Requires the submission of certain information by a dentist as part of such dentist's triennial registration to enable the department of health to evaluate access to needed services in the state.
2023-2024 Regular Sessions
December 29, 2023
Introduced by M. of A. WOERNER -- read once and referred to the Commit-
tee on Higher Education
AN ACT to amend the education law, in relation to evaluation of dental
service needs
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-bly, do enact as follows:
1 Section 1. Subdivisions 7 and 8 of section 6604 of the education law,
2 subdivision 7 as added by chapter 987 of the laws of 1971, and subdivi-
3 sion 8 as amended by chapter 62 of the laws of 1989, are amended and a
4 new subdivision 9 is added to read as follows:
5 (7) Character: be of good moral character as determined by the depart-
6 ment; [and]
7 (8) Fees: pay a fee of two hundred twenty dollars to the department
8 for admission to a department conducted examination and for an initial
9 license, a fee of one hundred fifteen dollars for each reexamination, a
10 fee of one hundred thirty-five dollars for an initial license for
11 persons not requiring admission to a department conducted examination,
12 and a fee of two hundred ten dollars for each triennial registration
13 period[.]; and
14 (9) Evaluation of dental service needs: in conjunction with and as a
15 condition of each triennial registration, the department shall collect
16 and a dentist shall provide such information and documentation required
17 by the department, in consultation with the department of health, as
18 necessary to enable the department of health to evaluate access to need-
19 ed services in the state, including but not limited to, the locations
20 and type of settings where the dentist practices, whether such practice
21 or practices are accepting new patients, the number of pediatric Medi-
22 caid patients the dentist serves, the number of adult Medicaid patients
23 the dentist serves, and other information the department, in consulta-
24 tion with the department of health, deems relevant. The department of
25 health, in consultation with the department, shall make such data avail-
26 able in aggregate, de-identified form on a publicly accessible website.
27 § 2. This act shall take effect on the first of January next succeed-
28 ing the date on which it shall have become a law.
EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
[] is old law to be omitted.