S07732 Summary:

Amd Art 34 Art Head, §504, add §§1244, 1245, 1290, 1246 & 1291, Art 12-E §§399-u - 399-w, V & T L; amd §5103, Ins L
Relates to the regulation of bicycles with electric assist and electric scooters; requires license plates for bicycles with electric assist and electric scooters (Part A); requires liability insurance for bicycles with electric assist and electric scooters in cities having a population of one million or more (Part B); establishes a bicycle with electric assist and electric scooter operator's safety manual and licensing requirement (Part C).
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S07732 Actions:

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S07732 Committee Votes:

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S07732 Floor Votes:

There are no votes for this bill in this legislative session.
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S07732 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                    November 1, 2023
        Introduced  by  Sen.  FELDER -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Rules
        AN ACT to amend the vehicle and traffic law, in  relation  to  requiring
          license plates for bicycles with electric assist and electric scooters
          (Part  A); to amend the vehicle and traffic law and the insurance law,
          in relation to requiring liability insurance for bicycles  with  elec-
          tric assist and electric scooters in cities having a population of one
          million or more (Part B); and to amend the vehicle and traffic law, in
          relation  to  establishing a bicycle with electric assist and electric
          scooter operator's safety manual and licensing requirement (Part C);
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. This act enacts into law components of legislation relating
     2  to  regulating bicycles with electric assist and electric scooters. Each
     3  component is wholly contained  within  a  Part  identified  as  Parts  A
     4  through  C.  The  effective date for each particular provision contained
     5  within such Part is set forth in the last  section  of  such  Part.  Any
     6  provision  in  any section contained within a Part, including the effec-
     7  tive date of the Part, which makes a reference to  a  section  "of  this
     8  act",  when  used in connection with that particular component, shall be
     9  deemed to mean and refer to the corresponding section  of  the  Part  in
    10  which  it  is  found.   Section three of this act sets forth the general
    11  effective date of this act.
    12                                   PART A
    13    Section 1.  The article heading of article 34 of the vehicle and traf-
    14  fic law, as amended by chapter 694 of the laws of 1995,  is  amended  to
    15  read as follows:
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 7732                             2
     1    §  2.  The  vehicle and traffic law is amended by adding a new section
     2  1244 to read as follows:
     3    §  1244.  Registration  of bicycles with electric assist, and electric
     4  scooters. a.  In a city having a population  of  one  million  or  more,
     5  every  bicycle  with  electric  assist as defined in section one hundred
     6  two-c of this chapter and electric scooter as  defined  in  section  one
     7  hundred  fourteen-e  of  this  chapter  shall be registered and issued a
     8  license plate by the department. In a city having a  population  of  one
     9  million  or more, no person shall operate a bicycle with electric assist
    10  or electric scooter on the public  highways  unless  such  bicycle  with
    11  electric  assist  or  electric  scooter  shall have a distinctive number
    12  assigned to it by the commissioner and a  number  plate  issued  by  the
    13  commissioner  with  a number corresponding to that of the certificate of
    14  registration.
    15    b. Such license plates shall be of such  material,  form,  design  and
    16  dimensions  and contain or set forth such distinguishing number or other
    17  identification marks as  the  commissioner  shall  prescribe,  provided,
    18  however,  that there shall be at all times a marked contrast between the
    19  color of the number plates and that of the numerals or letters  thereon,
    20  and  provided  further  that no bicycle with electric assist or electric
    21  scooter shall display the number plates of more  than  one  state  at  a
    22  time, nor shall any plate be used other than those issued by the commis-
    23  sioner.
    24    c.  Each  such  license  plate shall identify whether the bicycle with
    25  electric assist or electric scooter is personal or commercial in nature.
    26    d. Each such license plate shall be  conspicuously  displayed  on  the
    27  rear  of  the bicycle with electric assist or electric scooter, securely
    28  fastened so as to prevent the same from swinging.
    29    e. The fee for such license plates shall be a nominal  fee  determined
    30  by the commissioner.
    31    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.
    32                                   PART B

    33    Section  1.  The  vehicle  and  traffic law is amended by adding a new
    34  section 1245 to read as follows:
    35    § 1245. Liability insurance. 1. A bicycle with electric  assist  which
    36  is  operated  anywhere  in  a city having a population of one million or
    37  more other than on lands of the owner  of  such  bicycle  with  electric
    38  assist  shall  be covered by a policy of insurance, in such language and
    39  form as shall be determined and established  by  the  superintendent  of
    40  financial  services,  issued  by  an  insurance carrier authorized to do
    41  business in this state. Such policy shall provide for coverages required
    42  of an "owner's policy of liability insurance" as set forth in  paragraph
    43  (a) of subdivision four of section three hundred eleven of this chapter.
    44  In  lieu of such insurance coverage as hereinabove provided, the commis-
    45  sioner, in his or her discretion and upon application of a  governmental
    46  agency  having registered in its name one or more bicycles with electric
    47  assist, may waive the requirement of insurance by  a  private  insurance
    48  carrier  and  issue  a  certificate of self-insurance, when he or she is
    49  satisfied that such governmental agency is possessed of financial abili-
    50  ty to respond to judgments obtained  against  it,  arising  out  of  the
    51  ownership,  use  or operation of such bicycles with electric assist. The
    52  commissioner may also waive the requirement of insurance  by  a  private
    53  insurance  carrier and issue a certificate of self-insurance upon appli-
    54  cation of any person or any other corporation, having registered in  its

        S. 7732                             3
     1  name,  one or more bicycles with electric assist and furnishing of proof
     2  that a certificate of self-insurance has been issued and  is  in  effect
     3  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  section three hundred sixteen of this
     4  chapter.
     5    2.  Proof  of  insurance as required by this section shall be produced
     6  and displayed by the owner or operator of  such  bicycle  with  electric
     7  assist upon the request of any magistrate or any person having authority
     8  to  enforce  the provisions of this chapter. The failure to produce such
     9  proof upon the request of any such person shall not be  an  offense  but
    10  shall  be presumptive evidence that such bicycle with electric assist is
    11  being operated without having such insurance in force and effect.
    12    3. Proof of insurance as required by this section  shall  be  produced
    13  and  displayed  by  the  owner or operator of such bicycle with electric
    14  assist to any person who has suffered or claims to have suffered  either
    15  personal  injury or property damage as a result of the operation of such
    16  bicycle with electric assist by the owner or operator, if such insurance
    17  coverage was required under the  circumstances  of  such  operation.  It
    18  shall  be  an  affirmative defense to any prosecution for a violation of
    19  this subdivision that such proof was so  produced  or  displayed  within
    20  twenty-four  hours  of receiving notice of such injury or damage, or the
    21  claim of such injury or damage.
    22    4. No owner of a bicycle with electric assist shall operate or  permit
    23  the  same  to  be operated anywhere in this state other than on lands of
    24  the owner of the bicycle with electric assist  without  having  in  full
    25  force  and  effect  the  liability  insurance  coverage required by this
    26  section, and no person shall operate  a  bicycle  with  electric  assist
    27  anywhere  in  this state other than on lands of the owner of the bicycle
    28  with electric assist with the knowledge that such insurance  is  not  in
    29  full force and effect.
    30    §  2.  The  vehicle and traffic law is amended by adding a new section
    31  1290 to read as follows:
    32    § 1290. Liability insurance. 1. An electric scooter which is  operated
    33  anywhere in a city having a population of one million or more other than
    34  on  lands  of  the  owner of such electric scooter shall be covered by a
    35  policy of insurance, in such language and form as  shall  be  determined
    36  and  established  by the superintendent of financial services, issued by
    37  an insurance carrier authorized to do business in this state. Such poli-
    38  cy shall provide for coverages required of an "owner's policy of liabil-
    39  ity insurance" as set forth in paragraph  (a)  of  subdivision  four  of
    40  section  three hundred eleven of this chapter. In lieu of such insurance
    41  coverage as hereinabove  provided,  the  commissioner,  in  his  or  her
    42  discretion  and  upon application of a governmental agency having regis-
    43  tered in its name one or more electric scooters, may waive the  require-
    44  ment of insurance by a private insurance carrier and issue a certificate
    45  of  self-insurance,  when  he or she is satisfied that such governmental
    46  agency is  possessed  of  financial  ability  to  respond  to  judgments
    47  obtained  against  it, arising out of the ownership, use or operation of
    48  such electric scooters. The commissioner may also waive the  requirement
    49  of  insurance  by a private insurance carrier and issue a certificate of
    50  self-insurance upon application of any person or any other  corporation,
    51  having  registered  in  its  name,  one  or  more  electric scooters and
    52  furnishing of proof that a certificate of self-insurance has been issued
    53  and is in effect pursuant to the provisions  of  section  three  hundred
    54  sixteen of this chapter.
    55    2.  Proof  of  insurance as required by this section shall be produced
    56  and displayed by the owner or operator of such electric scooter upon the

        S. 7732                             4
     1  request of any magistrate or any person having authority to enforce  the
     2  provisions  of  this chapter. The failure to produce such proof upon the
     3  request of any such person shall not be an offense but shall be presump-
     4  tive  evidence  that  such  electric  scooter  is being operated without
     5  having such insurance in force and effect.
     6    3. Proof of insurance as required by this section  shall  be  produced
     7  and  displayed  by the owner or operator of such electric scooter to any
     8  person who has suffered or claims to have suffered either personal inju-
     9  ry or property damage as a result of  the  operation  of  such  electric
    10  scooter  by  the  owner  or  operator,  if  such  insurance coverage was
    11  required under the circumstances of  such  operation.  It  shall  be  an
    12  affirmative  defense to any prosecution for a violation of this subdivi-
    13  sion that such proof was so produced  or  displayed  within  twenty-four
    14  hours of receiving notice of such injury or damage, or the claim of such
    15  injury or damage.
    16    4. No owner of an electric scooter shall operate or permit the same to
    17  be  operated  anywhere in this state other than on lands of the owner of
    18  the electric scooter without having in full force and effect the liabil-
    19  ity insurance coverage required by this section,  and  no  person  shall
    20  operate  an  electric scooter anywhere in this state other than on lands
    21  of the owner of the electric scooter with the knowledge that such insur-
    22  ance is not in full force and effect.
    23    § 3. Subsection (f) of section 5103 of the insurance law,  as  amended
    24  by chapter 402 of the laws of 1986, is amended to read as follows:
    25    (f)   Every   owner's  policy  of  liability  insurance  issued  on  a
    26  motorcycle, bicycle with electric assist, electric  scooter  or  an  all
    27  terrain  vehicle  in  satisfaction of the requirements of article six or
    28  eight of the vehicle and traffic law, section twelve hundred  forty-five
    29  of such law, section twelve hundred ninety of such law, or section twen-
    30  ty-four  hundred  seven  of such law shall also provide for; every owner
    31  who maintains another form of financial security on a motorcycle,  bicy-
    32  cle  with electric assist, electric scooter or an all terrain vehicle in
    33  satisfaction of the requirements of such articles or [section]  sections
    34  shall be liable for; and every owner of a motorcycle, bicycle with elec-
    35  tric  assist,  electric scooter or an all terrain vehicle required to be
    36  subject to the provisions of this article by subdivision two of  section
    37  three hundred twenty-one of such law shall be liable for; the payment of
    38  first party benefits to persons, other than the occupants of such motor-
    39  cycle,  bicycle  with  electric  assist, electric scooter or all terrain
    40  vehicle, another motorcycle,  bicycle  with  electric  assist,  electric
    41  scooter  or  all terrain vehicle, or any motor vehicle, for loss arising
    42  out of the use or operation of the  motorcycle,  bicycle  with  electric
    43  assist, electric scooter or all terrain vehicle within this state. Every
    44  insurer  and self-insurer may exclude from the coverage required by this
    45  subsection a person who  intentionally  causes  his  own  injury  or  is
    46  injured while committing an act which would constitute a felony or while
    47  seeking  to  avoid  lawful  apprehension  or arrest by a law enforcement
    48  officer.
    49    § 4. This act shall take effect on the one hundred twentieth day after
    50  it shall have become a law. Effective immediately, the addition,  amend-
    51  ment and/or repeal of any rule or regulation necessary for the implemen-
    52  tation  of  this act on its effective date are authorized to be made and
    53  completed on or before such effective date.
    54                                   PART C

        S. 7732                             5
     1    Section 1. The vehicle and traffic law is  amended  by  adding  a  new
     2  article 12-E to read as follows:
     3                                ARTICLE 12-E
     4                        BICYCLE WITH ELECTRIC ASSIST
     6  Section  399-u. Bicycle with electric assist and electric scooter opera-
     7                   tor's safety manual.
     8          399-v. License for the operation  of  a  bicycle  with  electric
     9                   assist and electric scooter.
    10          399-w. Rules and regulations.
    11    §  399-u. Bicycle with electric assist and electric scooter operator's
    12  safety manual.  The commissioner shall develop  and  publish  a  bicycle
    13  with  electric assist and electric scooter operator's safety manual that
    14  shall be available for distribution and accessible on  the  department's
    15  website.  The manual shall include but not be limited to the following:
    16    (a)  an  overview  of  traffic  laws  governing bicycles with electric
    17  assist and electric scooters;
    18    (b) the safe operation of bicycles with electric assist  and  electric
    19  scooters;
    20    (c)  bicycle  lanes  as  defined  in section one hundred two-a of this
    21  chapter; and
    22    (d) obligations to comply with traffic control  devices  and  markings
    23  related to bicyclists, electric scooter operators and pedestrians.
    24    §  399-v.  License for the operation of a bicycle with electric assist
    25  and electric scooter.  1. Upon successful comprehension of  the  bicycle
    26  with  electric  assist  and electric scooter operator's safety manual, a
    27  resident may then make an application to receive a license for the oper-
    28  ation of a bicycle with electric assist and electric scooter.
    29    2. (a) An application for such license shall be made  to  the  commis-
    30  sioner and shall require an applicant to furnish proof of identity, age,
    31  fitness  and  any  other  information required by the commissioner. Such
    32  application may also require a photographic image of the applicant.
    33    (b) A nominal fee may be prescribed by the commissioner for the  issu-
    34  ance, renewal and amendment of a license.
    35    (c) A license shall be valid from the date of issuance until a date of
    36  expiration as determined by the commissioner.
    37    § 399-w. Rules and regulations. The commissioner shall promulgate such
    38  rules  and  regulations as are necessary to effectuate the provisions of
    39  this article. In addition to any requirements  expressly  authorized  by
    40  this  article,  such regulations may include but not be limited to vali-
    41  dating that a person has read and comprehends the  department's  bicycle
    42  with electric assist and electric scooter operator's safety manual.
    43    §  2.  Subdivision  1 of section 504 of the vehicle and traffic law is
    44  amended by adding a new paragraph (a-2) to read as follows:
    45    (a-2) Every license or renewal thereof issued to an applicant who  has
    46  a  license for the operation of a bicycle with electric assist and elec-
    47  tric scooter and after submission of proof as set forth  in  this  para-
    48  graph  shall  contain a distinguishing mark, in such form as the commis-
    49  sioner  shall  determine,  indicating  that  he  or  she  has  read  and
    50  comprehends the bicycle with electric assist and electric scooter opera-
    51  tor's  safety  manual.    Such  proof shall consist of a license for the
    52  operation of a bicycle with electric assist and electric scooter that is
    53  provided pursuant to section three hundred ninety-nine-v of  this  chap-
    54  ter.  The  commissioner  shall not require fees for the issuance of such
    55  licenses or renewals thereof containing a bicycle with  electric  assist
    56  and electric scooter operator's safety manual comprehension distinguish-

        S. 7732                             6
     1  ing  mark  which  are  different from fees otherwise required; provided,
     2  however, that  notwithstanding  the  provisions  of  this  section,  the
     3  commissioner  shall not require fees for a duplication or amendment of a
     4  license prior to its renewal if such duplication or amendment was solely
     5  for  the  purpose  of adding a bicycle with electric assist and electric
     6  scooter operator's safety manual comprehension  distinguishing  mark  to
     7  such license.
     8    §  3.  The  vehicle and traffic law is amended by adding a new section
     9  1246 to read as follows:
    10    § 1246. Operation of a bicycle  with  electric  assist  is  prohibited
    11  without  a  license.  No  person  shall  operate a bicycle with electric
    12  assist on a public roadway in a city with a population of one million or
    13  more unless the operator is a holder of a license for the operation of a
    14  bicycle with electric assist and electric scooter issued to him  or  her
    15  pursuant to article twelve-E of this chapter.
    16    §  4.  The  vehicle and traffic law is amended by adding a new section
    17  1291 to read as follows:
    18    § 1291. Operation of an  electric  scooter  is  prohibited  without  a
    19  license. No person shall operate an electric scooter on a public roadway
    20  in  a  city with a population of one million or more unless the operator
    21  is a holder of a license for the operation of a  bicycle  with  electric
    22  assist  and  electric  scooter  issued to him or her pursuant to article
    23  twelve-E of this chapter.
    24    § 5. This act shall take effect on the one hundred twentieth day after
    25  it shall have become a law. Effective immediately, the addition,  amend-
    26  ment and/or repeal of any rule or regulation necessary for the implemen-
    27  tation  of  this act on its effective date are authorized to be made and
    28  completed on or before such date.
    29    § 2. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part
    30  of this act shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction  to
    31  be  invalid  and  after  exhaustion  of all further judicial review, the
    32  judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder  thereof,
    33  but  shall  be  confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, para-
    34  graph, section or part of this act directly involved in the  controversy
    35  in which the judgment shall have been rendered.
    36    §  3.  This act shall take effect immediately; provided, however, that
    37  the applicable effective date of Parts A through C of this act shall  be
    38  as specifically set forth in the last section of such Parts.
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