A08489 Summary:

Amd Art 8 Title 9-C Title Head, §§1910 - 1912, rpld & add §1913, Pub Auth L; rpld §94-c sub 7 ¶(e), Exec L (as proposed in S.2956-A and A.2888-A)
Relates to the renewable energy outreach and community planning program; creates reporting requirements.
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A08489 Actions:

01/04/2024referred to energy
02/29/2024advanced to third reading cal.333
03/04/2024substituted by s8020
 01/30/2024PASSED SENATE
 01/30/2024referred to energy
 03/04/2024substituted for a8489
 03/04/2024ordered to third reading cal.333
 03/04/2024passed assembly
 03/04/2024returned to senate
 03/22/2024SIGNED CHAP.106
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A08489 Committee Votes:

ENERGY Chair:Barrett DATE:02/27/2024AYE/NAY:13/3 Action: Favorable Correction Date:02/29/2024

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A08489 Floor Votes:

There are no votes for this bill in this legislative session.
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A08489 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                     January 4, 2024
        Introduced  by M. of A. BARRETT -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee on Energy
        AN ACT to amend the public authorities law, in relation to the renewable
          energy outreach and community  planning  assistance  program;  and  to
          repeal certain provisions of the public authorities law and the execu-
          tive law relating thereto

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. The title heading of title 9-C of article 8 of  the  public
     2  authorities  law, as added by a chapter of the laws of 2023 amending the
     3  public authorities law and the executive law relating to authorizing the
     4  New York state energy research and development authority  to  develop  a
     5  clean  energy  outreach  and  community planning program, as proposed in
     6  legislative bills numbers S. 2956-A and A. 2888-A, is amended to read as
     7  follows:
     9                             ASSISTANCE PROGRAM
    10    § 2. Paragraph (e) of subdivision 1 and subdivision 2 of section  1910
    11  of the public authorities law, as added by a chapter of the laws of 2023
    12  amending  the  public  authorities law and the executive law relating to
    13  authorizing the New York state energy research and development authority
    14  to develop a clean energy outreach and community  planning  program,  as
    15  proposed  in  legislative  bills  numbers  S.  2956-A and A. 2888-A, are
    16  amended to read as follows:
    17    (e) There has been a lack of information about the local benefits  and
    18  impacts of renewable energy technology development and the best ways for
    19  communities to maximize benefits while avoiding and mitigating impacts.
    20    2.  Intent. It is the intent of the legislature in enacting this title
    21  to empower the authority to establish effective programs and  mechanisms
    22  to:
    23    (a)  Educate the public and build consensus on the benefits of a shift
    24  to renewable energy technologies, which will provide jobs, lower  energy
    25  costs  and  reduce price volatility, and reduce the need for fossil fuel
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 8489                             2
     1  based power, bringing clean air and public health benefits  and  reduced
     2  greenhouse gas emissions that lead to climate change and its impacts;
     3    (b) Provide information and assistance to communities and local repre-
     4  sentatives to promote the appropriate and successful siting of renewable
     5  energy  projects,  including  wind,  solar, storage and transmission and
     6  distribution system upgrades;
     7    (c) Equip local governments with the tools they  need  to  effectively
     8  consider  natural  and  working lands, the potential for co-location and
     9  dual-use solutions, effective utilization  of  previously  disturbed  or
    10  developed  sites, and protecting disadvantaged communities when planning
    11  for [clean] renewable energy projects in their communities; and
    12    (d) Help communities develop and  adopt  local  planning,  zoning  and
    13  other policies that support the sustainable and equitable development of
    14  local  [clean] renewable energy technology through processes that ensure
    15  and enhance public outreach, education and engagement,  particularly  in
    16  frontline  communities  that  have historically been disenfranchised and
    17  discriminated against in the local land use decision-making process.
    18    § 3. Subdivision 4 of section 1911 of the public authorities  law,  as
    19  added  by  a chapter of the laws of 2023 amending the public authorities
    20  law and the executive law relating to authorizing  the  New  York  state
    21  energy  research  and  development  authority  to develop a clean energy
    22  outreach and community planning  program,  as  proposed  in  legislative
    23  bills numbers S.  2956-A and A. 2888-A, is amended and a new subdivision
    24  5 is added to read as follows:
    25    4. ["Renewable energy facility" shall have the same meaning as renewa-
    26  ble  energy  systems  as  defined  in  section sixty-six-p of the public
    27  service law.] "Renewable energy" shall have the same meaning as  defined
    28  in section sixty-six-p of the public service law.
    29    5. "Renewable energy technology" shall mean all methods used to gener-
    30  ate, distribute, store, and support the use of renewable energy systems.
    31    § 4. Section 1912 of the public authorities law, as added by a chapter
    32  of  the  laws of 2023 amending the public authorities law and the execu-
    33  tive law relating to authorizing the New York state energy research  and
    34  development  authority  to develop a clean energy outreach and community
    35  planning program, as proposed in legislative bills numbers S. 2956-A and
    36  A. 2888-A, is amended to read as follows:
    37    § 1912. Powers and duties. The  authority  is  hereby  authorized  and
    38  directed  to  undertake such actions it deems necessary or convenient to
    39  establish [a  clean],  augment,  or  expand  existing  renewable  energy
    40  outreach  and  community planning [program] programs to provide informa-
    41  tion, resources and technical assistance to support the siting, develop-
    42  ment, and acceptance  of  renewable  energy  [facilities]  technologies,
    43  including:
    44    1.  Developing  and  enhancing  a  community  education and engagement
    45  program to inform New Yorkers about the climate crisis and the  benefits
    46  of shifting to a clean energy economy and conducting outreach, providing
    47  information  and  education, and building consensus on the environmental
    48  and local benefits of renewable energy [facilities]  technologies.  Such
    49  strategic education and outreach shall include:
    50    (a)  Effective communication, engagement and public outreach to commu-
    51  nities, including disadvantaged communities, to  provide  education  and
    52  information  on maximizing the benefits that renewable energy [projects]
    53  technologies can provide while demonstrating  strategies  and  solutions
    54  that  are available to ensure that community benefits are meaningful and
    55  negative impacts are [minimized] avoided, reduced, or mitigated;

        A. 8489                             3
     1    (b) Comprehensive education and outreach to local governments that may
     2  host renewable energy [facilities]  technologies  to  provide  objective
     3  information  about  the  impacts of [clean] renewable energy development
     4  and mitigation opportunities; and
     5    (c)  Facilitation  of  [regional  discussion]  forums  for communities
     6  [and], regions, renewable energy developers, and other  stakeholders  to
     7  exchange  information  and  ensure  that  all  have access to the [same]
     8  factual information necessary  to  support  the  appropriate  siting  of
     9  facilities and acceptance of renewable energy [facilities] technologies.
    10    2.  Collaborating  with  community  stakeholders,  the agriculture and
    11  forestry sectors, and the renewable energy industry  to  develop  [new],
    12  facilitate,  and provide centralized access to renewable energy planning
    13  [tools and] resources  and  assistance  for  local  governments.    Such
    14  resources  shall  include [a] publicly available [clean] data resources,
    15  including a  mapping  tool,  related  to  renewable  energy  development
    16  [mapping  tool]  to help municipal representatives and local communities
    17  make informed land use decisions and  communicate  local  priorities  to
    18  developers.
    19    (a)  The  [clean]  renewable  energy  development  [mapping tool] data
    20  resources, including a mapping tool, shall be available on the  authori-
    21  ty's  website  and  shall provide sufficient information and guidance to
    22  allow communities to undertake a comprehensive evaluation of the  poten-
    23  tial  for  [clean]  renewable energy development and to plan proactively
    24  for deployment that maximizes  local  benefit  and  [minimizes]  avoids,
    25  reduces,  or mitigates negative impact on lands with agricultural soils,
    26  farming, forests, and other competing uses.
    27    (b) The [clean]  renewable  energy  development  [mapping  tool]  data
    28  resources  may  use  publicly  available [data] information and shall be
    29  designed to facilitate participation  by  local  governments,  renewable
    30  energy  developers and [others] other stakeholders in existing renewable
    31  energy siting and planning processes.
    32    (c) The [clean]  renewable  energy  development  [mapping  tool]  data
    33  resources shall provide [mapped], to the extent available information on
    34  agricultural,  environmental, energy system and other resources relevant
    35  to renewable energy technology siting, [including, but not  limited  to]
    36  such  as:  land  use cover data; disadvantaged communities; brownfields;
    37  previously disturbed and developed sites such as large rooftops, parking
    38  lots, landfills, etc.; agricultural soils  and  agricultural  districts;
    39  forests; wetlands, floodplains, and waterbodies; historic, cultural, and
    40  archaeological  resources;  public  parks,  preserves  and  recreational
    41  resources; conserved and protected  lands;  hosting  capacity;  distrib-
    42  ution,  and  transmission  lines;  and  topography as relevant to siting
    43  renewable energy [facilities] technology.
    44    3. Providing technical assistance and training  to  local  governments
    45  and  other  stakeholders  on  the  use  of  such [tools] information and
    46  resources, including the [clean] renewable energy  development  [mapping
    47  tool] data resources.
    48    4.  [Procuring]  Consulting,  collaborating with, and/or procuring the
    49  services of service providers, including, but not limited  to:  regional
    50  planning  associations,  non-profits, and community-based organizations,
    51  to conduct outreach and education about [clean] renewable  energy  bene-
    52  fits, develop new renewable energy planning tools and resources, includ-
    53  ing   [a   clean]  renewable  energy  development  [mapping  tool]  data
    54  resources, and to provide technical assistance and training  to  munici-
    55  palities to support the authority's responsibilities under this section.

        A. 8489                             4

     1    5. Managing, allocating, and spending any monies made available to the
     2  authority in furtherance of this title as the authority determines to be
     3  appropriate  for the proper administration of the program created pursu-
     4  ant to this title.
     5    6.  Requesting  and receiving the assistance of the departments or any
     6  other state  agency  or  authority,  within  their  respective  relevant
     7  subject  matter  expertise, to support the administration of the program
     8  created pursuant to this title.
     9    § 5. Section 1913 of the public authorities law, as added by a chapter
    10  of the laws of 2023 amending the public authorities law and  the  execu-
    11  tive  law relating to authorizing the New York state energy research and
    12  development authority to develop a clean energy outreach  and  community
    13  planning program, as proposed in legislative bills numbers S. 2956-A and
    14  A.  2888-A,  is  REPEALED  and  a  new  section 1913 is added to read as
    15  follows:
    16    § 1913. Reporting. 1. Effective April first, two thousand twenty-five,
    17  the authority shall issue an annual report regarding the renewable ener-
    18  gy technology outreach and community planning  assistance  program,  and
    19  provide  recommendations  for  improvements  to the program. Such report
    20  shall include:
    21    (a) the number and identity  of  local  governments  directly  reached
    22  through the education, engagement and outreach efforts;
    23    (b)  the  number of forums held for communities, developers, and other
    24  stakeholders and description of the findings;
    25    (c) the number, description and status of renewable energy  technology
    26  planning tools and resources developed, including the mapping tool;
    27    (d) the number of service providers and contracts awarded;
    28    (e)  the amount of funds invested in the renewable energy outreach and
    29  community planning assistance program; and
    30    (f) any additional information relevant to  assessing  program  effec-
    31  tiveness.
    32    2.  The authority shall submit such report to the governor, the tempo-
    33  rary president of the senate, and the speaker of the assembly. A copy of
    34  the report shall also be posted on the authority's website.
    35    § 6. Paragraph (e) of subdivision 7 of section 94-c of  the  executive
    36  law,  as  added  by  a  chapter  of the laws of 2023 amending the public
    37  authorities law and the executive law relating to  authorizing  the  New
    38  York  state energy research and development authority to develop a clean
    39  energy outreach and community planning program, as proposed in  legisla-
    40  tive bills numbers S.  2956-A and A. 2888-A, is REPEALED.
    41    §  7.  This  act  shall  take  effect on the same date and in the same
    42  manner as a chapter of the laws of 2023 amending the public  authorities
    43  law  and  the  executive  law relating to authorizing the New York state
    44  energy research and development authority  to  develop  a  clean  energy
    45  outreach  and  community  planning  program,  as proposed in legislative
    46  bills numbers S. 2956-A and A. 2888-A, takes effect; provided  that  the
    47  amendments  to title 9-C of article 8 of the public authorities law made
    48  by sections one, two, three, four, and five of this act shall not affect
    49  the repeal of  such  title  and  shall  be  deemed  repealed  therewith;
    50  provided  further,  however, that such repeal shall not affect or impair
    51  any act done, any application filed, any right, permit or  authorization
    52  awarded, accrued, received or acquired, or any liability incurred, prior
    53  to the time such repeal takes effect.
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