C00475 Summary:

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C00475 Actions:

01/18/2022referred to judiciary
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C00475 Committee Votes:

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C00475 Floor Votes:

There are no votes for this bill in this legislative session.
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C00475 Text:

Assembly Resolution No. 475
BY: M. of A. Gallahan
        making an application to the Congress of the  United
        States  of  America  for the calling of a convention
        for the  purpose  of  proposing  amendments  to  the
        Constitution  of  the  United  States that limit the
        terms of office for members of Congress
  WHEREAS, Article V of the Constitution of the United States provides
that Congress must call  a  convention  for  the  purpose  of  proposing
amendments  to  the  Constitution  upon application by two-thirds of the
states demanding such action; and
  WHEREAS, the Legislature of the state of New York is hereby  joining
with other states in asserting rights and responsibilities under Article
V  of  the  Constitution of the United States with regard to proposing a
congressional term limits amendment; and
  WHEREAS, the citizens of twenty-three states, having passed statutes
or state constitutional amendments limiting  ballot  access  to  federal
congressional  candidates  on  the  basis  of terms previously served in
congress, were overruled by the Supreme Court of the United States; and
  WHEREAS, the influence of money in politics and elections  continues
to  increase and both major political parties have become dependent upon
special interest groups that bankroll their campaigns; and
  WHEREAS, our elected federal officials pass laws that are beneficial
to their mega-donors, but are harmful to the American people; and
  WHEREAS,  to  maximize  their   dollars,   most   Political   Action
Committees,   especially   those  representing  corporations,  give  the
majority of their campaign money to the incumbents in  Congress,  making
it virtually impossible for challengers to win an election; and
  WHEREAS, the average length of service in Congress continues to rise
which  creates  a detachment between the members and their constituents,
making the American people feel they are no longer  being  listened  to;
  WHEREAS,   open-seat   elections  will  allow  for  more  people  to
participate in the government from a variety  of  backgrounds  providing
better  representation  and  more options for the voters on the ballots;
  WHEREAS, the Legislature of the state of New York, a body of citizen
legislators, desires to restore rotation in office for  members  serving
in the Congress of the United States; now, therefore, be it
  RESOLVED  (if  the &HOUSE concur), The Legislature of the state of New
York hereby makes an application to Congress, as provided by  Article  V
of  the  Constitution of the United States, to call a convention limited
to proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the  United  States  to
set  a  limit  on  the number of terms that a person may be elected as a
Member of the United States House of Representatives and to set a  limit
on  the  number of terms that a person may be elected as a Member of the
United States Senate; and be it further
  RESOLVED  (if the &HOUSE concur), This application shall be considered
as covering the same subject  matter  as  the  applications  from  other
States  to Congress to call a convention to set a limit on the number of
terms that a person may be elected to the House  of  Representatives  of
the  Congress  of the United States and the Senate of the United States;
and this application shall be aggregated with same for  the  purpose  of
attaining the two-thirds of states necessary to require Congress to call
a  limited  convention on this subject, but shall not be aggregated with
any other applications on any other subject; and be it further
  RESOLVED (if  the  &HOUSE  concur),  This  application  constitutes  a
continuing  application in accordance with Article V of the Constitution
of the United States until the legislatures of at  least  two-thirds  of
the several States have made applications on the same subject; and be it
  RESOLVED  (if  the  &HOUSE  concur),  The secretary of state is hereby
directed to transmit copies of this application  to  the  President  and
Secretary  of  the  United States Senate and to the Speaker and Clerk of
the United States House of Representatives, and copies to the members of
the said Senate and House of Representatives from this  State;  also  to
transmit  copies  hereof  to  the  presiding  officers  of  each  of the
legislative houses in the several States, requesting their cooperation.
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