A04410 Summary:

Amd §§4401 & 4403, Pub Health L
Enacts the "ensuring access to behavioral health act"; includes mental health services, substance use disorder treatment services and recovery support services to network adequacy requirements for insurance coverage.
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A04410 Actions:

02/14/2023referred to health
01/03/2024referred to health
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A04410 Committee Votes:

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A04410 Floor Votes:

There are no votes for this bill in this legislative session.
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A04410 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    February 14, 2023
        Introduced  by M. of A. STECK -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Health
        AN ACT to amend the public health law, in relation to  including  mental
          health  services, substance use disorder treatment services and recov-
          ery support services to network adequacy requirements; and directs the
          superintendent of financial services and the commissioner of health to
          review data and update regulations regarding health maintenance organ-
          izations and network adequacy requirements
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Short  title. This act shall be known and may be cited as
     2  the "ensuring access to behavioral health act".
     3    § 2. Subdivision 3 of section 4401 of the public health law, as  added
     4  by chapter 938 of the laws of 1976, is amended to read as follows:
     5    3.  "Comprehensive  health  services"  means all those health services
     6  which an enrolled population might require in order to be maintained  in
     7  good  health,  and shall include, but shall not be limited to, physician
     8  services (including consultant and referral  services),  in-patient  and
     9  out-patient  hospital  services,  mental  health services, substance use
    10  disorder treatment services, recovery support services, diagnostic labo-
    11  ratory and therapeutic and diagnostic radiologic services, and emergency
    12  and preventive health services. Such term  may  be  further  defined  by
    13  agreement with enrolled populations providing additional benefits neces-
    14  sary, desirable or appropriate to meet their health care needs.
    15    §  3.  Paragraph  (a)  of  subdivision 5 of section 4403 of the public
    16  health law, as amended by chapter 586 of the laws of 1998, is amended to
    17  read as follows:
    18    (a) The commissioner, at the time of initial licensure, at least every
    19  three years thereafter, and upon application for  expansion  of  service
    20  area,  shall ensure that the health maintenance organization maintains a
    21  network of health care providers  adequate  to  meet  the  comprehensive
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 4410                             2
     1  health  needs,  including mental health services, substance use disorder
     2  treatment services,  including  but  not  limited  to  opioid  treatment
     3  programs and medication assisted treatment options, and recovery support
     4  services,  of  its  enrollees  and  to  provide an appropriate choice of
     5  providers  sufficient  to  provide  the  services  covered   under   its
     6  enrollee's  contracts  by  determining  that  (i) there are a sufficient
     7  number of geographically accessible participating  providers,  including
     8  all  opioid  treatment  programs in all counties of the state and in the
     9  city of New York and all authorized  buprenorphine  prescribers  in  all
    10  counties of the state and in the city of New York; (ii) there are oppor-
    11  tunities  to  select from at least three primary care providers pursuant
    12  to travel and distance time standards,  providing  that  such  standards
    13  account  for the conditions of accessing providers in rural areas; (iii)
    14  there are sufficient providers in each area  of  specialty  practice  to
    15  meet  the needs of the enrollment population; (iv) there is no exclusion
    16  of any appropriately licensed type of  provider  as  a  class;  and  (v)
    17  contracts  entered  into  with  health  care  providers neither transfer
    18  financial  risk  to  providers,  in  a  manner  inconsistent  with   the
    19  provisions  of  paragraph  (c)  of  subdivision one of this section, nor
    20  penalize providers for unfavorable case mix  so  as  to  jeopardize  the
    21  quality  of  or  enrollees'  appropriate  access  to medically necessary
    22  services; provided, however, that payment at less  than  prevailing  fee
    23  for  service  rates  or capitation shall not be deemed or presumed prima
    24  facie to jeopardize quality or access.
    25    § 4.  The superintendent of financial services, in  consultation  with
    26  the  office  of addiction services and supports and the office of mental
    27  health, shall  review  data  gathered  through  the  mental  health  and
    28  substance use disorder parity compliance program required under 11 NYCRR
    29  230.3 for every insurer, corporation organized pursuant to article 43 of
    30  the  insurance  law, municipal cooperative health benefit plan certified
    31  pursuant to article 47 of the insurance law, health  maintenance  organ-
    32  ization  certified  pursuant  to article 44 of the public health law, or
    33  student health plan established or maintained pursuant to  section  1124
    34  of  the  insurance  law.  After  such review and review of national best
    35  practices for network adequacy for behavioral health, the superintendent
    36  of financial services shall update any regulations or guidance regarding
    37  network adequacy for  all  mental  health  and  substance  use  disorder
    38  services.  Such  updated  regulations  or  guidance  shall  be  based on
    39  national best practices and  shall  include  quantitative  measures  for
    40  geographic  distance  and/or  travel  time,  appointment  wait  time and
    41  provider/enrollee ratios and any other appropriate metric determined  by
    42  the  superintendent  to  be  necessary to ensure access to needed mental
    43  health and substance  use  disorder  services.  Such  regulations  shall
    44  include  a  review  of  the appropriate use of telephonic and telehealth
    45  services to supplement in-person services, as well as  the  adequacy  of
    46  the  network to meet the needs of specific covered groups, including but
    47  not limited to, low-income persons, persons with limited English  profi-
    48  ciency  or  illiteracy,  diverse  cultural or ethnic backgrounds, LGBTQ,
    49  persons with disabilities, and children and adults with serious, chronic
    50  or complex  health  conditions,  including  co-occurring  mental  health
    51  conditions and substance use disorders.
    52    §  5. The commissioner of health, in consultation with the independent
    53  substance use disorder and mental health  ombudsman,  shall  review  and
    54  update network adequacy requirements for mental health and substance use
    55  disorder  services covered by managed care plans as part of the periodic
    56  reviews of plans  network  adequacy  required  by  subdivision  11-a  of

        A. 4410                             3
     1  section  4403-f  of the public health law. Such review and updated regu-
     2  lations or guidance shall include quantitative measures  for  geographic
     3  distance and/or travel time, appointment wait time and provider/enrollee
     4  ratios  and  any other appropriate metric determined by the commissioner
     5  of health to ensure access to mental health and substance  use  disorder
     6  services. Such updated regulations shall be based on national best prac-
     7  tices  and  shall  include a review of the appropriate use of telephonic
     8  and telehealth services to supplement in-person services, as well as the
     9  adequacy of the network to meet the needs of  specific  covered  groups,
    10  including  but  not limited to, low-income persons, persons with limited
    11  English proficiency or illiteracy,  diverse  cultural  or  ethnic  back-
    12  grounds,  LGBTQ, persons with disabilities, and children and adults with
    13  serious, chronic or complex health  conditions,  including  co-occurring
    14  mental health conditions and substance use disorders.
    15    § 6.  This act shall take effect immediately.
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