2023-2024 Regular Sessions
January 11, 2023
Introduced by Sens. TEDISCO, HELMING, ORTT -- read twice and ordered
printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Finance
AN ACT to amend the executive law and the election law, in relation to
prohibiting sex offenders who are on parole and in civil confinement
from voting in certain elections
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-bly, do enact as follows:
1 Section 1. The executive law is amended by adding a new section 18-a
2 to read as follows:
3 § 18-a. Restriction on voting rights. A person who has been convicted
4 of an offense described in article one hundred thirty of the penal law
5 who has been: (i) discharged from imprisonment, by virtue of any parole,
6 conditional pardon or conditional commutation of his or her sentence;
7 and (ii) is committed to civil imprisonment in a hospital or institution
8 shall be prohibited from voting in any election held during the time of
9 his or her confinement to such hospital or institution.
10 § 2. Section 5-106 of the election law is amended by adding a new
11 subdivision 4-a to read as follows:
12 4-a. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivisions two, three and
13 four of this section, a person who has been convicted of an offense
14 described in article one hundred thirty of the penal law who has been:
15 (i) discharged from imprisonment, by virtue of any parole, conditional
16 pardon or conditional commutation of his or her sentence; and (ii) is
17 committed to civil imprisonment in a hospital or institution shall be
18 prohibited from voting in any election held during the time of his or
19 her confinement to such hospital or institution.
20 § 3. This act shall take effect on the thirtieth day after it shall
21 have become a law. Effective immediately the addition, amendment and/or
22 repeal of any rule or regulation necessary for the implementation of
23 this act on its effective date are authorized to be made and completed
24 on or before such date.
EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
[] is old law to be omitted.