-  This bill is not active in this session.

K00555 Summary:

MLTSPNSRCruz, Glick, O'Donnell, Simone
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K00555 Actions:

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K00555 Committee Votes:

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K00555 Floor Votes:

There are no votes for this bill in this legislative session.
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K00555 Text:

Senate Resolution No. 1276
BY: Senator COONEY
        HONORING  Bill  Carpenter upon the occasion of his
        retirement after more than 11 years of distinguished
        service  to  Rochester  Genesee  Regional  Transport
  WHEREAS,  It  is  the  sense of this Legislative Body to acknowledge
those individuals whose professional lives and civic endeavors serve  to
enhance the stature of the State of New York; and
  WHEREAS,  Attendant  to  such  concern,  and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to honor
Bill Carpenter upon the occasion of his retirement after  more  than  11
years  of  distinguished service to Rochester Genesee Regional Transport
Authority (RGRTA), to be commemorated at  a  Retirement  Celebration  on
Thursday, June 1, 2023; and
  WHEREAS, Bill Carpenter, a prideful life-long resident of Rochester,
New  York,  graduated  from Buffalo University in 1978 with a bachelor's
degree in Mathematics and Economics; and
  WHEREAS, With a great depth of career experience, Bill Carpenter has
been employed by Doyle Building Services, OneSource  Facility  Services,
Monroe  County,  and Salient Corporation before moving on to his role as
CEO at Rochester Genesee  Regional  Transport  Authority,  the  esteemed
position from which he will retire; and
  WHEREAS,  Bill  Carpenter  joined  RGRTA  in 2010 as Chief Operating
Officer and was named CEO  in  the  fall  of  2011;  with  nearly  1,000
employees, he oversaw the public transit system that served more than 15
million customers annually for an eight-county area; and
  WHEREAS, Bill Carpenter led RGRTA through Reimagine RTS, the transit
system redesign project in Monroe County, holding more than 250 meetings
and  events  to  ensure  the  reimagined  transit  system  reflects  the
priorities of  its  customers;  the  redesign  features  frequent  fixed
routes,  a new On Demand service, and innovative fare payment and mobile
ticketing technology; and
  WHEREAS, For the past 11 years, Bill  Carpenter  rendered  faithful,
conscientious,  and  valuable  service  to  Rochester  Genesee  Regional
Transport Authority; and
  WHEREAS, Always active  in  his  profession  and  dedicated  to  the
citizens  he  represents,  Bill Carpenter has served as the President of
the New York Public Transit Association; President of The Bus Coalition;
Board Member for the American Public Transportation  Association  (APTA)
and Chair of the APTA Bus and Paratransit CEO's subcommittee; member and
President  of  the  American  Bus  Benchmarking Group; and member of the
Systems Integration Project  which  is  co-chaired  by  Congressman  Joe
Morelle and Common Ground Health CEO Wade Norwood; and
  WHEREAS,  In  his capacity as CEO, Bill Carpenter always served with
loyalty, honor, and distinction; and
  WHEREAS, In his official acts, Bill Carpenter was governed by a keen
sense of duty and always showed a unique grasp of human problems; and
  WHEREAS,  With him throughout have been his wife, Moey; sons, James,
Daniel, Peter, John and Michael; and daughters, Sheila and Mary, all  of
whom  feel  privileged  to  be  a  part  of  his life and rejoice in his
achievements; and
  WHEREAS, During his tenure with Rochester Genesee Regional Transport
Authority, Bill Carpenter earned the admiration, esteem,  and  affection
of his colleagues; now, therefore, be it
  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
honor Bill Carpenter upon the occasion of his retirement after more than
11  years  of  distinguished  service  to  Rochester  Genesee   Regional
Transport Authority; and be it further
  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Bill Carpenter.
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