K00731 Summary:

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K00731 Actions:

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K00731 Committee Votes:

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K00731 Floor Votes:

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K00731 Text:

Senate Resolution No. 1455
        CONGRATULATING Amagansett School upon the occasion
        of being named a National Blue Ribbon School
  WHEREAS,  It  is the sense of this Legislative Body to recognize and
commend those institutions of true purpose and  high  achievement  whose
exemplary  programs  and  accomplishment clearly demonstrate an enduring
pursuit of excellence in the education of the youth of the Empire State;
  WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and  in  full  accord  with  its
long-standing  traditions,  this  Legislative  Body  is  justly proud to
congratulate Amagansett School  upon  the  occasion  of  being  named  a
National Blue Ribbon School; and
  WHEREAS,  Designation as a National Blue Ribbon School by the United
States Department of  Education  is  indicative  of  high  level  school
standards  set  in  pursuant  of  excellence;  now in its 40th year, the
program has bestowed approximately 10,000  awards  to  more  than  9,700
schools both public and private; and
  WHEREAS,  Located  at  325  Main  Street  in  Amagansett,  New York,
Amagansett School was among 22 schools statewide named  with  this  most
prestigious honor, and 353 across the country; this vital institution is
a  one-building  district  that  enrolls  approximately  125 students in
grades pre-K to sixth on Long Island's East End; and
  WHEREAS, True to its mission to pursue excellence in  education  for
every  scholar,  Amagansett  School provides all students with a quality
education  through  a  shared  partnership  among  staff,  parents,  and
students; and
  WHEREAS,  By  empowering every pupil to become lifelong learners and
engaged citizens, Amagansett School and its faculty are creating leaders
of tomorrow, and their  example  is  a  powerful  inspiration  to  other
educators; and
  WHEREAS,  Under  the luminous leadership of its Superintendent, Seth
Turner, Amagansett School embodies  a  palpable,  warm,  and  supportive
learning  environment;  its  commitment  to  a  focus  on  learning  and
tradition of excellence is continuous; and
  WHEREAS, Furthermore, these  relationships  foster  its  mission  to
establish  a culture for learning, ensure high expectations are embedded
in  all  work  habits,  and  engage  all   teachers   in   inquiry-based
professional  collaborations  that strengthen instructional capacity per
grade level; and
  WHEREAS, The students' families  at  Amagansett  School  share  this
strong belief in education that hard work and perseverance, coupled with
a  positive  outlook  and  teacher support, is the best recipe for their
child's success in school, both academically and emotionally; and
  WHEREAS, As a National Blue Ribbon  School,  Amagansett  School  has
been  judged  to  be  particularly effective in meeting local, State and
national educational goals; it  has  also  displayed  the  qualities  of
excellence  necessary to prepare young people for challenges of the 21st
Century; and
  WHEREAS,  The National Blue Ribbon School recognition is significant
in that it not only recognizes  schools  for  their  efforts  to  foster
premier  learning  environments,  but  also demonstrates that increasing
access  to  high-quality  opportunities  paves  the  way  for   improved
learning; and
  WHEREAS,   Amagansett   School   has   continually  demonstrated  an
impressive dedication, an  unparalleled  devotion,  and  an  unremitting
enthusiasm  for  the  quality  of educational programs and opportunities
offered for the benefit of its faculty  and  students  as  well  as  the
entire community; and
  WHEREAS,  The National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence award stands
as a resolute testimony to Amagansett's  standards  of  excellence,  its
uncompromising values, unparalleled dedication, and the special teamwork
of  its  family  of  students, parents, teachers and administrators, who
share common goals and uncommon expectations; now, therefore, be it
  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
congratulate  Amagansett  School  upon  the  occasion  of  being named a
National  Blue  Ribbon  School,   noting   the   significance   of   its
accomplishment  and  recognizing the role such effective schools play in
shaping the quality of life in their community, State and Nation; and be
it further
  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to Superintendent Seth Turner, Amagansett School.
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