  a  charitable  purpose  [specified as Type B in paragraph (b) of section
    13  201 (Purposes),] or [were] legally required to be used for a  particular
    14  purpose,  the  distribution  of  such  assets to one or more domestic or
    15  foreign  corporations  or  other  organizations  engaged  in  activities
    16  substantially  similar  to those of the dissolved corporation, on notice
    17  to the attorney general and to such other persons, and in  such  manner,

    18  as the court may deem proper.
    19    § 94.  Subparagraph 6 of paragraph (a) of section 1012 of the not-for-
    20  profit  corporation  law, as amended by chapter 726 of the laws of 2005,
    21  is amended to read as follows:
    22    (6) That[, under section 201 (Purposes),] it is a [Type  .............
    23  (Insert  A,  B, C or D) not-for-profit] charitable corporation or a non-
    24  charitable corporation, as applicable.
    25    § 95. Sections 1203 and 1204 of the not-for-profit corporation law are
    26  amended to read as follows:
    27  § 1203. Temporary and permanent receiver.
    28    (a)  At any stage before final judgment or final order in an action or
    29  special proceeding brought under this article, the court may appoint one
    30  or more receivers of the property of the corporation or of the  property

    31  in  this state of a foreign corporation against which an action has been
    32  brought under subparagraph [(a)] (4) of paragraph (a)  of  section  1202
    33  [(Appointment  of a receiver of property of a domestic or foreign corpo-
    34  ration)] of this article.  Notice of an application shall  be  given  to
    35  the attorney-general, to each governmental body or officer whose consent
    36  is  required  for the dissolution of such corporation, and to such other
    37  persons and in such manner as the court directs.   The determination  by
    38  the  court  of the necessity or advisability of appointing a receiver or
    39  an attorney for a receiver, and the allowance of  expenses,  commissions
    40  or compensation to the receiver or [his] such attorney, shall be subject
    41  to review on appeal.  This provision shall not affect any other right to

    42  review on appeal.
    43    (b)   A receiver appointed by or under a final judgment or order in an
    44  action or special proceeding, or a temporary receiver who  is  continued
    45  by  the final judgment or order, is a permanent receiver.  The court may
    46  confer upon a temporary receiver  the  powers,  and  subject  [him]  the
    47  temporary  receiver  to  the  duties of a permanent receiver, or so much
    48  thereof as it deems proper.
    49  § 1204. Oath and security.
    50    [(a)]  A receiver, before entering upon  his  or  her  duties,  shall:
    51  [(1)](a)  Take  and  subscribe  an  oath that he or she will faithfully,
    52  honestly and impartially discharge the trust committed to  him  or  her,
    53  and  the  oath  shall  be filed with the clerk of the court in which the

    54  action or special proceeding is pending.
    55    [(2)] (b) File with the clerk of such court a bond to the people, with
    56  at least two sufficient sureties or a bond executed by any  fidelity  or

        A. 8072                            53
     1  surety  company  authorized  by the laws of this state to transact busi-
     2  ness, in a penalty fixed by the court appointing him or her, conditioned
     3  for the faithful discharge of his or her duties as receiver.  The  court
     4  may  at  any time direct a receiver to give a new bond with new sureties
     5  and with like condition.
     6    § 96. Subparagraphs 2 and 3 of paragraph (b) of section  1206  of  the
     7  not-for-profit corporation law are amended to read as follows:
     8    (2)    To  sell  at  public or private sale all the property vested in

     9  [him] the permanent receiver, in such  manner  and  on  such  terms  and
    10  conditions  as  the  court shall direct, and to make necessary transfers
    11  and conveyances thereof.
    12    (3)  To examine on oath, to be administered  by  [him]  the  permanent
    13  receiver,  any  person  concerning any matter pertaining to or affecting
    14  the receivership.
    15    § 97.  Subparagraph 1 of paragraph (a) of section 1207 of the not-for-
    16  profit corporation law, clause (C) as amended by chapter 847 of the laws
    17  of 1970, is amended to read as follows:
    18    (1)  To give immediate notice of his or her appointment by publication
    19  once a week for two successive weeks in two newspapers of general circu-
    20  lation in the county where the office of the corporation is located  or,

    21  in  the  case  of a foreign corporation against which an action has been
    22  brought under subparagraph [(a)] (4) of paragraph (a)  of  section  1202
    23  (Appointment  of  receiver  of  property of a domestic or foreign corpo-
    24  ration), in a newspaper of general circulation as directed by the court,
    25  requiring:
    26    (A)  All persons indebted to the corporation to render an  account  of
    27  all  debts  owing  by them to the corporation and to pay the same to the
    28  receiver at a specified place and by a specified day.
    29    (B)  All persons having in their possession any property of the corpo-
    30  ration to deliver the same to the receiver at the specified place and by
    31  the specified day.
    32    (C)  All creditors and claimants, including any with  unliquidated  or
    33  contingent  claims  and  any  with  whom the corporation has unfulfilled

    34  contracts, to present their claims to the receiver  in  writing  and  in
    35  detail  at  a specified place and by a specified day, which shall not be
    36  less than six months after the first publication of such notice.   When-
    37  ever a receiver is appointed in dissolution proceedings under article 10
    38  (Non-judicial dissolution) or article 11 (Judicial dissolution), section
    39  1007  (Notice to creditors by corporations intending to dissolve; filing
    40  or barring claims) of this chapter shall apply  and  shall  control  the
    41  giving  of  notice to creditors and claimants and the filing and barring
    42  of claims.
    43    § 98. Paragraphs (a) and (e) of section  1209  of  the  not-for-profit
    44  corporation law are amended to read as follows:
    45    (a)  Whenever a receiver, by verified petition to the supreme court at

    46  a  special term held in the judicial district in which [he] the receiver
    47  was appointed, shall show that he or she has good reason to believe that
    48  any person has in his or her possession or under his or her control,  or
    49  has  wrongfully  concealed, withheld or disposed of, any property of the
    50  corporation, or that any person can testify concerning such  facts,  the
    51  court, with or without notice, shall make an order requiring such person
    52  to appear before the court or a referee, at a time and place designated,
    53  and  submit  to an examination concerning such facts.  In such order, or
    54  at any time thereafter, in its discretion,  the  court  may  enjoin  and
    55  restrain  such  person from disposing of any property of the corporation
    56  in his or her possession or under his or her control.

        A. 8072                            54
     1    (e)  The testimony taken under such order shall be signed and sworn to
     2  by the person examined, and be filed in the office of the clerk  of  the
     3  county  where  the  action or proceeding is pending.  If it shall appear
     4  that any person is wrongfully concealing or withholding, or has  in  his
     5  or  her  possession  or  under  his  or her control, any property of the
     6  corporation, on notice to [him] such person, the court may make an order
     7  requiring [him] such person forthwith to deliver  it  to  the  receiver,
     8  subject to the further order of the court.
     9    § 99.  Paragraph (a) of section 1211 of the not-for-profit corporation
    10  law is amended to read as follows:
    11    (a)    If  there  remains  property of the corporation after the first

    12  distribution, the receiver shall, within one  year  thereafter,  make  a
    13  final  distribution  among  the creditors entitled thereto.  Notice that
    14  such distribution will be the final distribution to creditors  shall  be
    15  published once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of gener-
    16  al  circulation  in  the  county  where the office of the corporation is
    17  located and posted prominently  and  continuously  for  two  consecutive
    18  weeks on the homepage of any website maintained by the corporation.
    19    §  100.  Section 1212 of the not-for-profit corporation law, paragraph
    20  (b) as amended by chapter 726 of the laws of 2005, is amended to read as
    21  follows:
    22  § 1212. Disposition of  moneys  retained;  surplus;  unclaimed  distrib-
    23            utions.
    24    (a) When any action pending at the time of final distribution shall be

    25  terminated,  the  receiver  shall apply the moneys retained by [him] the
    26  receiver to the payment of the amount recovered, and [his]  the  receiv-
    27  er's necessary charges and expenses incurred therein.
    28    (b) After the final distribution to creditors and after deducting [his
    29  or her] the receiver's charges and expenses, the receiver shall distrib-
    30  ute  any  surplus  in the manner prescribed in section 1002-a [(Carrying
    31  out the plan of dissolution and distribution of assets)] of this chapter
    32  or, if dissolution of the corporation is not involved, in such manner as
    33  the court shall order.
    34    § 101. Sections 1213, 1214 and 1215 of the not-for-profit  corporation
    35  law are amended to read as follows:

    36  § 1213. Omission or default of receiver.
    37    Upon  notice to the attorney-general and upon such notice to creditors
    38  or others interested as the court shall direct, the court  may,  in  the
    39  furtherance of justice, relieve a receiver from any omission or default,
    40  on  such  conditions  as  may  be imposed, and, on compliance therewith,
    41  confirm [his] the receiver's action.
    42  § 1214. Application by attorney-general for removal of receiver  and  to
    43            close receivership.
    44    (a)    Whenever  he  or  she  deems  it  to be to the advantage of the
    45  members, creditors or other persons interested  in  the  assets  of  any
    46  corporation for which a receiver has been appointed, the attorney-gener-
    47  al may move:
    48    (1)  For an order removing the receiver and appointing another [in his

    49  stead] receiver;
    50    (2)  To compel the receiver to account;
    51    (3)   For such other and additional orders as may facilitate the clos-
    52  ing of the receivership.
    53  § 1215. Resignation by receiver; filling any vacancy.
    54    (a)  A receiver may petition the [court] appointing [him] court for an
    55  order to show cause why he or she should not be permitted to resign.

        A. 8072                            55
     1    (b)  The petition shall be accompanied by a verified  account  of  all
     2  the  assets  of  the  corporation received by [him] the receiver, of all
     3  payments or other disposition thereof made by [him] the receiver, of the
     4  remaining assets of the corporation in respect to which [he] the receiv-

     5  er  was appointed receiver and the situation of the same, and of all his
     6  or her transactions as receiver.  Thereupon, the court  shall  grant  an
     7  order  directing  notice to be given to the sureties on his or her offi-
     8  cial bond and to all persons interested in the property  of  the  corpo-
     9  ration  to  show  cause, at a time and place specified, why the receiver
    10  should not be permitted to resign.  Such notice shall be published  once
    11  in  each  week for six successive weeks in one or more newspapers as the
    12  court shall direct.   If it shall appear that  the  proceedings  of  the
    13  receiver  in the discharge of his or her trust have been fair and honest
    14  and that there is no good cause to the contrary, the court shall make an
    15  order permitting such receiver to resign.  Thereupon [he]  the  receiver

    16  shall  be  discharged and his or her powers as receiver shall cease, but
    17  he or she shall remain subject to any liability incurred  prior  to  the
    18  making  of  such  order.   The court, in its discretion, may require the
    19  expense of such proceeding to be paid by  the  receiver  presenting  the
    20  petition.
    21    (c)   Any vacancy created by resignation, removal, death or otherwise,
    22  may be filled by the court, and the property of the  receivership  shall
    23  be  delivered  to  the remaining receivers or, if there are none, to the
    24  successor appointed by the court.    The  court  may  summarily  enforce
    25  delivery  by  order  in  the  action  or special proceeding in which the
    26  receiver was appointed.
    27    § 102. Section 1302 of the not-for-profit corporation law, as  amended
    28  by chapter 847 of the laws of 1970, is amended to read as follows:

    29  § 1302. Application to existing authorized foreign corporations.
    30    Every  foreign corporation which on the effective date of this chapter
    31  is authorized to conduct activities in this state under a certificate of
    32  authority heretofore issued to  it  by  the  secretary  of  state  shall
    33  continue to have such authority.  Such foreign corporation, its members,
    34  directors,  and  officers  shall  have  the same rights, franchises, and
    35  privileges and shall be subject to the same  limitations,  restrictions,
    36  liabilities,  and  penalties  as  a foreign corporation authorized under
    37  this chapter, its members, directors,  and  officers  respectively.    A
    38  foreign corporation may by amendment to its certificate of authority set
    39  forth  [the type of] whether it is a charitable corporation [it is under

    40  section 201 (Purposes);] or a  non-charitable  corporation  and  in  the
    41  absence  of  such amendment an authorized foreign corporation shall be a
    42  [Type B] charitable corporation.  Reference in this chapter to an appli-
    43  cation for authority  shall,  unless  the  context  otherwise  requires,
    44  include the statement and designation and any amendment thereof required
    45  to  be  filed by the secretary of state under prior statutes to obtain a
    46  certificate of authority.
    47    § 103. Subparagraph 4 of paragraph (a) of section 1304 of the not-for-
    48  profit corporation law, as amended by chapter 847 of the  laws  of  1970
    49  and as renumbered by chapter 590 of the laws of 1982, is amended to read
    50  as follows:
    51    (4)  That  the  corporation  is  a  foreign  corporation as defined in

    52  subparagraph [(a)] (7) of paragraph (a) of section  102  (Definitions)[;
    53  the  type  of]  of this chapter, whether it would be a charitable corpo-
    54  ration [it shall be under section 201 (Purposes); a statement]  or  non-
    55  charitable  corporation  if  formed  in  this  state; a statement of its
    56  purposes to be pursued in this state and  of  the  activities  which  it

        A. 8072                            56
     1  proposes to conduct in this state; and a statement that it is authorized
     2  to  conduct  those activities in the jurisdiction of its incorporation[;
     3  and in the case of a Type C corporation, the  lawful  public  or  quasi-
     4  public objective which each business purpose will achieve].

     5    § 104. Paragraph (c) of section 1304 of the not-for-profit corporation
     6  law is amended, and a new paragraph (d) is added to read as follows:
     7    (c)  If the application for authority sets forth any purpose or activ-
     8  ity for which a domestic corporation  could  be  formed  only  with  the
     9  consent or approval of any governmental body or officer, or other person
    10  or  body  under  section  404  (Approvals, notices and consents) of this
    11  chapter, such consent or approval shall be endorsed thereon  or  annexed
    12  thereto.
    13    (d)  If the application for authority sets forth any purpose or activ-
    14  ity requiring a domestic corporation to provide notice of the filing  of
    15  a certificate of incorporation to any person or entity under section 404

    16  (Approvals,  notices and consents) of this chapter, then the corporation
    17  shall send by certified mail, return receipt requested, a certified copy
    18  of the certificate of authority to such  person  or  entity  within  ten
    19  business  days  after  the  corporation  receives  confirmation from the
    20  department of state that the certificate has been accepted for filing.
    21    § 105. Subparagraph 1 of paragraph (a) of section 1309 of the not-for-
    22  profit corporation law, as amended by chapter 186 of the laws  of  1983,
    23  is amended to read as follows:
    24    (1)  The name of the foreign corporation as it appears on the index of
    25  names of existing domestic and authorized foreign  corporations  of  any
    26  [type  or]  kind  in the department of state and the fictitious name the

    27  corporation has agreed to use in this state pursuant to paragraph (d) of
    28  section 1301 of this [chapter] article.
    29    § 106. Subparagraph 1 of paragraph (b) of section 1310 of the not-for-
    30  profit corporation law, as amended by chapter 186 of the laws  of  1983,
    31  is amended to read as follows:
    32    (1)  The name of the foreign corporation as it appears on the index of
    33  names of existing domestic and authorized foreign  corporations  of  any
    34  [type  or]  kind  in the department of state and the fictitious name the
    35  corporation has agreed to use in this state pursuant to paragraph (d) of
    36  section 1301 of this [chapter] article.
    37    § 107. Subparagraph 1 of paragraph (a) of section 1311 of the not-for-
    38  profit corporation law, as amended by chapter 186 of the laws  of  1983,
    39  is amended to read as follows:

    40    (1)  The name of the foreign corporation as it appears on the index of
    41  names of existing domestic and authorized foreign  corporations  of  any
    42  [type  or]  kind  in the department of state and the fictitious name the
    43  corporation has agreed to use in this state pursuant to paragraph (d) of
    44  section 1301 of this [chapter] article.
    45    § 108. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of section 1315  of  the  not-for-profit
    46  corporation  law,  subparagraph 5 of paragraph (b) as amended by chapter
    47  847 of the laws of 1970, are amended to read as follows:
    48    (a)  An action or special proceeding against a foreign corporation may
    49  be maintained by a resident of this state or by a  domestic  corporation
    50  of any [type or] kind for any cause of action.
    51    (b)    Except  as  otherwise  provided  in  this article, an action or

    52  special proceeding against a foreign corporation may  be  maintained  by
    53  another foreign corporation of any [type or] kind or by a nonresident in
    54  the following cases only:
    55    (1)   Where the action is brought to recover damages for the breach of
    56  a contract made or to be performed within this  state,  or  relating  to

        A. 8072                            57
     1  property  situated  within  this  state at the time of the making of the
     2  contract.
     3    (2)    Where  the  subject matter of the litigation is situated within
     4  this state.
     5    (3)  Where the cause of action arose within this state,  except  where
     6  the object of the action or special proceeding is to affect the title of
     7  real property situated outside this state.
     8    (4)  Where, in any case not included in the preceding subparagraphs, a

     9  non-domiciliary  would  be  subject  to the personal jurisdiction of the
    10  courts of this state under section [302] three hundred two of the  civil
    11  practice law and rules.
    12    (5) Where the defendant is a foreign corporation conducting activities
    13  or authorized to conduct activities in this state.
    14    § 109. Paragraph (b) of section 1316 of the not-for-profit corporation
    15  law is amended to read as follows:
    16    (b)   An examination authorized by paragraph (a) may be denied to such
    17  member or other person upon his refusal to furnish to the foreign corpo-
    18  ration or its  transfer  agent  or  registrar  an  affidavit  that  such
    19  inspection  is  not desired for a purpose which is in the interests of a
    20  business or object other than the activities of the foreign  corporation
    21  and  that  such member or other person has not within five years sold or

    22  offered for sale any list or record of members of any corporation of any
    23  [type or] kind, whether or not formed under the laws of this  state,  or
    24  aided  or  abetted  any  person  in procuring any such list or record of
    25  members for any such purpose.
    26    § 110. Paragraph (a) of section 1321 of the not-for-profit corporation
    27  law, subparagraphs 1, 2 and 3 as amended by chapter 847 of the  laws  of
    28  1970, is amended to read as follows:
    29    (a)    Notwithstanding  any other provision of this chapter, a foreign
    30  corporation conducting activities in  this  state  which  is  authorized
    31  under this article, its directors, officers and members, shall be exempt
    32  from  the  provisions  of  paragraph  (e)  of section 1317 (Voting trust
    33  records), subparagraph [(a)]  (1)  of  paragraph  (a)  of  section  1318

    34  (Liabilities  of  directors  and  officers of foreign corporations), and
    35  subparagraph [(a)] (2) of paragraph (a) of section  1320  (Applicability
    36  of  other  provisions)  of  this  article if [when] such provision would
    37  otherwise apply:
    38    (1) The corporation is a [Type  A]  non-charitable  corporation  under
    39  this chapter; its principal activities are conducted outside this state;
    40  the greater part of its property is located outside this state; and less
    41  than one third of its members are residents of this state; or
    42    (2)    The corporation is a [Type B] charitable corporation under this
    43  chapter; its principal activities are conducted outside this state;  the
    44  greater  part  of  its  property is located outside this state; and less

    45  than ten per cent of its annual revenues is derived from solicitation of
    46  funds within this state[; or
    47    (3) The corporation is a Type C corporation under  this  chapter;  its
    48  principal  activities are conducted outside this state; the greater part
    49  of its property is located outside this state; and less than one half of
    50  its revenues for the preceding three fiscal years, or such portion ther-
    51  eof as the foreign corporation was in existence, was derived from sourc-
    52  es within this state].
    53    § 111. Paragraph (d) of section 1401 of the not-for-profit corporation
    54  law, as added by chapter 871 of the laws of 1977, is amended to read  as
    55  follows:

        A. 8072                            58

     1    (d) Type of corporation. A family or private cemetery corporation is a
     2  [type B] charitable corporation under this chapter.
     3    § 112. Paragraph (b) of section 1402 of the not-for-profit corporation
     4  law is amended to read as follows:
     5    (b) Type of corporation.
     6    A  fire  corporation  is  a [Type B] charitable corporation under this
     7  chapter.
     8    § 113. Paragraph (c) of section 1403 of the not-for-profit corporation
     9  law is amended to read as follows:
    10    (c) Type of corporation.
    11    A corporation for the prevention of cruelty is a [Type  B]  charitable
    12  corporation under this chapter.
    13    § 114. Paragraph (b) of section 1404 of the not-for-profit corporation
    14  law,  as amended by chapter 1058 of the laws of 1971, is amended to read
    15  as follows:
    16    (b)  Type of corporation.

    17    A christian association is a [Type  B]  charitable  corporation  under
    18  this chapter.
    19    § 115. Paragraph (b) of section 1405 of the not-for-profit corporation
    20  law is amended to read as follows:
    21    (b)  Type of corporation.
    22    A soldiers' monument corporation is a [Type B] charitable corporation.
    23    § 116. Paragraph (b) of section 1406 of the not-for-profit corporation
    24  law is amended to read as follows:
    25    (b)  Type of corporation.
    26    A  medical society is a [Type A] non-charitable corporation under this
    27  chapter.
    28    § 117. Paragraph (b) of section 1407 of the not-for-profit corporation
    29  law is amended to read as follows:
    30    (b)  Type of corporation.
    31    An alumni corporation is a [Type A] non-charitable corporation.

    32    § 118. Paragraph (b) of section 1408 of the not-for-profit corporation
    33  law is amended to read as follows:
    34    (b)  Type of corporation.
    35    An historical society is a [Type B] charitable corporation under  this
    36  chapter.
    37    § 119. Paragraph (b) of section 1409 of the not-for-profit corporation
    38  law,  as amended by chapter 1058 of the laws of 1971, is amended to read
    39  as follows:
    40    (b) Type of corporation.  An agricultural or horticultural corporation
    41  is a [Type A] non-charitable corporation under this chapter, except that
    42  any such corporation which has received moneys from  the  state  or  has
    43  acted as agent for the state under paragraph (c) of this section, or has
    44  acquired  or  does acquire real property by condemnation is or becomes a

    45  [Type B] charitable corporation under this chapter. [If such corporation
    46  has not already filed as a  Type  B  corporation  it  shall,  upon  such
    47  receipt  of  moneys  or acting as such agent or such acquisition of real
    48  property by condemnation, amend its certificate to that effect.]
    49    § 120. Paragraph (b) of section 1410 of the not-for-profit corporation
    50  law is amended to read as follows:
    51    (b)  Type of corporation.
    52    A board of trade or a chamber of commerce is a [Type A] non-charitable
    53  corporation under this chapter.
    54    § 121. Paragraph (b) of section 1411 of the not-for-profit corporation
    55  law is amended to read as follows:
    56    (b) Type of corporation.

        A. 8072                            59

     1    A local development corporation is a [Type C]  charitable  corporation
     2  under this chapter.
     3    § 122. Paragraph (d) of section 1412 of the not-for-profit corporation
     4  law,  as added by chapter 555 of the laws of 1993, is amended to read as
     5  follows:
     6    (d) Type. A university faculty practice  corporation  is  a  [Type  B]
     7  charitable corporation under this chapter.
     8    § 123. Paragraph (c) of section 1505 of the not-for-profit corporation
     9  law,  as added by chapter 871 of the laws of 1977, is amended to read as
    10  follows:
    11    (c)  Type of corporation.  A cemetery corporation is a [Type B] chari-
    12  table corporation under this chapter.
    13    § 124. Paragraph (b) of section 1602 of the not-for-profit corporation

    14  law, as added by chapter 257 of the laws of 2011, is amended to read  as
    15  follows:
    16    (b) "land bank" shall mean a land bank established as a [type C] char-
    17  itable  not-for-profit  corporation under this chapter and in accordance
    18  with the provisions of this article and pursuant to this article;
    19    § 125. Paragraph (f) of section 1603 of the not-for-profit corporation
    20  law, as added by chapter 257 of the laws of 2011, is amended to read  as
    21  follows:
    22    (f)  Each  land  bank  created pursuant to this act shall be a [type C
    23  not-for-profit] charitable corporation, and  shall  have  permanent  and
    24  perpetual duration until terminated and dissolved in accordance with the
    25  provisions of section sixteen hundred thirteen of this article.

    26    §  126.  The opening paragraph of paragraph (a) of section 1607 of the
    27  not-for-profit corporation law, as added by chapter 257 of the  laws  of
    28  2011, is amended to read as follows:
    29    A  land  bank  shall  constitute  a [type C] charitable not-for-profit
    30  corporation under New York law, which powers shall  include  all  powers
    31  necessary  to  carry  out  and effectuate the purposes and provisions of
    32  this article, including the following powers in addition to those herein
    33  otherwise granted:
    34    § 127. Paragraph (e) of section 1611 of the not-for-profit corporation
    35  law, as added by chapter 257 of the laws of 2011, is amended to read  as
    36  follows:
    37    (e) Bonds issued by the land bank shall be issued, sold, and delivered
    38  in  accordance  with the terms and provisions of a resolution adopted by

    39  the board. The board may sell such  bonds  in  such  manner,  either  at
    40  public  or at private sale, and for such price as it may determine to be
    41  in the best interests of the land bank.  The  resolution  issuing  bonds
    42  shall  be  published  in  a  newspaper of general circulation within the
    43  jurisdiction of the land bank and posted prominently and continuously on
    44  the homepage of any website maintained by the land bank.
    45    § 128. Section 1613 of the not-for-profit corporation law, as added by
    46  chapter 257 of the laws of 2011, is amended to read as follows:
    47  § 1613. Dissolution of land bank.
    48    A land bank may be dissolved as a [type C]  charitable  not-for-profit
    49  corporation sixty calendar days after an affirmative resolution approved
    50  by  two-thirds of the membership of the board of directors. Sixty calen-

    51  dar days advance written notice of  consideration  of  a  resolution  of
    52  dissolution shall be given to the foreclosing governmental unit or units
    53  that  created  the land bank, shall be published in a local newspaper of
    54  general circulation, and posted  prominently  and  continuously  on  the
    55  homepage  of  any website maintained by the land bank, and shall be sent
    56  certified mail to the trustee of any outstanding bonds of the land bank.

        A. 8072                            60
     1  Upon dissolution of the land bank all real property,  personal  property
     2  and  other  assets of the land bank shall become the assets of the fore-
     3  closing governmental unit or units that created the land  bank.  In  the
     4  event that two or more foreclosing governmental units create a land bank

     5  in  accordance  with  section sixteen hundred three of this article, the
     6  withdrawal of one or  more  foreclosing  governmental  units  shall  not
     7  result  in the dissolution of the land bank unless the intergovernmental
     8  agreement so provides, and there is  no  foreclosing  governmental  unit
     9  that desires to continue the existence of the land bank.
    10    §  129.    Paragraph  (h)  of section 8-1.4 of the estates, powers and
    11  trusts law, as amended by chapter 43 of the laws of 2002, is amended  to
    12  read as follows:
    13    (h)  The  attorney  general shall make rules and regulations necessary
    14  for the administration of this section, including rules and  regulations
    15  as  to  the time for filing reports, the contents thereof, and [the] any
    16  manner of executing and filing them, including but not limited to allow-

    17  ing or requiring any submission to the attorney general to  be  effected
    18  by  electronic  means  and electronic signatures. He or she may classify
    19  trusts, estates, corporations and other trustees as to  purpose,  nature
    20  of assets, duration, amount of assets, amounts to be devoted to charita-
    21  ble  purposes,  or  otherwise,  and  may  establish  different rules for
    22  different classes as to time and nature of the reports required, to  the
    23  ends  that  he  or she shall receive current financial reports as to all
    24  such trusts, estates, corporations or other trustees which  will  enable
    25  him  or  her  to ascertain whether they are being properly administered.
    26  The attorney general may suspend the filing of financial reports as to a
    27  particular trustee for a reasonable, specifically designated  time  upon
    28  written  application of the trustee, signed under penalties for perjury,

    29  and filed with the attorney general and after the attorney  general  has
    30  filed in the register of trustees a written statement that the interests
    31  of  the  beneficiaries  will not be prejudiced thereby and that periodic
    32  reports during the term of such suspension are not required  for  proper
    33  supervision  by  his  or her office. The filing of the financial reports
    34  required by this section, or the  exemption  from  such  filing  or  the
    35  suspension  therefrom,  shall  not have the effect of absolving trustees
    36  from any responsibility for accounting for property or  income  held  by
    37  them  for  charitable  purposes. A copy of an account or other financial
    38  report filed by a trustee in any court in this state, if the account  or
    39  other  financial  report substantially complies with the rules and regu-
    40  lations of the attorney general, may be  filed  as  a  financial  report
    41  under this section.

    42    §  130.  The estates, powers and trusts law is amended by adding a new
    43  section 8-1.9 to read as follows:
    44  § 8-1.9 Trust governance
    45    (a) For purposes of this section:
    46    (1) A "trust" means a trust created solely for charitable purposes, or
    47  a trust that continues solely for such purposes after all non-charitable
    48  interests have terminated.
    49    (2) "Charitable purpose" means any religious, charitable,  educational
    50  or benevolent purpose.
    51    (3)  "Key  employee" means any person who is in a position to exercise
    52  substantial influence over the affairs of the corporation as  referenced
    53  in  26  U.S.C.  section 4958(f)(1)(A) and further specified in 26 C.F.R.
    54  section 53.4958-3(c), (d) and (e), or succeeding provisions.

    55    (4) An "affiliate" of a trust  means  any  entity  controlled  by,  in
    56  control of, or under common control with such trust.

        A. 8072                            61
     1    (5)  "Relative"  of  an individual means his or her (i) spouse, ances-
     2  tors, brothers and sisters  (whether  whole  or  half  blood),  children
     3  (whether  natural  or  adopted), grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and
     4  spouses of brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren, and  great-grand-
     5  children;  and  (ii)  his  or her domestic partner as defined in section
     6  twenty-nine hundred ninety-four-a of the public health law.
     7    (6) "Related party" means (i) any trustee or key employee of the trust

     8  or any affiliate of the trust; (ii) any relative of any trustee  or  key
     9  employee  of the trust or any affiliate of the trust; or (iii) an entity
    10  in which any individual described  in  clauses  (i)  and  (ii)  of  this
    11  subparagraph  has  a thirty-five percent or greater ownership or benefi-
    12  cial interest or, in the case of a partnership  or  professional  corpo-
    13  ration, a direct ownership interest in excess of five percent.
    14    (7) "Independent trustee" means a trustee who: (i) is not, and has not
    15  been  within the last three years, an employee of the trust or an affil-
    16  iate of the trust, and does not have a relative  who  is,  or  has  been
    17  within the last three years, a key employee of the trust or an affiliate

    18  of  the  trust;  (ii) has not received, and does not have a relative who
    19  has received, in any of the last three fiscal years, more than ten thou-
    20  sand dollars in direct compensation from the trust or  an  affiliate  of
    21  the trust (other than reimbursement for expenses or the payment of trus-
    22  tee  commissions  as permitted by law and the governing instrument); and
    23  (iii) is not a current employee of or does not have a substantial finan-
    24  cial interest in, and does not have a relative who is a current  officer
    25  of or have a substantial financial interest in, any entity that has made
    26  payments to, or received payments from, the trust or an affiliate of the
    27  trust  for  property  or services in an amount which, in any of the last

    28  three fiscal years, exceeds the lesser of twenty-five  thousand  dollars
    29  or  two  percent  of  such  entity's  consolidated  gross  revenues. For
    30  purposes of this subparagraph, "payment"  does  not  include  charitable
    31  contributions.
    32    (8)  "Related  party  transaction" means any transaction, agreement or
    33  any other arrangement in which a related party has a financial  interest
    34  and in which the trust or any affiliate of the trust is a participant.
    35    (9)  "Independent  auditor"  means  any  certified  public  accountant
    36  performing the audit of the financial statements of a trust required  by
    37  subdivision  one  of section one hundred seventy-two-b  of the executive
    38  law.

    39    (b)(1) The trustees or a designated audit committee consisting of  one
    40  or  more independent trustees of any trust required to file an independ-
    41  ent certified public accountant's audit report with the attorney general
    42  pursuant to subdivision one of section one hundred seventy-two-b of  the
    43  executive law shall oversee the accounting and financial reporting proc-
    44  esses  of  the  trust and the audit of the trust's financial statements.
    45  The trustees or designated audit  committee  shall  annually  retain  or
    46  renew  the retention of an independent auditor to conduct the audit and,
    47  upon completion thereof, review the results of the audit and any related
    48  management letter with the independent auditor.

    49    (2) The trustees or a designated audit committee consisting of one  or
    50  more  independent  trustees of any trust required to file an independent
    51  certified public accountant's audit report  with  the  attorney  general
    52  pursuant  to subdivision one of section one hundred seventy-two-b of the
    53  executive law and that in the prior fiscal year had or  in  the  current
    54  fiscal  year  reasonably expects to have annual revenue in excess of one
    55  million dollars shall, in addition to those duties set forth in subpara-
    56  graph one of this paragraph:

        A. 8072                            62
     1    (A) review with the independent auditor the scope and planning of  the
     2  audit prior to the audit's commencement;

     3    (B)  upon  completion  of the audit, review and discuss with the inde-
     4  pendent auditor: (i) any  material  risks  and  weaknesses  in  internal
     5  controls  identified  by the auditor; (ii) any restrictions on the scope
     6  of the auditor's activities or access to  requested  information;  (iii)
     7  any  significant  disagreements  between the auditor and management; and
     8  (iv) the adequacy of the  trust's  accounting  and  financial  reporting
     9  processes;
    10    (C)  annually  consider  the performance and independence of the inde-
    11  pendent auditor; and
    12    (D) if the duties required by this section are performed by  an  audit
    13  committee, report on the committee's activities to the trustees.

    14    (3)  The  trustees  or  designated  audit  committee shall oversee the
    15  adoption, implementation of, and compliance with any conflict of  inter-
    16  est policy or whistleblower policy adopted by the trust if this function
    17  is  not  otherwise  performed  by  another committee comprised solely of
    18  independent trustees.
    19    (4) If a trust is under the control of another trust or a corporation,
    20  the trustees or designated audit committee of the controlling trust,  or
    21  the  board or designated audit committee of the board of the controlling
    22  corporation, may perform the duties required by this paragraph.
    23    (5) Only independent trustees  may  participate  in  deliberations  or
    24  voting relating to matters set forth in this paragraph.

    25    (c)(1)  Notwithstanding  any  provision of the trust instrument to the
    26  contrary, no trust shall enter into any related party transaction unless
    27  the transaction is determined by the trustees to be fair, reasonable and
    28  in the trust's best interest at the time of  such  determination.    Any
    29  trustee,  officer or key employee who has an interest in a related party
    30  transaction shall disclose in good faith to the trustees, or an  author-
    31  ized committee thereof, the material facts concerning such interest.
    32    (2)  With  respect to any related party transaction in which a related
    33  party has a substantial financial interest, the trustees, or an  author-
    34  ized committee thereof, shall:
    35    (A) Prior to entering into the transaction, consider alternative tran-

    36  sactions to the extent available;
    37    (B)  Approve  the  transaction by not less than a majority vote of the
    38  trustees or committee members present at the meeting; and
    39    (C) Contemporaneously document in writing the basis for the  trustees'
    40  or  authorized  committee's  approval,  including  consideration  of any
    41  alternative transactions.
    42    (3) The trust instrument, by-laws or any policy adopted by  the  trus-
    43  tees  may  contain additional restrictions on related party transactions
    44  and additional procedures necessary for the review and approval of  such
    45  transactions,  or  provide  that  any  transaction  in violation of such
    46  restrictions shall be void or voidable.

    47    (4) The attorney general may  bring  an  action  to  enjoin,  void  or
    48  rescind  any  related party transaction or proposed related party trans-
    49  action that violates any provision of this article or was otherwise  not
    50  reasonable  or in the best interests of the trust at the time the trans-
    51  action was approved, or to seek restitution, and the removal of trustees
    52  or officers, or seek to require any person or entity to:
    53    (A) Account for any profits made from such transaction, and  pay  them
    54  to the trust;
    55    (B) Pay the trust the value of the use of any of its property or other
    56  assets used in such transaction;

        A. 8072                            63

     1    (C)  Return  or replace any property or other assets lost to the trust
     2  as a result of such transaction, together with any  income  or  appreci-
     3  ation  lost  to  the trust by reason of such transaction, or account for
     4  any proceeds of sale of such property, and pay the proceeds to the trust
     5  together with interest at the legal rate; and
     6    (D)  Pay, in the case of willful and intentional conduct, an amount up
     7  to double the amount of any benefit improperly obtained.
     8    (5) The powers of the attorney general provided in this section are in
     9  addition to all other powers the attorney general may  have  under  this
    10  chapter or any other law.
    11    (6) No related party may participate in deliberations or voting relat-

    12  ing  to  matters  set  forth in this paragraph; provided that nothing in
    13  this section shall prohibit the trustees or designated  audit  committee
    14  from  requesting  that  a related party present information concerning a
    15  related party transaction at a trustees or committee  meeting  prior  to
    16  the  commencement  of  deliberations  or  voting relating to the related
    17  party transaction.
    18    (d)(1) Except as provided in  subparagraph  four  of  this  paragraph,
    19  every trust shall adopt a conflict of interest policy to ensure that its
    20  trustees,  officers  and  key  employees act in the best interest of the
    21  trust and its beneficiaries and comply with  applicable  legal  require-
    22  ments,  including  but not limited to the requirements set forth in this

    23  paragraph.
    24    (2) The conflict of interest policy shall include, at a  minimum,  the
    25  following provisions:
    26    (A)  a  definition  of the circumstances that constitute a conflict of
    27  interest;
    28    (B) procedures for disclosing a conflict  of  interest  to  the  audit
    29  committee or, if there is no audit committee, to the trustees;
    30    (C) a requirement that the person with the conflict of interest not be
    31  present  at  or  participate  in  any deliberation or vote on the matter
    32  giving rise to such conflict;
    33    (D) a prohibition against any attempt by the person with the  conflict
    34  to  influence  the  deliberation  or voting on the matter giving rise to
    35  such conflict;

    36    (E) a requirement that the existence and resolution of the conflict be
    37  documented in the trust's records, including in the minutes of any meet-
    38  ing at which the conflict was discussed or voted upon; and
    39    (F) procedures for disclosing,  addressing,  and  documenting  related
    40  party transactions in accordance with this paragraph.
    41    (3)  The  conflict  of  interest  policy shall require that prior to a
    42  trustee's initial appointment, and  annually  thereafter,  such  trustee
    43  shall  complete,  sign  and file with the records of the trust a written
    44  statement identifying any entity of which  he  or  she  is  an  officer,
    45  director, trustee, member, owner (either as a sole proprietor or a part-

    46  ner),  or  employee and with which the trust has a relationship, and any
    47  transaction in which the trust is a participant and in which the trustee
    48  might have a conflicting interest. The policy shall  require  that  each
    49  trustee  annually  resubmit  such  written statement. The trustees shall
    50  provide a copy of all completed statements to the  chair  of  the  audit
    51  committee, if there is an audit committee.
    52    (4)  A  trust  that  has  adopted and possesses a conflict of interest
    53  policy pursuant to federal, state or local laws  that  is  substantially
    54  consistent  with  the  provisions  of subparagraph two of this paragraph
    55  shall be deemed in compliance with provisions of this paragraph.

        A. 8072                            64

     1    (5) Nothing in this paragraph shall be interpreted to require a  trust
     2  to adopt any specific conflict of interest policy not otherwise required
     3  by this paragraph or any other law or rule, or to supersede or limit any
     4  requirement  or  duty  governing  conflicts  of interest required by any
     5  other law or rule.
     6    (e)(1)  Except  as  provided  in subparagraph three of this paragraph,
     7  every trust that has twenty or more employees and in  the  prior  fiscal
     8  year  had  annual revenue in excess of one million dollars shall adopt a
     9  whistleblower policy to protect  from  retaliation  persons  who  report
    10  suspected  improper  conduct. Such policy shall provide that no officer,
    11  trustee, employee or volunteer of a trust who in good faith reports  any

    12  action or suspected action taken by or within the trust that is illegal,
    13  fraudulent  or  in  violation  of  any adopted policy of the trust shall
    14  suffer intimidation, harassment, discrimination or other retaliation or,
    15  in the case of employees, adverse employment consequence.
    16    (2) The whistleblower policy shall include the following provisions:
    17    (A) Procedures for the reporting of violations or suspected violations
    18  of laws or trust  policies,  including  procedures  for  preserving  the
    19  confidentiality of reported information;
    20    (B)  A requirement that a trustee, officer or employee of the trust be
    21  designated to administer, the whistleblower policy and to report to  the
    22  audit  committee  or  other committee of independent trustees, or to the

    23  trustees; and
    24    (C) A requirement that a copy of the  policy  be  distributed  to  all
    25  trustees,  officers,  employees and volunteers, with instructions on how
    26  to comply with the procedures set forth in the policy.
    27    (3) A trust that has adopted  and  possesses  a  whistleblower  policy
    28  pursuant  to federal, state or local laws that is substantially consist-
    29  ent with the provisions of subparagraph two of this paragraph  shall  be
    30  deemed in compliance with the provisions of this paragraph.
    31    (4)  Nothing  in  this  paragraph  shall be interpreted to relieve any
    32  trust from any additional requirements in relation to  internal  compli-
    33  ance,  retaliation,  or  document retention required by any other law or
    34  rule.

    35    § 131. Severability. If any clause, sentence,  paragraph,  section  or
    36  part  of  this act shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdic-
    37  tion to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate
    38  the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in  its  operation  to  the
    39  clause,  sentence,  paragraph, section or part thereof directly involved
    40  in the controversy in which the judgment shall have been rendered.
    41    § 132. This act shall take effect July  1,  2014,  provided,  however,
    42  that  the  amendments  to  section  172-b  of  the executive law made by
    43  section three of this act shall expire and be deemed repealed  June  30,
    44  2017; provided further that the amendments to section 172-b of the exec-
    45  utive  law made by section three-a of this act shall take effect July 1,
    46  2017 and shall expire and be deemed repealed  June  30,  2021;  provided

    47  further  that  the amendments to section 172-b of the executive law made
    48  by section three-b of this act shall take effect July 1, 2021;  provided
    49  further that section seventy-three of this act shall take effect January
    50  1, 2015; provided further that section seventy-two of this act and para-
    51  graph  (b)  of  section  8-1.9  of the estates, powers and trusts law as
    52  added by section one hundred thirty of this act shall not be  applicable
    53  until  January  1,  2015  for  any  corporation or trust that had annual
    54  revenues of less than 10,000,000 dollars in the last fiscal year  ending
    55  prior to January 1, 2014.
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