Amd §§311 & 345, V & T L; amd §§3420 & 5210, Ins L
Increases the minimum insurance coverage required for motor vehicles registered and/or operated within the state of New York; for injury or death to one person in any one accident, increases the limits required from $25,000 to $50,000 for bodily injury and from $50,000 to $100,000 for death, for injury or death to more than one person in any one accident, increases the limits required from $50,000 to $100,000 for bodily injury and from $100,000 to $200,000 for death, and for third party property damage in any one accident, increases the limits required from $10,000 to $25,000.
NEW YORK STATE ASSEMBLY MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF LEGISLATION submitted in accordance with Assembly Rule III, Sec 1(f)
SPONSOR: Jacobson
An act to amend the vehicle and traffic law and the insurance law, in
relation to increasing the minimum insurance coverage required for motor
vehicles registered and/or operated within the state of New York
To increase the minimum insurance coverage required by all vehicles
registered and/or operated in New York State to $50,000 (currently
$25,000) for bodily injuries and $100,000 (currently $50,000) because of
the death of one person in any one accident subject to a limit for one
person and subject to a limit of $100,000 (currently $50,000) because of
bodily injury to two or more persons and $200,000 (currently $100,000)
because of the death to two or more persons and to increase to $25,000
(currently $10,000) because of injury or destruction of property of
others in any one accident.
Section 1 amends Paragraph (a) of Subdivision 4 of Section 311 of the
Vehicle and Traffic Law; subdivision 7 of Section 311 of the Vehicle and
Traffic Law; Section 2 amends Paragraph 3 of subsection (b) of Section
345 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law; Section 3 amends Paragraph I of
subsection (0 of Section 3420 of the Insurance Law to provide that the
minimum insurance coverage required by all vehicles registered or oper-
ated in New York State to $50,000 (currently $25,000) for bodily inju-
ries and $100,000 (currently $50,000) because of the death of one person
in any one accident subject to a limit for one person and subject to a
limit of $100,000 (currently $50,000) because of bodily injury to two or
more persons and $200,000 (currently $100,000) because of the death to
two or more persons and to increase to $25,000 (currently $10,000)
because of injury or destruction of property of others in any one acci-
Section 4 amends subsection, (a) of Section 5210 of the Insurance Law so
that a final judgement against a financially irresponsible motorist,
exclusive of interest and costs shall not exceed $50,000 (currently
$25,000) on account of injury to one person in any one accident,
$100,000 (currently $50,000) on account of death to one person in any
one accident; $100,000 (currently $50,000) on account of injury to more
than one person in any one accident subject to the limit of $50,000 for
any one person; and $200,000 on account of death to more than one person
in any a one accident subject to the limit of $100,000 for any one
person injury, to two or more persons and $200,000 (currently $100,000)
because of the death to two or more persons and to increase to $25,000
(currently $10,000) because of injury or destruction of property of
others in any one accident.
Section 5 sets forth the effective date which is immediately and shall
apply to policies and contracts issued, renewed, modified, altered or
amended on or after such effective date.
The minimum automobile insurance coverage has not been changed since
1995. The current $25,000 liability does not even approach the amount
needed to cover the costs of medical treatment for any serious injury.
The current $15,000 coverage for personal damage does not cover most
cars and trucks on the road today should they have major damage. Insured
motorists should not have to depend on coverage from their own under-in-
surance policies to pay for injuries and damages due to the negligence
of other drivers.
2019-20: A7979 - Referred to Assembly Insurance Committee
2021-2022: A717 - Referred to Assembly Insurance Committee
2023-2024: A948 - Referred to Assembly Insurance Committee
Possible savings since those motorists causing injury or damage to the
State or local governments will have greater liability coverage to pay
for the costs of their negligence causing injury or damage to the State
or local government.
This act shall take effect immediately and shall apply to policies and
contracts issued, renewed, modified, altered or amended on or after such
effective date.
2025-2026 Regular Sessions
February 11, 2025
Introduced by M. of A. JACOBSON -- read once and referred to the Commit-
tee on Insurance
AN ACT to amend the vehicle and traffic law and the insurance law, in
relation to increasing the minimum insurance coverage required for
motor vehicles registered and/or operated within the state of New York
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-bly, do enact as follows:
1 Section 1. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 4 and subdivision 7 of section
2 311 of the vehicle and traffic law, paragraph (a) of subdivision 4 as
3 amended by chapter 305 of the laws of 1995 and subdivision 7 as amended
4 by chapter 805 of the laws of 1984, are amended to read as follows:
5 (a) Affording coverage as defined in the minimum provisions prescribed
6 in a regulation which shall be promulgated by the superintendent at
7 least ninety days prior to effective date of this act. The superinten-
8 dent before promulgating such regulations or any amendment thereof,
9 shall consult with all insurers licensed to write automobile liability
10 insurance in this state and shall not prescribe minimum provisions which
11 fail to reflect the provisions of automobile liability insurance poli-
12 cies, other than motor vehicle liability policies as defined in section
13 three hundred forty-five of this [chapter] title, issued within this
14 state at the date of such regulation or amendment thereof. Nothing
15 contained in such regulation or in this article shall prohibit any
16 insurer from affording coverage under an owner's policy of liability
17 insurance more liberal than that required by said minimum provisions.
18 Every such owner's policy of liability insurance shall provide insurance
19 subject to said regulation against loss from the liability imposed by
20 law for damages, including damages for care and loss of services,
21 because of bodily injury to or death of any person and injury to or
22 destruction of property arising out of the ownership, maintenance, use,
23 or operation of a specific motor vehicle or motor vehicles within the
24 state of New York, or elsewhere in the United States in North America or
EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
[] is old law to be omitted.
A. 5053 2
1 the Dominion of Canada, subject to a limit, exclusive of interest and
2 costs, with respect to each such motor vehicle except a tow truck, of
3 [twenty-five] fifty thousand dollars because of bodily injuries to and
4 [fifty] one hundred thousand dollars because of death of one person in
5 any one accident and, subject to said limit for one person, to a limit
6 of [fifty] one hundred thousand dollars because of bodily injury to and
7 [one] two hundred thousand dollars because of death of two or more
8 persons in any one accident, and to a limit of [ten] twenty-five thou-
9 sand dollars because of injury to or destruction of property of others
10 in any one accident provided, however, that such policy need not be for
11 a period coterminous with the registration period of the vehicle
12 insured. The limit, exclusive of interest and costs, with respect to a
13 tow truck shall be a combined single limit of at least three hundred
14 thousand dollars because of bodily injury or death to one or more
15 persons or because of injury or destruction of property of others in any
16 one accident, and to a limit of twenty-five thousand dollars because of
17 damage to a vehicle in the care, custody and control of the insured. Any
18 insurer authorized to issue an owner's policy of liability insurance as
19 provided for in this article may, pending the issue of such a policy,
20 make an agreement, to be known as a binder, or may, in lieu of such a
21 policy, issue a renewal endorsement or evidence of renewal of an exist-
22 ing policy; each of which shall be construed to provide indemnity or
23 protection in like manner and to the same extent as such a policy. The
24 provisions of this article shall apply to such binders, renewal endorse-
25 ments or evidences of renewal. Every such policy issued insuring private
26 passenger vehicles and every renewal policy, renewal endorsement, or
27 other evidence of renewal issued shall have attached thereto a rating
28 information form which clearly specifies and defines the rating classi-
29 fication assigned thereto, including any applicable merit rating plan;
30 and
31 7. The term "financial security deposit" shall mean for each motor
32 vehicle the deposit with the commissioner of [twenty-five] fifty thou-
33 sand dollars in cash, or securities, such as may legally be purchased by
34 savings banks or trust funds, of a market value of [twenty-five] fifty
35 thousand dollars and an additional deposit in an amount determined by
36 the commissioner to be sufficient to satisfy the requirements of article
37 fifty-one of the insurance law.
38 § 2. Paragraph 3 of subdivision (b) of section 345 of the vehicle and
39 traffic law, as amended by chapter 305 of the laws of 1995, is amended
40 to read as follows:
41 (3) Shall insure the insured or such other person against loss from
42 the liability imposed by law for damages, including damages for care and
43 loss of services because of bodily injury to or death of any person and
44 injury to or destruction of property arising out of the ownership, main-
45 tenance, use, or operation of such motor vehicle or motor vehicles with-
46 in the state of New York, or elsewhere in the United States in North
47 America or the Dominion of Canada, subject to a limit, exclusive of
48 interest and cost, with respect to each such motor vehicle, except a tow
49 truck, of [twenty-five] fifty thousand dollars because of bodily injury
50 to or [fifty] one hundred thousand dollars because of death of one
51 person in any one accident and, subject to said limit for one person, to
52 a limit of [fifty] one hundred thousand dollars because of bodily injury
53 to or [one] two hundred thousand dollars because of death of two or more
54 persons in any one accident, and to a limit of [ten] twenty-five thou-
55 sand dollars because of injury to or destruction of property of others
56 in any one accident. The limit, exclusive of interest and costs, with
A. 5053 3
1 respect to a tow truck shall be a combined single limit of three hundred
2 thousand dollars because of bodily injury of death to one or more
3 persons or because of injury or destruction of property of others in any
4 one accident, and to a limit of twenty-five thousand dollars because of
5 damage to a vehicle in the care, custody and control of the insured.
6 § 3. Paragraph 1 of subsection (f) of section 3420 of the insurance
7 law, as amended by section 19 of part III of chapter 59 of the laws of
8 2019, is amended to read as follows:
9 (1) No policy insuring against loss resulting from liability imposed
10 by law for bodily injury or death suffered by any natural person arising
11 out of the ownership, maintenance and use of a motor vehicle or an
12 altered motor vehicle commonly referred to as a "stretch limousine"
13 having a seating capacity of eight or more passengers used in the busi-
14 ness of carrying or transporting passengers for hire, by the insured
15 shall be issued or delivered by any authorized insurer upon any motor
16 vehicle or an altered motor vehicle commonly referred to as a "stretch
17 limousine" having a seating capacity of eight or more passengers used in
18 the business of carrying or transporting passengers for hire, then prin-
19 cipally garaged or principally used in this state unless it contains a
20 provision whereby the insurer agrees that it will pay to the insured, as
21 defined in such provision, subject to the terms and conditions set forth
22 therein to be prescribed by the board of directors of the Motor Vehicle
23 Accident Indemnification Corporation and approved by the superintendent,
24 all sums, not exceeding a maximum amount or limit of [twenty-five] fifty
25 thousand dollars exclusive of interest and costs, on account of injury
26 to and all sums, not exceeding a maximum amount or limit of [fifty] one
27 hundred thousand dollars exclusive of interest and costs, on account of
28 death of one person, in any one accident, and the maximum amount or
29 limit, subject to such limit for any one person so injured of [fifty]
30 one hundred thousand dollars or so killed of [one] two hundred thousand
31 dollars, exclusive of interest and costs, on account of injury to, or
32 death of, more than one person in any one accident, which the insured or
33 [his] the insured's legal representative shall be entitled to recover as
34 damages from an owner or operator of an uninsured motor vehicle, uniden-
35 tified motor vehicle which leaves the scene of an accident, a motor
36 vehicle registered in this state as to which at the time of the accident
37 there was not in effect a policy of liability insurance, a stolen vehi-
38 cle, a motor vehicle operated without permission of the owner, an
39 insured motor vehicle where the insurer disclaims liability or denies
40 coverage or an unregistered vehicle because of bodily injury, sickness
41 or disease, including death resulting therefrom, sustained by the
42 insured, caused by accident occurring in this state and arising out of
43 the ownership, maintenance or use of such motor vehicle. No payment for
44 non-economic loss shall be made under such policy provision to a covered
45 person unless such person has incurred a serious injury, as such terms
46 are defined in section five thousand one hundred two of this chapter.
47 Such policy shall not duplicate any element of basic economic loss
48 provided for under article fifty-one of this chapter. No payments of
49 first party benefits for basic economic loss made pursuant to such arti-
50 cle shall diminish the obligations of the insurer under this policy
51 provision for the payment of non-economic loss and economic loss in
52 excess of basic economic loss. Notwithstanding any inconsistent
53 provisions of section three thousand four hundred twenty-five of this
54 article, any such policy which does not contain the aforesaid provisions
55 shall be construed as if such provisions were embodied therein.
A. 5053 4
1 § 4. Subsection (a) of section 5210 of the insurance law, as amended
2 by chapter 305 of the laws of 1995, is amended to read as follows:
3 (a) When any qualified person who has complied with all the applicable
4 requirements of this article recovers a final judgment in a court
5 against a financially irresponsible motorist, for injury to, or death
6 of, any person arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of the
7 uninsured motor vehicle in this state, which remains unpaid, and all
8 appeals have been concluded or the time for commencing them has expired,
9 the judgment creditor may file a verified petition in the court in which
10 the judgment was entered and, upon ten days' written notice to the
11 corporation apply to the court for an order directing payment by the
12 corporation of the amount unpaid on the judgment. However, there shall
13 be no right of recovery by a covered person from the corporation for
14 non-economic loss unless such person has incurred a serious injury, as
15 such terms are defined in section five thousand one hundred two of this
16 chapter. Such judgment exclusive of interest and costs shall not
17 exceed:
18 (1) [twenty-five] fifty thousand dollars on account of injury to one
19 person in any one accident, and
20 (2) [fifty] one hundred thousand dollars on account of death to one
21 person in any one accident, and
22 (3) [fifty] one hundred thousand dollars on account of injury to more
23 than one person in any one accident subject to the limit of [twenty-
24 five] fifty thousand dollars for any one person, and
25 (4) [one] two hundred thousand dollars on account of death to more
26 than one person in any one accident subject to the limit of [fifty] one
27 hundred thousand dollars for any one person.
28 § 5. This act shall take effect immediately.