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J00124 Summary:

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J00124 Actions:

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J00124 Committee Votes:

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J00124 Floor Votes:

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J00124 Text:

Senate Resolution No. 124
BY: Senator PARKER
        MEMORIALIZING  Governor  Kathy  Hochul to proclaim
        April 1, 2023, as Fossil Fools Day in the  State  of
        New York
  WHEREAS,  It  is  the  sense  of  this Legislative Body to recognize
significant days dedicated  to  improving  and  protecting  the  natural
environment of which all citizens of this State and Nation benefit; days
devoted  to  raising  awareness and counteracting harmful practices that
negatively affect the environment are of utmost importance; and
  WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and  in  full  accord  with  its
long-standing  traditions,  this  Legislative  Body  is  justly proud to
memorialize Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim April 1, 2023,  as  Fossil
Fools Day in the State of New York; and
  WHEREAS,  Fossil  Fools  Day  was  created  to raise awareness about
environmental concerns as a result  of  the  burning  of  fossil  fuels;
although  they  are a cheap and available source of energy, fossil fuels
emit carbon dioxide in  massive  amounts  which  is  hazardous  for  our
environment; and
  WHEREAS,  The purpose behind Fossil Fools Day is to spread knowledge
about alternative energy sources and to request people's support for and
commitment to shaping a sustainable future; and
  WHEREAS, Fossil Fools Day came into existence in 2004, when Canadian
and American college students decided to play strategic pranks  centered
around  climate  change;  the students made unpleasant demonstrations of
dangers resulting from fossil  fuel  production  and  emissions  in  the
public  eye  and  on  university  campuses with the motive of having the
public acknowledge and confront the global crisis; and
  WHEREAS, Through the demonstrations,  students  pointed  fingers  at
major  carbon emitters, like the Chief Executives of oil and natural gas
companies, government leaders, and legislators  who  push  for  drilling
projects,  construction  of pipelines, fracking, and more; these are the
"Fossil Fools" that the day refers to; and
  WHEREAS, The reason for this day is not just about student  displays
and mock protests; as responsible citizens, everyone needs to do our bit
to  save  our  planet  from  decaying,  such  as making simple lifestyle
changes like ditching cars and riding  bikes,  reducing  screen  timing,
using solar-powered lights, cooking with wind energy, and the like; and
  WHEREAS,  The  most efficient ways to observe Fossil Fools Day is to
educate oneself, join rallies for  climate  action,  and  to  teach  the
people in your lives about the threats and dangers facing the planet and
the environment; and
  WHEREAS, The goal of Fossil Fools Day is not to plan only one day of
events  and activities, but to continue worldwide efforts to protect all
aspects of the environment; now, therefore, be it
  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
memorialize  Governor  Kathy Hochul to proclaim April 1, 2023, as Fossil
Fools Day in the State of New York; and be it further
  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to The Honorable Kathy Hochul, Governor of the State of  New
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