Establishes a direct service professional credit and career ladder tuition assistance grant program to develop training programs and improve existing workforce development programs for the purpose of training direct support professionals and establishing a career ladder for individuals working with individuals with developmental disabilities.
2023-2024 Regular Sessions
February 17, 2023
Introduced by Sens. JACKSON, MANNION -- read twice and ordered printed,
and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Disabilities
AN ACT to amend the mental hygiene law and the education law, in
relation to establishing a direct service professional credit and
career ladder tuition assistance grant program
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-bly, do enact as follows:
1 Section 1. Section 13.23 of the mental hygiene law is amended by
2 adding a new subdivision (d) to read as follows:
3 (d) The commissioner shall work cooperatively with the state universi-
4 ty boards of trustees and the city university boards of trustees to
5 establish a grant program pursuant to section sixty-three hundred
6 three-b of the education law in order to develop training programs and
7 improve existing workforce development programs for the purpose of
8 training direct support professionals and establishing a career ladder
9 for individuals working with individuals with developmental disabili-
10 ties. Within funds appropriated for such purpose, the commissioner may
11 establish a direct service professional credit and career ladder tuition
12 assistance grant program.
13 § 2. The education law is amended by adding a new section 6303-b to
14 read as follows:
15 § 6303-b. Direct service professional credit and career ladder tuition
16 assistance grant program. 1. For purposes of this section, the following
17 terms shall have the following meanings:
18 (a) "Direct service professional credit program" shall mean the commu-
19 nity college programs established pursuant to a memorandum of under-
20 standing between the commissioner of the office for people with develop-
21 mental disabilities and the board of trustees of the state university
22 and the city university to develop training programs and a college
23 certificate program that links theory with practice for the purpose of
24 training direct support professionals employed by agencies who are fund-
EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
[] is old law to be omitted.
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1 ed by the office for people with developmental disabilities and provid-
2 ing supports and services to individuals with developmental disabili-
3 ties.
4 (b) "Career ladder program" shall mean the community college programs
5 established pursuant to a memorandum of understanding between the
6 commissioner of the office for people with developmental disabilities
7 and the board of trustees of the state university and the city universi-
8 ty to develop a career ladder supervisor/manager program leading to an
9 associate's degree in health/human services or a related major and asso-
10 ciated credit-bearing certificate programs in community residence
11 management or developmental disabilities for participants who do not
12 elect to obtain an associate's degree.
13 (c) "At least a part-time basis" shall mean enrollment for at least
14 six hours per semester or four hours per quarter.
15 (d) "Tuition" shall mean the total semester, quarter or classroom hour
16 cost of instruction at a state-operated community college, excluding
17 mandatory fees, book charges and room and board.
18 (e) "Grant programs" shall mean the direct service professional credit
19 program and the career ladder program.
20 2. The state university boards of trustees and the city university
21 board of trustees may establish grant programs for community colleges to
22 develop training programs and improve existing workforce development
23 programs for the purpose of training direct support professionals and
24 establishing a career ladder for individuals working with individuals
25 with developmental disabilities pursuant to a memorandum of understand-
26 ing with the commissioner of the office for people with developmental
27 disabilities.
28 3. Pursuant to a memorandum of understanding with the community
29 college and the commissioner of the office for people with developmental
30 disabilities and within funds appropriated for such purpose, the office
31 for people with developmental disabilities shall establish a tuition
32 assistance grant program to provide tuition assistance to direct support
33 professionals employed by agencies who are funded by such office and
34 providing supports and services to individuals with developmental disa-
35 bilities or for individuals working with individuals with developmental
36 disabilities enrolled on at least a part-time basis at a community
37 college as defined in section three hundred fifty of this chapter.
38 Any program established pursuant to this section shall provide tuition
39 assistance grants to such direct support professionals employed by agen-
40 cies who are funded by the office for people with developmental disabil-
41 ities and providing supports and services to individuals with develop-
42 mental disabilities or for individuals working with individuals with
43 developmental disabilities in an amount up to fifty percent of the
44 tuition required to be paid to such state-operated community college by
45 such direct support professionals employed by agencies who are funded by
46 such office and providing supports and services to individuals with
47 developmental disabilities or for individuals working with individuals
48 with developmental disabilities.
49 4. Upon successful completion of either the direct service profes-
50 sional credit program or the career ladder program the office for people
51 with developmental disabilities certified provider employing the direct
52 support professional or individuals working with individuals with devel-
53 opmental disabilities shall reimburse the community college for one-half
54 of the cost of such employee training or tuition.
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1 § 3. This act shall take effect immediately and shall apply to academ-
2 ic semesters, quarters and classroom hours beginning on or after January
3 1, 2025.