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J00292 Summary:

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J00292 Actions:

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J00292 Committee Votes:

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J00292 Floor Votes:

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J00292 Text:

Senate Resolution No. 292
BY: Senator GRIFFO
        CONGRATULATING   Sergeant   John   Abel  upon  the
        occasion  of  his  retirement  after  20  years   of
        distinguished service to the Utica Police Department
  WHEREAS,  It is the custom of this Legislative Body to recognize and
honor those distinguished officers who would devote themselves to public
service, demonstrating great courage and diligence in providing for  the
care  and  welfare  of  the citizens of their communities and this great
Empire State; and
  WHEREAS, Within every community of the State of New York  there  are
certain  individuals  who, by virtue of their commitment and dedication,
command  the  respect  and  admiration  of  their  community  for  their
exemplary contributions and service on behalf of others; and
  WHEREAS,  This  Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud to congratulate
Sergeant John Abel upon the occasion of his retirement after 20 years of
distinguished service to the Utica Police Department; and
  WHEREAS, John Abel began  his  illustrious  career  with  the  Utica
Police  Department  in both the Patrol Division and what is now known as
the Crime Scene Unit; and
  WHEREAS, As a Field Training Officer, John Abel was responsible  for
instructing,  modeling,  and preparing officers for the responsibilities
of the profession; in this capacity, he served  as  an  incredible  role
model and was steadfast in his unwavering support to his trainees; and
  WHEREAS,  In  February  of 2015, John Abel was promoted to Sergeant,
the esteemed position from which he will officially retire; and
  WHEREAS, For the past  two  decades,  Sergeant  John  Abel  rendered
faithful,  conscientious,  and  valuable  service  to  the  Utica Police
Department,  earning  the  admiration,  esteem,  and  affection  of  his
colleagues; and
  WHEREAS, Sergeant John Abel, with his proficient leadership and love
for  the  City of Utica, truly epitomized the roll of a community police
officer; he tirelessly  and  selflessly  served  the  residents  of  his
beloved  community  with compassion, integrity, and fairness, attributes
which will forever serve as an example for his fellow officers; and
  WHEREAS, Rare indeed is  the  occurrence  of  such  a  compassionate
blending  of  strength,  leadership,  intellect,  and commitment as that
demonstrated by Sergeant John Abel over  a  lifetime  of  sacrifice  and
dedication to others; and
  WHEREAS,  It  is  the  sense  of  this  Legislative  Body that those
dedicated public servants who unselfishly  devote  their  lives  to  the
preservation  of  order  and the protection of others are worthy and due
full praise for their commitment and noble endeavors; now, therefore, be
  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
congratulate  Sergeant  John  Abel  upon  the occasion of his retirement
after 20 years of distinguished service to the Utica Police  Department,
and to wish him well in all his future endeavors; and be it further
  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Sergeant John Abel.
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