A03975 Summary:

Add §404-a-1, V & T L; add §19-162.6, NYC Ad Cd; add §553-l, Pub Auth L; add Art 7-F, §1 of Chap 154 of 1921
Directs the commissioner of motor vehicles adopt rules and regulations for the registration of, and issuance of special license plates and stickers for, electric motor vehicles; establishes a period of free parking for electric motor vehicles in a city with a population of one million or more persons; provides for decreased bridge and tunnel tolls for electronic motor vehicles utilizing certain bridges and tunnels in a city with a population of one million or more persons; establishes a period of free parking for electric motor vehicles at certain facilities and provides for decreased bridge and tunnel tolls for electronic motor vehicles utilizing certain bridges and tunnels operated by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey; directs certain entities to coordinate regarding the provision of certain information.
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A03975 Actions:

02/08/2023referred to transportation
01/03/2024referred to transportation
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A03975 Committee Votes:

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A03975 Floor Votes:

There are no votes for this bill in this legislative session.
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A03975 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    February 8, 2023
        Introduced by M. of A. COLTON -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Transportation
        AN  ACT  to  amend the vehicle and traffic law, in relation to directing
          the commissioner of motor vehicles to adopt rules and regulations  for
          the registration of, and issuance of special license plates and stick-
          ers  for, electric motor vehicles; to amend the administrative code of
          the city of New York, in relation to establishing  a  period  of  free
          parking for electric motor vehicles in a city with a population of one
          million  or  more  persons;  to  amend  the public authorities law, in
          relation to providing for decreased bridge and tunnel tolls for  elec-
          tric  motor  vehicles  utilizing certain bridges and tunnels; to amend
          chapter 154 of the laws of 1921, relating to the port authority of New
          York and New Jersey, in relation to  establishing  a  period  of  free
          parking for electric motor vehicles and providing for decreased bridge
          and tunnel tolls for electric motor vehicles utilizing certain bridges
          and  tunnels;  and  directing certain entities to coordinate regarding
          the provision of certain information

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  The  vehicle  and  traffic law is amended by adding a new
     2  section 404-a-1 to read as follows:
     3    § 404-a-1. Registration of electric motor vehicles. 1. The commission-
     4  er shall adopt rules and regulations for the registration of, and  issu-
     5  ance of special identifying license plates for, electric motor vehicles.
     6  Said  license  plates  shall conform to the requirements of section four
     7  hundred one of this article but shall bear distinctive marks to  distin-
     8  guish  them from number plates to be issued for non-electric motor vehi-
     9  cles qualifying under this chapter.
    10    2. An application for registration under this section shall  be  filed
    11  with  the  department  in such form and detail as the commissioner shall
    12  prescribe, setting  forth  such  information  as  the  commissioner  may
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 3975                             2
     1  reasonably prescribe beyond such information required under section four
     2  hundred one of this article.
     3    3.  Registration  and  application for registration under this section
     4  shall only apply to a motor vehicle subject to registration pursuant  to
     5  subdivision six of section four hundred one of this article.
     6    4.  The registration and electric motor vehicle plates shall be accom-
     7  panied only by the required fee otherwise required to be paid for  vehi-
     8  cle registration.
     9    5. Electric motor vehicle plates issued pursuant to this section shall
    10  be issued for all electric motor vehicles registered or re-registered on
    11  or after January first, two thousand twenty-four.
    12    6.  (a)  For electric motor vehicles registered or re-registered prior
    13  to January first, two thousand twenty-four, at the time of  registration
    14  or  re-registration,  the  department  shall  issue to the owner of such
    15  vehicle a sticker identifying the vehicle as  being  an  electric  motor
    16  vehicle.  Such sticker may also be requested by the owner of an electric
    17  motor vehicle at other times upon the submission of such information  as
    18  required by the commissioner.
    19    (b)  Stickers shall be produced in a size and form suitable for appli-
    20  cation to the inside of a vehicle's windshield and may be applied by the
    21  owner of the vehicle to the windshield of the vehicle  adjacent  to  the
    22  vehicle's  registration  sticker  in  a  manner so as to not obstruct or
    23  interfere with the view of the vehicle operator through the  windshield,
    24  or to prevent the operator from having a clear and full view of the road
    25  and conditions.
    26    (c)  A  one-time  fee may be charged for a sticker in an amount deter-
    27  mined by the commissioner. An  additional  fee  may  be  charged  for  a
    28  replacement sticker in an amount determined by the commissioner.
    29    7. The commissioner shall maintain a separate database of all electric
    30  motor  vehicles  registered  or re-registered as electric motor vehicles
    31  and all electric motor vehicles for which a sticker has been  issued  as
    32  provided  in  subdivision  six of this section, or otherwise provide for
    33  license plate information for such vehicles  to  be  readily  identified
    34  separately from such information for non-electric motor vehicles.
    35    8. For the purposes of this section:
    36    (a) "Electric motor vehicle":
    37    (i)  means  a vehicle, with four or more wheels, that draws propulsion
    38  energy from a battery with at least four kilowatt hours of energy  stor-
    39  age  capacity that can be recharged from an external source of electric-
    40  ity; and
    41    (ii) includes hybrid vehicles.
    42    (b) "Sticker" means a sticker identifying a vehicle as being an  elec-
    43  tric motor vehicle as provided in this subdivision.
    44    §  2.  The  administrative  code of the city of New York is amended by
    45  adding a new section 19-162.6 to read as follows:
    46    § 19-162.6 Electric motor vehicle parking. 1. An electric motor  vehi-
    47  cle to which an electric motor vehicle license plate or a sticker issued
    48  pursuant to section four hundred four-a-1 of the vehicle and traffic law
    49  is affixed shall be exempt from payment of parking fees, including those
    50  collected  through  parking  meters,  charged by any authority in a city
    51  having a population of one million or more persons provided that:
    52    a. for metered parking spaces, this exemption shall be limited to  two
    53  hours  or, in the case of parking spaces for which parking is limited to
    54  a period of less than two hours, the maximum amount of  time  the  meter
    55  allows;

        A. 3975                             3
     1    b.  this  exemption shall not apply to parking fees assessed in incre-
     2  ments longer than one twenty-four hour day, including  weekly,  monthly,
     3  or annual parking permits;
     4    c.  for  parking  at airport or heliport lots, this exemption shall be
     5  limited to vehicles operated by drivers who are parking at  the  airport
     6  or  heliport as an airline passenger or a driver at the facility to pick
     7  up an airline passenger, as evidenced by a valid ticket or boarding pass
     8  bearing the name of the driver or passenger, which shall be presented to
     9  the applicable parking attendant; provided further that  this  exemption
    10  shall  not  apply  to drivers who are parking at the airport or heliport
    11  while carrying out  the  driver's  duties  and  responsibilities  as  an
    12  employee  of  the  airport  or  heliport or any company operating at the
    13  airport or heliport; and
    14    d. for parking at ferry terminal lots, this exemption shall be limited
    15  to drivers who are parking at the terminal  as  a  ferry  passenger,  as
    16  evidenced  by a valid ferry ticket or boarding, which shall be presented
    17  to  the  applicable  parking  attendant;  provided  further  that   this
    18  exemption  shall  not  apply  to drivers who are parking at the terminal
    19  while carrying out  the  driver's  duties  and  responsibilities  as  an
    20  employee  of  the terminal or ferry operator or of any company operating
    21  at the terminal.
    22    2. The owner of the electric motor vehicle  shall  enter  the  license
    23  plate  number  of  the  vehicle  into  the parking meter or provide such
    24  information to the parking lot attendant to obtain the exemption.
    25    3. As used in this section, "electric motor vehicle" means an electric
    26  motor vehicle as defined in section four hundred four-a-1 of the vehicle
    27  and traffic law.
    28    § 3. The public authorities law is amended by  adding  a  new  section
    29  553-l to read as follows:
    30    § 553-l. Electric motor vehicle tolls. 1. An electric motor vehicle to
    31  which an electric motor vehicle license plate or a sticker issued pursu-
    32  ant  to  section four hundred four-a-1 of the vehicle and traffic law is
    33  affixed and which contains an E-ZPASS transponder or tag shall be eligi-
    34  ble for payment of reduced tolls for the  use  of  bridges  and  tunnels
    35  operated  by the authority.  The authority shall determine the amount of
    36  such reduction in the toll amount. The authority may establish different
    37  reductions for electric motor vehicles equipped with  E-ZPASS  transpon-
    38  ders  or  tags registered in New York state and for electric motor vehi-
    39  cles equipped with E-ZPASS transponders  or  tags  registered  in  other
    40  states.
    41    2.  The authority shall promulgate rules and regulations providing for
    42  the implementation of the  provisions  of  this  section  including  the
    43  recognition  and  use  of an E-ZPASS transponder or tag registered to an
    44  electric motor vehicle, and  for  the  assessment  and  billing  of  the
    45  reduced toll amounts.
    46    3.  An  electric motor vehicle shall not be eligible for the reduction
    47  in tolls provided by this section if:
    48    (a) the vehicle is not equipped with an E-ZPASS transponder or tag;
    49    (b) the E-ZPASS account for the E-ZPASS transponder or tag  registered
    50  to the vehicle is not in good standing; or
    51    (c)  the E-ZPASS account for the E-ZPASS transponder or tag registered
    52  to the electric motor vehicle is utilized in connection with travel by a
    53  non-electric motor vehicle.
    54    4. As used in this section, "electric motor vehicle" means an electric
    55  motor vehicle as defined in section four hundred four-a-1 of the vehicle
    56  and traffic law.

        A. 3975                             4
     1    § 4. Section 1 of chapter 154 of the laws of  1921,  relating  to  the
     2  port  authority  of  New York and New Jersey, is amended by adding a new
     3  article VII-F to read as follows:
     4                                    VII-F
     5    1.  Electric motor vehicle parking. An electric motor vehicle to which
     6  an electric motor vehicle license plate or a sticker issued pursuant  to
     7  section  four hundred four-a-1 of the New York state vehicle and traffic
     8  law is affixed and which contains an E-ZPASS transponder or tag shall be
     9  exempt from payment of parking fees, including those  collected  through
    10  parking meters, charged by the port authority provided that:
    11    (a) for metered parking spaces, this exemption shall be limited to two
    12  hours  or, in the case of parking spaces for which parking is limited to
    13  a period of less than two hours, the maximum amount of  time  the  meter
    14  allows;
    15    (b)  this exemption shall not apply to parking fees assessed in incre-
    16  ments longer than one twenty-four hour day, including  weekly,  monthly,
    17  or annual parking permits;
    18    (c)  for parking at airports, this exemption shall be limited to vehi-
    19  cles operated by drivers who are parking at the airport  as  an  airline
    20  passenger  or  a driver at the facility to pick up an airline passenger,
    21  as evidenced by a valid ticket or boarding pass bearing the name of  the
    22  driver  or passenger, which shall be presented to the applicable parking
    23  attendant; provided further that this exemption shall not apply to driv-
    24  ers who are parking at the  airport  while  carrying  out  the  driver's
    25  duties  and  responsibilities  as  an  employee of the airport or of any
    26  company operating at the airport; and
    27    (d) for parking at bus terminals or stations, this exemption shall  be
    28  limited  to vehicles operated by drivers who are parking at the terminal
    29  or station as a bus passenger or a driver at the facility to pick  up  a
    30  bus  passenger,  as  evidenced  by a valid bus ticket or boarding, which
    31  shall be presented to the applicable parking attendant; provided further
    32  that this exemption shall not apply to drivers who are  parking  at  the
    33  terminal or station while carrying out the driver's duties and responsi-
    34  bilities  as  an  employee  of the terminal or station or of any company
    35  operating at the terminal or station.
    36    2. Electric motor vehicle tolls. (a)  An  electric  motor  vehicle  to
    37  which  an  electric  motor  vehicle  license plate or an environmentally
    38  friendly sticker issued pursuant to section four hundred four-a-1 of the
    39  New York state vehicle and traffic law is affixed shall be eligible  for
    40  payment  of reduced tolls for the use of bridges and tunnels operated by
    41  the port authority. The port authority shall  determine  the  amount  of
    42  such  reduction  in  the  toll  amount. The port authority may establish
    43  different reductions for electric motor vehicles equipped  with  E-ZPASS
    44  transponders or tags registered in New York state and for electric motor
    45  vehicles  equipped with E-ZPASS transponders or tags registered in other
    46  states.
    47    (b) The port authority shall promulgate rules and regulations  provid-
    48  ing  for the recognition and use of an E-ZPASS transponder or tag regis-
    49  tered to an electric motor vehicle, including rules and regulations  for
    50  the assessment and billing of the reduced toll amounts.
    51    (c)  An electric motor vehicle shall not be eligible for the reduction
    52  in tolls provided by this section if:
    53    (1) the vehicle is not equipped with an E-ZPASS transponder or tag;
    54    (2) the E-ZPASS account for the E-ZPASS transponder or tag  registered
    55  to the vehicle is not in good standing; or

        A. 3975                             5
     1    (3)  the E-ZPASS account for the E-ZPASS transponder or tag registered
     2  to the electric motor vehicle is utilized in connection with travel by a
     3  non-electric motor vehicle.
     4    3. As used in this article, "electric motor vehicle":
     5    (a)  means  a vehicle, with four or more wheels, that draws propulsion
     6  energy from a battery with at least four kilowatt hours of energy  stor-
     7  age  capacity that can be recharged from an external source of electric-
     8  ity; and
     9    (b) includes hybrid vehicles.
    10    § 5. The commissioner of motor vehicles, or his or her designee, shall
    11  consult and coordinate with the chief executive officer of  the  Tribor-
    12  ough  Bridge and Tunnel Authority, the chairperson of the Port Authority
    13  of New York and New Jersey and the head of all agencies responsible  for
    14  implementing the provisions of section two of this act, or the designees
    15  of such persons, to provide such entities with access to a list of elec-
    16  tric  motor  vehicle license plate numbers and the license plate numbers
    17  of electric motor vehicles for which stickers have been issued  pursuant
    18  to  section  one  of  this  act for the sole purpose of effectuating the
    19  provisions of this act.  The  information  access  provided  under  this
    20  section  shall  be limited solely to access to the license plate numbers
    21  of such vehicles; such access shall not provide any information  identi-
    22  fying the owners or operators of such vehicles or the addresses to which
    23  the vehicles are registered.
    24    § 6. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part
    25  of  this act shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to
    26  be invalid, such judgment shall not affect,  impair  or  invalidate  the
    27  remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause,
    28  sentence,  paragraph,  section  or part thereof directly involved in the
    29  controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered.
    30    § 7. This act shall take effect on  the  first  day  of  January  next
    31  succeeding  the  date  upon  which  this  act  shall  have become a law;
    32  provided that section four of this act shall take effect upon the enact-
    33  ment into law by the state of New Jersey of legislation having an  iden-
    34  tical  effect  with  this act, but if the state of New Jersey shall have
    35  already enacted such legislation, section four of this  act  shall  take
    36  effect  on  the  one  hundred twentieth day after it shall have become a
    37  law; provided, further, that the chairman of the Port Authority  of  New
    38  Jersey  shall  notify  the legislative bill drafting commission upon the
    39  occurrence of the enactment of the legislation provided for  in  section
    40  four  of  this act in order that the commission may maintain an accurate
    41  and timely effective database of the official text of the  laws  of  the
    42  state  of  New  York  in  furtherance  of effectuating the provisions of
    43  section 44 of the legislative law and section 70-b of the  public  offi-
    44  cers  law.  Effective immediately, the addition, amendment and/or repeal
    45  of any rule or regulation necessary for the implementation of  this  act
    46  on  its  effective  date  are  authorized to be made and completed on or
    47  before such date.
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