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A01411 Summary:

COSPNSRGray, Maher, Brown E, Bendett, DeStefano, Tague, Durso, Morinello, Angelino, Lemondes
Amd §168-a, Exec L
Establishes July sixteenth of each year as a day of commemoration known as "Atomic and Nuclear Veterans Day".
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A01411 Actions:

01/09/2025referred to governmental operations
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A01411 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                     January 9, 2025
        Introduced  by M. of A. SLATER, GRAY, MAHER, E. BROWN, BENDETT, DeSTEFA-
          NO, TAGUE, DURSO, MORINELLO,  ANGELINO,  LEMONDES  --  read  once  and
          referred to the Committee on Governmental Operations
        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  executive law, in relation to establishing July
          sixteenth of each year as a day of commemoration known as "Atomic  and
          Nuclear Veterans Day"
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Subdivision 3 of section 168-a of  the  executive  law,  as
     2  amended  by  chapter  542  of  the  laws  of 2024, is amended to read as
     3  follows:
     4    3. The following days shall be days of  commemoration  in  each  year:
     5  January  sixth,  to  be known as "Haym Salomon Day", January twenty-sev-
     6  enth, to be known as "Holocaust Remembrance Day", February fourth, to be
     7  known as "Rosa Parks Day", February fifteenth, to be known as "Susan  B.
     8  Anthony  Day",  February sixteenth, to be known as "Lithuanian Independ-
     9  ence Day", February twenty-eighth, to be known as  "Gulf  War  Veterans'
    10  Day",  March  fourth,  to be known as "Pulaski Day", March eighth, to be
    11  known as "International Women's  Day",  March  tenth,  to  be  known  as
    12  "Harriet Tubman Day", March twenty-ninth, to be known as "Vietnam Veter-
    13  ans'  Day",  April  ninth,  to  be known as "POW Recognition Day", April
    14  twenty-seventh, to be known as "Coretta Scott King Day",  April  twenty-
    15  eighth, to be known as "Workers' Memorial Day", the first Tuesday in May
    16  to  be  known  as  "New  York State Teacher Day", May seventeenth, to be
    17  known as "Thurgood Marshall Day", the first Sunday in June, to be  known
    18  as  "Children's  Day", June second, to be known as "Italian Independence
    19  Day", June twelfth, to be known as  "Women  Veterans  Recognition  Day",
    20  June  nineteenth,  to be known as "Juneteenth Freedom Day", June twenty-
    21  fifth, to be known as "Korean War Veterans' Day", the second  Monday  in
    22  July,  to  be known as "Abolition Commemoration Day", July sixteenth, to
    23  be known as "Atomic and Nuclear Veterans Day", August twenty-fourth,  to
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 1411                             2
     1  be  known  as  "Ukrainian  Independence Day", August twenty-sixth, to be
     2  known as "Women's Equality Day", September  eleventh,  to  be  known  as
     3  "Battle  of  Plattsburgh  Day"  and  also to be known as "September 11th
     4  Remembrance  Day", September thirteenth, to be known as "John Barry Day"
     5  and also to be known as "Uncle Sam  Day  in  the  State  of  New  York",
     6  September  seventeenth,  to  be  known as "Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben
     7  Memorial Day", the third Friday in September to be known  as  "New  York
     8  State  POW/MIA  Recognition  Day"  except  if such date of commemoration
     9  cannot be observed due to a religious holiday,  such  observances  shall
    10  then  be  conducted on the second Friday of September, the last Saturday
    11  in September, to be known as "War of 1812 Day", the fourth  Saturday  of
    12  September, known as "Native-American Day", the last Sunday in September,
    13  to  be  known as "Gold Star Mothers' Day", October fifth, to be known as
    14  "Raoul Wallenberg Day", October eleventh, to be known as "New Netherland
    15  Day in the State of New York", October eighteenth, to be known as "Disa-
    16  bilities History Day", October twenty-seventh, to be known as  "Theodore
    17  Roosevelt  Day",  November  ninth, to be known as "Witness for Tolerance
    18  Day", November twelfth, to be known as "Elizabeth Cady Stanton Day", the
    19  third Tuesday in November to be known as "New York State  School-Related
    20  Professionals  Recognition  Day",  November twenty-sixth, to be known as
    21  "Sojourner Truth Day", November  thirtieth,  to  be  known  as  "Shirley
    22  Chisholm  Day",  December  third,  to  be known as "International Day of
    23  Persons with Disabilities", December seventh,  to  be  known  as  "Pearl
    24  Harbor  Day", December sixteenth, to be known as "Bastogne Day" and that
    25  day of the Asian lunar calendar designated as new year to  be  known  as
    26  "Asian New Year".
    27    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.
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