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J01098 Summary:

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J01098 Actions:

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J01098 Committee Votes:

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J01098 Floor Votes:

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J01098 Text:

Senate Resolution No. 1098
BY: Senator WEBB
        MOURNING  the  death  of  Dr.  M.  Beverly  Hosten
        Dorsey, distinguished citizen, and devoted member of
        her community
  WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to pay tribute to
citizens of the State of New York  whose  lifework  and  civic  endeavor
served to enhance the quality of life in their communities and the great
State of New York; and
  WHEREAS,  Dr.  Beverly Hosten Dorsey of Binghamton, New York died on
Tuesday, May 9, 2023, at the age of 98; and
  WHEREAS, Dr. Beverly Hosten  Dorsey  distinguished  herself  in  her
profession and by her sincere dedication and substantial contribution to
the welfare of her community; and
  WHEREAS,  Dr.  Beverly Hosten Dorsey's commitment to excellence, and
her spirit of humanity, carried over  into  all  fields  of  enterprise,
including charitable and civic endeavors; and
  WHEREAS,  Born  April 5, 1925, in Manhattan to the late Edward Rawle
Hosten and Frederica Blanche Gittens Hosten, Dr. Beverly  Hosten  Dorsey
graduated  from  Hunter  College  in  1944  with  a bachelor's degree in
chemistry and the sciences; she later attended Howard University Medical
School; and
  WHEREAS, At Howard Medical School, she met her  soon-to-be  husband,
Beverly  Roscoe  Dorsey;  the  two  got  married  in  1953 and did their
internship at Queens General Hospital; and
  WHEREAS, The married couple began their residency at Wilson Hospital
in 1954 in Binghamton; and
  WHEREAS, Her professional career included working as a Physician for
Planned Parenthood, Laboratory Technician in Goldwater Hospital in  NYC,
Primary  Grade  School  Teacher in Flushing, NY, Medical Advisor for the
Broome County Home Care Committee, Medical  Staff  at  Endicott  Johnson
Corporation,  and  Private Medical Practice - Internal Medicine with her
husband, Dr. Beverly R. Dorsey; and
  WHEREAS, Dr. Beverly Hosten Dorsey retired  in  1997  as  a  medical
doctor and enjoyed her life living at St. Louis Manor in Binghamton, New
York;  devoted  in  faith,  she maintained active participation with the
Trinity Memorial Episcopal Church throughout her retirement; and
  WHEREAS, A dedicated community volunteer, Dr. Beverly Hosten  Dorsey
formerly  served  in  the  following  positions:  United  Health Service
Hospitals (Board of Directors), Broome County Medical Society (Board  of
Directors), Council of Binghamton University (Advisor to President Louis
De  Fleur),  Council  of  Binghamton  University School of Education and
Human  Development,  United  Fund  (forerunner  of  United   Way),   NYC
Commission  on  Human Rights, Physicians for Planned Parenthood, Medical
Advisor for Broome County Home Care Commission, the  Vestry  of  Trinity
Memorial  Episcopal  Church,  and  as  a  Trustee for Children's Home of
Wyoming Conference (Methodist); and
  WHEREAS,  Her  numerous organization affiliations included: National
Medical  Association   (Black   Medical   Society),   American   Medical
Association,  Medical  Society  of  the State of New York, Broome County
Medical  Society,  Interracial  Association  (forerunner  of  the  Urban
League),  Broome  County  Urban  League,  NAACP of Broome County, Broome
County Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission, Delta Sigma  Theta  Sorority,
Inc.  (Appalachian  Alumnae  Chapter), and Charter Life member of Howard
University Medical Alumni Association, Inc. (HUMAA); and
  WHEREAS, Dr. Beverly Hosten Dorsey's service to  the  community  was
recognized  with  many  honors, including: Broome County Status of Women
Council (Honoree from Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. 1984), Achiever's
Award from Utica Consistory of Prince Hall Masonic  Affiliation  (1998),
Paul  Harris  Fellowship  Distinguished  Citizen  Award  (From Rotary in
November 1999), Woman of Distinction  2000  Honoree  (Indian  Hill  Girl
Scouts), Chairman's Recognition Award (In appreciation of service to the
Department  of  Internal  Medicine at United Health Services Hospital in
October of 2000) and Broome County Council of Churches  Honoree  (2000);
  WHEREAS,   Dr.  Beverly  Hosten  Dorsey  had  numerous  hobbies  and
interests, including exercising, football, track, and  other  sports  in
which  members  of  her  family  were  involved;  she also loved skiing,
skating, horseback riding,  music,  opera,  theater,  visual  arts,  and
keeping up with current events; and
  WHEREAS,  Dr.  Beverly  Hosten  Dorsey is survived by her daughters,
Adrienne and Jeannine; three  grandsons,  Zachary,  William,  and  Seth;
sister-in-law, Ann Denise; nephews, Michael, Gregory, Terence, Paul, and
Joseph;  and  a  circle  of  devoted friends; she was predeceased by her
three younger brothers, Edward, Gittens, and  Edison,  as  well  as  her
husband, Dr. Beverly R. Dorsey; and
  WHEREAS,  Armed  with a humanistic spirit and imbued with a sense of
compassion, Dr. Beverly Hosten Dorsey leaves behind a legacy which  will
long  endure  the passage of time and will remain as a comforting memory
to all she served and befriended; now, therefore, be it
  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
mourn  the death of Dr. M. Beverly Hosten Dorsey, distinguished citizen,
and devoted member of her community; and be it further
  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to the family of Dr. Beverly Hosten Dorsey.
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