A10302 Summary:

Amd §366-a, Soc Serv L
Requires the department of social services to implement regulations relating to the automatic redetermination of eligibility for medical assistance for a period of not less than two years for enrollees receiving Medicaid in the Aged, Blind and Disabled category who receive fixed income from the Social Security Administration; directs the commissioner of health to make any necessary amendments to the state plan for medical assistance, or apply for any necessary waiver or approval under the federal social security act.
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A10302 Actions:

04/15/2020referred to health
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A10302 Committee Votes:

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A10302 Floor Votes:

There are no votes for this bill in this legislative session.
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A10302 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                     April 15, 2020
        Introduced by M. of A. BICHOTTE -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee on Health
        AN  ACT  to  amend the social services law, in relation to requiring the
          department of social services to implement regulations relating to the
          automatic redetermination of eligibility for medical assistance for  a
          period  of not less than two years for enrollees receiving Medicaid in
          the Aged, Blind and Disabled category who receive  fixed  income  from
          the Social Security Administration
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Paragraph (d) of subdivision 5  of  section  366-a  of  the
     2  social services law, as amended by section 12 of part D of chapter 56 of
     3  the  laws  of  2013,  is  relettered  paragraph (e) and paragraph (c) of
     4  subdivision 5 of section 366-a of the social services law, as amended by
     5  section 10 of part D of chapter 56 of the laws of 2013,  is  amended  to
     6  read as follows:
     7    (c)  The  regulations  required  by  paragraph (a) of this subdivision
     8  shall provide that:
     9    (i) the redetermination of eligibility will be made based on  reliable
    10  information  possessed  or  available to the department of health or its
    11  agent, including information accessed from databases pursuant to  subdi-
    12  vision eight of this section;
    13    (ii)  if  the  department  of  health  or its agent is unable to renew
    14  eligibility based  on  available  information,  the  recipient  will  be
    15  requested  to  supply  any such information as is necessary to determine
    16  continued eligibility for medical assistance under this title; [and]
    17    (iii) for persons whose medical assistance  eligibility  is  based  on
    18  modified  adjusted  gross  income,  eligibility must be renewed at least
    19  once every twelve months, unless the department of health or  its  agent
    20  receives  information about a change in a recipient's circumstances that
    21  may affect eligibility; and
    22    (iv) persons receiving Medicaid in the Aged, Blind and Disabled  cate-
    23  gory  who  receive  fixed income from the Social Security Administration
    24  (SSA) shall be automatically redetermined to  be  eligible  for  medical
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 10302                            2
     1  assistance  for  a  period  of  not less than two years and shall not be
     2  required to reapply for medical assistance benefits during such period.
     3    § 2. The commissioner of health shall make any amendments to the state
     4  plan  for  medical assistance, or apply for any waiver or approval under
     5  the federal social security act that are  necessary  to  carry  out  the
     6  provisions of this act.
     7    § 3. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
     8  it  shall  have become a law. Effective immediately the addition, amend-
     9  ment and/or repeal of any rule or regulation necessary for the implemen-
    10  tation of this act on its effective date are authorized to be  made  and
    11  completed on or before such date.
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