2023-2024 Regular Sessions
January 31, 2023
KRUEGER, LIU, RIVERA, SALAZAR -- read twice and ordered printed, and
when printed to be committed to the Committee on Elections
AN ACT to authorize the city of New York to establish an electronic
voter registration transmittal system for New York city residents; and
providing for the repeal of such provisions upon expiration thereof
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-bly, do enact as follows:
1 Section 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, rule, regu-
2 lation or policy to the contrary, any municipal agency so authorized by
3 local law of the city of New York may establish and maintain an elec-
4 tronic personal voter registration transmittal system for applicants who
5 are New York city residents. Such system may be established before the
6 establishment of any system otherwise authorized by law, and the exist-
7 ence of the system authorized by this section shall not be deemed to
8 preclude New York city residents from utilizing any system otherwise
9 authorized by law. Completed applications that are filed using the
10 system authorized by this section, when transmitted to the board of
11 elections in the city of New York not later than the twentieth day
12 before the next ensuing primary, general or special election, shall
13 entitle the applicant to vote in such election provided the board deter-
14 mines that the applicant is otherwise qualified. Applications shall be
15 processed by such board in the manner prescribed in by section 5-210 of
16 the election law or, if the applicant is already registered to vote from
17 another address in New York state, in the manner prescribed by section
18 5-208 of the election law. Such board shall send the appropriate notice
19 of approval or rejection as required by either subdivision 9 of section
20 5-210 of the election law or subdivision 5 of section 5-208 of the
21 election law. Such system may utilize an electronic or manual signature
22 that is in the custody of the department of motor vehicles, the state
23 board of elections, any other agency designated by section 5-211 or
EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
[] is old law to be omitted.
S. 3421 2
1 5-212 of the election law, or any agency designated as a participating
2 agency or authorized to collect such signatures under section 1057-a or
3 1057-f of the New York city charter, with the consent of the individual
4 that produced the signature. The online voter registration application
5 utilized by such electronic personal voter registration transmittal
6 system may contain such minor, non-substantive variations of the
7 requirements of section 5-210 of the election law with respect to the
8 format and content of the application as may be reasonably necessary to
9 facilitate the electronic collection, transmission, and storage of data,
10 provided that the application shall include all of the voter registra-
11 tion information required by such section.
12 § 2. This act shall take effect immediately and shall be deemed
13 repealed 90 days after the date that a statewide electronic voter regis-
14 tration transmittal system, to be established by the state board of
15 elections pursuant to title 8 of article 5 of the election law, as added
16 by part CCC of chapter 55 of the laws of 2019, is operational and acces-
17 sible to residents of the city of New York. The state board of elections
18 shall notify the legislative bill drafting commission upon the date that
19 such system is operational and accessible in order that the commission
20 may maintain an accurate and timely effective data base of the official
21 text of the laws of the state of New York in furtherance of effectuating
22 the provisions of section 44 of the legislative law and section 70-b of
23 the public officers law.