- Summary
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- Floor Votes
- Memo
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S02959 Summary:
BILL NO | S02959 |
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SAME AS | No Same As |
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Amd §581, RPT L | |
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Relates to assessments of residential cooperative, condominium and rental property; defines the term "the assessment which would be placed upon such parcel were the parcel not owned or leased by a cooperative corporation or on a condominium basis". |
S02959 Actions:
BILL NO | S02959 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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01/26/2023 | REFERRED TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
S02959 Committee Votes:
Go to topS02959 Floor Votes:
There are no votes for this bill in this legislative session.
Go to topS02959 Text:
Go to top STATE OF NEW YORK ________________________________________________________________________ 2959 2023-2024 Regular Sessions IN SENATE January 26, 2023 ___________ Introduced by Sen. KAVANAGH -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Local Government AN ACT to amend the real property tax law, in relation to assessments of residential cooperative, condominium and rental property The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem- bly, do enact as follows: 1 Section 1. Section 581 of the real property tax law is amended by 2 adding a new subdivision 5 to read as follows: 3 5. For the purposes of this section, the term "the assessment which 4 would be placed upon such parcel were the parcel not owned or leased by 5 a cooperative corporation or on a condominium basis" shall not be 6 construed to require real property owned or leased by a cooperative 7 corporation or on a condominium basis to be assessed for purposes of 8 this chapter based on the income that would be generated by real proper- 9 ty occupied for residential purposes on a rental basis (as distinct from 10 a cooperative or condominium basis) or based upon such property occupied 11 on a rental basis that is deemed otherwise comparable to the property 12 owned or leased by a cooperative corporation or on a condominium basis 13 that is to be assessed. 14 § 2. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after 15 it shall have become a law and shall apply to assessment rolls prepared 16 on the basis of taxable status dates occurring on or after the first of 17 January next succeeding the date on which this act shall have become a 18 law. EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [] is old law to be omitted. LBD07235-01-3