A01421 Summary:

SPONSORRosenthal L
Amd §1225-c, V & T L
Prohibits the use of hands-free mobile telephones by operators of motor vehicles who hold learner's permits or class DJ or class MJ licenses.
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A01421 Actions:

01/17/2023referred to transportation
01/03/2024referred to transportation
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A01421 Committee Votes:

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A01421 Floor Votes:

There are no votes for this bill in this legislative session.
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A01421 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    January 17, 2023
        Introduced  by  M.  of  A. L. ROSENTHAL -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on Transportation
        AN ACT to amend the vehicle and traffic law, in relation to  prohibiting
          the  use  of mobile telephones by operators of motor vehicles who hold
          learner's permits
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Subdivisions 3 and 4 of section 1225-c of the vehicle and
     2  traffic law, subdivision 3 as added by chapter 69 of the  laws  of  2001
     3  and subdivision 4 as amended by section 6 of part B of chapter 55 of the
     4  laws of 2014, are amended to read as follows:
     5    3. Subdivision two of this section shall not apply to (a) the use of a
     6  mobile  telephone  for the sole purpose of communicating with any of the
     7  following regarding an emergency situation: an emergency response opera-
     8  tor; a hospital, physician's  office  or  health  clinic;  an  ambulance
     9  company  or  corps;  a fire department, district or company; or a police
    10  department, (b) any of the following persons while in the performance of
    11  their official duties: a police officer or peace officer; a member of  a
    12  fire  department,  district or company; or the operator of an authorized
    13  emergency vehicle as defined in section one hundred one of this chapter,
    14  or (c) the use of a hands-free mobile telephone, provided, however, that
    15  the use of a hands-free mobile telephone  shall  be  prohibited  for  an
    16  operator  of  a motor vehicle who is a holder of a learner's permit or a
    17  class DJ or class MJ license.
    18    4. A violation of subdivision two  or  paragraph  (c)  of  subdivision
    19  three of this section shall be a traffic infraction and shall be punish-
    20  able  by a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred
    21  dollars upon conviction of a  first  violation;  upon  conviction  of  a
    22  second  violation, both of which were committed within a period of eigh-
    23  teen months, such violation shall be punished by a fine of not less than
    24  fifty dollars nor more than two hundred fifty dollars;  upon  conviction
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 1421                             2
     1  of a third or subsequent violation, all of which were committed within a
     2  period of eighteen months, such violation shall be punished by a fine of
     3  not less than fifty dollars nor more than four hundred fifty dollars.
     4    §  2.  This  act  shall take effect on the sixtieth day after it shall
     5  have become a law.
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