BILL NO | A09525 |
SAME AS | No Same As |
SPONSOR | Tedisco |
COSPNSR | Barclay, Brabenec, Crouch, Curran, DiPietro, Friend, Graf, Hawley, Lopez, Lupinacci, McDonough,
Montesano, Ra, Steck, Walter, Wozniak, McKevitt, McDonald |
MLTSPNSR | Blankenbush, Butler, Duprey, Finch, Fitzpatrick, Garbarino, Giglio, Goodell, Johns, Katz, Kearns,
Lalor, Lawrence, Malliotakis, McLaughlin, Murray, Palmesano, Palumbo, Raia, Saladino, Stec, Tenney |
Add §53-e, amd §§24 & 40, St Fin L |
Enacts the "truth in spending act"; creates disclosure requirements prior to the allocation of certain funds. |