K01052 Summary:

MLTSPNSRButtenschon, Miller B
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K01052 Actions:

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K01052 Committee Votes:

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K01052 Floor Votes:

There are no votes for this bill in this legislative session.
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K01052 Text:

Assembly Resolution No. 1052
BY: M. of A. Smullen
        RECOGNIZING  Herkimer, New York, as the birthplace
        of Basketball, Lambert Will as the game's  inventor,
        and  the  Mohawk  Valley  as  the  game's  principal
        influence in the game's initial adoption
  WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to recognize truth
when it arises from the ashes of historic controversy; and
  WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and  in  full  accord  with  its
long-standing  traditions,  this  Legislative  Body  is  justly proud to
recognize  Herkimer,  New  York,  as  the  birthplace  of  the  game  of
Basketball,  Lambert  Will as the game's inventor, and the Mohawk Valley
as the game's principal influence in the game's initial adoption; and
  WHEREAS, The term birthplace is defined by Oxford dictionary as "the
place where something started or originated"; and
  WHEREAS, The recognition that Herkimer, New York, is the  birthplace
of  Basketball  versus  it  previously  being accepted that Springfield,
Massachusetts,  referenced  as   the   birthplace   being   historically
inaccurate  following  a  highly  detailed  investigation and subsequent
analysis of the available evidence; and
  WHEREAS, The recently released book Nais-MYTH:  Basketball's  Stolen
Legacy,  published  by  The  Stryker-Indigo  Publishing Company, Inc. in
March of 2022, is one that resulted from thousands of hours of  historic
research,  historic  records  analysis, direct interviews, and laborious
chronological sequencing of events of all principal participants; and
  WHEREAS, The book details that Lambert Will originated  the  concept
of  the  game  of  Basketball  while  sorting  cabbage for his mother by
tossing them into two baskets in his mother's cellar based  on  historic
record  directly  from  Lambert Will and from a documented accounting by
Glen S. Edwards, who attended the first game on February  7,  1891,  and
served with Lambert Will in the Spanish American War; and
  WHEREAS,  The  book references detailed accounts from the 1951 Frank
J.  Basloe book titled I Grew Up With Basketball of Lambert  Will,  then
volunteer  Director  of  the  YMCA, that he collected the two basketball
teams referred to as the Herkimer Businessmen 9 and the Herkimer YMCA  9
to  participate  in  the development of the initial rules of the game at
the Herkimer YMCA, located on N. Main Street next to  the  Palmer  House
hotel, in the month of January of 1891; and
  WHEREAS,  The  book references details from the Frank J. Basloe book
of the playing of the first official game of Basketball at the  Herkimer
YMCA  on  February  7,  1891, between the Herkimer Businessmen 9 and the
Herkimer YMCA 9; and
  WHEREAS, The book references details from the Frank J.  Basloe  book
whereby  William Levee of Little Falls was among those that attended the
first official Basketball game played and  took  the  game  concept  and
basic  rules  back  to  the  YMCA in Little Falls where they developed a
Basketball team in February of 1891; and
  WHEREAS,  The  book references details from the Frank J. Basloe book
where it historically references the first  inter-municipality  game  of
Basketball  was  played between the Herkimer YMCA Basketball team, known
to be the Herkimer 9, and the Little Falls YMCA Basketball team; and
  WHEREAS, The book references details from the Frank J.  Basloe  book
where  it  historically  references  the  YMCA representatives of Utica,
Amsterdam, Troy, and Albany obtained details of the game  of  Basketball
from Lambert Will and developed teams in the later part of 1891; and
  WHEREAS,  The book references details of an Albany newspaper article
that declares the Albany YMCA Basketball team played the  Herkimer  YMCA
Basketball  team  declaring  it to be the Basketball Championship of New
York on February 21, 1892; and
  WHEREAS, The book  evaluates  and  concludes  the  pictures  of  the
Herkimer  Basketball  teams  that  appear in the book and appear to have
been taken during the  1891-92  and  the  1892-93  playing  season  were
authentic  and  represent the time period of play and the profile of the
players common to both teams; and
  WHEREAS, The book is effective in affirming the summary  of  all  of
the  above  activities  of  play within Herkimer, as well as between the
various municipalities throughout the Mohawk Valley in an  article  that
appeared  in  The  Sunday  Herald  of  Syracuse  on  February  20, 1898,
declaring the formation of the official team in Herkimer in the fall  of
1891,  the  loss  of the championship by Herkimer to Albany in 1892, the
participated play of 35 games throughout the Mohawk  Valley  and  losing
only two; and
  WHEREAS,  The  book  serves  to  dismiss any alternative view of the
origin of Basketball in that its authors and researchers were unable  to
find  any  evidence  to  the  contrary,  including  interviews  with the
Springfield College historian and the Hall of Fame; and
  WHEREAS, The book raises  concern  about  the  authenticity  of  the
promoted  "original  13  rules  of  Basket  Ball" that appear to have to
scribed in February of 1892, which follows the date in which  the  rules
were published in The Triangle publication on January 15, 1892, and were
then  later revised in the mid-1900s by an unknown person to suggest the
authoring to have occurred in December of 1891, and what appears  to  be
the fraudulent signature of James Naismith; and
  WHEREAS,  The  Hall  of  Fame  has  since  declared  their  lack  of
confidence in the authenticity of the original 13 rules of  Basket  Ball
when quoted in the Washington Post March of 2022, article that covered a
review  of  the  newly  published  Nais-MYTH: Basketball's Stolen Legacy
book; and
  WHEREAS, It is the custom of this  Legislative  Body  that  when  it
recognizes  the  truth  when  it  arises  from  the  ashes  of  historic
controversy; now, therefore, be it
  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
recognize  Herkimer,  New York, as the birthplace of Basketball, Lambert
Will as the game's  inventor,  and  the  Mohawk  Valley  as  the  game's
principal influence in the game's initial adoption; and be it further
  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Herkimer 9, LLC.
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