S05674 Summary:

Amd S1201-a, Tax L; amd Part P S7, Chap 60 of 2004
Relates to the allocation of the empire state film production credit against taxes for certain film production costs issued by a city having a population of one million or more.
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S05674 Actions:

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S05674 Floor Votes:

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S05674 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2009-2010 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                      May 27, 2009
        Introduced  by  Sen. SCHNEIDERMAN -- read twice and ordered printed, and
          when printed to be committed to the Committee  on  Investigations  and
          Government Operations
        AN ACT to amend the tax law and part P of chapter 60 of the laws of 2004
          amending  the  tax  law  relating to providing tax credits for certain

          costs incurred in film and television productions, in relation to  the
          allocation  of  such  credit against taxes for certain film production
          costs issued by a city having a population of one million or more
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Subdivision  (b)  of  section  1201-a  of the tax law, as
     2  amended by section 5 of part Y of chapter 62 of the  laws  of  2006,  is
     3  amended to read as follows:
     4    (b) Empire state film production credit. Any city in this state having
     5  a  population  of one million or more, acting through its local legisla-
     6  tive body, is hereby authorized to adopt and amend local laws to allow a
     7  credit against the general corporation tax and the unincorporated  busi-
     8  ness  tax  imposed  pursuant  to  the authority of chapter seven hundred

     9  seventy-two of the laws of nineteen hundred  sixty-six  which  shall  be
    10  substantially  identical to the credit allowed under section twenty-four
    11  of this chapter, except that:
    12    (A) (i) the percentage of qualified production costs used to calculate
    13  such credit shall be [five] four percent,
    14    (ii) for a television series with respect to which a credit  has  been
    15  allowed  (1)  in  three taxable years, the amount of the credit shall be
    16  three percent, (2) in four taxable years, the amount of the credit shall
    17  be two percent, and
    18    (iii) no credit shall be allowed with respect to a  television  series
    19  for which a credit has been allowed in five taxable years;
    20    (B)  such  credit  shall not exceed two hundred fifty thousand dollars

    21  per qualified film or episode of  a  qualified  television  series  with
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 5674                             2
     1  respect  to  qualified  production costs; provided, however, that if the
     2  qualified post production costs paid or incurred which are  attributable
     3  to the use of tangible property or the performance of services at a film
     4  post  production  facility within the city of New York in the production
     5  of such qualified film equal or exceed seventy-five percent of  all  the

     6  post production costs paid or incurred which are attributable to the use
     7  of  tangible  property  or  the performance of services at any film post
     8  production facility within and without the city  in  the  production  of
     9  such  qualified  film,  then the aggregate annual maximum allowed credit
    10  shall be three hundred thousand dollars,
    11    [(B)] (C) whenever such section twenty-four references the state, such
    12  words shall be read as referencing the city,
    13    [(C)] (D) such credit shall be allowed only to a taxpayer which  is  a
    14  qualified film production company, [and];
    15    [(D)]  (E)  the effective date of such credit shall be July first, two
    16  thousand six. Such credit shall be applied in a manner  consistent  with

    17  the  credit  allowed under subdivision thirty-six of section two hundred
    18  ten of this chapter except as may be  necessary  to  take  into  account
    19  differences  between  the general corporation tax and the unincorporated
    20  business tax, and
    21    (F) For purposes of this subdivision, "television series" or "episodic
    22  television series" means a recurring production intended in its  initial
    23  run  for  broadcast on television, whether free or through subscription-
    24  based service, that has a running time of at  least  thirty  minutes  in
    25  length,  inclusive of commercial advertisement and interstitial program-
    26  ming.
    27    § 2. Subdivision (b) of section 7 of part P of chapter 60 of the  laws
    28  of  2004,  amending  the  tax  law relating to providing tax credits for

    29  certain costs incurred in film and television productions, as amended by
    30  section 2 of part Y of chapter 62 of the laws of  2006,  is  amended  to
    31  read as follows:
    32    (b)  The  aggregate  amount  of  tax  credits  allowed pursuant to the
    33  authority of subdivision (b) of section 1201-a of the  tax  law  in  any
    34  calendar year shall be $12.5 million in 2004 and 2005 and $30 million in
    35  2006  through 2011.  Such aggregate amount of credits shall be allocated
    36  by the mayor's office of film, [theater] theatre and broadcasting  among
    37  taxpayers in order of priority based upon the date of filing an applica-
    38  tion  for  allocation of film production credit with such office. If the
    39  total amount of allocated credits applied for  in  any  particular  year
    40  exceeds  the aggregate amount of tax credits allowed for such year under

    41  this section, such excess shall be treated as having been applied for on
    42  the first day of the subsequent year.  If the aggregate  amount  of  tax
    43  credits  available  in  any given year remains unallocated in such year,
    44  such credits shall be available for allocation in a subsequent year.
    45    § 3. Section 7 of part P of chapter 60 of the laws of  2004,  amending
    46  the tax law relating to providing tax credits for certain costs incurred
    47  in  film and television productions, is amended by adding two new subdi-
    48  visions (e) and (f) to read as follows:
    49    (e) Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary, tax credits  allo-
    50  cated in 2009 shall not exceed $24 million. If the total amount of allo-
    51  cated credits applied for in 2009 reaches $24 million, additional appli-

    52  cations shall not be accepted until on or after January 1, 2010.
    53    (f)  Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision (b) of this section
    54  and any other provisions to the contrary, an additional aggregate annual
    55  amount of $24 million shall be allowed in 2010 and 2011. The  additional
    56  aggregate  annual  amounts  for  2010 and 2011 shall be allocated in $12

        S. 5674                             3
     1  million increments from January first through June  thirtieth  and  from
     2  July  first through December thirty-first for each of such years. If the
     3  total amount of allocated credits applied for in any of such  six  month
     4  periods  reaches the allowed additional aggregate amount of $12 million,

     5  additional applications shall not be accepted until the first day of the
     6  next six month period which has tax credits available for allocation.
     7    § 4. This act shall take effect immediately and shall apply to taxable
     8  years beginning on or after January 1, 2009; provided further that  this
     9  act  shall  apply  to  applications  filed  on or after January 1, 2009;
    10  provided, however, that the amendments to  subdivision  (b)  of  section
    11  1201-a of the tax law made by section one of this act and to subdivision
    12  (b)  of  section 7 of part P of chapter 60 of the laws of 2004 providing
    13  tax  credits  for  certain  costs  incurred  in  film   and   television
    14  productions made by sections two and three of this act, shall not affect
    15  the  expiration  and  repeal  of such provisions and shall expire and be
    16  deemed repealed therewith.
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