S03274 Summary:

Amd §§592 & 592-a, Bank L; amd §160.10, Pen L
Increases the penalty for robbery of property from a bank; makes the crime a class C felony.
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S03274 Actions:

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S03274 Committee Votes:

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S03274 Floor Votes:

There are no votes for this bill in this legislative session.
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S03274 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                    January 30, 2023
        Introduced  by Sens. GRIFFO, GALLIVAN, HELMING -- read twice and ordered
          printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Banks
        AN ACT to amend the banking law  and  the  penal  law,  in  relation  to
          increasing the penalty for robbery of property from a bank
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Subdivision 2 of section 592 of the banking law, as amended
     2  by chapter 472 of the laws of 2008, is amended to read as follows:
     3    2. The superintendent may refuse to issue a license pursuant  to  this
     4  article if he or she shall find that the applicant, or any person who is
     5  a  director,  officer, partner, agent, employee, substantial stockholder
     6  of the applicant, consultant or person having a  relationship  with  the
     7  applicant  similar  to  a  consultant, (a) has been convicted of a crime
     8  involving an activity which is a felony  under  this  chapter  or  under
     9  article  one hundred fifty-five, one hundred seventy, one hundred seven-
    10  ty-five, one hundred seventy-six, one hundred eighty, one hundred eight-
    11  y-five, one hundred eighty-seven, one hundred ninety, two  hundred,  two
    12  hundred  ten  or  four  hundred  seventy, or subdivision four of section
    13  160.10 of the penal law or any comparable felony under the laws  of  any
    14  other  state  or  the United States, provided that such crime would be a
    15  felony if committed and prosecuted under the laws of this state  or  (b)
    16  has  had  a license or registration revoked by the superintendent or (c)
    17  has been a director, partner, or substantial stockholder  of  an  entity
    18  which has had a license or registration revoked by the superintendent or
    19  (d) has been an agent, employee or officer of an entity, or a consultant
    20  to,  or  person having had a similar relationship with, any entity which
    21  has had a license or registration revoked by  the  superintendent  where
    22  such  person shall have been found by the superintendent to bear respon-
    23  sibility in connection with the revocation. The term "substantial stock-
    24  holder", as used in this subdivision, shall be  deemed  to  refer  to  a
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 3274                             2
     1  person  owning  or  controlling directly or indirectly ten per centum or
     2  more of the total outstanding stock of a corporation.
     3    §  2. Subdivision 2 of section 592-a of the banking law, as amended by
     4  chapter 472 of the laws of 2008, is amended to read as follows:
     5    2. The superintendent may refuse to issue a  certificate  pursuant  to
     6  this  article  if he or she shall find that the applicant, or any person
     7  who is a director, officer, partner, agent, employee, substantial stock-
     8  holder of the applicant, consultant or person having a relationship with
     9  the applicant similar to a consultant, (a) has been convicted of a crime
    10  involving an activity which is a felony  under  this  chapter  or  under
    11  article  one hundred fifty-five, one hundred seventy, one hundred seven-
    12  ty-five, one hundred seventy-six, one hundred eighty, one hundred eight-
    13  y-five, one hundred eighty-seven, one hundred ninety, two  hundred,  two
    14  hundred  ten  or  four  hundred  seventy, or subdivision four of section
    15  160.10 of the penal law or any comparable felony under the laws  of  any
    16  other  state  or  the United States, provided that such crime would be a
    17  felony if committed and prosecuted under the laws of this state  or  (b)
    18  has  had  a license or registration revoked by the superintendent or (c)
    19  has been a director, partner, or substantial stockholder  of  an  entity
    20  which has had a license or registration revoked by the superintendent or
    21  (d) has been an agent, employee or officer of an entity, or a consultant
    22  to,  or  person having had a similar relationship with, any entity which
    23  has had a license or registration revoked by  the  superintendent  where
    24  such  person shall have been found by the superintendent to bear respon-
    25  sibility in connection with the revocation. The term "substantial stock-
    26  holder", as used in this subdivision, shall be  deemed  to  refer  to  a
    27  person  owning  or  controlling directly or indirectly ten per centum or
    28  more of the total outstanding stock of a corporation.
    29    § 3. Subdivision 3 of section 160.10 of the penal  law,  as  added  by
    30  chapter  308  of the laws of 1995, is amended and a new subdivision 4 is
    31  added to read as follows:
    32    3. The property consists of a motor vehicle, as defined in section one
    33  hundred twenty-five of the vehicle and traffic law[.]; or
    34    4. The property is stolen from a bank, trust  company,  savings  bank,
    35  safe  deposit  company, savings and loan association or credit union, as
    36  such terms are defined in section two of the  banking  law,  or  from  a
    37  foreign  banking  corporation  licensed  pursuant  to article two of the
    38  banking law, or from a bank, trust company, savings  bank,  savings  and
    39  loan  association,  credit union or foreign banking corporation which is
    40  incorporated, chartered, organized or licensed under  the  laws  of  any
    41  other  state  or the United States and which maintains branch offices in
    42  this state.
    43    § 4. This act shall take effect on the first of November next succeed-
    44  ing the date on which it shall have become a law.
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