Senate Resolution No. 1017
BY: Senator RAMOS
HONORING the Lexington School for the Deaf upon
the occasion of hosting its 26th Annual Esther
Lustig Memorial Basketball Classic vs.
Assembly/Senate All-Stars on May 23, 2023
WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to recognize and
commend those institutions of true purpose and high achievement whose
exemplary programs and accomplishments clearly demonstrate an enduring
pursuit of excellence in the education of deaf youth in the Empire
State; and
WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to honor
the Lexington School for the Deaf upon the occasion of hosting its 26th
Annual Esther Lustig Memorial Basketball Classic to be held at the Kipp
Tech Valley Charter School Gymnasium on Tuesday, May 23, 2023; and
WHEREAS, This annual contest will feature the Lexington School for
the Deaf versus the Assembly and Senate All-Stars; this special event is
named in loving memory of dear friend and colleague Esther Lustig; and
WHEREAS, The Lexington School for the Deaf was founded in 1864 when
the first class of six children and an instructor convened at the home
of Isaac and Hannah Rosenfeld; and
WHEREAS, Due to constantly increasing enrollment, the school moved
several times until it settled in 1882, at 904 Lexington Avenue with 161
students; in 1934, it officially became the Lexington School for the
Deaf; and
WHEREAS, The Lexington School for the Deaf continued to grow and in
1968, its new home was inaugurated on a seven-acre site at 30th Avenue
and 75th Street in Jackson Heights, Queens; and
WHEREAS, Today, the Lexington School for the Deaf, with a student
body over 350, is the largest school for the deaf in New York State, and
its student body resides throughout the five boroughs of New York City;
WHEREAS, A charter member of the 4201 Association, New York
State-supported private schools for disabled children, the Lexington
School for the Deaf houses the only high school in New York City under
the auspices of the 4201 charter; and
WHEREAS, The Lexington School for the Deaf has been recognized at
the local, national and international levels for its pioneering
programs, including the first nursery program for deaf children on the
east coast in 1937, a Research Department to promote the investigation
of educational, developmental and vocational issues affecting deaf
children and adults in 1960, and a Special Education Unit for deaf
children of all ages with serious emotional problems in 1979; and
WHEREAS, In the 1980s, the Lexington School for the Deaf became
known as the Lexington School for the Deaf/Center for the Deaf after
establishing several affiliate agencies to support the needs of deaf and
hard of hearing children and adults, including the Lexington Center for
Mental Health Services, the Lexington Hearing and Speech Center and the
Lexington Vocational Services, a New York State Education
Department-Vocational Services for Individuals with Disabilities-funded
program; and
WHEREAS, The Lexington School for the Deaf developed a new approach
to teaching in the mid-1990s; it became the first Mediated Learning
educational model in a school for the deaf, which earned it the federal
designation of a Most Effective Practices school; and
WHEREAS, In addition to its strong academic program, the Lexington
School for the Deaf offers a broad range of physical and cultural
education programs, including a highly regarded basketball team; and
WHEREAS, In 1995, Joseph Crowley, a former member of the New York
State Assembly representing the Lexington School for the Deaf,
established the Lexington School versus the New York State Legislature
Basketball Game; and
WHEREAS, It is the practice of this Legislative Body to extend its
highest commendation to all of the individuals who have been involved
with the Lexington School for the Deaf, past and present, noting the
importance of their work and their enduring commitment to deaf children;
now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
honor the Lexington School for the Deaf upon the occasion of hosting its
26th Annual Esther Lustig Memorial Basketball Classic; and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Russell O. West, CEO/Superintendent; Jane Moran,
Executive Director of Curriculum & Instruction; Frank Dattolo, Upper
School Principal; Carlos Aponte-Salcedo, Jr., Director of Student &
Family Engagement; Cindy S. Casson, Director, Community Relations; Carl
Sorrentino, Athletic Director; Gerald Sorrentino, Varsity Boys
Basketball Coach; Samer Abualya, Varsity Boys Basketball Assistant
Coach; Melissa Wells, Cheerleading Coach; and Sabrina Torres,
Cheerleading Assistant Coach.