A01665 Summary:

SPONSORBraunstein (MS)
COSPNSRWeprin, Miller MG, Simotas, Brindisi, Skoufis, Otis, Ra, Murray, Jaffee, Mosley, Arroyo, Hooper, Palumbo, Montesano, Finch, Raia, Brabenec, Palmesano, Friend, Englebright, Cook
MLTSPNSRBarclay, Blankenbush, Butler, Crouch, Fitzpatrick, Hawley, Hevesi, Kolb, Lupardo, Magee, Schimminger, Solages, Stec, Titone, Walter
Amd §§168-c, 168-d, 168-f, 168-k, 168-n & 203, add §209, Cor L; amd §§259-c & 243, Exec L; amd §10.11, Ment Hyg L; amd §§10.00 & 65.10, Pen L; amd §20, Soc Serv L
Restricts a registered sex offender from residing within 1000 feet of school grounds or a playground.
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A01665 Actions:

01/12/2017referred to correction
01/03/2018referred to correction
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A01665 Committee Votes:

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A01665 Floor Votes:

There are no votes for this bill in this legislative session.
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A01665 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2017-2018 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    January 12, 2017
        Introduced  by M. of A. BRAUNSTEIN, WEPRIN, M. G. MILLER, SIMOTAS, BRIN-
          sored  by  --  M.  of A. BARCLAY, BLANKENBUSH, BUTLER, CROUCH, FITZPA-
          SOLAGES, STEC, TITONE, WALTER -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee on Correction
        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  correction  law,  the executive law, the mental
          hygiene law, the penal law and the social services law, in relation to
          the residence of a sex offender
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1. Section 168-c of the correction law is amended by adding a
     2  new subdivision 2-a to read as follows:
     3    2-a.  Upon notification pursuant to subdivisions one or  two  of  this
     4  section,  it  shall  be  the  duty of the division to confirm that a sex
     5  offender's proposed residence is not within the area defined  as  school
     6  grounds,  as  such  term  is  defined in subdivision fourteen of section
     7  220.00 of the penal law, or a playground, as such  term  is  defined  in
     8  subdivision  twenty-two  of section 10.00 of the penal law, the measure-
     9  ments to be taken in straight lines from the  center  of    the  nearest
    10  entrance  of  the  residence  to the nearest real property boundary line
    11  comprising such school grounds or playground.
    12    § 2. Subdivisions 2 and 3 of section  168-d  of  the  correction  law,
    13  subdivision  2 as amended by chapter 684 of the laws of 2005, and subdi-
    14  vision 3 as amended by chapter 11 of the laws of 2002,  are  amended  to
    15  read as follows:
    16    2.  Any  sex offender, who is released on probation or discharged upon
    17  payment of a fine,  conditional  discharge  or  unconditional  discharge
    18  shall,  prior  to  such  release or discharge, be informed of his or her
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 1665                             2
     1  duty to register under this article by the court in which he or she  was
     2  convicted.  At  the  time  sentence  is imposed, such sex offender shall
     3  register with the division on a form prepared by the division. The court
     4  shall  require  the  sex  offender  to  read  and  sign such form and to
     5  complete the registration portion of such form. The court shall on  such
     6  form  obtain  the  address where the sex offender expects to reside upon
     7  his or her release, and the name and address of any institution of high-
     8  er education he or she expects to be employed by, enrolled in, attending
     9  or employed, whether for compensation or not,  and  whether  he  or  she
    10  expects  to  reside  in a facility owned or operated by such an institu-
    11  tion, and shall report such information to the division. The court shall
    12  give one copy of the form to the sex offender and shall send two  copies
    13  to  the division which shall forward the information to the law enforce-
    14  ment agencies having jurisdiction.  The  court  shall  also  notify  the
    15  district  attorney and the sex offender of the date of the determination
    16  proceeding to be held pursuant to subdivision  three  of  this  section,
    17  which shall be held at least forty-five days after such notice is given.
    18  This  notice  shall  include  the following statement or a substantially
    19  similar statement: "This proceeding is being held to  determine  whether
    20  you  will be classified as a level 3 offender (risk of repeat offense is
    21  high), a level 2 offender (risk of repeat offense  is  moderate),  or  a
    22  level 1 offender (risk of repeat offense is low), or whether you will be
    23  designated as a sexual predator, a sexually violent offender or a predi-
    24  cate  sex offender, which will determine how long you must register as a
    25  sex offender, where you may reside, work or travel, and how much  infor-
    26  mation  can  be  provided to the public concerning your registration. If
    27  you fail to appear at this proceeding,  without  sufficient  excuse,  it
    28  shall  be held in your absence. Failure to appear may result in a longer
    29  period of registration or  a  higher  level  of  community  notification
    30  because  you  are  not  present  to  offer  evidence or contest evidence
    31  offered by the district attorney."  The court shall also advise the  sex
    32  offender  that  he  or she has a right to a hearing prior to the court's
    33  determination, that he or she has the right to be represented by counsel
    34  at the hearing and that counsel will be appointed if he or she is finan-
    35  cially unable to retain counsel. If the sex offender applies for assign-
    36  ment of counsel to represent him or her at the hearing and  counsel  was
    37  not  previously assigned to represent the sex offender in the underlying
    38  criminal action, the court  shall  determine  whether  the  offender  is
    39  financially  unable  to retain counsel.   If such a finding is made, the
    40  court shall assign counsel to represent the  sex  offender  pursuant  to
    41  article  eighteen-B  of  the  county  law.  Where the court orders a sex
    42  offender released on probation, such  order  must  include  a  provision
    43  requiring  that  he or she comply with the requirements of this article.
    44  Where such sex offender violates such provision, probation may be  imme-
    45  diately  revoked  in  the manner provided by article four hundred ten of
    46  the criminal procedure law.
    47    3. For sex offenders released on probation or discharged upon  payment
    48  of a fine, conditional discharge or unconditional discharge, it shall be
    49  the duty of the court applying the guidelines established in subdivision
    50  five  of  section one hundred sixty-eight-l of this article to determine
    51  the level of notification pursuant to subdivision  six  of  section  one
    52  hundred  sixty-eight-l  of  this  article  and whether such sex offender
    53  shall be designated a sexual predator,  sexually  violent  offender,  or
    54  predicate  sex  offender  as defined in subdivision seven of section one
    55  hundred sixty-eight-a of this article. At least fifteen  days  prior  to
    56  the determination proceeding, the district attorney shall provide to the

        A. 1665                             3
     1  court  and the sex offender a written statement setting forth the deter-
     2  minations sought by the district attorney together with the reasons  for
     3  seeking  such  determinations. The court shall allow the sex offender to
     4  appear and be heard. The state shall appear by the district attorney, or
     5  his  or  her  designee,  who  shall bear the burden of proving the facts
     6  supporting the determinations sought by clear and  convincing  evidence.
     7  Where  there  is  a  dispute between the parties concerning the determi-
     8  nations, the court shall adjourn the hearing as necessary to permit  the
     9  sex  offender  or  the district attorney to obtain materials relevant to
    10  the determinations from any state or local facility, hospital,  institu-
    11  tion,  office,  agency,  department  or  division. Such materials may be
    12  obtained by subpoena if  not  voluntarily  provided  to  the  requesting
    13  party. In making the determinations, the court shall review any victim's
    14  statement  and  any relevant materials and evidence submitted by the sex
    15  offender and the district attorney and the court may  consider  reliable
    16  hearsay  evidence submitted by either party provided that it is relevant
    17  to the determinations. Facts previously proven at trial or  elicited  at
    18  the  time  of  entry  of a plea of guilty shall be deemed established by
    19  clear and convincing evidence and shall not be  relitigated.  The  court
    20  shall  render an order setting forth its determinations and the findings
    21  of fact and conclusions of law on which the  determinations  are  based,
    22  such  order  shall  also  include any conditions that are required to be
    23  imposed pursuant to section 65.10 of the penal law. A copy of the  order
    24  shall  be  submitted  by  the court to the division. Upon application of
    25  either party, the court shall seal any portion  of  the  court  file  or
    26  record  which  contains material that is confidential under any state or
    27  federal statute. Either party may appeal as  of  right  from  the  order
    28  pursuant  to the provisions of articles fifty-five, fifty-six and fifty-
    29  seven of the civil practice  law  and  rules.  Where  counsel  has  been
    30  assigned  to  represent  the  sex  offender upon the ground that the sex
    31  offender is financially unable to retain counsel, that assignment  shall
    32  be  continued  throughout the pendency of the appeal, and the person may
    33  appeal as a poor person pursuant to article  eighteen-B  of  the  county
    34  law.
    35    §  3.  Section  168-f of the correction law is amended by adding a new
    36  subdivision 4-a to read as follows:
    37    4-a. A sex offender who has established a residence shall  not  change
    38  said  residence  so  as  to  reside  within  the  area defined as school
    39  grounds, as such term is defined  in  subdivision  fourteen  of  section
    40  220.00  of  the  penal  law, or a playground, as such term is defined in
    41  subdivision twenty-two of section 10.00 of the penal law,  the  measure-
    42  ments  to  be  taken  in  straight  lines from the center of the nearest
    43  entrance of the residence to the real property boundary line  comprising
    44  such school grounds or playground.
    45    §  4. Subdivision 2 of section 168-k of the correction law, as amended
    46  by chapter 684 of the laws of 2005, is amended to read as follows:
    47    2. The division shall advise the  board  that  the  sex  offender  has
    48  established  residence  in this state. The board shall determine whether
    49  the sex offender is required to register with the  division.  If  it  is
    50  determined  that  the sex offender is required to register, the division
    51  shall notify the sex offender of his or her duty to register under  this
    52  article  and  shall  require  the  sex offender to sign a form as may be
    53  required by the division acknowledging that the duty to register and the
    54  procedure for registration has been explained to the sex  offender.  The
    55  division  shall  obtain  on such form the address where the sex offender
    56  expects to reside within the state and the sex offender shall retain one

        A. 1665                             4

     1  copy of the form and send two copies to the division which shall provide
     2  the information to the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction  where
     3  the  sex  offender  expects  to  reside within this state. No later than
     4  thirty days prior to the board making a recommendation, the sex offender
     5  shall  be  notified  that his or her case is under review and that he or
     6  she is permitted to submit to the board any information relevant to  the
     7  review.  After  reviewing  any  information  obtained,  and applying the
     8  guidelines established  in  subdivision  five  of  section  one  hundred
     9  sixty-eight-l  of  this  article,  the board shall within sixty calendar
    10  days make a recommendation regarding the level of notification  pursuant
    11  to  subdivision six of section one hundred sixty-eight-l of this article
    12  and whether such sex offender shall be  designated  a  sexual  predator,
    13  sexually  violent  offender,  or  predicate  sex  offender as defined in
    14  subdivision seven of section one hundred sixty-eight-a of this  article.
    15  This recommendation shall be confidential and shall not be available for
    16  public  inspection.  It  shall  be  submitted by the board to the county
    17  court or supreme court and to the district attorney  in  the  county  of
    18  residence  of  the sex offender and to the sex offender. It shall be the
    19  duty of the county court or supreme court in the county of residence  of
    20  the  sex  offender,  applying  the guidelines established in subdivision
    21  five of section one hundred sixty-eight-l of this article, to  determine
    22  the  level  of  notification  pursuant to subdivision six of section one
    23  hundred sixty-eight-l of this article  and  whether  such  sex  offender
    24  shall  be  designated  a  sexual predator, sexually violent offender, or
    25  predicate sex offender as defined in subdivision seven  of  section  one
    26  hundred sixty-eight-a of this article. At least thirty days prior to the
    27  determination  proceeding, such court shall notify the district attorney
    28  and the sex offender, in writing,  of  the  date  of  the  determination
    29  proceeding  and  the  court shall also provide the district attorney and
    30  sex offender with a copy of the recommendation received from  the  board
    31  and  any  statement  of the reasons for the recommendation received from
    32  the board. This notice  shall  include  the  following  statement  or  a
    33  substantially  similar  statement:  "This  proceeding  is  being held to
    34  determine whether you will be classified as a level 3 offender (risk  of
    35  repeat  offense  is high), a level 2 offender (risk of repeat offense is
    36  moderate), or a level 1 offender (risk of repeat  offense  is  low),  or
    37  whether  you will be designated as a sexual predator, a sexually violent
    38  offender or a predicate sex offender, which will determine how long  you
    39  must  register  as a sex offender, where you may reside, work or travel,
    40  and how much information can be provided to the public  concerning  your
    41  registration.  If  you fail to appear at this proceeding, without suffi-
    42  cient excuse, it shall be held in your absence. Failure  to  appear  may
    43  result in a longer period of registration or a higher level of community
    44  notification  because  you  are not present to offer evidence or contest
    45  evidence offered by the district attorney."  The court shall also advise
    46  the sex offender that he or she has a right to a hearing  prior  to  the
    47  court's determination, that he or she has the right to be represented by
    48  counsel  at  the hearing and that counsel will be appointed if he or she
    49  is financially unable to retain counsel.  A  returnable  form  shall  be
    50  enclosed  in  the  court's  notice  to the sex offender on which the sex
    51  offender may apply for assignment of  counsel.    If  the  sex  offender
    52  applies  for assignment of counsel and the court finds that the offender
    53  is financially unable to retain counsel, the court shall assign  counsel
    54  to  represent  the  sex  offender  pursuant to article eighteen-B of the
    55  county law. If the district attorney seeks a determination that  differs
    56  from  the recommendation submitted by the board, at least ten days prior

        A. 1665                             5
     1  to the determination proceeding the district attorney shall  provide  to
     2  the  court  and  the sex offender a statement setting forth the determi-
     3  nations sought by the district attorney together with  the  reasons  for
     4  seeking  such  determinations. The court shall allow the sex offender to
     5  appear and be heard. The state shall appear by the district attorney, or
     6  his or her designee, who shall bear the  burden  of  proving  the  facts
     7  supporting  the  determinations sought by clear and convincing evidence.
     8  It shall be the duty of the court applying the guidelines established in
     9  subdivision five of section one hundred sixty-eight-l of this article to
    10  determine the level of  notification  pursuant  to  subdivision  six  of
    11  section  one  hundred sixty-eight-l of this article and whether such sex
    12  offender shall be designated a sexual predator, sexually violent  offen-
    13  der,  or  predicate  sex  offender  as  defined  in subdivision seven of
    14  section one hundred sixty-eight-a of this  article.  Where  there  is  a
    15  dispute  between  the  parties  concerning the determinations, the court
    16  shall adjourn the hearing as necessary to permit the sex offender or the
    17  district attorney to obtain materials  relevant  to  the  determinations
    18  from the state board of examiners of sex offenders or any state or local
    19  facility, hospital, institution, office, agency, department or division.
    20  Such  materials  may be obtained by subpoena if not voluntarily provided
    21  to the requesting party. In making the determinations  the  court  shall
    22  review  any  victim's  statement and any relevant materials and evidence
    23  submitted by the sex offender and the district attorney and  the  recom-
    24  mendation  and  any  material  submitted  by the board, and may consider
    25  reliable hearsay evidence submitted by either party, provided that it is
    26  relevant to the determinations. If available, facts proven at  trial  or
    27  elicited  at the time of a plea of guilty shall be deemed established by
    28  clear and convincing evidence and shall not be  relitigated.  The  court
    29  shall  render an order setting forth its determinations and the findings
    30  of fact and conclusions of law on which the  determinations  are  based,
    31  such  order  shall  also  include any conditions that are required to be
    32  imposed pursuant to section 65.10 of the penal law. A copy of the  order
    33  shall  be  submitted  by  the court to the division. Upon application of
    34  either party, the court shall seal any portion  of  the  court  file  or
    35  record  which  contains material that is confidential under any state or
    36  federal statute. Either party may appeal as  of  right  from  the  order
    37  pursuant  to the provisions of articles fifty-five, fifty-six and fifty-
    38  seven of the civil practice  law  and  rules.  Where  counsel  has  been
    39  assigned  to  represent  the  sex  offender upon the ground that the sex
    40  offender is financially unable to retain counsel, that assignment  shall
    41  be  continued  throughout the pendency of the appeal, and the person may
    42  appeal as a poor person pursuant to article  eighteen-B  of  the  county
    43  law.
    44    §  5. Subdivision 3 of section 168-n of the correction law, as amended
    45  by chapter 684 of the laws of 2005, is amended to read as follows:
    46    3. No later than thirty days prior to the board's recommendation,  the
    47  sex  offender shall be notified that his or her case is under review and
    48  that he or she is permitted to submit to the board any information rele-
    49  vant to the review. Upon receipt  of  the  board's  recommendation,  the
    50  sentencing court shall determine whether the sex offender was previously
    51  found  to be eligible for assigned counsel in the underlying case. Where
    52  such a finding was previously made, the court shall  assign  counsel  to
    53  represent  the  offender,  pursuant  to article eighteen-B of the county
    54  law. At least twenty days prior to  the  determination  proceeding,  the
    55  sentencing  court  shall  notify the district attorney, the sex offender
    56  and the sex offender's counsel, in writing, of the date of the  determi-

        A. 1665                             6
     1  nation  proceeding and shall also provide the district attorney, the sex
     2  offender and the sex offender's counsel with a copy of  the  recommenda-
     3  tion  received  from  the board and any statement of the reasons for the
     4  recommendation  received  from  the board. This notice shall include the
     5  following  statement  or  a  substantially  similar  statement:    "This
     6  proceeding  is being held to determine whether you will be classified as
     7  a level 3 offender (risk of repeat offense is high), a level 2  offender
     8  (risk  of  repeat  offense  is moderate), or a level 1 offender (risk of
     9  repeat offense is low), or whether you will be designated  as  a  sexual
    10  predator, a sexually violent offender or a predicate sex offender, which
    11  will  determine  how long you must register as a sex offender, where you
    12  may reside, work or travel, and how much information can be provided  to
    13  the  public  concerning your registration. If you fail to appear at this
    14  proceeding, without sufficient excuse, it shall be held in your absence.
    15  Failure to appear may result in a longer period  of  registration  or  a
    16  higher  level  of  community notification because you are not present to
    17  offer evidence or contest evidence offered by  the  district  attorney."
    18  The  written  notice  to the sex offender shall also advise the offender
    19  that he or she has a right to a hearing prior to  the  court's  determi-
    20  nation, and that he or she has the right to be represented by counsel at
    21  the  hearing.  If counsel has been assigned to represent the offender at
    22  the determination proceeding, the notice shall also  provide  the  name,
    23  address  and telephone number of the assigned counsel. Where counsel has
    24  not been assigned, the notice shall advise the sex offender that counsel
    25  will be appointed if he or she is financially unable to retain  counsel,
    26  and a returnable form shall be enclosed in the court's notice to the sex
    27  offender  on which the sex offender may apply for assignment of counsel.
    28  If the sex offender applies for assignment  of  counsel  and  the  court
    29  finds  that  the  offender  is financially unable to retain counsel, the
    30  court shall assign counsel to represent the  sex  offender  pursuant  to
    31  article  eighteen-B  of the county law. If the district attorney seeks a
    32  determination that differs from  the  recommendation  submitted  by  the
    33  board,  at  least  ten  days  prior  to the determination proceeding the
    34  district attorney shall provide to the court  and  the  sex  offender  a
    35  statement setting forth the determinations sought by the district attor-
    36  ney together with the reasons for seeking such determinations. The court
    37  shall  allow  the  sex  offender to appear and be heard. The state shall
    38  appear by the district attorney, or his or her designee, who shall  bear
    39  the  burden of proving the facts supporting the determinations sought by
    40  clear and convincing evidence. Where there  is  a  dispute  between  the
    41  parties concerning the determinations, the court shall adjourn the hear-
    42  ing  as necessary to permit the sex offender or the district attorney to
    43  obtain materials relevant to the determinations from the state board  of
    44  examiners  of  sex  offenders  or any state or local facility, hospital,
    45  institution, office, agency, department or division.  Such materials may
    46  be obtained by subpoena if not voluntarily provided  to  the  requesting
    47  party.  In making the determinations the court shall review any victim's
    48  statement and any relevant materials and evidence submitted by  the  sex
    49  offender  and the district attorney and the recommendation and any mate-
    50  rials submitted by the board, and may consider reliable hearsay evidence
    51  submitted by either party, provided that it is relevant to the  determi-
    52  nations.  Facts  previously  proven  at trial or elicited at the time of
    53  entry of a plea of guilty shall  be  deemed  established  by  clear  and
    54  convincing evidence and shall not be relitigated. The court shall render
    55  an  order  setting forth its determinations and the findings of fact and
    56  conclusions of law on which the determinations  are  based,  such  order

        A. 1665                             7
     1  shall also include any conditions that are required to be imposed pursu-
     2  ant  to  section  65.10  of  the penal law. A copy of the order shall be
     3  submitted by the court to  the  division.  Upon  application  of  either
     4  party,  the  court  shall  seal  any portion of the court file or record
     5  which contains material that is confidential under any state or  federal
     6  statute.  Either party may appeal as of right from the order pursuant to
     7  the provisions of articles fifty-five, fifty-six and fifty-seven of  the
     8  civil  practice law and rules. Where counsel has been assigned to repre-
     9  sent the sex offender upon the ground that the sex  offender  is  finan-
    10  cially  unable  to  retain  counsel,  that assignment shall be continued
    11  throughout the pendency of the appeal, and the person may  appeal  as  a
    12  poor person pursuant to article eighteen-B of the county law.
    13    §  6.  Subdivision 1 of section 203 of the correction law, as added by
    14  section 32 of subpart A of part C of chapter 62 of the laws of 2011,  is
    15  amended to read as follows:
    16    1.  The commissioner shall promulgate rules and regulations that shall
    17  include guidelines and procedures on  the  placement  of  sex  offenders
    18  designated  as  level  two  or level three offenders pursuant to article
    19  six-C of this chapter, provided  that  such  guidelines  and  procedures
    20  shall  prohibit  the  placement  of  such  sex offenders within the area
    21  defined as school grounds, as such term is defined in subdivision  four-
    22  teen  of  section 220.00 of the penal law, or a playground, as such term
    23  is defined in subdivision twenty-two of section 10.00 of the penal  law.
    24  Such  regulations  shall  provide  instruction  on certain factors to be
    25  considered when investigating and approving the residence of  level  two
    26  or  level  three  sex offenders released on presumptive release, parole,
    27  conditional release or  post-release  supervision.  Such  factors  shall
    28  include the following:
    29    (a) the location of other sex offenders required to register under the
    30  sex  offender  registration act, specifically whether there is a concen-
    31  tration of registered sex offenders in a  certain  residential  area  or
    32  municipality;
    33    (b)  the  number  of registered sex offenders residing at a particular
    34  property;
    35    (c) the proximity of entities with vulnerable populations;
    36    (d) accessibility to  family  members,  friends  or  other  supportive
    37  services,  including, but not limited to, locally available sex offender
    38  treatment programs with preference for  placement  of  such  individuals
    39  into  programs  that  have  demonstrated  effectiveness  in reducing sex
    40  offender recidivism and increasing public safety; and
    41    (e) the availability of permanent, stable housing in order  to  reduce
    42  the likelihood that such offenders will be transient.
    43    § 7. The correction law is amended by adding a new section 209 to read
    44  as follows:
    45    §  209.  Regulations  for release of sex offenders designated as level
    46  one offenders. The commissioner shall promulgate rules  and  regulations
    47  that  shall  include  guidelines  and procedures on the placement of sex
    48  offenders designated as level one  sexual  predators,  sexually  violent
    49  offenders,  or predicate sex offenders pursuant to article six-C of this
    50  chapter and the victim of the offense for  which  such  designation  was
    51  received  was  under  the  age  of eighteen at the time of such offense,
    52  provided that such guidelines and procedures shall prohibit  the  place-
    53  ment  of  such  sex offenders within any school grounds, as such term is
    54  defined in subdivision fourteen of section 220.00 of the penal law, or a
    55  playground, as such term is defined in subdivision twenty-two of section
    56  10.00 of the penal law.

        A. 1665                             8

     1    § 8. Subdivision 14 of section 259-c of the executive law, as  amended
     2  by  section  38-b  of  subpart  A of part C of chapter 62 of the laws of
     3  2011, is amended to read as follows:
     4    14.  notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, where
     5  a person serving a sentence  for  an  offense  defined  in  article  one
     6  hundred  thirty,  one  hundred thirty-five or two hundred sixty-three of
     7  the penal law or section 255.25, 255.26 or 255.27 of the penal  law  and
     8  the  victim of such offense was under the age of eighteen at the time of
     9  such offense or such person has been designated a  level  two  or  level
    10  three  sex  offender  pursuant to subdivision six of section one hundred
    11  sixty-eight-l of the correction law, is released  on  parole  or  condi-
    12  tionally  released  pursuant  to subdivision one or two of this section,
    13  the board shall require, as a mandatory condition of such release,  that
    14  such  sentenced  offender  shall refrain from knowingly entering into or
    15  upon any school grounds, as that term is defined in subdivision fourteen
    16  of section 220.00 of the penal law, [or] any other facility or  institu-
    17  tion  primarily  used for the care or treatment of persons under the age
    18  of eighteen while one or more of such persons under the age of  eighteen
    19  are  present,  or any playground, as that term is defined in subdivision
    20  twenty-two of section 10.00 of the penal  law,  provided  however,  that
    21  when  such  sentenced offender is a registered student or participant or
    22  an employee of such facility or institution or entity contracting there-
    23  with or has a family member enrolled in such  facility  or  institution,
    24  such  sentenced  offender  may, with the written authorization of his or
    25  her parole officer and the superintendent or chief administrator of such
    26  facility, institution or grounds, enter such  facility,  institution  or
    27  upon  such  grounds  for  the  limited purposes authorized by the parole
    28  officer and superintendent or chief officer.  Nothing in  this  subdivi-
    29  sion  shall  be  construed as restricting any lawful condition of super-
    30  vision that may be imposed on such sentenced offender.
    31    § 9. Subdivision 4 of section 243 of the executive law,  as  added  by
    32  chapter  568 of the laws of 2008 and the opening paragraph as amended by
    33  section 17 of part A of chapter 56 of the laws of 2010,  is  amended  to
    34  read as follows:
    35    4.  The  office  shall  recommend  to the commissioner rules and regu-
    36  lations which shall include guidelines and procedures on  the  placement
    37  of sex offenders designated as level two or level three offenders pursu-
    38  ant  to  article  six-C of the correction law, provided that such recom-
    39  mended rules and regulations shall prohibit the placement  of  such  sex
    40  offenders  within  the  area  defined as school grounds, as such term is
    41  defined in subdivision fourteen of section 220.00 of the penal law, or a
    42  playground, as such term is defined in subdivision twenty-two of section
    43  10.00 of the penal law.  Such regulations shall instruct local probation
    44  departments to consider certain factors when investigating and approving
    45  the residence of level two or level three sex offenders sentenced  to  a
    46  period of probation. Such factors shall include the following:
    47    (a) the location of other sex offenders required to register under the
    48  sex  offender  registration act, specifically whether there is a concen-
    49  tration of registered sex offenders in a  certain  residential  area  or
    50  municipality;
    51    (b)  the  number  of registered sex offenders residing at a particular
    52  property;
    53    (c) the proximity of entities with vulnerable populations;
    54    (d) accessibility to  family  members,  friends  or  other  supportive
    55  services,  including  but  not limited to locally available sex offender
    56  treatment programs with preference for  placement  of  such  individuals

        A. 1665                             9
     1  into  programs  that  have  demonstrated  effectiveness  in reducing sex
     2  offender recidivism and increasing public safety; and
     3    (e)  the  availability of permanent, stable housing in order to reduce
     4  the likelihood that such offenders will be transient.
     5    § 10. Subdivision (a) of section 10.11 of the mental hygiene  law,  as
     6  added by chapter 7 of the laws of 2007, paragraphs 1 and 2 as amended by
     7  section  118-e of subpart B of part C of chapter 62 of the laws of 2011,
     8  is amended to read as follows:
     9    (a) (1) Before ordering the release of a person to a regimen of strict
    10  and intensive supervision and treatment pursuant to  this  article,  the
    11  court  shall  order  that  the  department  of corrections and community
    12  supervision recommend  supervision  requirements  to  the  court.  These
    13  supervision  requirements, which shall be developed in consultation with
    14  the commissioner, shall include a prohibition against knowingly entering
    15  into or upon any school grounds, as that term is defined in  subdivision
    16  fourteen  of  section  220.00  of  the  penal law, any other facility or
    17  institution primarily used for the care or treatment  of  persons  under
    18  the  age  of eighteen while one or more of such persons under the age of
    19  eighteen are present, or a playground, as such term is defined in subdi-
    20  vision twenty-two of section 10.00 of the penal law, and may include but
    21  need not be limited to,  electronic  monitoring  or  global  positioning
    22  satellite tracking for an appropriate period of time, polygraph monitor-
    23  ing,  specification  of  residence  or type or residence, prohibition of
    24  contact with identified past or potential victims, strict and  intensive
    25  supervision  by  a  parole  officer,  and any other lawful and necessary
    26  conditions that may be imposed by a court. In addition, after  consulta-
    27  tion with the psychiatrist, psychologist or other professional primarily
    28  treating  the  respondent,  the  commissioner shall recommend a specific
    29  course of treatment. A copy of the recommended requirements  for  super-
    30  vision  and  treatment  shall  be  given to the attorney general and the
    31  respondent and his or her counsel a reasonable  time  before  the  court
    32  issues its written order pursuant to this section.
    33    (2)  Before  issuing  its  written  order,  the court shall afford the
    34  parties an opportunity to be heard, and shall  consider  any  additional
    35  submissions  by  the  respondent and the attorney general concerning the
    36  proposed conditions of the regimen of strict and  intensive  supervision
    37  and  treatment. The court shall issue an order specifying the conditions
    38  of the regimen of strict and intensive supervision and treatment,  which
    39  shall  include  a condition that the respondent shall refrain from know-
    40  ingly entering into or upon any school grounds, as that term is  defined
    41  in  subdivision  fourteen  of section 220.00 of the penal law, any other
    42  facility or institution primarily used for  the  care  or  treatment  of
    43  persons  under  the  age  of  eighteen while one or more of such persons
    44  under the age of eighteen are present, or a playground, as such term  is
    45  defined  in  subdivision  twenty-two  of section 10.00 of the penal law,
    46  specified supervision  requirements  and  compliance  with  a  specified
    47  course  of treatment. A written statement of the conditions of the regi-
    48  men of strict and intensive supervision and treatment shall be given  to
    49  the respondent and to his or her counsel, any designated service provid-
    50  ers  or  treating  professionals, the commissioner, the attorney general
    51  and the supervising parole officer. The court shall require the  depart-
    52  ment  of  corrections  and  community  supervision  to  take appropriate
    53  actions to implement the supervision plan and assure compliance with the
    54  conditions of the regimen of strict and intensive supervision and treat-
    55  ment and to investigate and approve the  location  of  the  respondent's
    56  residence.   A regimen of strict and intensive supervision does not toll

        A. 1665                            10
     1  the running of any form of supervision in criminal cases, including  but
     2  not limited to post-release supervision and parole.
     3    § 11. Section 10.00 of the penal law is amended by adding a new subdi-
     4  vision 22 to read as follows:
     5    22. "Playground" means (a) in or within any building, structure, play-
     6  ing  field,  or land contained within the boundary of land owned, leased
     7  or maintained by the state or any agency or municipality thereof  or  by
     8  any  not-for-profit corporation, corporation or association that is used
     9  on a regular basis as a recreation area for children and  is  so  desig-
    10  nated, or (b) any area accessible to the public located within one thou-
    11  sand  feet of the perimeter of any such playground or any parked automo-
    12  bile or other parked vehicle located within one  thousand  feet  of  the
    13  real  property  boundary  line  comprising  any such playground. For the
    14  purposes of this section an "area accessible to the public"  shall  mean
    15  sidewalks, streets, parking lots, parks, stores and restaurants.
    16    §  12.  Paragraph (a) of subdivision 4-a of section 65.10 of the penal
    17  law, as amended by chapter 67 of the laws of 2008, is amended to read as
    18  follows:
    19    (a) When imposing a sentence of  probation  or  conditional  discharge
    20  upon  a  person  convicted  of an offense defined in article one hundred
    21  thirty, two hundred thirty-five or two hundred sixty-three of this chap-
    22  ter, or section 255.25, 255.26 or 255.27 of this chapter, and the victim
    23  of such offense was under the age  of  eighteen  at  the  time  of  such
    24  offense  or  such  person has been designated a level two or level three
    25  sex offender pursuant to subdivision six of section [168-l] one  hundred
    26  sixty-eight-l  of  the  correction  law,  the  court shall require, as a
    27  mandatory condition of such sentence, that such sentenced offender shall
    28  refrain from knowingly entering into or upon any school grounds, as that
    29  term is defined in subdivision fourteen of section 220.00 of this  chap-
    30  ter,  [or] any other facility or institution primarily used for the care
    31  or treatment of persons under the age of eighteen while one or  more  of
    32  such  persons  under the age of eighteen are present, or any playground,
    33  as that term is defined in subdivision twenty-two of  section  10.00  of
    34  this  chapter,  provided however, that when such sentenced offender is a
    35  registered student or participant or an employee  of  such  facility  or
    36  institution  or  entity  contracting  therewith  or  has a family member
    37  enrolled in such facility or institution, such sentenced  offender  may,
    38  with  the  written  authorization of his or her probation officer or the
    39  court and the superintendent or chief administrator  of  such  facility,
    40  institution  or  grounds,  enter such facility, institution or upon such
    41  grounds for the limited purposes authorized by the probation officer  or
    42  the  court and superintendent or chief officer. Nothing in this subdivi-
    43  sion shall be construed as restricting any lawful  condition  of  super-
    44  vision that may be imposed on such sentenced offender.
    45    §  13.  Subdivision  8  of  section  20 of the social services law, as
    46  amended by section 150 of subpart B of part C of chapter 62 of the  laws
    47  of 2011, is amended to read as follows:
    48    8. (a) The office of temporary and disability assistance shall promul-
    49  gate  rules  and regulations for the administration of this subdivision.
    50  The rules and regulations shall provide for the conditions  under  which
    51  local  social  services  officials determine the placement of applicants
    52  for and recipients of public assistance for whom a  notice  pursuant  to
    53  section two hundred three of the correction law[,] has been received and
    54  who are:
    55    (i) determined to be in immediate need of shelter; and

        A. 1665                            11
     1    (ii)  designated  a  level two or level three sex offender pursuant to
     2  article six-C of the correction law.
     3    (b)  When  making  determinations  in  regard to the placement of such
     4  individuals in shelter, local social services officials shall not  place
     5  such individuals within the area defined as school grounds, as such term
     6  is  defined  in subdivision fourteen of section 220.00 of the penal law,
     7  or a playground, as such term is defined in  subdivision  twenty-two  of
     8  section  10.00  of  the  penal  law,  and  shall  consider the following
     9  factors:
    10    (i) the location of other sex offenders required to register  pursuant
    11  to  the  sex  offender registration act, specifically whether there is a
    12  concentration of registered sex offenders in a certain residential  area
    13  or municipality;
    14    (ii)  the  number of registered sex offenders residing at a particular
    15  property;
    16    (iii) proximity of the entities with vulnerable populations;
    17    (iv) accessibility to family  members,  friends  or  other  supportive
    18  services,  including  but  not limited to locally available sex offender
    19  treatment programs with preference for  placement  of  such  individuals
    20  into  programs  that  have  demonstrated  effectiveness  in reducing sex
    21  offender recidivism and increasing public safety; and
    22    (v) investigation and approval of such placement by the department  of
    23  corrections and community supervision.
    24    §  14.  This  act  shall  take  effect  on  the first of November next
    25  succeeding the date on which it shall have become a law.
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