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J00164 Summary:

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J00164 Actions:

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J00164 Committee Votes:

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J00164 Floor Votes:

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J00164 Text:

Assembly Resolution No. 33
BY: M. of A. Norris
        COMMEMORATING   the   75th   Anniversary   of  the
        Wolcottsville   Volunteer   Fire   Company   to   be
        celebrated on February 11, 2023
  WHEREAS,  This  Legislative  Body  is  proud to commemorate the 75th
Anniversary of the Wolcottsville Volunteer Fire Company and to honor its
past and present firefighting members for 75 years of fire protection to
the  citizens  of  Wolcottsville,  New   York,   and   its   surrounding
communities; and
  WHEREAS,   Fire  departments  are  an  integral  part  of  community
protection services in every locality of our State; during the  past  75
years,   the   courageous  and  devoted  firefighters  of  Wolcottsville
Volunteer Fire Company have valiantly responded to  all  types  of  fire
emergencies  and  have won the praise and respect of the community which
they serve; and
  WHEREAS, With a history of dedicated firefighter membership spanning
over seven decades, the Wolcottsville Volunteer Fire Company was founded
in 1947, with 66 people affixing their signatures to  a  petition  as  a
show of support for its establishment; and
  WHEREAS,  On April 14, 1947, a meeting was called to order by Robert
Fink; 23 prospective members were present and three  temporary  officers
were  elected: Arthur Fiegel as Chairman, Norman Schleef as Co-Chairman,
and Robert Fink as Secretary; and
  WHEREAS,  Following  this  April  meeting,   two   committees   were
established  to  investigate  the  availability  of  government  surplus
equipment and the availability of other fire equipment; and
  WHEREAS, On April 22, 1947, a meeting was held,  and  the  following
were  elected officers of the new Fire Company: Arthur Ewald, President;
Robert Fink, Vice President; Oswald Palmreuter, Treasurer;  Raymond  Sy,
Secretary;  Harold Baehr, Sergeant at Arms; Roy Frey, Fire Chief; Arthur
Fiegel,  Assistant  Fire  Chief;  Walter  Sy,  Captain;  Walter  Martin,
Lieutenant;  Lloyd  Meitz,  Carl Riemer, and Kenneth Hoste, as Trustees;
and William Pogel as Steward; and
  WHEREAS, In June of 1947, the Company purchased its first truck  and
hoses, and held its first parade in Pembroke, New York; and
  WHEREAS, During the balance of the year, the new Fire Company put on
a  Field Day, held several raffles, marched in several parades including
The Newstead World War II Veterans Association Parade, Wrights  corners,
South  Lockport, Rapids, Olcott, Newfane, Middleport and Clarence Center
Fire Company Field day parades;  Wolcottsville  Volunteer  Fire  Company
also  put  on a Turkey Party, sent representatives to the Niagara County
Volunteer Firemen's Association and Western New York Volunteer Firemen's
Association meeting and purchased a tank truck; and
  WHEREAS, At a meeting on September 2, 1947, the Fire  Company  voted
to  purchase 8.5 acres of land; this is the site where the Wolcottsville
Volunteer Fire Company stands today; and
  WHEREAS,  The  record of the Wolcottsville Volunteer Fire Company in
public service and fire protection is one to be envied; for 24  hours  a
day,  for  365  days  a  year, for 75 years, whenever the alarm sounded,
these noble volunteers left their homes and went to  the  aid  of  their
neighbors; and
  WHEREAS,  The  brave  firefighters  of  Wolcottsville Volunteer Fire
Company are prepared to risk their lives every  day  to  help  save  the
lives  of  others and to protect homes and property from the destruction
caused by fire; and
  WHEREAS, Much of the ongoing successes of the Company are due to the
able leadership of Presidents and Chiefs  both  past  and  present;  the
current  President, Bill Tobin and Fire Chief, Paul Gurnett, embody such
successes and are a symbol of the resilience  and  traditions  of  these
long-standing fire companies across the Nation; and
  WHEREAS,  In  addition to the skill and devoted service demonstrated
by  individual  firefighters,  Wolcottsville  Volunteer   Fire   Company
reflects  the  history  and development of firefighting over the past 75
years; and
  WHEREAS, This Legislative Body cannot express  sufficient  gratitude
to those devoted individuals who recognize that the preservation of life
and property is a sacred responsibility and who make that responsibility
their own by serving as firefighters; and
  WHEREAS,  It  is  the  sense of this Legislative Body that we should
give special recognition to  those  who  work  so  assiduously  for  the
betterment  of  their  communities,  and acknowledge publicly the heroic
good works performed by the volunteer fire  departments  of  this  great
Empire State, their officers, and auxiliaries; now, therefore, be it
  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
proudly commemorate the 75th Anniversary of Wolcottsville Volunteer Fire
Company; and be it further
  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to the Wolcottsville Volunteer Fire Company.
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