A08003 Summary:

COSPNSRReilly, Byrnes, Blankenbush, DiPietro, Gallahan, Giglio JM, Smullen, Brown E, Miller, Tague, Walsh, Bendett, Angelino, Manktelow, Pirozzolo, Brabenec, Gray, Goodell, Mikulin
Amd §3420, Ins L
Requires that policy provisions regarding supplemental spousal liability insurance apply only to policies issued or delivered to an insured who is married.
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A08003 Actions:

09/01/2023referred to insurance
01/03/2024referred to insurance
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A08003 Committee Votes:

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A08003 Floor Votes:

There are no votes for this bill in this legislative session.
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A08003 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    September 1, 2023
        Introduced  by  M.  of A. HAWLEY, REILLY, BYRNES, BLANKENBUSH, DiPIETRO,
          GALLAHAN, J. M. GIGLIO, SMULLEN, E. BROWN -- read once and referred to
          the Committee on Insurance
        AN ACT to amend the insurance law, in relation to  supplemental  spousal
          liability insurance for married insureds

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Paragraph 2 of subsection (g) of section 3420 of the insur-
     2  ance law, as amended by chapter 735 of the laws of 2022, is  amended  to
     3  read as follows:
     4    (2)  (A) Every insurer issuing or delivering any policy that satisfies
     5  the requirements of article six of the vehicle  and  traffic  law  shall
     6  provide  coverage  in  such  policy  against liability of [an] a married
     7  insured because of death of or injuries to his or her spouse up  to  the
     8  liability  insurance  limits  provided  under such policy even where the
     9  injured spouse, to be entitled  to  recover,  must  prove  the  culpable
    10  conduct  of  the  insured  spouse, unless the married insured elects, in
    11  writing and in such form as the superintendent  determines,  to  decline
    12  and  refuse  such coverage in his or her policy. Such insurance coverage
    13  shall be known as "supplemental spousal liability insurance".
    14    (B) Upon issuance, renewal or amendment of a motor  vehicle  liability
    15  policy that satisfies the requirements of article six of the vehicle and
    16  traffic  law,  the insurer shall notify the married insured, in writing,
    17  that such policy shall include supplemental spousal liability  insurance
    18  unless the married insured declines and refuses such insurance, in writ-
    19  ing  and in such form as shall be determined by the superintendent. Such
    20  notification shall be contained on the front of the  premium  notice  in
    21  boldface type and include a concise statement that supplementary spousal
    22  coverage is provided unless declined by the married insured, an explana-
    23  tion of such coverage, and the insurer's premium for such coverage.
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 8003                             2
     1    (C)  The  insurer's  requirements in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this
     2  paragraph shall apply only to policies issued or delivered to an insured
     3  who is married.  An  insurer  shall  not  provide  supplemental  spousal
     4  liability  insurance  coverage  in  any  policy to an insured who is not
     5  married,  unless  the single or unmarried insured elects, in writing and
     6  in such form as the superintendent determines,  to  accept  and  request
     7  such coverage in his or her policy.
     8    (D)  Upon  issuance, renewal or amendment of a motor vehicle liability
     9  policy that satisfies the requirements of article six of the vehicle and
    10  traffic law, the insurer shall notify the single or  unmarried  insured,
    11  in  writing,  that  such  policy  shall not include supplemental spousal
    12  liability insurance unless the single or unmarried insured  accepts  and
    13  requests  such insurance, in writing and in such form as shall be deter-
    14  mined by the superintendent. Such notification shall be contained on the
    15  front of the premium notice in  boldface  type  and  include  a  concise
    16  statement  that  supplementary  spousal  coverage is not provided unless
    17  requested by the single or unmarried insured,  an  explanation  of  such
    18  coverage  including  a  statement  that  such  coverage does not benefit
    19  insureds that are not married, and the  single  or  unmarried  insurer's
    20  premium for such coverage.
    21    §  2.  Paragraphs  1  and  2  of subsection (g) of section 3420 of the
    22  insurance law, as amended by chapter  584  of  the  laws  of  2002,  are
    23  amended and two new paragraphs 3 and 4 are added to read as follows:
    24    (1)  Upon written request of an insured, and upon payment of a reason-
    25  able premium established in accordance with article twenty-three of this
    26  chapter, an insurer issuing or delivering any policy that satisfies  the
    27  requirements of article six of the vehicle and traffic law shall provide
    28  coverage against liability of [an] a married insured because of death of
    29  or  injuries  to  his or her spouse up to the liability insurance limits
    30  provided under such policy even where the injured spouse, to be entitled
    31  to recover, must prove the culpable conduct of the insured spouse.  Such
    32  insurance  coverage  shall  be  known as "supplemental spousal liability
    33  insurance".
    34    (2) Upon issuance of a motor vehicle liability policy  that  satisfies
    35  the  requirements of article six of the vehicle and traffic law and that
    36  becomes effective on or after January first, two thousand three,  pursu-
    37  ant  to regulations promulgated by the superintendent, the insurer shall
    38  notify the married insured, in writing, of the availability  of  supple-
    39  mental spousal liability insurance. Such notification shall be contained
    40  on  the  front  of  the  premium  notice  in boldface type and include a
    41  concise statement that supplementary spousal coverage is  available,  an
    42  explanation  of such coverage, and the insurer's premium for such cover-
    43  age. Subsequently, a notification of the availability  of  supplementary
    44  spousal  liability  coverage  shall  be provided at least once a year in
    45  motor vehicle liability policies issued pursuant to article six  of  the
    46  vehicle  and  traffic  law,  including  those originally issued prior to
    47  January first, two thousand three. Such notice must  include  a  concise
    48  statement  that supplementary spousal coverage is available, an explana-
    49  tion of such coverage, and the insurer's premium for such coverage.
    50    (3) The insurer's requirements in  paragraphs  one  and  two  of  this
    51  subsection  shall  apply  only  to  policies  issued  or delivered to an
    52  insured who is married. An insurer shall not provide supplemental spous-
    53  al liability insurance coverage in any policy to an insured who  is  not
    54  married,  unless  the single or unmarried insured elects, in writing and
    55  in such form as the superintendent determines,  to  accept  and  request
    56  such coverage in his or her policy.

        A. 8003                             3
     1    (4)  Upon  issuance, renewal or amendment of a motor vehicle liability
     2  policy that satisfies the requirements of article six of the vehicle and
     3  traffic law, the insurer shall notify the single or  unmarried  insured,
     4  in  writing,  that  such  policy  shall not include supplemental spousal
     5  liability  insurance  unless the single or unmarried insured accepts and
     6  requests such insurance, in writing and in such form as shall be  deter-
     7  mined by the superintendent. Such notification shall be contained on the
     8  front  of  the  premium  notice  in  boldface type and include a concise
     9  statement that supplementary spousal coverage  is  not  provided  unless
    10  requested  by  the  single  or unmarried insured, an explanation of such
    11  coverage including a statement  that  such  coverage  does  not  benefit
    12  insureds  that  are  not  married, and the single or unmarried insurer's
    13  premium for such coverage.
    14    § 3. This act shall take effect on the one hundred twentieth day after
    15  it shall have become a law; provided, however  that  the  amendments  to
    16  paragraph  two  of  subsection  (g) of section 3420 of the insurance law
    17  made by section one of this act shall be subject to the  expiration  and
    18  reversion of such subsection pursuant to section 2 of chapter 735 of the
    19  laws  of 2022, as amended, when upon such date the provisions of section
    20  two of this act shall take effect.
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