A10278 Summary:

Amd §577, County L
Authorizes the county comptroller to examine and audit all accounts, contracts, books and records of such county's respective industrial development agency.
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A10278 Actions:

04/08/2020referred to local governments
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A10278 Committee Votes:

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A10278 Floor Votes:

There are no votes for this bill in this legislative session.
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A10278 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                      April 8, 2020
        Introduced  by M. of A. SOLAGES -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee on Local Governments
        AN ACT to amend the county law, in relation to  authorizing  the  county
          comptroller to audit the financial records of such county's respective
          industrial development agency
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Subdivision 1 of section 577 of the county law, as  amended
     2  by chapter 474 of the laws of 1988, is amended to read as follows:
     3    1. The county comptroller shall: (a) have general superintendence over
     4  the  fiscal  affairs  of  the county; (b) audit all claims, accounts and
     5  demands that are lawful county charges with the same effect as if audit-
     6  ed and directed to be paid by the board of supervisors; (c)  keep  books
     7  and  records  at  the  expense of the county showing all appropriations,
     8  funds and expenditures together with the name of the  claimant  and  the
     9  amounts  and  nature thereof; (d) keep and preserve all claims, accounts
    10  and demands, number them consecutively and endorse thereon their  allow-
    11  ance  or  disallowance  in whole or in part; (e) keep a separate account
    12  with each county officer or department and special funds; (f)  keep  and
    13  preserve  all  contracts  for  the furnishing of heat, light, telephone,
    14  supplies or other services; (g) keep a record of all bonded indebtedness
    15  and other loans and conduct the  sale  of  all  bonds  pursuant  to  the
    16  provisions  of  the  local finance law; (h) procure bank statements from
    17  depositaries of county funds at least once a month  and  reconcile  them
    18  with  his  or her books and that of the county treasurer; (i) subject to
    19  the provisions of the civil service  law,  certify  the  correctness  of
    20  payrolls for the payment of salaries of officers and employees paid from
    21  county  funds and deliver a certified transcript to the county treasurer
    22  as authorization for payment; provided that if the board of  supervisors
    23  enters  into  a  contract  pursuant  to  subdivision six of section five
    24  hundred fifty of this chapter such certified transcript shall be  deliv-
    25  ered  to the appropriate bank or trust company; (j) at least once a year
    26  review all books and records, vouchers and other  papers  pertaining  to
    27  the  money, funds and property of the county and render a report thereon
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 10278                            2
     1  to the board of supervisors as to whether proper books and records  have
     2  been  kept  and all moneys and property of the county accounted for; (k)
     3  cause to be printed within thirty days after the  close  of  the  fiscal
     4  year  for  distribution to the board of supervisors, county officers and
     5  the public, a verified statement in summary form showing the receipts of
     6  money from all sources, the expenditures  and  balances  by  funds,  and
     7  bonded  indebtedness  together with the terms of payment and the balance
     8  unpaid and such other information as may be deemed proper or directed by
     9  the board of supervisors; (1) in [the] each county [of Nassau],  examine
    10  and  audit  on his or her own motion or when directed to do so by resol-
    11  ution of the board of supervisors all  accounts,  contracts,  books  and
    12  records  of  the [Nassau county] municipal industrial development agency
    13  in their respective county as established by [section nine hundred twen-
    14  ty-two] article eighteen-A of the general municipal law,  and  all  bank
    15  statements  from  depositaries  of  such  agency funds; (m) perform such
    16  additional and related duties as may be prescribed by law or directed by
    17  the board of supervisors.
    18    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.
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