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A01316 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                     January 9, 2025
        Introduced  by  M.  of  A. DINOWITZ, ROSENTHAL, WEPRIN, OTIS, SEAWRIGHT,
          CRUZ,  FALL,  ZINERMAN,  TAPIA, RAGA -- Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of A.
          SIMON -- read once and referred to the Committee on  Consumer  Affairs
          and Protection

        AN ACT to amend the general business law, in relation to prohibiting the
          disclosure  or use of a person's consumer credit history to an employ-
          er,  labor  organization,  employment  agency  or  agent  thereof  for
          purposes of employment decisions
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Section 380-a of the general business  law  is  amended  by
     2  adding a new subdivision (w) to read as follows:
     3    (w)  The  term  "consumer credit history" means an individual's credit
     4  worthiness, credit standing, credit  capacity  or  payment  history,  as
     5  indicated by:
     6    (1) a consumer credit report;
     7    (2) credit score; or
     8    (3)  information  an  employer  obtains  directly  from the individual
     9  regarding (i) details about credit accounts, including the  individual's
    10  number  of  credit accounts, late or missed payments, charged-off debts,
    11  items in collections, credit limit or prior credit report inquiries,  or
    12  (ii) bankruptcies, judgments or liens.
    13    A  consumer  credit report shall include any written or other communi-
    14  cation of any information by a consumer reporting agency that bears on a
    15  consumer's creditworthiness, credit standing, credit capacity or  credit
    16  history.
    17    §  2.  Subdivision (d) of section 380-b of the general business law is
    18  relettered subdivision (g) and three new subdivisions (d), (e)  and  (f)
    19  are added to read as follows:
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 1316                             2
     1    (d)  (1) Except as provided in this subdivision, it shall be an unlaw-
     2  ful discriminatory practice for an employer, labor organization, employ-
     3  ment agency or any agent thereof to request or  to  use  for  employment
     4  purposes  the  consumer credit history of an applicant for employment or
     5  employee,  or  otherwise  discriminate  against an applicant or employee
     6  with regard to hiring, compensation,  or the terms, conditions or privi-
     7  leges of employment based on the consumer credit history of  the  appli-
     8  cant or employee.
     9    (2) Paragraph one of this subdivision shall not apply to:
    10    (i) an employer, or agent thereof, that is required by state or feder-
    11  al  law  or  by  a  self-regulatory  organization  as defined in section
    12  3(a)(26) of the securities exchange act of 1934, as amended  to  use  an
    13  individual's consumer credit history for employment purposes;
    14    (ii)  persons  applying for positions as or employed as peace officers
    15  or police officers, as such terms are defined  in  subdivisions  thirty-
    16  three  and  thirty-four  of  section 1.20 of the criminal procedure law,
    17  respectively, or in a position with a law enforcement  or  investigative
    18  function in a law enforcement agency;
    19    (iii)  persons  in  a  position that is subject to background investi-
    20  gation by a state agency, provided, however, that the appointing  agency
    21  may  not use consumer credit history information for employment purposes
    22  unless the position is an appointed position in which a high  degree  of
    23  public trust, as defined by the commission in rules, has been reposed.
    24    (iv)  persons  in  a  position  in which an employee is required to be
    25  bonded under state or federal law;
    26    (v) persons in a position in which an employee is required to  possess
    27  security clearance under federal law or the law of any state;
    28    (vi) persons in a non-clerical position having regular access to trade
    29  secrets, intelligence information or national security information;
    30    (vii) persons in a position: (A) having signatory authority over third
    31  party  funds  or  assets  valued at ten thousand dollars or more; or (B)
    32  that involves a  fiduciary  responsibility  to  the  employer  with  the
    33  authority  to  enter financial agreements valued at ten thousand dollars
    34  or more on behalf of the employer; or
    35    (viii) persons in a  position  with  regular  duties  that  allow  the
    36  employee  to  modify digital security systems established to prevent the
    37  unauthorized use of the employer's or client's networks or databases.
    38    (3) As used in this subdivision the following  terms  shall  have  the
    39  following meanings:
    40    (i) "intelligence information" means records and data compiled for the
    41  purpose of criminal investigation or counterterrorism, including records
    42  and  data  relating to the order or security of a correctional facility,
    43  reports of informants, investigators or other persons, or from any  type
    44  of  surveillance associated with an identifiable individual, or investi-
    45  gation or analysis of potential terrorist threats;
    46    (ii) "national security information" means any knowledge  relating  to
    47  the  national defense or foreign relations of the United States, regard-
    48  less of its physical form or characteristics, that is owned by, produced
    49  by or for, or is under the control of the United States  government  and
    50  is  defined as such by the United States government and its agencies and
    51  departments; and
    52    (iii) "trade secrets" means information that: (A) derives  independent
    53  economic  value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to,
    54  and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by other persons who
    55  can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use; (B) is the subject
    56  of efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to  maintain  its

        A. 1316                             3
     1  secrecy; and (C) can reasonably be said to be the end product of signif-
     2  icant  innovation.  The  term  "trade  secrets" does not include general
     3  proprietary company information such as handbooks and policies. The term
     4  "regular  access to trade secrets" does not include access to or the use
     5  of client, customer or mailing lists.
     6    (4) Nothing in  this  subdivision  shall  preclude  an  employer  from
     7  requesting  or receiving consumer credit history information pursuant to
     8  a lawful subpoena, court order or law enforcement investigation.
     9    (5) Paragraph one of this subdivision shall not be construed to affect
    10  the obligations of persons required by state or local  law  relating  to
    11  disclosures by public employees of conflicts of interest.
    12    (e)  (1) Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, it shall be
    13  an unlawful discriminatory practice for any state or municipal agency to
    14  request  or  use  for  licensing  or  permitting  purposes   information
    15  contained  in  the  consumer credit history of an applicant, licensee or
    16  permittee for licensing or permitting purposes.
    17    (2) Paragraph one of this subdivision shall not  apply  to  an  agency
    18  required  by state or federal law to use an individual's consumer credit
    19  history for licensing or permitting purposes.
    20    (3) Paragraph one of this subdivision shall not be construed to affect
    21  the ability of an agency to consider an applicant's, licensee's,  regis-
    22  trant's  or permittee's failure to pay any tax, fine, penalty or fee for
    23  which liability has been admitted by the person liable therefor, or  for
    24  which judgment has been entered by a court or administrative tribunal of
    25  competent  jurisdiction,  or  any  tax for which a government agency has
    26  issued a warrant, or a lien or levy on property.
    27    (4) Nothing in this subdivision shall preclude a licensing agency from
    28  requesting, receiving, or  using  consumer  credit  history  information
    29  obtained  pursuant  to  a  lawful  subpoena, court order or specific law
    30  enforcement investigation.
    31    (f) This section does not annul, alter, affect or exempt any employer,
    32  labor organization, employment agency or any agent  thereof  subject  to
    33  the  provisions of this section from complying with any local law, ordi-
    34  nance or regulation with respect to the use of consumer  credit  history
    35  for  employment purposes except to the extent that those laws are incon-
    36  sistent with any provision of this section, and then only to the  extent
    37  of  such  inconsistency.  For purposes of this subdivision, a local law,
    38  ordinance or regulation is not inconsistent with  this  section  if  the
    39  protection  such  law or regulation affords an employee or job applicant
    40  is greater than the protection provided by this section.
    41    § 3. The division of human rights shall request information from state
    42  and local agencies and non-governmental employers  regarding  the  agen-
    43  cies'  and  employers'  use of the exemptions established in subdivision
    44  (d) of section 380-b of the general business law for purposes of  hiring
    45  and  employment. Within two years of the effective date of this act, the
    46  division of human rights  shall  submit  to  the  legislature  a  report
    47  concerning  the  results  of such request and any relevant feedback from
    48  agencies and employers.
    49    § 4. Paragraph 3 of subdivision (a) of section 380-b  of  the  general
    50  business  law, as amended by chapter 797 of the laws of 1984, is amended
    51  to read as follows:
    52    (3) To a person whom it has reason  to  believe  intends  to  use  the
    53  information  (i)  in  connection with a credit transaction involving the
    54  consumer on whom the information is to be furnished  and  involving  the
    55  extension  of  credit  to, or review or collection of an account of, the
    56  consumer, or (ii) for employment purposes, except that a consumer report

        A. 1316                             4
     1  may be furnished for such purposes only if such report excludes informa-
     2  tion that bears on a  consumer's  credit  worthiness,  credit  standing,
     3  credit  capacity or credit history and is based on the consumer's finan-
     4  cial  transactions,  except  that  such  information  is permitted to be
     5  disseminated to employers or persons  set  forth  in  paragraph  two  of
     6  subdivision  (d) of this section, or (iii) in connection with the under-
     7  writing of insurance involving the consumer, or (iv) in connection  with
     8  a  determination  of  the  consumer's eligibility for a license or other
     9  benefit granted by a governmental instrumentality  required  by  law  to
    10  consider  an applicant's financial responsibility or status, or (v) to a
    11  person in connection with a business transaction involving the  consumer
    12  where  the  user has a legitimate business need for such information, or
    13  (vi) in connection with the rental or lease of a residence.
    14    § 5. This act shall take effect on the one hundred twentieth day after
    15  it shall have become a law.
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