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A01631 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    January 10, 2025
        Introduced by M. of A. WEPRIN -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Insurance
        AN ACT to amend the insurance law and the public health law, in relation
          to notification of termination of group health insurance
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Subsection (a) of section 3221  of  the  insurance  law  is
     2  amended by adding a new paragraph 18 to read as follows:
     3    (18) (A) That the insurer shall require the policyholder to provide it
     4  with  the names and residential addresses of all individuals who because
     5  of their employee or membership status  are  certificate  holders  under
     6  such  policy,  and  to update such information at least annually; and in
     7  the event the insurer terminates such policy, shall  give  each  certif-
     8  icate holder at least thirty days prior written notice of termination of
     9  coverage,  by  mailing  such  notice  to  the  last provided residential
    10  address for such certificate holder; provided, however, that such notice
    11  shall not be required where the  policyholder  has:  (1)  provided  such
    12  certificate  holder  at  least  thirty  days prior written notice of the
    13  termination of coverage, by mailing such notice to the certificate hold-
    14  er's last known residential address, or, if the  certificate  holder  is
    15  represented by a labor organization, provided the representative of such
    16  labor  organization with such written notice, or (2) has contracted with
    17  another insurer to provide similar coverage  for  the  same  certificate
    18  holders,  and  has  provided  certificate  holders  with the name of the
    19  substituted insurer. No termination of a group  policy  or  contract  of
    20  health,  or  accident  and health insurance shall become effective until
    21  thirty days after the mailing of such notice of termination contract, if
    22  required.
    23    (B) The insurer shall include with such notice a complete statement of
    24  the rights of the certificate holder under the termination of the policy
    25  as to coverage for illness, accident and treatment  occurring  prior  to
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 1631                             2
     1  and subsequent to the termination date, and such other rights of certif-
     2  icate  holders  as may exist under the contract or policy or pursuant to
     3  paragraph one of subsection (e) of this section.
     4    (C)  Upon  written  request, the holder of the policy being terminated
     5  shall reimburse the insurer for all reasonable and necessary costs asso-
     6  ciated with providing such notice to certificate holders.
     7    § 2. Section 4305 of the insurance law is  amended  by  adding  a  new
     8  subsection (o) to read as follows:
     9    (o) (1) A group contract issued pursuant to this section shall contain
    10  a  provision that the insurer shall require the group contract holder to
    11  provide it with the names and residential addresses of  all  individuals
    12  who because of their employee or membership status are certificate hold-
    13  ers under such policy, and to update such information at least annually;
    14  and  in  the  event  the insurer terminates such policy, shall give each
    15  certificate holder at least thirty days prior written notice  of  termi-
    16  nation of coverage, by mailing such notice to the last provided residen-
    17  tial  address  for such certificate holder; provided, however, that such
    18  notice shall not be required  where  the  group  policyholder  has:  (A)
    19  provided  such  certificate  holders  at least thirty days prior written
    20  notice of the termination of coverage, by mailing such  notice  to  such
    21  certificate holder's last known residential address, or, if such certif-
    22  icate holder is represented by a labor organization, provided the repre-
    23  sentative  of  such  labor organization with such written notice, or (B)
    24  has contracted with another insurer to provide similar coverage for  the
    25  same certificate holders, and has provided such certificate holders with
    26  the name of the substituted insurer. No termination of a group policy or
    27  contract of health, or accident and health insurance shall become effec-
    28  tive  until  thirty days after the mailing of such notice of termination
    29  contract, if required.
    30    (2) The insurer shall include with such notice a complete statement of
    31  the rights of the certificate holder under the termination of the policy
    32  as to coverage for illness, accident and treatment  occurring  prior  to
    33  and subsequent to the termination date, and such other rights of certif-
    34  icate  holders  as may exist under the contract or policy or pursuant to
    35  paragraph one of subsection (d) of this section.
    36    (3) Upon written request, the holder of the group policy being  termi-
    37  nated shall reimburse the insurer for all reasonable and necessary costs
    38  associated with providing such notice to certificate holders.
    39    §  3.  The public health law is amended by adding a new section 4407-a
    40  to read as follows:
    41    § 4407-a. Group contracts; notification of cancellation  requirements.
    42  1.  A  health  maintenance  organization shall require a policyholder to
    43  provide it with the names and residential addresses of  all  individuals
    44  who  because  of their employee or membership status are members in such
    45  health maintenance organization, and to update such information at least
    46  annually; and in the event the health  maintenance  organization  termi-
    47  nates  such  policy,  shall  give  each such member at least thirty days
    48  prior written notice of termination of coverage, by mailing such  notice
    49  to  the  last  provided  residential  address for such member; provided,
    50  however, that such notice shall not be required where  the  policyholder
    51  has:  (a) provided such member at least thirty days prior written notice
    52  of the termination of coverage, by mailing such notice to such  member's
    53  last  known  residential  address, or, if the member is represented by a
    54  labor organization, provided the representative of such labor  organiza-
    55  tion with such written notice, or (b) has contracted with another health
    56  maintenance  organization or insurer to provide similar coverage for the

        A. 1631                             3

     1  same members, and has provided members with the name of the  substituted
     2  health  maintenance  organization  or insurer. No termination of a group
     3  policy or contract of health, or accident  and  health  insurance  shall
     4  become  effective  until thirty days after the mailing of such notice of
     5  termination contract, if required.
     6    2. The health maintenance organization shall include with such  notice
     7  a  complete  statement of the rights of the member under the termination
     8  of the policy as to coverage for illness, accident and treatment  occur-
     9  ring  prior  to  and  subsequent to the termination date, and such other
    10  rights of members as may exist under the contract or policy or  pursuant
    11  to this article and article forty-three of the insurance law.
    12    3.  Upon  written  request,  the holder of the policy being terminated
    13  shall reimburse the health maintenance organization for  all  reasonable
    14  and necessary costs associated with providing such notice to members.
    15    §  4.  This  act shall take effect on the ninetieth day after it shall
    16  have become a law.
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