-  This bill is not active in this session.

K00125 Summary:

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K00125 Actions:

02/24/2023referred to calendar
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K00125 Committee Votes:

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K00125 Floor Votes:

There are no votes for this bill in this legislative session.
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K00125 Text:

Assembly Resolution No. 125
BY: M. of A. Santabarbara
           memorializing Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim
        February 19-25, 2023, as Engineers Week in the State
        of New York
  WHEREAS, It is the prerogative of this Legislative Body to recognize
and commend professions whose  work  protects  and  enhances  the  life,
health and safety of the public; and
  WHEREAS,  This  Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to memorialize
Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim February  19-25,  2023,  as  Engineers
Week  in  the  State  of New York, in conjunction with the observance of
National Engineers Week; and
  WHEREAS, Professional engineers and  engineering  firms,  through  a
rigorous  education, training and licensure process are charged with the
practical  application  of  the  principles  of   math,   science,   and
technology; and
  WHEREAS,  Engineering  firms  and professional engineers in New York
State  provide  ongoing  improvement  to  the  environment  through  the
disciplines  of civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, environmental
and geotechnical engineering; and
  WHEREAS,  Engineering  consists  of   consultation,   investigation,
evaluation, planning, design or supervision of construction or operation
in   connection   with   utilities,   structures,  buildings,  machines,
equipment, processes, works, or projects  wherein  the  safeguarding  of
life,  health  and  property  is  concerned,  when  such service or work
requires the application of engineering principles and data; and
  WHEREAS, The utilization of professional engineers  and  engineering
firms  affords  a  necessary  safeguard aimed at ensuring safe roadways,
bridges, mass transit and air travel; and
  WHEREAS, The work of engineers and engineering  firms  is  vital  to
foster consistent and reliable energy delivery; and
  WHEREAS,  The  work  of engineers delivers clean drinking water, the
treatment of wastewater and the safe management of  storm  and  overflow
water; and
  WHEREAS,  The  employment  of professional engineers is vital to the
advancement of buildings that stand strong housing families,  businesses
and industry for generations; and
  WHEREAS,  The  utilization of professional engineers and engineering
firms is vital to promoting clean indoor air, healthful building systems
and the efficient delivery of comfortable environments; and
  WHEREAS, The work of  engineers  undoes  environmental  degradation,
restores natural habitats and enhances access to the outdoors; and
  WHEREAS, Modern life would be unrecognizable without the application
of  the  principles  of  engineering  and  the hard work of professional
engineers and engineering firms; and
  WHEREAS,   Engineers  Week  is  a  time  to  ensure  a  diverse  and
well-educated future engineering workforce by  increasing  understanding
of  and  interest in engineering and technology careers; now, therefore,
be it
  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
memorialize  Governor  Kathy Hochul to proclaim February 19-25, 2023, as
Engineers Week in the State of New York; and be it further
  RESOLVED, That copies of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted  to The Honorable Kathy Hochul, Governor of the State of New
York; and John T. Evers, PhD, President/CEO of the American  Council  of
Engineering Companies of New York.
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