A01944 Summary:

Add §48, amd §§615 & 208, Tax L
Establishes a qualified transportation fringe benefits program; allows for an itemized deduction for the full amount of expenses for any qualified transportation benefit provided to an employee of the taxpayer.
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A01944 Actions:

01/23/2023referred to labor
01/03/2024referred to labor
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A01944 Committee Votes:

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A01944 Floor Votes:

There are no votes for this bill in this legislative session.
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A01944 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    January 23, 2023
        Introduced  by M. of A. STERN -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Labor
        AN ACT to amend the tax law, in relation  to  establishing  a  qualified
          transportation fringe benefits program
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The tax law is amended by adding a new section 48  to  read
     2  as follows:
     3    § 48. Qualified transportation fringe benefits program. (a) As used in
     4  this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
     5    (1)  "Qualified  transportation fringe benefits" shall mean any of the
     6  following provided by an employer to an employee:
     7    (i) transportation in a commuter highway vehicle if  such  transporta-
     8  tion  is  in connection with travel between the employee's residence and
     9  place of employment;
    10    (ii) any transit pass;
    11    (iii) qualified parking; or
    12    (iv) qualified bicycle commuting reimbursement.
    13    (2) "Covered employee" shall mean any person who performed an  average
    14  of  at  least  ten  hours of work per week for compensation for the same
    15  employer within the previous calendar month.
    16    (3) "Covered employer" shall mean an employer for which an average  of
    17  twenty or more persons per week perform work for compensation. In deter-
    18  mining  the  number  of persons performing work for an employer during a
    19  given week, all persons performing work for compensation on a full-time,
    20  part-time or temporary basis shall be counted,  including  persons  made
    21  available to work through the services of a temporary services or staff-
    22  ing  agency  or similar entity. A covered employer shall not include any
    23  governmental entity.
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 1944                             2
     1    (4) "Transit pass" shall mean any pass, token, fare card,  voucher  or
     2  similar  item entitling a person to transportation, or transportation at
     3  a reduced price, if such transportation is:
     4    (i) on mass transit facilities, whether or not publicly owned; or
     5    (ii)  provided  by  any person in the business of transporting persons
     6  for compensation or hire if such transportation is provided in a vehicle
     7  meeting the requirements of subparagraph (i) of paragraph five  of  this
     8  subdivision.
     9    (5) "Commuter highway vehicle" shall mean any highway vehicle where:
    10    (i)  the  seating  capacity  is at least six adults, not including the
    11  driver; and
    12    (ii) at least eighty percent of the  mileage  use  can  reasonably  be
    13  expected to be:
    14    (A)  for  purposes of transporting employees in connection with travel
    15  between their residences and their place of employment; and
    16    (B) on trips during which the number of employees transported for such
    17  purposes is at least one-half of the  adult  seating  capacity  of  such
    18  vehicle, not including the driver.
    19    (6)  "Qualified  parking"  means parking provided to an employee on or
    20  near the business premises of the employer or on or near a location from
    21  which the employee commutes to work by transportation described in para-
    22  graph four of this subdivision, in a commuter  highway  vehicle,  or  by
    23  carpool.  Such  term  shall  not include any parking on or near property
    24  used by the employee for residential purposes.
    25    (7) "Qualified  bicycle  commuting  reimbursement"  shall  mean,  with
    26  respect  to  any  calendar  year,  any employer reimbursement during the
    27  fifteen month period beginning with the first day of such calendar  year
    28  for  reasonable  expenses  incurred by the employee during such calendar
    29  year for the purchase of a bicycle and bicycle improvements, repair, and
    30  storage, if such bicycle  is  regularly  used  for  travel  between  the
    31  employee's  residence  and place of employment. There shall be an annual
    32  limitation with respect to any employee for any calendar year, the prod-
    33  uct of twenty dollars multiplied by  the  number  of  qualified  bicycle
    34  commuting months during such year.
    35    (8)  "Qualified  bicycle commuting months" shall mean, with respect to
    36  any employee, any month during which such employee:
    37    (i) regularly uses the bicycle for a substantial portion of the travel
    38  between the employee's residence and place of employment; and
    39    (ii) does not receive any benefit described in subparagraph (i), (ii),
    40  or (iii) of paragraph one of this subdivision.
    41    (b) Covered employers may provide the following transportation benefit
    42  programs to covered employees:
    43    (1) a pre-tax election program allowing employees to elect to  exclude
    44  from  taxable  wages and compensation, employee commuting costs incurred
    45  for transit passes, commuter highway vehicle charges, qualified parking,
    46  and qualified bicycle commuting. The amount of qualified  transportation
    47  fringe benefits shall not exceed:
    48    (i)  the  maximum  dollar  amount  permitted  under  subsection (f) of
    49  section one hundred thirty-two of the internal revenue code in  case  of
    50  the aggregate of the benefits described in subparagraphs (i) and (ii) of
    51  paragraph one of subdivision (a) of this section;
    52    (ii)  the  maximum  dollar  amount  permitted  under subsection (f) of
    53  section one hundred thirty-two of the internal revenue code in the  case
    54  of qualified parking; and
    55    (iii)  the  applicable  annual limitation in the case of any qualified
    56  bicycle commuting reimbursement.

        A. 1944                             3
     1    (2) the maximum  dollar  amount  permitted  under  subsection  (f)  of
     2  section  one hundred thirty-two of the internal revenue code in the case
     3  of an employer paid benefit program  whereby  the  employer  supplies  a
     4  transit pass for a public transit system of the employer's choosing upon
     5  request  by each covered employee or reimbursement for equivalent commu-
     6  ter highway vehicle charges equal in value to the purchase price of  the
     7  appropriate benefit; or
     8    (3)  the  maximum  dollar  amount  permitted  under  subsection (f) of
     9  section one hundred thirty-two of the internal revenue code in the  case
    10  of employer provided transit furnished by the employer at no cost to the
    11  covered  employee  in  a  commuter  highway  vehicle  or bus, or similar
    12  multi-passenger vehicle operated by or for the employer.
    13    (c) (1) The duly authorized officer  having  predominant  jurisdiction
    14  over transportation issues in the municipality in which a transportation
    15  benefits  program  is administered shall promulgate such rules and regu-
    16  lations as necessary to implement the provisions of this section.
    17    (2) Such officer shall maintain an education  and  advice  program  to
    18  assist  covered  employers  with meeting the requirements of subdivision
    19  (b) of this section.
    20    § 2. Subsection (d) of section 615 of the tax law is amended by adding
    21  a new paragraph 6 to read as follows:
    22    (6) the full amount  of  expenses  for  any  qualified  transportation
    23  fringe  benefit  provided  to  an employee of the taxpayer in accordance
    24  with section forty-eight of this chapter.
    25    § 3. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 9 of section 208 of the tax  law  is
    26  amended by adding a new subparagraph 24 to read as follows:
    27     (24)  The  full  amount  of expenses for any qualified transportation
    28  fringe benefit provided to an employee of  the  taxpayer  in  accordance
    29  with section forty-eight of this chapter.
    30    §  4.  This act shall take effect immediately, provided, however, that
    31  section one of this act shall take effect on the one  hundred  twentieth
    32  day  after  it shall have become a law; provided, further, that sections
    33  two and three of this act shall apply to taxable years beginning on  and
    34  after January 1, 2024.
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