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S02727 Summary:

Amd §§10.00 & 70.25, add §§120.26, 120.27, 120.28 & 170.36, Pen L; amd §1.20, add §160.46, CP L; amd §§71 & 141, add §141-a, Cor L
Creates crimes of reckless endangerment of public health with respect to HIV/AIDS transmission; creates crime of filing false instrument with respect to HIV/AIDS; provides for HIV/AIDS testing for alleged sex offenders and public health offenders; provides for contagious disease testing for persons in the custody of the department of corrections; provides that if an incarcerated individual tests positive notice shall be given to all employees that will have contact with such incarcerated individual.
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S02727 Actions:

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S02727 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                    January 22, 2025
        Introduced  by  Sen.  ORTT  --  read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Codes
        AN ACT to amend the penal  law,  the  criminal  procedure  law  and  the
          correction law, in relation to criminalizing the reckless transmission
          of  HIV/AIDS  and  to  require  testing  for  AIDS and HIV for certain

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.   Legislative intent.  The legislature finds that HIV/AIDS
     2  infection poses a serious threat to the public health of all New Yorkers
     3  whenever HIV/AIDS infected persons act in a manner which  is  likely  to
     4  spread  this  horrible disease to other persons.  When HIV/AIDS infected
     5  persons commit such actions as having unprotected sex or sharing needles
     6  without the consent of their partners, they endanger the  public  health
     7  and frustrate the efforts of health officials to contain and, hopefully,
     8  reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS.
     9    The  legislature  further  finds that in order to allow the victims of
    10  alleged sex crimes or crimes which endanger their health to  obtain  the
    11  most  effective health care treatment, the HIV status of their offenders
    12  must be determined.
    13    The legislature further finds that the increasing reports of  acquired
    14  immune  deficiency  syndrome, human immunodeficiency virus, tuberculosis
    15  and hepatitis in state correctional facilities have reached an  alarming
    16  level.   These incarcerated individuals and others who may have an undi-
    17  agnosed case of any of these syndromes, diseases or viruses are extreme-
    18  ly detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the correction offi-
    19  cers and other staff who work in such facilities as well as incarcerated
    20  individuals who are incarcerated therein.  In order to  maintain  proper
    21  security  and  working  conditions, the legislature hereby declares that
    22  all incarcerated individuals presently under confinement and all  incar-
    23  cerated   individuals   to  be  newly  admitted  to  the  department  of

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 2727                             2
     1  corrections and community supervision must be expeditiously  tested  for
     2  such  syndromes, diseases or viruses.  The department of corrections and
     3  community supervision shall take immediate action to care for  afflicted
     4  incarcerated individuals including separation from the general incarcer-
     5  ated individual population in a special medical facility.
     6    §  2.  Section  10.00  of  the  penal law is amended by adding two new
     7  subdivisions 23 and 24 to read as follows:
     8    23. "AIDS" means  acquired  immune  deficiency  syndrome,  as  may  be
     9  defined  from  time  to  time  by the centers for disease control of the
    10  United States public health service.
    11    24. "HIV infection" means infection with  the  human  immunodeficiency
    12  virus  or  any  other  related  virus identified as a probable causative
    13  agent of AIDS.
    14    § 3. The opening paragraph of subdivision 1 of section  70.25  of  the
    15  penal  law, as amended by chapter 372 of the laws of 1981, is amended to
    16  read as follows:
    17    Except as provided in subdivisions two, two-a [and], five and  six  of
    18  this  section,  when multiple sentences of imprisonment are imposed on a
    19  person at the same time, or when a person who is subject to any  undisc-
    20  harged  term  of  imprisonment  imposed at a previous time by a court of
    21  this state is sentenced to  an  additional  term  of  imprisonment,  the
    22  sentence or sentences imposed by the court shall run either concurrently
    23  or consecutively with respect to each other and the undischarged term or
    24  terms  in  such  manner as the court directs at the time of sentence. If
    25  the court does not specify the manner in which a sentence imposed by  it
    26  is to run, the sentence shall run as follows:
    27    §  4. Section 70.25 of the penal law is amended by adding a new subdi-
    28  vision 6 to read as follows:
    29    6. When a person is convicted of reckless endangerment of  the  public
    30  health  in  the first degree, as defined in section 120.26 of this chap-
    31  ter, or reckless endangerment of the public health in the second degree,
    32  as defined in section 120.27 of this chapter, the term  of  imprisonment
    33  which  may  be  imposed  as  a  sentence upon such conviction, shall run
    34  consecutively to any other term of imprisonment imposed as the  sentence
    35  upon  the conviction of any other offense committed through the same act
    36  or omission, or through an act or omission with itself  constituted  one
    37  of  the  material  elements  of such reckless endangerment of the public
    38  health offense.
    39    § 5.  The penal law is amended by adding  four  new  sections  120.26,
    40  120.27, 120.28 and 170.36 to read as follows:
    41  § 120.26 Reckless endangerment of the public health in the first degree.
    42    A  person  is  guilty of reckless endangerment of the public health in
    43  the first degree when such person is aware that they  tested  positively
    44  for HIV/AIDS and then recklessly engages in conduct which results in the
    45  transmission  of  HIV/AIDS  to  another  person  who was unaware of such
    46  condition.
    47    Reckless endangerment of the public health in the first  degree  is  a
    48  class B felony.
    49  § 120.27 Reckless  endangerment  of  the  public  health  in  the second
    50             degree.
    51    A person is guilty of reckless endangerment of the  public  health  in
    52  the  second degree when such person is aware that they tested positively
    53  for HIV/AIDS and then recklessly engages  in  conduct  which  creates  a
    54  substantial  risk  of the transmission of HIV/AIDS to another person who
    55  was unaware of such condition.

        S. 2727                             3
     1    Reckless endangerment of the public health in the second degree  is  a
     2  class C felony.
     3  § 120.28 Reckless endangerment of the public health; defense.
     4    In  any prosecution under section 120.26 or 120.27 of this article, it
     5  shall be an absolute defense that the defendant, at the time such person
     6  was engaged in the conduct constituting the offense, was  a  person  who
     7  transmitted  the  HIV/AIDS  virus to their child as the result of giving
     8  birth to such child.
     9  § 170.36 Offering a false instrument which endangers the public health.
    10    A person is guilty of offering a false instrument which endangers  the
    11  public  health  when  such person is aware that they tested positive for
    12  HIV/AIDS and then knowing that a written  instrument  contains  a  false
    13  statement  or  false information regarding their HIV status and with the
    14  intent to defraud the department of health,  any  subdivision  or  agent
    15  thereof,  or  any  other  health  care  provider,  such person offers or
    16  presents such instrument to an agent of that office or other health care
    17  provider with the knowledge or belief that it will be filed with, regis-
    18  tered or recorded in or otherwise become a part of the records  of  such
    19  public office or public servant.
    20    Offering  a  false  instrument  which endangers the public health is a
    21  class E felony.
    22    § 6. Section 1.20 of the criminal procedure law is amended  by  adding
    23  two new subdivisions 46 and 47 to read as follows:
    24    46.  "HIV  related  illness" means any illness that may result from or
    25  may be associated with HIV infection.
    26    47. "HIV related test" means any laboratory test or  series  of  tests
    27  for  any  virus, antibody, antigen or etiologic agent whatsoever thought
    28  to cause or to indicate the presence of AIDS.
    29    § 7. The criminal procedure law is amended by  adding  a  new  section
    30  160.46 to read as follows:
    31  § 160.46 HIV related testing of alleged sex and public health offenders.
    32    1.  A  police  officer  who makes an arrest for any crime set forth in
    33  article one hundred thirty or section 120.26 or 120.27 of the penal law,
    34  either with or without a warrant, shall, following such  arrest  or  the
    35  arraignment  upon  a  local  criminal  court  accusatory instrument of a
    36  defendant whose court attendance has been secured by  a  summons  or  an
    37  appearance  ticket,  cause such defendant to be immediately given an HIV
    38  related test to determine if  such  defendant  has  HIV  infection,  HIV
    39  related illness or AIDS.
    40    2.  The HIV related test prescribed in subdivision one of this section
    41  and the submission of available information concerning the defendant and
    42  the facts and circumstances of the crime charged must be  in  accordance
    43  with the rules and regulations promulgated by the commissioner of crimi-
    44  nal justice services.
    45    3. The result of an HIV related test performed pursuant to subdivision
    46  one  of  this  section,  shall,  upon  request, be made available to the
    47  victim or alleged victim of such crime and to the defendant.
    48    § 8. Section 71 of the correction law  is  amended  by  adding  a  new
    49  subdivision 9 to read as follows:
    50    9.  (a) Persons who are committed, transferred, certified to or placed
    51  in the care or custody of the department shall be immediately tested for
    52  evidence of acquired immune deficiency syndrome, human  immunodeficiency
    53  virus,  tuberculosis  and hepatitis and monitored for the possibility of
    54  development of such syndromes, diseases or viruses  in  accordance  with
    55  proper medical procedures.

        S. 2727                             4

     1    (b)  For  those persons who generate a positive result, the department
     2  shall provide, in each facility under its control,  the  instruction  of
     3  appropriate  staff,  incarcerated  individuals  and  significant  others
     4  regarding the nature of acquired immune  deficiency  syndrome  and  AIDS
     5  Related  Complex  (ARC),  human immunodeficiency virus, tuberculosis and
     6  hepatitis, potential problems, and steps which may be taken to  minimize
     7  such problems.
     8    §  9.  Section 141 of the correction law, as amended by chapter 322 of
     9  the laws of 2021, is amended to read as follows:
    10    § 141. Contagious disease in facility. 1. In case  any  pestilence  or
    11  contagious disease shall break out among the incarcerated individuals in
    12  any  of  the correctional facilities, or in the vicinity of such facili-
    13  ties, the commissioner [of correction] may cause the incarcerated  indi-
    14  viduals confined in such facility, or any of them, to be removed to some
    15  suitable  place  of  security,  where  such of them as may be sick shall
    16  receive all necessary care and  medical  assistance;  such  incarcerated
    17  individuals shall be returned as soon as may be feasible to the facility
    18  from  which  they  were taken, to be confined therein according to their
    19  respective sentences.
    20    2. To reduce the possibility of any pestilence or  contagious  disease
    21  in correctional facilities, every incarcerated individual shall be regu-
    22  larly  administered  a  blood  test designed to test for the viral agent
    23  known as HTLV-III/LAV which causes acquired immune  deficiency  syndrome
    24  and  a  blood test designed to test for tuberculosis and hepatitis.  The
    25  commissioner shall take all necessary precautions  which  shall  include
    26  monitoring,  education and counseling for those incarcerated individuals
    27  who test positive for these illnesses.
    28    § 10. The correction law is amended by adding a new section  141-a  to
    29  read as follows:
    30    §  141-a.  Notification  of disease symptoms.  Upon the diagnosis of a
    31  facility health director or any other medical service  provider  author-
    32  ized  by  the  department  to  examine incarcerated individuals, that an
    33  incarcerated individual  has  symptoms  of  acquired  immune  deficiency
    34  syndrome,  notice of the diagnosis shall be provided to all employees of
    35  the department who can reasonably be expected  to  be  involved  in  the
    36  supervision and care of said incarcerated individual.
    37    § 11. This act shall take effect on the first of January next succeed-
    38  ing  the date on which it shall have become a law; provided however that
    39  sections three, four and five of this act shall take effect on the first
    40  of November next succeeding the date on which it  shall  have  become  a
    41  law. Effective immediately, the addition, amendment and/or repeal of any
    42  rule or regulation necessary for the implementation of the provisions of
    43  this  act  on its effective date are authorized to be made and completed
    44  within 180 days after the date on which this act  shall  have  become  a
    45  law.
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