Directs the office of general services to establish an inventory database to track the state's inventory of unused state-owned real property; directs state agencies to appoint inventory coordinators to report such agencies' inventory of unused state-owned real property to the office of general services to maintain the inventory database.
2023-2024 Regular Sessions
September 22, 2023
Introduced by Sen. ASHBY -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
printed to be committed to the Committee on Rules
AN ACT to amend the executive law, in relation to establishing an inven-
tory database to track the state's inventory of unused state-owned
real property
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-bly, do enact as follows:
1 Section 1. The executive law is amended by adding a new section 202-b
2 to read as follows:
3 § 202-b. Inventory database. 1. The office of general services shall
4 establish and maintain an inventory database to track the state's inven-
5 tory of unused state-owned real property, and shall post a list of such
6 inventory of unused state-owned real property on its website. Such
7 inventory list shall be updated quarterly. The commissioner shall
8 provide all state agencies with access to such inventory database, with
9 necessary technical support provided, at cost. The inventory database
10 shall serve as the system of record for all unused state-owned real
11 property. All state agencies shall provide sufficient information to the
12 office of general services to ensure that their inventory of real prop-
13 erty is entered into the inventory database.
14 2. The inventory database shall, at a minimum, include the following
15 for each unused state-owned real property listed in such inventory data-
16 base:
17 (a) the name of the state agency that owns such property;
18 (b) the name of the building/facility on such property;
19 (c) the location;
20 (d) a description;
21 (e) any repurpose potential;
22 (f) gross square feet;
23 (g) the date built; and
24 (h) the facility condition index.
EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
[] is old law to be omitted.
S. 7665 2
1 3. Each state agency shall, no later than thirty days after the effec-
2 tive date of this section, assign an employee to serve as its inventory
3 coordinator. Inventory coordinators shall be tasked with documenting all
4 unused state-owned real property owned by their state agency in the
5 inventory database, and shall provide updated information to the inven-
6 tory database quarterly. Inventory coordinators shall be given manage-
7 ment support and provided with the necessary resources to enable them to
8 comply with this section.
9 4. Each state agency may create an inventory team in-house to provide
10 the office of general services with the information required pursuant to
11 this section. Such inventory team shall be comprised of appropriate
12 staff involved in identifying and documenting all unused property. The
13 head of an inventory team shall be the inventory coordinator for such
14 state agency.
15 5. The commissioner of general services shall design and implement
16 training for inventory coordinators and inventory teams. The commission-
17 er shall also establish the appropriate metrics for facility condition
18 indexing of the real property listed in the inventory database.
19 6. (a) Each state agency shall furnish such information as the commis-
20 sioner determines is reasonably necessary to properly maintain the
21 inventory database. Each state agency shall share data in the most effi-
22 cient manner identified by the commissioner for purposes of informing
23 any progress reports. Each state agency shall follow applicable state
24 data governance procedures regarding any interagency data sharing or
25 collection.
26 7. For the purpose of this section, the following terms shall have the
27 following meanings:
28 (a) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of general services.
29 (b) "Inventory coordinator" means an inventory coordinator tasked with
30 documenting unused state-owned real property in their state agency in
31 the inventory database pursuant to subdivision three of this section.
32 (c) "Inventory database" means the database of unused state-owned real
33 property created pursuant to subdivision one of this section.
34 (d) "Inventory team" means a state agency's in-house team created
35 pursuant to subdivision four of this section.
36 (e) "State agency" means every agency or authority of the state, or
37 any department, division, office or other unit thereof.
38 § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.