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J01363 Summary:

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J01363 Actions:

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J01363 Committee Votes:

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J01363 Floor Votes:

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J01363 Text:

Senate Resolution No. 1363
BY: Senator O'MARA
        CONGRATULATING  the  Corning  Rugby  Club upon the
        occasion of capturing the 2023 RugbyNY  High  School
        Girls Championship on June 4, 2023
  WHEREAS,  Individual  and team championships are highly sought after
in high school sports; this  Legislative  Body  commends  rare  athletic
achievements  and  pays  special  recognition  to  those who pursue such
excellence and become examples for the youth of this great Empire State;
  WHEREAS, Athletic competition helps to enhance both  the  moral  and
physical development of young athletes, preparing them for the future by
instilling in them the importance of teamwork, encouraging a standard of
healthy living, and developing a sense of fair play and competition; and
  WHEREAS,  This  Legislative Body is justly proud to congratulate the
Corning Rugby Club upon the occasion of capturing the 2023 RugbyNY  High
School  Girls  Championship on Sunday, June 4, 2023, at Tim Russert Park
in West Seneca, New York, to be celebrated at the Corning  Rugby  Club's
End of Season Family Social on Tuesday, June 20, 2023; and
  WHEREAS,  The  Corning  Rugby Club was established in 2016, with the
Girls program beginning in 2018; and
  WHEREAS, To the praise and  applause  of  their  excited  fans,  the
Corning  Rugby Club defeated Orchard Park Rugby with a score of 22-20 in
a battle to win the first State Championship for the Club; and
  WHEREAS, Some highlights of the Corning Rugby Club's season include,
finishing the season with a 8-2 record; the Club held a  2-1  record  at
the  Elite  Girls Rugby League Emerging Club competition where the girls
defeated Hudson Catholic from New Jersey and Greenwich from Connecticut;
  WHEREAS, In a sport such as rugby, which demands  athletic  prowess,
speed  and  agility,  Head Coach Robert McGee, Assistant Coaches Michael
Larrabee and Craig Johnson, and staff members Ava Marie Ruland, Ali-Anis
Rhanime, Zachary Wood, Brad  Violette,  Layla  Melozzi,  and  Fred  Bain
worked hard to hone the skills of this championship team, teaching these
outstanding athletes lessons which will prove invaluable both on and off
the field; and
  WHEREAS, Head Coach Robert McGee and all of the outstanding athletes
on   the   Corning   Rugby   Club   have  clearly  utilized  dedication,
determination and teamwork in providing a lasting  contribution  to  the
spirit  of  excellence  which  is  a  tradition  of  their  school; now,
therefore, be it
  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
congratulate  the  members  of the Corning Rugby Club: Alyssa Ainsworth,
Caitlyn Bain, Silvana Bilcari,  Jaylin  Butler,  Keira  Ceralde,  Kendra
Close,  Ella  Cosier,  Kaydence Ector, Julia Gridley, Zoe Harmer, Jordan
Hill, Tori Holmes, Josie Loeber, Lillian Medrek,  Cortlin  Ember  Moses,
Kathryn  Ouyang,  Taylor  Piece,  Mykaela Reed, Cori Recktenwald, Kaegan
Rhodes, Kylie Richards, Amanda Stephens, Desirae Stickler, Laci  Stocum,
Lillian  VanSlyke,  Olivia  Zawko;  Head  Coach, Robert McGee; Assistant
Coaches, Michael Larrabee and Craig Johnson; and staff members Ava Marie
Ruland,  Ali-Anis  Rhanime,  Zachary Wood, Brad Violette, Layla Melozzi,
and Fred Bain upon the occasion  of  capturing  the  2023  RugbyNY  High
School Girls Championship on June 4, 2023; and be it further
  RESOLVED,  That  copies  of  this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to the members of the Corning Rugby Club, Head Coach, Robert
McGee; Assistant Coaches, Michael Larrabee and Craig Johnson; and  staff
members Ava Marie Ruland, Ali-Anis Rhanime, Zachary Wood, Brad Violette,
Layla Melozzi, and Fred Bain.
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