Assembly Resolution No. 254
BY: M. of A. Hunter
MEMORIALIZING Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim
April 2023, as the Month of the Military Child in
the State of New York
WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to recognize and
pay tribute to those young people within the great Empire State who have
made strong contributions to their communities and who serve as role
models for their peers; and
WHEREAS, Attendant to such concerns and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to
memorialize Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim April 2023, as the Month
of the Military Child in the State of New York, in conjunction with the
observance of Purple Up Day on Saturday, April 15, 2023; and
WHEREAS, New York State is home to three active duty Army
installations, Fort Drum Army Base, U.S. Military Academy Army Base at
West Point and Fort Hamilton Army Base; housing the 10th Mountain
Division, nearly 20,000 soldiers call Fort Drum home; and
WHEREAS, In addition, there are over 15,000 geographical dispensed
National Guard and Reserve Soldiers and nearly 44,000 military children
living in New York, not on military installations; and
WHEREAS, Military children make up a very special part of our
nation's population; although young, these brave sons and daughters
stand in steadfast support of their military parents through moves and
deployments on behalf of our country; and
WHEREAS, Established in 1986, the Month of the Military Child is
part of the legacy left by former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger,
and underscores the important role military children play in the armed
forces community; and
WHEREAS, Sponsored by the Department of Defense Military Community
and Family Policy, the Month of the Military Child is a time to applaud
military families and their children for the daily sacrifices they make
and the challenges they overcome; and
WHEREAS, The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) joins
the Department of Defense and the military community in celebrating
April as the Month of the Military Child; in DoDEA communities around
the world, the most essential strategic imperatives are: establishing an
educational system that progressively builds the college and career
readiness of all DoDEA students; and establishing the organizational
capacity to operate more effectively and efficiently as a model, unified
school system; and
WHEREAS, Furthermore, this vital organization aims to challenge each
student to maximize his or her potential and to excel academically,
socially, emotionally and physically for life, college and career
readiness; and
WHEREAS, Throughout the month, DoDEA will encourage schools to plan
special events to honor military children; these efforts and special
events will stress the importance of providing children with quality
services and support to help them succeed in the mobile military
lifestyle; and
WHEREAS, Purple is the color which symbolizes all branches of the
military; when combined, Army green, Coast Guard blue, Air Force blue,
Marine red and Navy blue, make purple; consequently, Saturday, April 15,
2023, has been designated as Purple Up Day, a day for communities across
the country to wear purple to show support and thank military children
for their strength and sacrifices; and
WHEREAS, Military children exemplify the potential inherent in our
most precious resource, our youth; they have brought enduring honor to
their families and their communities through their many sacrifices and
achievements; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
memorialize Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim April 2023, as the Month
of the Military Child in the State of New York; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to The Honorable Kathy Hochul, Governor of the State of New