A00715 Summary:

COSPNSRBenedetto, Steck, Thiele, Lupardo, Woerner, Stirpe, Buttenschon, McDonald
Amd 1203, 1207 & 1301, Lim Lil L; amd 1503, BC L; amd 121-1500 & 121-1502, Partn L; amd 6509-a, 6530 & 6531, Ed L; amd 2801, Pub Health L
Authorizes certain licensed health service professionals to form limited liability companies.
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A00715 Actions:

01/11/2023referred to higher education
05/18/2023amend and recommit to higher education
05/18/2023print number 715a
01/03/2024referred to higher education
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A00715 Committee Votes:

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A00715 Floor Votes:

There are no votes for this bill in this legislative session.
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A00715 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    January 11, 2023
          DO, WOERNER, STIRPE, BUTTENSCHON, McDONALD -- Multi-Sponsored by -- M.
          of A.  FITZPATRICK -- read once and referred to the Committee on High-
          er Education -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered  reprinted
          as amended and recommitted to said committee

        AN  ACT  to amend the limited liability company law, the business corpo-
          ration law, the partnership law, the  education  law  and  the  public
          health  law,  in  relation  to  authorizing  certain  licensed  health
          services professionals to form limited liability companies
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Subdivision  (a) of section 1203 of the limited liability
     2  company law, as amended by chapter 475 of the laws of 2014,  is  amended
     3  to read as follows:
     4    (a)  Notwithstanding  the education law or any other provision of law,
     5  one or more professionals each of whom is authorized by law to render  a
     6  professional  service within the state, or one or more professionals, at
     7  least one of whom is authorized by law to render a professional  service
     8  within  the  state,  may  form,  or  cause  to be formed, a professional
     9  service limited liability company for pecuniary profit under this  arti-
    10  cle for the purpose of rendering the professional service or services as
    11  such professionals are authorized to practice. With respect to a profes-
    12  sional  service  limited  liability  company  formed  to provide medical
    13  services as such services are defined in article 131  of  the  education
    14  law,  each  member  of  such  limited liability company must be licensed
    15  pursuant to article 131 of the education law  to  practice  medicine  in
    16  this  state.    Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, any
    17  person licensed pursuant to article 131 of the education law to practice
    18  medicine and any person licensed pursuant to  articles  132,  137,  140,
    19  141,  143,  144,  153, 154, 155, 156, or 167 or subdivision 3 of section
    20  6902 of article 139 of the education  law  may  form,  or  cause  to  be
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 715--A                           2
     1  formed,  a  professional  service  limited  liability company to provide
     2  multidisciplinary services with  one  or  more  licensed  professionals,
     3  subject  to  the  following  conditions: (i) each member of such limited
     4  liability company must be licensed pursuant to title eight of the educa-
     5  tion  law  to  practice  his  or her profession in this state; (ii) each
     6  member shall only practice his or her profession as specified in his  or
     7  her  respective  professional  enabling  statue under title eight of the
     8  education law; and (iii) any clinical integration of professional  prac-
     9  tices under this section shall not alter, expand or curtail the scope of
    10  practice  of  any  of  the members; provided further that: (A) no member
    11  shall, directly or indirectly, interfere with the clinical  judgment  or
    12  legitimate  clinical practice of another member; and (B) no member shall
    13  order or direct another member to practice beyond the scope  of  his  or
    14  her  license.  With  respect to a professional service limited liability
    15  company formed to provide dental services as such services  are  defined
    16  in article 133 of the education law, each member of such limited liabil-
    17  ity  company  must  be licensed pursuant to article 133 of the education
    18  law to practice dentistry in this state. With respect to a  professional
    19  service  limited liability company formed to provide veterinary services
    20  as such services are defined in article 135 of the education  law,  each
    21  member  of  such  limited liability company must be licensed pursuant to
    22  article 135 of the education law to practice veterinary medicine in this
    23  state. With respect to a professional service limited liability  company
    24  formed  to  provide  professional engineering, land surveying, architec-
    25  tural,  landscape  architectural  and/or  geological  services  as  such
    26  services  are defined in article 145, article 147 and article 148 of the
    27  education law, each member of such limited  liability  company  must  be
    28  licensed  pursuant to article 145, article 147 and/or article 148 of the
    29  education law to practice one or more of such professions in this state.
    30  [With respect to a professional service limited liability company formed
    31  to provide licensed clinical social work services as such  services  are
    32  defined in article 154 of the education law, each member of such limited
    33  liability  company  shall  be  licensed  pursuant  to article 154 of the
    34  education law to practice licensed clinical social work in this  state.]
    35  With  respect to a professional service limited liability company formed
    36  to provide creative arts therapy services as such services  are  defined
    37  in article 163 of the education law, each member of such limited liabil-
    38  ity  company  must  be licensed pursuant to article 163 of the education
    39  law to practice creative arts therapy in this state. With respect  to  a
    40  professional   service  limited  liability  company  formed  to  provide
    41  marriage and family therapy services as such  services  are  defined  in
    42  article  163 of the education law, each member of such limited liability
    43  company must be licensed pursuant to article 163 of the education law to
    44  practice marriage and family therapy in this state. With  respect  to  a
    45  professional  service limited liability company formed to provide mental
    46  health counseling services as such services are defined in  article  163
    47  of the education law, each member of such limited liability company must
    48  be  licensed  pursuant  to  article 163 of the education law to practice
    49  mental health counseling in this state. With respect to  a  professional
    50  service  limited  liability  company  formed  to  provide psychoanalysis
    51  services as such services are defined in article 163  of  the  education
    52  law,  each  member  of  such  limited liability company must be licensed
    53  pursuant to article 163 of the education law to practice  psychoanalysis
    54  in this state. [With respect to a professional service limited liability
    55  company  formed  to  provide  applied behavior analysis services as such
    56  services are defined in article 167 of the education law, each member of

        A. 715--A                           3

     1  such limited liability company must be licensed or certified pursuant to
     2  article 167 of the education law to practice applied  behavior  analysis
     3  in   this  state.]  In  addition  to  engaging  in  such  profession  or
     4  professions, a professional service limited liability company may engage
     5  in  any  other  business  or  activities as to which a limited liability
     6  company may be formed under section two hundred  one  of  this  chapter.
     7  Notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of  this section, a professional
     8  service limited liability company (i) authorized  to  practice  law  may
     9  only  engage  in  another  profession  or business or activities or (ii)
    10  which is engaged in a profession or other business or  activities  other
    11  than  law  may  only  engage  in  the practice of law, to the extent not
    12  prohibited by any other law of this state or any  rule  adopted  by  the
    13  appropriate  appellate  division  of  the  supreme court or the court of
    14  appeals.
    15    § 2. Subdivision (b) of section 1207 of the limited liability  company
    16  law,  as  amended by chapter 475 of the laws of 2014, is amended to read
    17  as follows:
    18    (b) With respect to a professional service limited  liability  company
    19  formed to provide medical services as such services are defined in arti-
    20  cle  131  of  the  education  law, each member of such limited liability
    21  company must be licensed pursuant to article 131 of the education law to
    22  practice medicine in this state.  Notwithstanding any other provision of
    23  this section, any person licensed pursuant to article 131 of the  educa-
    24  tion  law to practice medicine and any person licensed pursuant to arti-
    25  cles 132, 137, 140, 141, 143, 144, 153, 154, 155, 156, or 167 or  subdi-
    26  vision  3  of section 6902 of article 139 of the education law may form,
    27  or cause to be formed, a professional service limited liability  company
    28  to  provide multidisciplinary services with one or more licensed profes-
    29  sionals, subject to the following conditions: (i) each  member  of  such
    30  limited  liability  company  must be licensed pursuant to title eight of
    31  the education law to practice his or her profession in this state;  (ii)
    32  each  member  shall  only practice his or her profession as specified in
    33  his or her respective professional enabling statute under title eight of
    34  the education law; and (iii) any clinical  integration  of  professional
    35  practices  under  this  section  shall  not alter, expand or curtail the
    36  scope of practice of any of the members; provided further that:  (A)  no
    37  member shall, directly or indirectly, interfere with the clinical judge-
    38  ment  or  legitimate  clinical  practice  of  another member; and (B) no
    39  member shall order or direct another member to practice beyond the scope
    40  of his or her license. With respect to a  professional  service  limited
    41  liability company formed to provide dental services as such services are
    42  defined in article 133 of the education law, each member of such limited
    43  liability company must be licensed pursuant to article 133 of the educa-
    44  tion  law to practice dentistry in this state. With respect to a profes-
    45  sional service limited liability company formed  to  provide  veterinary
    46  services  as  such  services are defined in article 135 of the education
    47  law, each member of such limited  liability  company  must  be  licensed
    48  pursuant  to  article  135  of  the education law to practice veterinary
    49  medicine in this state. With respect to a professional  service  limited
    50  liability  company  formed  to  provide  professional  engineering, land
    51  surveying,  architectural,  landscape  architectural  and/or  geological
    52  services  as  such  services are defined in article 145, article 147 and
    53  article 148 of the education law, each member of such limited  liability
    54  company  must  be  licensed  pursuant to article 145, article 147 and/or
    55  article 148 of the education  law  to  practice  one  or  more  of  such
    56  professions  in  this  state.  [With  respect  to a professional service

        A. 715--A                           4

     1  limited liability company formed to  provide  licensed  clinical  social
     2  work  services as such services are defined in article 154 of the educa-
     3  tion law, each  member  of  such  limited  liability  company  shall  be
     4  licensed  pursuant  to  article  154  of  the  education law to practice
     5  licensed clinical social work in this state.] With respect to a  profes-
     6  sional service limited liability company formed to provide creative arts
     7  therapy  services  as  such  services  are defined in article 163 of the
     8  education law, each member of such limited  liability  company  must  be
     9  licensed  pursuant to article 163 of the education law to practice crea-
    10  tive arts therapy in this state. With respect to a professional  service
    11  limited  liability company formed to provide marriage and family therapy
    12  services as such services are defined in article 163  of  the  education
    13  law,  each  member  of  such  limited liability company must be licensed
    14  pursuant to article 163 of the education law to  practice  marriage  and
    15  family  therapy  in  this  state. With respect to a professional service
    16  limited liability company formed to  provide  mental  health  counseling
    17  services  as  such  services are defined in article 163 of the education
    18  law, each member of such limited  liability  company  must  be  licensed
    19  pursuant  to  article 163 of the education law to practice mental health
    20  counseling in this state. With respect to a professional service limited
    21  liability company formed to  provide  psychoanalysis  services  as  such
    22  services are defined in article 163 of the education law, each member of
    23  such  limited liability company must be licensed pursuant to article 163
    24  of the education law to practice psychoanalysis  in  this  state.  [With
    25  respect  to  a  professional service limited liability company formed to
    26  provide applied behavior analysis services as such services are  defined
    27  in article 167 of the education law, each member of such limited liabil-
    28  ity company must be licensed or certified pursuant to article 167 of the
    29  education law to practice applied behavior analysis in this state.]
    30    §  3. Subdivision (a) of section 1301 of the limited liability company
    31  law, as amended by chapter 475 of the laws of 2014, is amended  to  read
    32  as follows:
    33    (a)  "Foreign  professional service limited liability company" means a
    34  professional service limited liability company, whether or  not  denomi-
    35  nated  as  such,  organized  under the laws of a jurisdiction other than
    36  this state, (i) each of whose members and managers, if any, is a profes-
    37  sional authorized by law to render a professional  service  within  this
    38  state  and who is or has been engaged in the practice of such profession
    39  in such professional service limited liability company or a  predecessor
    40  entity, or will engage in the practice of such profession in the profes-
    41  sional  service limited liability company within thirty days of the date
    42  such professional becomes a member, or each of whose members and  manag-
    43  ers,  if  any, is a professional at least one of such members is author-
    44  ized by law to render a professional service within this state  and  who
    45  is  or  has  been  engaged  in  the  practice of such profession in such
    46  professional service limited liability company or a predecessor  entity,
    47  or  will  engage  in the practice of such profession in the professional
    48  service limited liability company within thirty days of  the  date  such
    49  professional  becomes  a  member,  or  (ii)  authorized by, or holding a
    50  license, certificate, registration or permit  issued  by  the  licensing
    51  authority  pursuant  to,  the  education  law  to  render a professional
    52  service within this state; except that all members and managers, if any,
    53  of  a  foreign  professional  service  limited  liability  company  that
    54  provides  health services in this state shall be licensed in this state.
    55  With respect to a foreign professional service limited liability company
    56  which provides veterinary services as such services are defined in arti-

        A. 715--A                           5
     1  cle 135 of the education law, each member of such  foreign  professional
     2  service  limited liability company shall be licensed pursuant to article
     3  135 of the education law to practice veterinary medicine.  With  respect
     4  to  a  foreign  professional  service  limited  liability  company which
     5  provides medical services as such services are defined in article 131 of
     6  the education law, each member  of  such  foreign  professional  service
     7  limited  liability  company  must be licensed pursuant to article 131 of
     8  the education law to practice medicine in this state.    Notwithstanding
     9  any  other  provision  of  this section, any person licensed pursuant to
    10  article 131 of the education law to practice  medicine  and  any  person
    11  licensed  pursuant  to  articles 132, 137, 140, 141, 143, 144, 153, 154,
    12  155, 156, or 167 or subdivision 3 of section 6902 of article 139 of  the
    13  education  law  may  form, or cause to be formed, a foreign professional
    14  service limited liability company to provide multidisciplinary  services
    15  with one or more licensed professionals, subject to the following condi-
    16  tions:  (i)  each  member  of  such  limited  liability  company must be
    17  licensed pursuant to title eight of the education law to practice his or
    18  her profession in this state; (ii) each member shall only  practice  his
    19  or  her  profession  as  specified in his or her respective professional
    20  enabling statute under title eight of the education law; and  (iii)  any
    21  clinical  integration of professional practices under this section shall
    22  not alter, expand or curtail  the  scope  of  practice  of  any  of  the
    23  members;  provided  further that: (A) no member shall, directly or indi-
    24  rectly, interfere with the  clinical  judgment  or  legitimate  clinical
    25  practice  of  another  member;  and  (B) no member shall order or direct
    26  another member to practice beyond the scope of his or her license.  With
    27  respect  to  a  foreign  professional  service limited liability company
    28  which provides dental services as such services are defined  in  article
    29  133  of  the  education  law,  each  member of such foreign professional
    30  service limited liability company must be licensed pursuant  to  article
    31  133  of  the  education  law  to  practice dentistry in this state. With
    32  respect to a foreign  professional  service  limited  liability  company
    33  which  provides  professional  engineering,  land  surveying,  geologic,
    34  architectural and/or landscape architectural services as  such  services
    35  are defined in article 145, article 147 and article 148 of the education
    36  law,  each member of such foreign professional service limited liability
    37  company must be licensed pursuant to article  145,  article  147  and/or
    38  article  148  of  the  education  law  to  practice  one or more of such
    39  professions in this state.  [With  respect  to  a  foreign  professional
    40  service  limited  liability  company  which  provides  licensed clinical
    41  social work services as such services are defined in article 154 of  the
    42  education  law, each member of such foreign professional service limited
    43  liability company shall be licensed  pursuant  to  article  154  of  the
    44  education  law  to  practice  clinical  social work in this state.] With
    45  respect to a foreign  professional  service  limited  liability  company
    46  which  provides  creative  arts  therapy  services  as such services are
    47  defined in article 163 of the education law, each member of such foreign
    48  professional service limited liability company must be licensed pursuant
    49  to article 163 of the education law to practice creative arts therapy in
    50  this state. With respect  to  a  foreign  professional  service  limited
    51  liability company which provides marriage and family therapy services as
    52  such  services  are  defined  in  article 163 of the education law, each
    53  member of such foreign professional service  limited  liability  company
    54  must  be  licensed pursuant to article 163 of the education law to prac-
    55  tice marriage and family therapy  in  this  state.  With  respect  to  a
    56  foreign  professional  service  limited liability company which provides

        A. 715--A                           6
     1  mental health counseling services as such services are defined in  arti-
     2  cle  163  of the education law, each member of such foreign professional
     3  service limited liability company must be licensed pursuant  to  article
     4  163  of  the  education law to practice mental health counseling in this
     5  state. With respect to a foreign professional service limited  liability
     6  company  which  provides  psychoanalysis  services  as such services are
     7  defined in article 163 of the education law, each member of such foreign
     8  professional service limited liability company must be licensed pursuant
     9  to article 163 of the education law to practice psychoanalysis  in  this
    10  state. [With respect to a foreign professional service limited liability
    11  company  which  provides  applied  behavior  analysis  services  as such
    12  services are defined in article 167 of the education law, each member of
    13  such foreign professional service  limited  liability  company  must  be
    14  licensed  or  certified  pursuant to article 167 of the education law to
    15  practice applied behavior analysis in this state.]
    16    § 4. Paragraph (a) of section 1503 of the business corporation law, as
    17  amended by chapter 475 of the laws  of  2014,  is  amended  to  read  as
    18  follows:
    19    (a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, (i) one or more indi-
    20  viduals duly authorized by law to render the same  professional  service
    21  within  the state may organize, or cause to be organized, a professional
    22  service corporation for pecuniary profit  under  this  article  for  the
    23  purpose  of  rendering the same professional service, except that one or
    24  more individuals duly authorized by law to practice  professional  engi-
    25  neering, architecture, landscape architecture, land surveying or geology
    26  within  the state may organize, or cause to be organized, a professional
    27  service corporation or a design  professional  service  corporation  for
    28  pecuniary  profit  under  this article for the purpose of rendering such
    29  professional services as such individuals are  authorized  to  practice,
    30  and  (ii) one or more individuals licensed to practice pursuant to arti-
    31  cle 131 and one or more individuals licensed pursuant to  articles  132,
    32  137,  140, 141, 143, 144, 153, 154, 155, 156, or 167 or subdivision 3 of
    33  section 6902 of article 139 of title eight  of  the  education  law  may
    34  organize,  or  cause  to  be  organized,  for  business purposes only, a
    35  professional service corporation formed for pecuniary profit under  this
    36  article  for  the purpose of rendering multidisciplinary services within
    37  such a corporation as such individuals are authorized to practice  indi-
    38  vidually  in his or her respective professions, subject to the following
    39  conditions: (A) individual who organizes, or causes  to  organize,  such
    40  corporation  must  be  licensed pursuant to title eight of the education
    41  law to practice his or her profession in this  state;  (B)  each  member
    42  shall  only  practice  his  or her profession as specified in his or her
    43  respective professional enabling statute under title eight of the educa-
    44  tion law; and (C) any clinical  integration  of  professional  practices
    45  under this section shall not alter, expand or curtail the scope of prac-
    46  tice  of  any of the members; (D) no individual shall, directly or indi-
    47  rectly, interfere with the  clinical  judgment  or  legitimate  clinical
    48  practice  of  another  individual;  and (E) no individual shall order or
    49  direct another individual to practice beyond the scope  of  his  or  her
    50  license.
    51    §  5.  Subdivision  (q) of section 121-1500 of the partnership law, as
    52  amended by chapter 475 of the laws  of  2014,  is  amended  to  read  as
    53  follows:
    54    (q)  Each partner of a registered limited liability partnership formed
    55  to provide medical services in this state must be licensed  pursuant  to
    56  article 131 of the education law to practice medicine in this state [and

        A. 715--A                           7

     1  each].  Notwithstanding  any other provision of this section, any person
     2  licensed pursuant to article 131 of the education law to practice  medi-
     3  cine  and  any  person licensed pursuant to articles 132, 137, 140, 141,
     4  143, 144, 153, 154, 155, 156, or 167 or subdivision 3 of section 6902 of
     5  article  139  of  the  education  law may form, or cause to be formed, a
     6  registered limited liability partnership  to  provide  multidisciplinary
     7  services with one or more licensed professionals, subject to the follow-
     8  ing  conditions:  (i) each partner of such limited liability partnership
     9  must be licensed pursuant to title eight of the education law  to  prac-
    10  tice  his  or her profession in this state; (ii) each partner shall only
    11  practice his or her profession as specified in  his  or  her  respective
    12  professional  enabling  statute  under title eight of the education law;
    13  and (iii) any clinical integration of the professional  practices  under
    14  this section shall not alter, expand or curtail the scope of practice of
    15  any  of  the  partners;  provided  further  that:  (A) no partner shall,
    16  directly or indirectly, interfere with the clinical judgment or  legiti-
    17  mate  clinical  practice  of  another  partner; and (B) no partner shall
    18  order or direct another partner to practice beyond the scope of  his  or
    19  her license.  Each partner of a registered limited liability partnership
    20  formed  to provide dental services in this state must be licensed pursu-
    21  ant to article 133 of the education law to practice  dentistry  in  this
    22  state.    Each  partner  of  a  registered limited liability partnership
    23  formed to provide veterinary services in this  state  must  be  licensed
    24  pursuant  to  article  135  of  the education law to practice veterinary
    25  medicine in this state. Each partner of a registered  limited  liability
    26  partnership  formed to provide professional engineering, land surveying,
    27  geological  services,  architectural  and/or   landscape   architectural
    28  services in this state must be licensed pursuant to article 145, article
    29  147  and/or  article 148 of the education law to practice one or more of
    30  such professions in this state. [Each partner of  a  registered  limited
    31  liability  partnership  formed  to provide licensed clinical social work
    32  services in this state must be licensed pursuant to article 154  of  the
    33  education  law  to  practice  clinical  social work in this state.] Each
    34  partner of a registered limited liability partnership formed to  provide
    35  creative  arts  therapy services in this state must be licensed pursuant
    36  to article 163 of the education law to practice creative arts therapy in
    37  this state. Each partner of a registered limited  liability  partnership
    38  formed  to  provide  marriage  and family therapy services in this state
    39  must be licensed pursuant to article 163 of the education law  to  prac-
    40  tice marriage and family therapy in this state. Each partner of a regis-
    41  tered  limited  liability  partnership  formed  to provide mental health
    42  counseling services in this state must be licensed pursuant  to  article
    43  163  of  the  education law to practice mental health counseling in this
    44  state. Each partner of a registered limited liability partnership formed
    45  to provide psychoanalysis services in this state must be licensed pursu-
    46  ant to article 163 of the education law to  practice  psychoanalysis  in
    47  this  state. [Each partner of a registered limited liability partnership
    48  formed to provide applied behavior analysis service in this  state  must
    49  be licensed or certified pursuant to article 167 of the education law to
    50  practice applied behavior analysis in this state.]
    51    §  6.  Subdivision  (q) of section 121-1502 of the partnership law, as
    52  amended by chapter 475 of the laws  of  2014,  is  amended  to  read  as
    53  follows:
    54    (q)  Each  partner  of  a  foreign limited liability partnership which
    55  provides medical services in this state must  be  licensed  pursuant  to
    56  article  131 of the education law to practice medicine in the state [and

        A. 715--A                           8

     1  each]. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section,  any  person
     2  licensed  pursuant to article 131 of the education law to practice medi-
     3  cine and any person licensed pursuant to articles 132,  137,  140,  141,
     4  143, 144, 153, 154, 155, 156, or 167 or subdivision 3 of section 6902 of
     5  article  139  of  the  education  law may form, or cause to be formed, a
     6  foreign  limited  liability  partnership  to  provide  multidisciplinary
     7  services with one or more licensed professionals, subject to the follow-
     8  ing conditions: (i) each partner of such foreign limited liability part-
     9  nership must be licensed pursuant to title eight of the education law to
    10  practice  his  or  her profession in this state; (ii) each partner shall
    11  only practice his or her profession as specified in his or  her  respec-
    12  tive  professional  enabling  statute under title eight of the education
    13  law; and (iii) any clinical integration of professional practices  under
    14  this section shall not alter, expand or curtail the scope of practice of
    15  any  of  the  partners;  provided  further  that:  (A) no partner shall,
    16  directly or indirectly, interfere with the clinical judgment or  legiti-
    17  mate  clinical  practice  of  another  partner; and (B) no partner shall
    18  order or direct another partner to practice beyond the scope of  his  or
    19  her  license.  Each  partner  of a foreign limited liability partnership
    20  which provides dental services in the state must be licensed pursuant to
    21  article 133 of the education law to practice dentistry  in  this  state.
    22  Each  partner  of a foreign limited liability partnership which provides
    23  veterinary service in the state shall be licensed  pursuant  to  article
    24  135  of the education law to practice veterinary medicine in this state.
    25  Each partner of a foreign limited liability partnership  which  provides
    26  professional engineering, land surveying, geological services, architec-
    27  tural  and/or  landscape  architectural  services  in this state must be
    28  licensed pursuant to article 145, article 147 and/or article 148 of  the
    29  education law to practice one or more of such professions. [Each partner
    30  of a foreign limited liability partnership which provides licensed clin-
    31  ical  social  work  services  in this state must be licensed pursuant to
    32  article 154 of the education law to practice  licensed  clinical  social
    33  work  in  this state.] Each partner of a foreign limited liability part-
    34  nership which provides creative arts therapy services in this state must
    35  be licensed pursuant to article 163 of the  education  law  to  practice
    36  creative  arts  therapy in this state. Each partner of a foreign limited
    37  liability  partnership  which  provides  marriage  and  family   therapy
    38  services  in  this state must be licensed pursuant to article 163 of the
    39  education law to practice marriage and family  therapy  in  this  state.
    40  Each  partner  of a foreign limited liability partnership which provides
    41  mental health counseling services in this state must be licensed  pursu-
    42  ant  to article 163 of the education law to practice mental health coun-
    43  seling in this state. Each partner of a foreign limited liability  part-
    44  nership  which  provides  psychoanalysis  services in this state must be
    45  licensed pursuant to article  163  of  the  education  law  to  practice
    46  psychoanalysis in this state. [Each partner of a foreign limited liabil-
    47  ity  partnership  which  provides  applied behavior analysis services in
    48  this state must be licensed or certified pursuant to article 167 of  the
    49  education law to practice applied behavior analysis in this state.]
    50    § 7. Section 6509-a of the education law, as amended by chapter 555 of
    51  the laws of 1993, is amended to read as follows:
    52    § 6509-a. Additional  definition  of  professional misconduct; limited
    53  application.  Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of this article
    54  or of any other provision of law to the contrary, the license or  regis-
    55  tration  of  a  person subject to the provisions of articles one hundred
    56  thirty-two,  one  hundred  thirty-three,  one  hundred  thirty-six,  one

        A. 715--A                           9
     1  hundred  thirty-seven,  one  hundred thirty-nine, one hundred forty-one,
     2  one hundred forty-three, one hundred forty-four, one hundred  fifty-six,
     3  one hundred fifty-nine and one hundred sixty-four of this chapter may be
     4  revoked,  suspended  or  annulled  or  such person may be subject to any
     5  other penalty provided in section  sixty-five  hundred  eleven  of  this
     6  article  in accordance with the provisions and procedure of this article
     7  for the following:
     8    That any person subject to the above enumerated articles, has directly
     9  or indirectly requested,  received  or  participated  in  the  division,
    10  transference,  assignment,  rebate, splitting or refunding of a fee for,
    11  or has directly requested, received or profited by means of a credit  or
    12  other  valuable  consideration  as a commission, discount or gratuity in
    13  connection with the furnishing of professional care, or service, includ-
    14  ing x-ray examination and treatment, or for or in  connection  with  the
    15  sale, rental, supplying or furnishing of clinical laboratory services or
    16  supplies,  x-ray  laboratory  services  or  supplies, inhalation therapy
    17  service or equipment, ambulance service, hospital or  medical  supplies,
    18  physiotherapy  or  other  therapeutic  service  or equipment, artificial
    19  limbs, teeth or eyes, orthopedic or  surgical  appliances  or  supplies,
    20  optical  appliances,  supplies or equipment, devices for aid of hearing,
    21  drugs, medication or medical supplies or any other  goods,  services  or
    22  supplies  prescribed for medical diagnosis, care or treatment under this
    23  chapter, except payment, not to exceed thirty-three  and  one-third  per
    24  centum  of  any  fee received for x-ray examination, diagnosis or treat-
    25  ment, to any hospital furnishing facilities for such examination,  diag-
    26  nosis  or  treatment.   Nothing contained in this section shall prohibit
    27  such persons from practicing as partners, in groups or as a professional
    28  corporation or as a university faculty  practice  corporation  nor  from
    29  pooling  fees  and  moneys received, either by the partnerships, profes-
    30  sional corporations, university faculty practice corporations or  groups
    31  by  the  individual members thereof, for professional services furnished
    32  by any individual professional member, or employee of such  partnership,
    33  corporation or group, nor shall the professionals constituting the part-
    34  nerships, corporations or groups be prohibited from sharing, dividing or
    35  apportioning the fees and moneys received by them or by the partnership,
    36  corporation  or  group  in accordance with a partnership or other agree-
    37  ment; provided that no such practice as  partners,  corporations  or  in
    38  groups  or  pooling  of  fees  or moneys received or shared, division or
    39  apportionment of fees shall be permitted with respect to care and treat-
    40  ment under the workers' compensation law except as expressly  authorized
    41  by  the  workers'  compensation  law.  Nothing contained in this section
    42  shall prohibit a multidisciplinary services practice formed pursuant  to
    43  subdivision (a) of section twelve hundred three of the limited liability
    44  company  law,  subdivision  (b)  of  section twelve hundred seven of the
    45  limited liability company  law,  subdivision  (a)  of  section  thirteen
    46  hundred  one  of  the  limited  liability  company law, paragraph (a) of
    47  section fifteen hundred three of the business corporation law,  subdivi-
    48  sion  (q) of section 121-1500 of the partnership law, or subdivision (q)
    49  of section 121-1502 of the partnership law from pooling fees  or  monies
    50  received.  Nothing contained in this chapter shall prohibit a medical or
    51  dental expense indemnity corporation pursuant to its contract  with  the
    52  subscriber  from  prorationing  a  medical  or  dental expense indemnity
    53  allowance among two or more professionals in proportion to the  services
    54  rendered  by  each  such  professional at the request of the subscriber,
    55  provided that prior to payment thereof such professionals  shall  submit
    56  both  to  the medical or dental expense indemnity corporation and to the

        A. 715--A                          10
     1  subscriber statements itemizing  the  services  rendered  by  each  such
     2  professional and the charges therefor.
     3    §  8. Subdivision 19 of section 6530 of the education law, as added by
     4  chapter 606 of the laws of 1991, is amended to read as follows:
     5    19. Permitting any person  to  share  in  the  fees  for  professional
     6  services,  other  than: a partner, employee, associate in a professional
     7  firm or corporation, professional subcontractor or consultant authorized
     8  to practice medicine, [or] a legally authorized trainee practicing under
     9  the supervision of a licensee, or an  authorized  professional  licensed
    10  pursuant  to article one hundred thirty-one, one hundred thirty-two, one
    11  hundred thirty-seven, one hundred  forty,  one  hundred  forty-one,  one
    12  hundred  forty-three,  one  hundred forty-four, one hundred fifty-three,
    13  one hundred fifty-four, one hundred fifty-five, one  hundred  fifty-six,
    14  one  hundred fifty-nine, or one hundred sixty-seven or subdivision three
    15  of section sixty-nine hundred two of article one hundred thirty-nine  of
    16  this  chapter providing professional services in the same practice. This
    17  prohibition shall include  any  arrangement  or  agreement  whereby  the
    18  amount  received  in payment for furnishing space, facilities, equipment
    19  or personnel services used by a licensee constitutes a percentage of, or
    20  is otherwise dependent upon, the income or receipts of the licensee from
    21  such practice, except as otherwise provided by law  with  respect  to  a
    22  facility  licensed pursuant to article twenty-eight of the public health
    23  law or article thirteen of the mental hygiene law;
    24    § 9. Section 6531 of the education law, as amended by chapter  555  of
    25  the laws of 1993, is amended to read as follows:
    26    § 6531. Additional  definition  of  professional  misconduct,  limited
    27  application.  Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of this article
    28  or any other provisions of law to the contrary, the license or registra-
    29  tion of a person subject to the provisions of this article  and  article
    30  one  hundred  thirty-one-B of this chapter may be revoked, suspended, or
    31  annulled or such person may be subject to any other penalty provided  in
    32  section two hundred thirty-a of the public health law in accordance with
    33  the provisions and procedures of this article for the following:
    34    That  any person subject to the above-enumerated articles has directly
    35  or indirectly requested,  received  or  participated  in  the  division,
    36  transference,  assignment, rebate, splitting, or refunding of a fee for,
    37  or has directly requested, received or profited by means of a credit  or
    38  other  valuable  consideration as a commission, discount or gratuity, in
    39  connection with the furnishing of professional care or service,  includ-
    40  ing  x-ray  examination  and treatment, or for or in connection with the
    41  sale, rental, supplying, or furnishing of clinical  laboratory  services
    42  or  supplies,  x-ray laboratory services or supplies, inhalation therapy
    43  service or equipment, ambulance service, hospital or  medical  supplies,
    44  physiotherapy  or  other  therapeutic  service  or equipment, artificial
    45  limbs, teeth or eyes, orthopedic or  surgical  appliances  or  supplies,
    46  optical  appliances, supplies, or equipment, devices for aid of hearing,
    47  drugs, medication, or medical supplies, or any other goods, services, or
    48  supplies prescribed for medical diagnosis, care, or treatment under this
    49  chapter, except  payment,  not  to  exceed  thirty-three  and  one-third
    50  percent  of any fee received for x-ray examination, diagnosis, or treat-
    51  ment, to any hospital furnishing facilities for such examination,  diag-
    52  nosis,  or  treatment.  Nothing contained in this section shall prohibit
    53  such persons from practicing as partners, in groups or as a professional
    54  corporation or as a university faculty practice  corporation,  nor  from
    55  pooling  fees  and  moneys received, either by the partnerships, profes-
    56  sional corporations, or  university  faculty  practice  corporations  or

        A. 715--A                          11
     1  groups  by  the  individual  members  thereof, for professional services
     2  furnished by an individual professional  member,  or  employee  of  such
     3  partnership,  corporation, or group, nor shall the professionals consti-
     4  tuting the partnerships, corporations or groups be prohibited from shar-
     5  ing,  dividing,  or apportioning the fees and moneys received by them or
     6  by the partnership, corporation, or group in accordance with a  partner-
     7  ship  or  other  agreement;  provided that no such practice as partners,
     8  corporations, or groups, or  pooling  of  fees  or  moneys  received  or
     9  shared,  division  or  apportionment  of  fees  shall  be permitted with
    10  respect to and treatment under the workers'  compensation  law.  Nothing
    11  contained  in  this  section shall prohibit a multidisciplinary services
    12  practice formed pursuant to subdivision (a) of  section  twelve  hundred
    13  three  of  the limited liability company law, subdivision (b) of section
    14  twelve hundred seven of the limited liability company  law,  subdivision
    15  (a)  of  section  thirteen  hundred one of the limited liability company
    16  law, paragraph (a) of section fifteen  hundred  three  of  the  business
    17  corporation  law, subdivision (q) of section 121-1500 of the partnership
    18  law, or subdivision (q) of section 121-1502 of the partnership law  from
    19  pooling fees or monies received. Nothing contained in this chapter shall
    20  prohibit  a  corporation licensed pursuant to article forty-three of the
    21  insurance law pursuant to its contract with the subscribed  from  prora-
    22  tioning  a  medical  or dental expenses indemnity allowance among two or
    23  more professionals in proportion to the services rendered by  each  such
    24  professional  at  the  request of the subscriber, provided that prior to
    25  payment thereof such professionals shall submit both to the  corporation
    26  licensed pursuant to article forty-three of the insurance law and to the
    27  subscriber  statements  itemizing  the  services  rendered  by each such
    28  professional and the charges therefor.
    29    § 10. Subdivision 1 of section 2801  of  the  public  health  law,  as
    30  amended  by  section  2  of part E of chapter 57 of the laws of 2023, is
    31  amended to read as follows:
    32    1. "Hospital" means a facility or institution engaged  principally  in
    33  providing services by or under the supervision of a physician or, in the
    34  case  of  a dental clinic or dental dispensary, of a dentist, or, in the
    35  case of a midwifery birth center, of  a  midwife,  for  the  prevention,
    36  diagnosis  or  treatment  of  human  disease, pain, injury, deformity or
    37  physical condition, including, but not limited to, a  general  hospital,
    38  public health center, diagnostic center, treatment center, a rural emer-
    39  gency  hospital under 42 USC 1395x(kkk), or successor provisions, dental
    40  clinic, dental dispensary, rehabilitation center other than  a  facility
    41  used  solely  for  vocational rehabilitation, nursing home, tuberculosis
    42  hospital, chronic disease hospital, maternity hospital, midwifery  birth
    43  center,  lying-in-asylum,  out-patient  department,  out-patient  lodge,
    44  dispensary and a laboratory or central service facility serving  one  or
    45  more  such  institutions,  but  the  term  hospital shall not include an
    46  institution, sanitarium or other facility engaged principally in provid-
    47  ing services for the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of mental  disa-
    48  bility  and  which  is subject to the powers of visitation, examination,
    49  inspection and investigation of the department of mental hygiene  except
    50  for  those  distinct  parts  of  such  a facility which provide hospital
    51  service. The provisions of this article shall not apply to a facility or
    52  institution engaged principally in providing services by  or  under  the
    53  supervision of the bona fide members and adherents of a recognized reli-
    54  gious  organization  whose teachings include reliance on spiritual means
    55  through prayer alone for healing in the practice of the religion of such
    56  organization and where services are provided in  accordance  with  those

        A. 715--A                          12
     1  teachings or to a multidisciplinary services practice formed pursuant to
     2  subdivision (a) of section twelve hundred three of the limited liability
     3  company  law,  subdivision  (b)  of  section twelve hundred seven of the
     4  limited  liability  company  law,  subdivision  (a)  of section thirteen
     5  hundred one of the limited  liability  company  law,  paragraph  (a)  of
     6  section  fifteen hundred three of the business corporation law, subdivi-
     7  sion (q) of section 121-1500 of the partnership law, or subdivision  (q)
     8  of section 121-1502 of the partnership law. No provision of this article
     9  or  any  other  provision  of  law  shall be construed to: (a) limit the
    10  volume of mental health, substance use  disorder  services  or  develop-
    11  mental disability services that can be provided by a provider of primary
    12  care  services  licensed  under  this  article and authorized to provide
    13  integrated services in accordance with regulations issued by the commis-
    14  sioner in consultation with the commissioner of  the  office  of  mental
    15  health,  the  commissioner  of  the  office  of  [alcoholism]  addiction
    16  services and [substance abuse services] supports and the commissioner of
    17  the office for people with developmental disabilities,  including  regu-
    18  lations  issued  pursuant  to subdivision seven of section three hundred
    19  sixty-five-l of the social services law or part L of  chapter  fifty-six
    20  of  the  laws  of  two  thousand twelve; (b) require a provider licensed
    21  pursuant to article thirty-one of the mental hygiene  law  or  certified
    22  pursuant  to article sixteen or article thirty-two of the mental hygiene
    23  law to obtain an operating  certificate  from  the  department  if  such
    24  provider  has  been authorized to provide integrated services in accord-
    25  ance with regulations issued by the commissioner  in  consultation  with
    26  the commissioner of the office of mental health, the commissioner of the
    27  office of [alcoholism] addiction services and [substance abuse services]
    28  supports  and  the  commissioner  of the office for people with develop-
    29  mental disabilities, including regulations issued pursuant  to  subdivi-
    30  sion  seven of section three hundred sixty-five-l of the social services
    31  law or part L of chapter fifty-six of the laws of two thousand twelve.
    32    § 11. This act shall take effect on the thirtieth day after  it  shall
    33  have  become a law; provided, however that section ten of this act shall
    34  take effect on the same date and in the same manner as section 2 of part
    35  E of chapter 57 of the laws of 2023, takes effect.
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