A02230 Summary:
BILL NO | A02230 |
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SAME AS | No Same As |
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SPONSOR | Crouch (MS) |
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COSPNSR | Finch |
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MLTSPNSR | Hawley |
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Add §3221-a, Ins L | |
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Creates a thirteen member health benefit and cost commission to conduct a comprehensive review of all current mandated benefits and an accurate cost analysis of proposed benefits. |
A02230 Memo:
submitted in accordance with Assembly Rule III, Sec 1(f)   BILL NUMBER: A2230 SPONSOR: Crouch (MS)
  TITLE OF BILL: An act to amend the insurance law, in relation to creating a New York health benefit and cost commission   PURPOSE OR GENERAL IDEA OF BILL: The purpose of this bill is to ensure that health insurance coverage provides the care, treatment and service that people need and to ensure that coverage is affordable and available.   SUMMARY OF SPECIFIC PROVISIONS: The bill amends the insurance law by adding a new section 3221-a that would establish a mandated health insurance benefit and cost commission to study and report on proposed health insurance coverage mandates.   JUSTIFICATION: The legislature has required that all health insurance policies deliv- ered in the state include a number of specific benefits. Many of the benefits mandated have served to ensure that people have access to care that they need, but this mandated coverage has also resulted in premium increases. Over the past decade; health insurance costs and the number of uninsured persons has risen dramatically in part due to mandated benefits. It is the sponsors' belief that the legislature and the public should have cost and benefit analysis before deciding whether to require all policies to include a certain benefit. This bill creates a means by which to provide such an analysis.   PRIOR LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: New bill.   FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The Commission would be funded through the State Insurance Department.   EFFECTIVE DATE: This act shall take effect immediately.